Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 453: Scattered power

The meal was spent with the gratitude and joy of the tribe of the Kameng tribe. Xiao Chen returned to the hall of sacred giants under the gratitude of the elders in chalk and cranes, and ordered them not to disturb the important things. [

Entering the temple to check the injury of the shop, he is still in a deep coma, but his strength has increased. It seems that by sleeping, he can slowly repair the wounds he has suffered.

Xiao Chen inspected it carefully and determined that there would be no danger, so he was relieved. However, according to this degree, the store wants to wake up, I am afraid it will take a short time.

With a little thought, he flashed aura in his hand, took out a futon, sat down on his knees not far away, and closed his eyes to practice.

Xiu was promoted to the realm of the Ancient Seven Songs, and his power surged. He needed to adapt calmly and calmly to master it completely and exert the most powerful force. Xiao Chen made a breakthrough in the treasure space, a series of fighting games, and then he has been healing the injury. Now, finding a small shop to settle down is naturally the best opportunity.

In silence, day by day, Chalk and others would come to the hall of the sacred giant handsome and respectfully salute every day, but dare not disturb the slightest, respectfully retreat after the gift.

Elder Heli has been a bit busy recently. He commanded the most skilled tribal stonemason, and chose the best stone in the belly of the mountain, which was ten feet in size, and vowed to set up an idol for the Master.

The Kamen tribe cannot return the grace of the adults. In this way, they can worship day and night in order to express their gratitude to the master. The sacred giant handsome should not oppose this point.

After half a year, Xiao Chen hastily passed away. Except when he showed up on the day of the meal, Xiao Chen stayed in the stone hall and felt the changes in his body. Until that day, his eyes slowly opened, sensing the sudden emergence in the shop itself. There was a slight fluctuation, and a slight smile appeared on his face.


Above the throne, the originally silent Qing Feng shuddered slightly, a little bit of sharp breath slowly spread out, there was no aura of flashes of aura, and it was severely cut off!

The shop was awake, but the idea of ​​the goods had just regained their consciousness, and they immediately noticed another breath in the stone hall, deep and powerful, inestimable.

His first thought was to chase after him, scaring a cold sweat, directly driving the strongest force that can be used at the moment, and shot first. I can't beat the shots and still have the chance to win. If we fight directly, we will really die.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that his body was stiff, and he couldn't move a little bit, and then faintly laughed and passed into his ears clearly, "You guys can't see it clearly before you start, if you don't stop you, it will cost you It's hard to build up the strength, I don't know when you will be unconscious. "

This sound ...

The main body of the shop suddenly trembled, looking at the familiar figure in front of it, and the gentle smile in the corner of the mouth, this wailing suddenly burst into tears, "Ah! Big brother! The dearest big brother of the store! I am bullied if you are not around It ’s so bad! They want to make me a magic weapon and send people to kill me all the way. If it was n’t for my wit and speed, you would n’t see me now! You must get justice for this. what!"

Xiao Chen didn't ask the reason or the process, nodded his head directly, and said lightly, "You can rest assured that since I'm here, I will naturally take you back with everything I have suffered before."

The sound is calm, but it is decisive and loud.

The shop crying stopped abruptly. It didn't seem that Xiao Chen would actually promise to come down so directly, and he said, "Uh ... brother, you just promised to avenge me without asking why ..."

Xiao Chen shook his head, "Although you guys are in the limelight and a bit arrogant, they are not bad-minded people. Even if they cause trouble, they will not involve life and death. But the person who hurt you wants to put you in the right place. Kill, obviously the real reason is not on you. Moreover, even if it is your cause, I ’m cultivating. As of today, I ’ve seen insidious calculations that kill countless innocent people. You are my brother, even if you are wrong. And only I can punish you, if others intervene, I will make him pay. "

"Even if it's wrong, let's be more wrong. The monk stands on the world and climbs the avenue. There is no one who makes no mistake."

The shop nodded again and again, I just felt that this is the kind of spirit that the big brother should have!

Regardless of who was right or wrong of him in three or seventy-one, he provoked his brother, and he would have to fight back fiercely to find his place, otherwise he would have been a little bit aggrieved.

"Brother, you have become very strong now, but I like the shop. This is the boss's demeanor. Anyone who has a big fist can make sense, and he can make sense if he doesn't care. People who are afraid to shrink their heads can't have a big climate! "

The goods are so aggressive that they can't wait to get back where they are.

Xiao Chen laughed and yelled, but his heart was full of faint joy and calm. To this day, the corpse mountains and blood sea move forward step by step. He has changed a lot compared with the original, his mind is firm and indifferent. But reuniting with the shop, looking at the goods as arrogant as the day, made him feel that all of them are precious, the hard heart appeared a little soft.

"Let's make a fool here, let's say, why did you come here suddenly on the trial battle of the hundreds of people? Why did you end up so embarrassed and want me to help you get revenge, at least you must tell me the cause and effect."

