Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 436: Multi-day compass guide

Even if they ran away from the leech barbarian territory immediately, there were still thirty-six foreign monks buried in the mouth of this barbarian beast in most of the day. Most of them were ancient triads, and the mana in the body was relatively weak and could not last long. Eight W]. ] 81ZW. COM

Once the mana is exhausted and cannot be effectively replenished, it is naturally hard to escape death.

"Starting to recover immediately, the old man and others will protect the law for you." Dong Feng said in a deep voice, like broken.

Without any hesitation, the monks of the Four Realms directly sat down cross-legged, ignoring the cherishing of the spirit pill, and swallowed it directly, holding the spirit stone, and tried to recover the loss in the shortest time.

In order to avoid being noticed by others, Xiao Chen naturally meditated with them, but his heart became more solemn.

Hidden in the Territory of Chaos, this terrifying local treasure is absolutely no trivial thing, but I don't know what treasure is there that can allow the Four Realms monks to break into it without regard to death or injury.

But the preciousness of this treasure is beyond doubt!

Just as his thoughts turned, a short half-day passed, although the Four Realms cultivator did not return to the peak, they did not dare to stay behind.

The experience of this period of time tells them that staying in one place for a long time in the realm of chaos is an extremely stupid decision that will cause great trouble for themselves.

It may be a spatial change, or it may be an attack by a savage beast. It is different, but it is extremely effective. It seems that there is a certain rule force here that does not allow the monks to stay in one place for a long time.

The monks of the Four Realms set off again.

The ravages of natural energy and the hunting of powerful savage beasts caused the number of monks in the team to drop sharply.

Two months later, the ancient three-level and four-level cultivators of the Four Realms died out, and there were only less than two hundred remaining cultivators, all of them pale, and all their breaths were extremely weak.

"Dongfeng Rupo Dao friends, you and I have been in this puzzle for more than half a month, why haven't we walked out of it?" The Hercules King frowned and said, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

When the surrounding monks heard this, their eyes gathered at the same time.

Dongfeng Rupo was slightly silent, with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, "Friends of Taoism, I think we are lost."

"Lost?" Augusto's expression changed, his eyes suddenly darkened, and a large number of monks under his command died. Facing the dangerous and unknown road, this old monster had already born a strong hostility in his heart. At this moment, it burst out, "You have a guide in your hand. The secret treasure of the treasure location, we all followed you all the way, and we have entered the depths of the chaos after nine deaths. You actually said that we were lost!"

Daojun Yangri's face was also extremely ugly, but he didn't mess around, and said in a deep voice: "Friend Ogudo, don't worry, it's not the time to settle accounts on this matter. It is most important to figure out the cause of the matter.

"Dongfeng Rupo Dao Fellow, can you tell us what is going on?"

Dong Fengru nodded his head, with a gleam in his hand, and took out the secret treasure he had been carefully checking before. It was round, about the size of a child's palm, and marked with a simple direction sign. A pointer was in the center. It is used to guide the direction, but now the pointer turns endlessly like a fly without a head, and it has obviously lost its proper function.

"This treasure is the secret treasure obtained by my ancestors of the Three Stone Realm after nine deaths. It is the only evidence to guide the location of the treasure. According to the ancestor's message, after entering the chaos domain, this treasure will automatically guide the direction and follow it to reach the treasure. The ancestors left such a message. Obviously, they used it before, but now this chaotic realm is afraid that something I don’t know will be born, so it will lead to the current situation."

The old strange voice fell, and the cultivators of the Four Realms instantly became quiet and fell into a dead silence.

Trapped in the depths of the chaotic realm, lost in the direction of the way forward, the end can only be trapped here forever... Moreover, the crisis here is smashing and killing, even the ancient cultivation base cannot last for too long.

Could it be that they will all fall here!

Just as the Four Realms cultivator was desperate, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and suddenly he said, "My lords, if you believe Xiao Chen, I can try to identify the direction."

The Hercules King suddenly lifted up, his face was happy, "Little friend Xiao Chen has a way?"

Ogudo, Dongfeng Rupo, and other four powerhouses gathered at the same time, and their faces were full of expectations. Although Xiao Chen's cultivation is weak, his series of performances after entering the Palace of the Gods of War are not to be underestimated by any cultivator. He has a way and is still unknown!

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly and said, "The juniors just have a way to try, but there is no guarantee that they can get out of here."

The Hercules Wang disappeared with joy, sighed and shook his head, obviously disappointed in his heart.

Daojun Yangri pondered slightly, and said in a deep voice: "The old man thinks that Daoist Xiao Chen can be put together. Anyway, you and I are now lost here. There will be no worse results if you try. Maybe there will be hope. Get out."

Daojun Yinyue nodded, "I agree with this matter."

Dongfeng Rupo gave Xiao Chen a deep look, but he was calm and did not reveal the slightest abnormality. "The old man also agrees to let little friend Xiao Chen try something. It can provoke the stone tower's approval, which is enough to prove his strangeness. Perhaps Xiao Chen little friend Can really take us out of here."

Augusto and the Three Kings of Dongtian thought slightly, and finally nodded in response.

Although they didn't believe it very much in their hearts, they still hoped that Xiao Chen could bring them a miracle.

"In that case, please ask Xiao Chen to lead the way." Daojun Yang said with his hand.

Xiao Chen returned the courtesy, stood still slightly silent, and then stretched out his fingers to the left, "Let's go this way." When the words fell, he should move forward first.

