Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 432: Step into the wild

Xiao Chen's brows frowned slightly, and the eyes looked bright and clear, her thoughts turned sharply, and she sneered secretly. (Eight One Chinese Website W} W) W}. 81ZW. Com

Dongfeng Rubao had a deal with him in secret.

Ogudo wanted to get rid of him and then quickly. The three-stone realm might not have such a thought. After entering the wilderness, he lost the protection of the Ares Temple, and any negligence may lose his life.

Fortunately, he has a hexagonal prism in his hand, which can allow Dongfeng Rubo to take care, otherwise he would definitely not agree to this transaction.

But even so, before entering the wilderness, he still needs to prepare for it, and he can give himself more protection.

After returning to his residence, Xiao Chen returned to his residence. After the ban was laid down, God discovered that he entered the dark blue bracelet, opened the treasure purchase page, and quickly browsed upward.

A moment later, a treasure appeared in his sight.

The Broken Skylight Shuttle, the treasure left by the ancient fairyland, ranks second in the ancient fairy wares, and can tear apart all the space imprisonment obstacles in the destroyed territory, without the power of attack and defense, and is priced at 170 million coins.

Note: Because the treasure is damaged, the grade is lowered, and it is a special magic weapon. The drive repair is lowered to the level, and the monks in the Seven Realms of the Ancient Music can barely use it.

This treasure was hurriedly swept by Xiao Chen when he browsed before. He didn't pay much attention to it. He looked back at this moment and meditated on it. He naturally noticed something strange.

A broken Tongtian streamer shuttle can reach the second grade of the ancient fairy, then what grade will it reach during its complete period.

In addition, although the treasures sold in the Ares Palace are extremely expensive, they also have their reasons for being expensive, and their value is proportional to the price. The ordinary second-class treasures of ancient fairy wares are mostly priced at about 140 million crystal coins. The broken Tongtian streamer shuttle is actually marked with 170 million yuan, which has approached the price of the third-class treasures of ancient fairy wares. In this way, this object There must be something different about it, and the price tag has its own reasons.

Xiao Chen made some calculations, even using himself as a bait, a battle of life and death, in order to gain a huge harvest and get more than 200 million crystal coins. This is the only opportunity for him to converge the crystal coins, which is not possible in the future. .

If he cultivated with peace of mind, these crystal coins can be used for more than 20,000 years, but at this moment looking at the broken Tongtian streamer shuttle, Xiao Chen was slightly hesitant and chose to buy.

With one thought of rotation, 170 million coins were instantly lost.

But he didn't feel bad and didn't regret it.

If there is no death, Xiao Chen will certainly not go to the wasteland to save people for nothing, but now that it is possible, how can he watch Gu Zhu, Yun Zhe and others die dead and be condemned by his conscience!


Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, her mood gradually returned to plainness, her eyes closed slightly, and her breath was adjusted secretly.

He will go to the wilderness, and see who secretly wants to kill others, who can succeed, leaving his life!

The tide is surging and the killing is like a shuttle!

Most of the time later, Xiao Chen's eyes opened, and he stood up and waved his hands to break the prohibition and pushed out the door.

Outside the palace, four monks wearing purple robes respectfully stood in the highness. They are monks of the War God Palace, not from any party in the Five Realms, and are private forces of the God of War Palace.

Seeing Xiao Chen's appearance, he saluted the two purple robe monks, "Master Xiao Chen, the treasure you purchased has been delivered."

The other two monks in purple robes stepped forward and lowered the black box they carried.

Xiao Chen Yuanshen swept over, the box was closed and not opened, and then said lightly: "There are four Taoist friends with labor."

"Don't dare, if there is nothing else, I will say goodbye." The four respectfully saluted, turned and drove Yu Guang to leave.

Xiao Chen waved his hand to collect the box, turned to enter the hall, and opened the ban again. Then he put the box on the table, raised his wrist, and pressed the dark blue bracelet on it. The seal on the box can only be opened by the buyer, and the dark blue bracelet is the key.

