Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 465: Yu Ji's regret

When Xiao Chen returned to the Palace of the Gods of War, the news spread as fast as possible. [八(一中文网

In just a few years, no one knew what level of his cultivation reached, but the suppression of dead souls by the Huangquan Damopan was something that the cultivators of the Five Realms witnessed.

The blood prison world, the three stone world, the cave sky, and the monks of the three realms, including Augusto, Dongfeng Rupa, and the three kings of the cave sky, have all fallen to death. How can it not make people tremble and fear.

The name of Xiao Chen, clamoring forward, already has the meaning of being the first person above the five realms.

Such a power, even if it was as powerful as the blood prison, Augusto, has never achieved it.

Under the respectful guidance of Tai Adao, Mingxia Fairy and others, Xiao Chen returned to the human settlement. The news had been sent back in advance, and all the cultivators put down the matter in their hands and appeared to greet him.

The teleportation array flashed slightly, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared. The Terran Cultivation at the same time bends down and salutes, and yells, "Congratulations to Master Xiao Chen for returning to the Palace of War, pressing the Five Realms, and being famous!"

It's not too much to beheaded to the ancient times, to overpower the Five Realms.

As for the prestige.. Presumably after this, the five realms will know the name of Xiao Chen.

Terran carnival.

The strength of the ethnic group that has always been weak has caused them to endure too much grievance in the Palace of the Gods of War, and they can only tolerate and tolerate when things happen. As of today, the rise of Xiao Chen has finally given people the confidence to exhale and raise their eyebrows!

How can anyone dare to underestimate the Human Race in the Palace of the God of War today?

Xiao Chen was at the top, Tai Ah, Ming Xia and the others looked respectful. Before they could say anything, they heard the monks shouting from the outside world, "Well, the Devil Emperor brought the monks under his command to see you, He Xiao Chen is incomparable! "

There was no interruption in the speech, and the second shout followed, "Oh, Yao Zun and the strong of the clan came to see you, Master He Xiaochen is proud of the Five Realms!"

"Oh, Sect Master Shadow Killer and his tribe came to see him, Master He Xiaochen has achieved great success and become a great fortune!"


The various races in the spirit world moved by hearing the wind and came to congratulate them in the shortest possible time. No matter what their real thoughts were, at this moment, they were all happy and respectful on the surface, and they did not dare to be presumptuous or disrespectful.

Xiao Chen's strength today has completely shocked them.

Xiao Chen lifted up, with a calm expression, "Tai Ah and Ming Xia, two fellow daoists, all races come to congratulate my human race and can't be rude, please go and meet them."

"Follow your orders."

The faces of Tai Adao and Mingxia Fairy were full of joy, and they ordered people to open the gates of the temple and welcome the monks from all races to come in.

Those who enter the temple, regardless of their status, maintain sufficient respect and awe, and give deep respect.

"You and I share the same line of the spirit world. You don't need to be so courteous, please start." Xiao Chen said lightly, "When my human race was weak before, you have more support. In the future, Xiao will have his own rewards if he can. ."

The complexion of the Demon Emperor and Yaozun changed slightly, their smiles on their faces were slightly reluctant, but they did not dare to show dissatisfaction, repeatedly saying yes.

Although the various races in the spirit world are calm on the surface, they are fighting endlessly in secret. The demons and demons are powerful, confronting the human race in the spirit world. The strength in the Palace of the God of War has the upper hand, and there have been many attempts in secret.

Although Xiao Chen didn't know it, it wasn't difficult to guess these. This time, he was just beating them.

The human monks in the Palace of the Gods of War did not have much close relationship with him, but Tai'a, Mingxia and others all showed favor to him, but they had to report... Moreover, he was of human origin after all.

However, as he is today, a brief mention of this matter is that he was too entangled and fell into a disadvantage.

Tai Ah and Ming Xia have already sent Terran monks to exchange food and wine to the God of War to set up a banquet. Everyone is ready to talk. After asking Xiao Chen for instructions, they smiled and greeted their monks to sit in, and they were blunt.

Xiao Chen sat above the main seat, and beside him was a Japanese Taoist monarch, accompanied by Tai Ah, Ming Xia, Demon Emperor, Yao Zun and others.

Although it has long been heard that the monks of the Floating Six Worlds worship under Xiao Chen, but now that the Sun and Moon Daojun is very respectful to him, it still makes the spirits of the various races in the spirit world feel more and more awed.

