Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 440: Source of the world

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, the aura flashed in his hand, and he had held the compass for many days. The golden aura of this thing flickered endlessly, and the small spoon pointed at the stone crack channel. Xiao Chen could even sense what came from this treasure. A hint of joy. August 1 Chinese W] WW. 81ZW. COM

Thinking of the abnormal movement of the compass for many days in the maze, and then looking at its performance at the moment.. Is there something that attracts it in the depths of this grotto?

After a little hesitation, Xiao Chen stepped forward.

Walking along the crooked and chaotic stone passageway, if it were not for the compass for several days to lead the way, Xiao Chen was afraid that he would have lost the way. As he continued to deepen, the excitement from the compass for many days became heavier and heavier.

Through this treasure, Xiao Chen also vaguely sensed the summoning breath of something deep in the grotto.

The distance between the two sides is not far!

After continuing for half an hour, stepping out of the cracks in the stone wall, the space in front of him suddenly opened up. This is an extremely vast grotto, probably the size of thousands of miles, although isolated from the outside world, it is full of gentle blue aura.

Bathed in this spiritual light, Xiao Chen's mind suddenly became calmer, but his thoughts did not become looser. Instead, he became more solidified, thinking clearly, and feeling refreshed.

In the primordial spirit space, the golden light emitted by the pale golden primordial spirit suddenly became a bit rich, the ancient branches of the Bodhi trembled, the crow ghost showed a look of comfort and enjoyment, and his mouth continued to growl.

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, looking for the source of this blue light.

There is a cyan stone platform in the center of the cave, its shape is not regular, perhaps it should be called a cyan boulder more appropriately, and on this blue stone, a cyan light group floats in mid-air, full of tens of meters The size is like a small sun, from which the aura of blue radiates.

Xiao Chen's gaze fell on the blue light group, his body was slightly shaken, and a little confused color appeared in his eyes. In his sense, this light group was actually composed of countless regular lines, and it was undergoing deduction and change every moment. , Contains countless traces of avenues, which makes people want to indulge in them.

After a while, Xiao Chen regained his consciousness, and couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning. What is this blue light group!

At this moment, the multi-day compass in his hand was shining with golden light, and even trembling slightly, the joy was clearly transmitted into Xiao Chen's mind.

As for the summoning breath coming from the depths of the grotto... If Xiao Chen hadn't noticed the error, it should have come from this blue light group.

The compass jittered more and more for several days, as if he wanted to break free from Xiao Chen's hands, he hesitated a little, and let go of his palm, the treasure suddenly rose up, a trace of golden light scattered from the middle, and gradually formed a special place around it. The magic circle.

At the same time, a strange breath suddenly came from the cyan light group.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, but he didn't wait for him to react at this moment, a golden light instantly emerged from the blue light group, and suddenly disappeared into the compass for many days.

The golden brilliance was so fast that even Xiao Chen couldn't see its appearance clearly.

This is a golden arrow!

With the integration of this thing, the compass suddenly became a masterpiece of gold for many days, and then returned to calm, and fell directly into Xiao Chen's hands in a flash. However, at this moment, the appearance of this treasure has changed a little, and on the square compass, there is actually a seal-cut image of a golden arrow.

Although it was just a phantom of the seal carving, the gaze fell, but it made people feel a chill in their heart, and the whole body was extremely cold. It seems that the arrow will be shot in the next moment, easily shooting all the targets it locks!

The golden arrow blends in perfectly with the breath of the multi-day compass... or it was originally a part of the multi-day compass!

Xiao Chen hesitated a little, but still found a trace of spiritual knowledge to intrude, and wanted to check the changes of this treasure.

However, when his divine sense touched the multi-day compass, he was instantly pulled into an illusory space by a powerful suction force before he started to check it.

Xiao Chen was transformed into a spiritual form, and although his face was solemn, he did not panic. If he guessed well, this place should be an information space created by someone with great magic power, without the ability to attack and damage.

Opposite him, a letter paper slowly floated.

Looking at the writing on the letterhead, Xiao Chen suppressed the shock in his heart, reached out and held it in his hand, and read the letter.

"Friend Xiao Chen, this should be the third letter you saw the old man left. Being able to get here shows that you are the one that the old man has been waiting for and can save me from the Li family. Perhaps at this moment Daoists have a lot of confusion in their hearts, but please forgive me, I can’t explain more to you."

"The third component of the multi-day compass is the arrow of the extinguishing god. After fusing it, the multi-day compass has been restored to completeness. At a certain time in a certain year, when the catastrophe came and Daoist Xiao Chen was on the verge of death, this Things may keep you safe. Remember, the multi-day compass only has one blow, and you should never use it when it is not a last resort."