The blue aura flashed, and ancient runes lit up outside the box one by one, and eventually shattered like water droplets and disappeared.

The town was opened, Xiao Chen reached out to open it, and the Tongtian streamer was lying quietly in it, like a whole piece of crystal polished, with silver and white textures in it, just like the meridian of the human body, a faint trace. The aura of light flashed on it continuously, and in the induction, this treasure did not escape at all.

The explorer took out the jade Jane on the side of the treasure, which contained the detailed function introduction and driving method of the Tongtian Streamer Shuttle. Xiao Chen entered it and dropped it after a while. The content has been fully recorded, and the jade Jane is silent. Fragmented into powder.

Taking the Tongtian streamer shuttle into his hands, the object was tentatively cold, and he groped for a while to make sure that he would not accidentally rush when he mastered the driving method. Xiao Chen nodded slightly and carefully put the object into the storage.

Turn around and wait and close your eyes.

When the next day was approaching noon, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, his mans flickered, calm and cold, and he got up and pushed out the door.

"Transfer Square."

Xiao Chen spoke faintly, the transmission monk respectfully said that, with a flash of aura, his figure disappeared directly.

Above the square, Xiao Chen appeared, waved a black robe and put it on, and then hurried out.

Dongfeng Rubao has arrived, and there are a large number of strong Three Stone Realms scattered around it. At this moment, when Xiao Chen appears, he nods slightly, and each of them enters the teleportation array, and the light flashes and disappears.


"My lord, Dongfeng Rubao made his way through the elite of the Three Stone Realms and left with Xiao Chen by the teleportation array and went to Yunwu Mountain." A Dongtianjie Qugu strong man respectfully spoke.

The three great kings of Dongtianjie, King of Hercules, King of Undead, and King of Xiaoyao are all made up of ancient extreme songs, and they are seated at this moment, regardless of height.

"Dongfeng Rupo finally couldn't bear to shoot. He did a wishful thinking and wanted to make a profit from the blood prisoners." The immortal king sneered, but there was a hot color in his eyes that couldn't hide it.

"Blood prisoners and the Three Stone Realms are fighting each other. I just happened to be the Cardinals. Only after the two sides had a great deal of vitality and wounded, then I came out to clean up the pieces." The sense of feminine harmony of the strands spoke softly at this moment, chilling.

"Gather the strong men in our realm and gather as many monks in the ancient pole trilogy and above to fight against them! If this treasure is opened, my three stone realms must not fall behind." The extreme realm of the Eight Baqus, with the strongest combat power, is faintly the three **** kings.

"Yes, sir!"

Dongtianjie strong respectfully said yes, turned and hurried away.

The three great kings looked at each other, and they all saw that they were excited.

"Waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, the treasure is finally about to open."

"I don't know if the rumor is true. There is a realm of purity in the treasure."

"If you can get it, you can not only be respected as a master of the world, but also be able to appreciate the evolution of the rules that open up the world, and have endless wonderfulness for you and us."

In the eyes of the three men, they spit loudly and yelled in unison, "This time, we cannot afford to lose!"


Clouds and mountains.

The teleportation array flashed a little, and more than a hundred figures slowly appeared. It was Xiao Chen and Dongfeng Rubao who became the three stone realms.

No matter how you think about it, at least on the surface, Dongfeng Rupo is indeed very sincere, carrying more than a hundred monks, and the weakest are all in the ancient pole trilogy. It can be said that the strong in the world have come out with all their strength.

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, although the fog of the Yunwu Mountain can block the exploration of the Yuanshen, it does not have much effect on monks above Qugujing. You and I will only be noticed by Augusto as long as you step out of the teleportation circle. There will surely be a fierce battle. "Dongfeng Rupo slowly said," Although the old man is the ancient nine songs, he also has to admit that he is weaker than Augusto, plus his majesty three ancient pole eight battles. , All of them are so capable, even if my three stone worlds give their best, I can't prevail. "

Xiao Chen frowned, but did not show a different color, faintly opened his mouth. "Dongfeng Rubao is so open, presumably there is already a way to deal with it, and adults please speak up."