"Hey, brother is right, but the explanation of these things is not clear at one and a half, you sit down and listen slowly."

Xiao Chen flattered the goods and accepted them with a smile, turned and took a seat, and said, "Okay, let's talk now."

The shop was silent for a while, and secretly prepared something, and then began to say, "On the ethnic battlefield that day, my eldest was killed by seven injuries of the low-level Na Ying killing tribe. I was smashed by energy impact, and somehow the torn space fell directly into In a turbulent space, it floated for several years before being attracted to it by an inexplicable force. This is a completely destroyed world. A small number of souls are struggling, but they cannot break through. The imprisonment for a short time. But for them, a dead world, it is my paradise. There is a force floating in every inch of space in this world, and I can directly absorb them and get a surge of power. And this The absorption was so smooth that it even gave me the feeling that this was my strength, but it was only now withdrawn. "

In the shop's explanation, Xiao Chen's face gradually dignified, his eyes flashed for a while.

The shop came to this dead world inexplicably, and found some power here that could directly swallow up the absorption. Naturally, it was very pleasantly surprised, so for the time being the idea of ​​wanting to leave was left out, and all efforts were made to prepare to return in the future. However, the distribution of this power is not uniform. In this space, it seems to be more dense as it goes deeper.

Coming from the mouth of Xiaodian, he met another tribe's tribe. Unfortunately, one of them was a very powerful **** who directly saw his transformation and wanted to take his hand and subdue him.

The shop resisted. As a result, the two sides fiercely battled each other. Many other monks were killed and wounded. The great master was so angry that he wanted to kill the shop and leave the shop. If he didn't see the enemy, he would have fled that day.

However, he seemed to be under some kind of method by the master. His whereabouts could not be avoided, and he was continuously hunted along the way. He could only fight and escape. The injury was not recoverable, but he was wounded. Bringing my nose to tears.

Of course, he squeaked over the bridge section that hindered the image of the wise and martial arts master of the shop, such as the beauty **** in the process of adjusting the interest of others.

Xiao Chen nodded, knowing that the uncle must have hidden some of his own affairs, looked at him with a smile, but did not deliberately ask.

At this moment he was all focused on another thing said by the shop .. In this strange dead world, there is actually a power that can be directly absorbed by him. This matter must have great hidden feelings.

Thinking of the strange power that the shop has always had, Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, a suspicion came out in her heart, and she circled slightly, but didn't say it.

With many characteristics displayed in the shop, Xiao Chen did suspect that he was not an ordinary treasure, most likely it was a treasure from the Xiaoqian Realm or even the Daqian Realm. If that is the case, perhaps he himself has guessed it right, scattered here. It is very likely that his power was the power he collapsed in that year, but it is unknown why it appeared here ..

Even such precious treasures as blood jade dragon tooth rice have appeared in the human world. What else is impossible is naturally understandable.

Xiao Chen's thoughts turned and he took a deep breath after a moment. Now it seems that the origin of the shop is also overshadowed, but he doesn't care, no matter what the origin of the shop is, now he is the shop and his brother. .. loved ones.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed, and her brows frowned slightly.

The shop also seems to have sensed this breath through some means. It was like a cat with a tail on it. "Damn bastards, these guys have been chasing me, and I definitely won't admit it!"

Xiao Chen's eyes went dark for a moment, his face was cold and cold, and he said lightly, "Let's go, since they are delivered to the door today, I will take them down first, lest I have to go to them one by one."

The shop smiled "Hey", fell into Xiao Chen's hands obediently, and gritted his teeth.

The temple door opened, and chalk, elder elders, and others had kneeled outside the temple. "Master Lord, Lord Sacred Commander, envoys from the Burren tribe came to the camp, and they found our camp and asked us to surrender the sacred Master Shuai, otherwise they will attack. "

Chalk paled as she spoke.

The Burren tribe, but one of the few top tribes, is powerful and produces a small Kamen tribe thousands of times. Even the messengers sent are definitely not as strong as they can resist.

"Anyway, just open the tribe. The boss and the elder brother are here. Instead, you have to see what these clutter of the Burren tribe can do. The chase that killed the little man at the beginning should be calculated with them today!"

The shop was so angry that Xiao Chen arrived, and the goods had a confidence of 200%, and it was almost going to burst out!

Following the elder brother, there is always only the bullying of others, how could it be a loss!

This shop has inexplicable confidence!

Chalk stayed a little bit. Former Lord Holy Master heard the news of the monk of the Burren tribe, although he would also yell at his teeth and shout loudly, but he always hid away. Why did he suddenly come to faith today?

Yes, it must be because the Lord Master has arrived, and the Divine Giant Commander has confidence.

From this point of view, the status of the Lord Master is probably higher than that of the Divine Giant.

He looked at Xiao Chen with awe in his eyes and saw him slightly nodded, and then gritted his teeth fiercely, and said, "Go! Open the tribal portal and welcome the guests of the Buren tribe!"

Xiao Chen lifted, the coldness in the dark eyes was tumbling.


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