If it is possible, he has never thought of using the power of the sky-reaching streamer to break open and leave directly, leaving all the Four Realms strong here, trapped to death. But the fact is that the Tongtian streamer can’t be used. In this area, Xiao Chen Yuanshen can’t mark the direction for it, and this treasure can’t break Kaifeng Town and leave. Even if it leaves, it will immediately appear somewhere in this maze, even In a desperate situation.

Alone, it is naturally not as safe to pass with the Four Realms monks, at least before the treasure is opened.

As for how to lead the way, Xiao Chen was naturally not talking nonsense, but because of a treasure in his storage ring.

The mysterious ancestor of the Li family used great magic power to deduced the secrets of Xiao Chen in ancient times to prepare for Xiao Chen to deal with the catastrophe. The reason is still unknown to him, but he can feel that this person should not harm him. meaning.

Before the Wuyuan realm, the first component of the multi-day compass.

Subterranean survivors, the second component of the multi-day compass.

The two are perfectly compatible, like Sinan, who has always been silent in the storage ring, without any heresy.

But not long ago, the compass appeared abnormal for many days, the dim texture of the compass lit up one after another, the golden light wandered about, and the dark little scoop turned steadily, pointing to a certain prescription.

Xiao Chen has long been aware of it, but has not shown his sensation. During the past few days, he has been exploring the changes of the compass for many days with his spiritual consciousness. Now Xiaoshao will adjust his position as he moves, and always point to the same one. direction.

Could there be something to attract it in the depths of this mist? Or the mysterious ancestor of the Li family actually left some traces in the Palace of the Gods of War..

Xiao Chen thought carefully. Now that he can't get out of the puzzle, he will try it no matter where the compass is pointing for many days.

The team was on the road again, Xiao Chendu was not fast, and he maintained sufficient caution and followed the guidance of the compass for many days.

The direction is not set in stone. Most of it travels for half a day, and at least it travels for an hour. After many days, the direction indicated by the compass will change slightly. It is chaotic and without any rules. Therefore, after seven days of marching, the monks of the Four Realms have begun to question Xiao Chen's Ability, thinking that he has no way at all, it will only make things worse and put them in danger.

This dissatisfaction became more and more serious, and finally turned into a deep grievance. It seems that they will fall into the situation they are today, all because of Xiao Chen's reasons.

Augusto, the east wind is broken, and the three kings of Dongtian couldn't help becoming gloomy, even the eyes of the floating 6th sun and the moon showed some doubts.

"Stop!" Augusto said in a deep voice, "You don't even know how to get out of the maze. If you continue to rampage like this, it will only make things worse and even bring us all into desperation!"

"Xiao Chen, I think you should give the old man and the others an explanation on this matter."

The Dongfeng's eyes were gloomy, and the three kings of Dongtian looked bad. Only the floating monarch of the 6th day and the moon was still calm. At this moment, there was not much dissatisfaction.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked peaceful, without the slightest sign of fear in his eyes, and said lightly, "What does Lord Ogudo mean by this? It's not that the juniors want to enter the chaos, but you are forcing me to come here and fall into today. In the dangerous situation, presumably the reason should not be on the juniors. In addition, I said before that although I can try it, I have not made any guarantees. Why are the adults now asking the juniors?"

Speaking of this, his eyes flickered, and he continued: "Although the juniors have not led the adults to leave in the past five days, there is one thing that I don’t know if you have noticed it. We have not encountered any danger in the past few days. The force of natural destruction or the attack of brutal beasts did not give birth. Could it be that several adults don't think this is weird?"

After the words fell, the monks of the Four Realms were dumbfounded, slightly thinking, and his face suddenly showed joy.

After entering the depths of the chaotic domain, the frequency of life decreases slightly as the danger increases, but an accident is bound to occur every one or two days.

Now they are anxiously unable to leave the maze, and no one has thought of this. After Xiao Chen mentioned it, they can naturally expand many possibilities through this matter.

Augusto's face was gloomy but did not say much.

Dongfeng glanced at Xiao Chen deeply, thoughtfully.

The three kings of Dongtian looked slightly relaxed, but there were more doubts in their hearts.

On the 6th, Moon Daojun looked at each other, and the excitement flashed away.

"Friends of Taoism, the old man thinks that we should continue to follow Xiao Chen, I don't know what you think?" Daojun Yang said with a smile.

Dongfeng Rupo nodded, "The Daoist friend Yangri said that the old man has always had confidence in the little friend Xiao Chen."

The Three Kings of Cave Sky nodded in response, and Augusto groaned without saying much.

Xiao Chen took the Four Realms reaction into his eyes, did not entangle the matter too much, quietly handed over, turned and continued to lead the way.

On the follow-up journey, the monks of the Four Realms became more honest, time passed in silence, and the atmosphere in the team gradually eased. It has been 13 days, and they still haven't encountered any danger. This is likely to represent one thing. .

They are in the right direction!

The seventeenth day.

Xiao Chen's figure stopped suddenly, and the cultivator of the four realms behind him stayed for a while, before thinking of a certain possibility, his expression could not hide his excitement.

Even though Augusto, Dongfeng Rupo, Three Kings of Dongtian and Daojun Fu 6th were calm, they couldn't help but feel hope now.

Facing the Four Realms cultivator, Xiao Chen said lightly, "Here, if you are right, you can walk out of the confusion through the fog in front of you."

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