Dongfeng Ru's eyes flashed a little praise, "Little friend, rest assured, since the old man promised to help you save people, naturally he has full confidence. You and I will wait within the teleportation range, and we will probably have a strong support soon. At that time, the two sides joined forces and did not dare to act rashly even if the blood prison world was large. "

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, revealing a thoughtful look, and he slightly nodded in agreement.

Now he seems relaxed, but he is cautious and extremely extreme in his heart. He always divides part of the consciousness into the storage ring and twists the hexagonal prism tightly. Once there is any abnormality, he just needs to move. You can destroy this thing.

Intentionally or inadvertently, Xiao Chen exudes a faint wave of Yuanshen, making his actions can be clearly sensed by Dongfeng Rubao, but the two sides did not say much about this matter. The old man's face is still calm and there is nothing strange.

More than a hundred people gave in slightly, but did not leave the range of the teleportation circle. In the silence, half an hour passed by.

Suddenly, a wave of fluctuating breath came out, and there was a sudden masterpiece in the teleportation array, and there were more than a hundred figures appearing, for the three people's breath was tyrannical, which is the three gods of the cave heaven!

The eyes of the two sides touched, Dongfeng Rubao's face was calm, but the eyes of the three gods were instantly gloomy.

"Hehe, the three Taoists are very patient. The old man thought you would be here soon. I didn't expect to endure it for a long time. Couldn't he be afraid that the battle situation is clear, and that hundreds of thousands of years of planning have failed." Slightly open, calm and indifferent, can't hear cynicism or indifference.

"Huh! It turned out that Dao You had long noticed it, but it can be so concealed. It is really admirable!" Hercules King Shen Sheng said, "Presumably today's news, but also Dao You deliberately exposed, let me know."

"Yes." Dongfeng Ru nodded his head without any concealment. "Now the last two keys are in the hands of the old man and the other in the hands of Xiao Chen Xiaoyou. The old man has reached a deal with his friend to help. He rescued the friends who fell into the hands of the blood prisoners, and the reward was the last key. However, there are many strong blood prisoners under Augusto's Majesty, and it is impossible to gain the upper hand only by the power of my three stone circles. The old man naturally needs to find some foreign aid to help Yes."

Speaking of which, the old man paused slightly and said with a deep voice, "Three Daoists, in the current situation, the old man is willing to cooperate with your party in the Heavenly Realm, to gather the keys first. As soon as the treasure is opened, you have all the chances. Let ’s fight, what about the three Taoists? "

The three kings frowned slightly, then nodded slowly after a while. "So, you and I will cooperate for the time being to deal with the blood prisoners."

While talking, the three eyes glanced over Xiao Chen, with a hint of heat .. and Sen Ran.

In the wild, neither Dongfeng Rubao nor Dongtian Three Gods have ever thought of leaving Xiao Chen alive. Only now that the key is in his hands will he temporarily hold back, but once the treasure is opened, they will have no scruples.

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, but a chill was born in his heart, his body was slightly stiff, and his fear of vigilance was even worse.

"Haha! The three Taoist friends really know the general situation. Now that you and I have joined forces, the blood prisoners have fallen to the absolute downside. He worrying that no major event can be achieved." Now that the reinforcements have arrived, we can show up. You can rest assured that the combination of Sanshijie and Dongtianjie is enough to suppress the blood prisoners who dare not act lightly, and will certainly rescue their friends and friends. "

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. "So, you have grown up."

Dongfeng Ru smiled and nodded, and more than two hundred monks stunned out of the body, turned into shocked rainbows out of the transmission array, and entered the Yunwu Mountains.

From here, officially set foot in the wilderness.

Xiao Chen's figure was a few points behind, and she was slightly away from Dongfeng Rupo and the three kings of the cave. It seemed to be respectful, but it was a precautionary measure.

A group of monks hurried forward in the clouds!


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