"About the big catastrophe, the old man has never deceived the Daoist.. You are the person I am waiting for. It is a great fortune to the old man, but also the Daoist’s misfortune. There will be many disasters in the future. I don’t know whether you can get there. All can only depend on your chances. When one day, when you are qualified to understand everything, please remember the old man’s request in the past and give me a hand at the critical moment. In order to repay the daoists, I also hope that you can grow up as soon as possible. , This cyan light group can be regarded as a gift from the old man to fellow Taoists. In the early years, I walked between heaven and earth and accidentally entered here, and found this source of the world that has not yet fully condensed, so I sealed it here. Waiting for Daoists to come and collect them, they must be mature now. When Daoists are promoted to Disappearance Realm, they are qualified to open it to form a new world, condense their own kingdom of faith, and use the process of world evolution to understand the world. Dao. Sending the arrow of the god-destroying into the source of this world to gestate for thousands of years is also to make this thing form a perfect aura integration with the source of the world. Now the arrow of the god-destroying has become a magic weapon in the hands of Taoists and the source of refining the world It will also become extremely simple. It is enough to take a drop of essence and blood into it."

"The old man played three moves before hundreds of millions of years, in order to give himself a chance, but also to fulfill the wish that the master left behind. I hope you can help me achieve it. Daoist Xiao Chen, see you next time, you and I should be in Daqian. In the world, hand over and wait."

This concludes the contents of the letterhead.

Xiao Chen lifted up, his expression shocked!

How much does this ancestor of the Li family exist!

The first move in the upper capital and the second move of the underground survivors, now it is actually the third move in the Palace of War!

How terrifying is the Palace of the Gods of War, this person was able to enter no one's land, and even sealed a world source, waiting for him to come and collect it.

Although this old weird language is unclear, he has revealed a lot of secrets. It seems that he has been testing Xiao Chen. It is not until today that he is sure that Xiao Chen is the person he is waiting for. But what kind of secret is hidden in it, but he didn't mention the slightest. .

Xiao Chen frowned, thinking hard but didn't get the slightest gain, so she took a deep breath and suppressed all the thoughts in her heart. His eyes fell on the source of this world, with emotion.

This thing should be what Ogudo, Dongfeng Rupo, the Three Kings of the Cave, and the Floating 6th Sun Moon Dao want to fight for. But despite their various calculations, I am afraid they never expected that this source of the world had a master before hundreds of millions of years. They waited for hundreds of thousands of years to come here, but they were doomed to nothing!

Master the source of the world, and when the Realm of Disappearance has the right to open it, form a new world!

Xiao Chen knew what this meant!

This is a world as vast as the spirit world, and he will become the master of this new world!

This favor is extremely heavy!

"The ancestor of the Li family, Xiaomou doesn't know who you are, but the many layouts have been beneficial to me. I remember this in my heart. If I can return it to you in the future, I will definitely do my best!" Xiao Chen whispered, his eyes fell on At the source of this rule, the hot color flashed by.

One hand stretched out from the sleeve of the robe, his fingers flicked slightly, and a drop of blood was shot out instantly, without any hindrance, and fell directly into the source of the world.

If it weren’t for the arrangement of the ancestors of the Li family, the arrow of the god-destroying was bred into the source of the world, so that Xiao Chen would be contaminated with the breath of the source of the world after his income. It would be more difficult to refining this thing. The work!

But at this moment, when Xiao Chen's blood fell into the source of that world, there was a mysterious feeling between this thing and him.

The next moment, the world's source body shrank sharply, and finally turned into a palm-sized ball, which disappeared into Xiao Chen's body in a flash.

In the primordial spirit space, a blue sun suddenly appeared, and the cyan aura filled the entire primordial spirit space.

Xiao Chen stayed in a daze. He did not expect that this time would be so smooth. Now the source of the world has been integrated into the primordial spirit space and has become a treasure in his hands. In other words, this time the mighty gathering of the four worlds and the peak powers of the foreign land on the treasure hunt , He became the only winner.

But at this moment, a strange wave suddenly spread between the heavens and the earth, and in the primordial spirit, this world seemed to have lost its life, and was in rapid decline.

Xiao Chen groaned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face. The source of the world should be the source of power to maintain the existence of this world. Now that it is taken away by him, without the support of subsequent power, this space will soon fall apart.

However, his eyes flickered at this moment, and his face suddenly became serious.

Since he can sense this, other people can do the same.

In other words, if Augusto, the Dongfeng Rupo, the Three Kings of Dongtian and the Floating King of the 6th Sun and Moon entered the space here, they would also be able to sense the anomalies of spatial changes. With their vision, they would definitely be able to guess that the source of the world has been Xiao Chen charged.

These old monsters had been unkind to him, and now it is even more impossible to let him go and retreat and collect the source of the world, waiting for him will be these old undead mad strangulations.

With his current cultivation base, he is not yet their opponent.

Xiao Chen's brows were frowned, and the expression in his eyes was uncertain. After a while, he looked up, "Now I have to take a step and look at it. Fortunately, with the sky-reaching streamer in hand, they may not be able to win me!"

In a low groan, the chill is rising.


【Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! It is said that there is a heavy rain in Nanchang. It is said that the circuit is broken somewhere.. Three consecutive changes, I hope everyone is satisfied. In addition, the update tomorrow will also be postponed because of the power outage in the morning. The next notice is no accident. Two updates will be made at 17 o'clock tomorrow, and one chapter will be updated at 21 o'clock. Bow down! 】

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