After three rounds of wine, seeing that Xiao Chen didn't mean to be overwhelming, the monks of all races gradually felt relieved, and they toasted and drank, and the atmosphere in the hall was considered harmonious.

But at this moment, a frightened roar suddenly came from outside the hall, "The cultivation of the blood prison clan, why come to live in my human clan? Is it because I want to make a provocation!"

When Xiao Chen returned, the cultivator of Human Race was full of confidence, and this low shout was quite imposing.

The monk's face in the temple changed slightly, and the Taoist man frowned and wanted to get up and deal with the matter.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, waved his hand, and faintly said, "Let him come in, I want to know, what does he mean by this?" Although his voice was light, it was clearly heard by every monk.

The human monk outside the temple respectfully said yes, the temple opened, and a blood prison monk stepped in with a gloomy face. Even if he faced Xiao Chen, he didn't have any sense of fear. He sneered and said, "Master Xiao Chen entertains the guests, with great interest. Come here today, in addition to congratulations, let me tell an adult by the way."

Speaking of this, the blood prison clan Gu Ji Erqu realm monk showed a trace of hideous meaning on his face, "My blood prison clan will completely withdraw from the God of War Palace from now on, but the many friendships of Master Xiao Chen will not be forgotten by my clan. Will give back to the adults."

At the end of the language, the man turned around and walked away.

The blood prison clan withdrew from the Palace of War God!

When the news broke, the expressions of the monks of all ethnic groups in the spirit world changed at the same time, and their eyes became uncertain.

The cultivators of the Blood Prison Clan have always been known for their madness and tyranny. They are out-and-out lunatics. Once they are targeted, they will never stop. Xiao Chen slaughtered all the powerful blood prisoners in the God of War Palace. This grudge was extremely heavy.. They were afraid that they would not let it go.

Xiao Chen raised his glass, drank slowly, and watched the blood prison cultivator leave with a calm expression.

He had already anticipated the revenge of the blood prison clan, but he did not take it seriously.. The time in the blood prison world is running out. If the higher level of the blood prison clan is not mad, what he should do at this moment is to find continuity. The way for the race to survive, not to provoke a frenzied vendetta.

Moreover, he is in the Palace of the Gods of War, even if the blood prison clan is angry, how can he still dare to break into the Palace of the Gods of War... Although he has not seen the true foundation of the Palace of the Gods of War, the higher the cultivation level, the more powerful the stone tower can be felt. And mystery, there is more awe in the Palace of the Gods of War.

"Continue to drink, you and I have a feast, you can't be destroyed because of this little thing, come and raise your glass."

Xiao Chen spoke lightly, showing a calm and calm appearance, and he had never taken the words of the blood prison cultivator to heart.

This kind of grace is hard for ordinary people!

The monks of all ethnic groups in the spirit world secretly folded, and secretly praised their kindness.

The banquet did not become deserted because of this, and the atmosphere became more lively until after one day and one night, the monks of all ethnic groups left.

In Xiao Chen's original intention, returning to the Palace of the Gods of War was to enter the stone tower to understand and practice. If he didn't want to build momentum for the human race, he wouldn't waste any time here. When the banquet was over, Xiao Chen immediately got up and went to the stone tower.

Before leaving, there is a command, non-ethnic matters, do not disturb.

Xiao Chen's figure appeared in the teleportation circle, and stepped out in the respectful salute of the surrounding monks, looking up at the still silent stone tower, but there was a little more feeling. From his point of view, this stone tower has no tower body, but a will! A sense of war! Or it is a force of inheritance. As for the stone tower, it is only manifested in appearance.

If one day someone gets the power of the stone tower inheritance, they may become the master of the stone tower and possess the power to control it.

Xiao Chen pondered a little, did not stop much, stepped into the stone tower, climbed up the steps, and entered the Eight Desolate Realms.

The monk is cultivating the path and sailing against the current. Now he can fight to the ancients, but he relies on the power of the card bonus, and his own true cultivation is the fundamental.

Entering the Bahuang stone room, sitting cross-legged, Xiao Chen began the longest retreat in the stone tower.

As the stone tower goes up, the profound meaning is getting deeper and deeper, the mystery is obscure, and it takes a lot of time to constantly understand. This process is unavoidable by anyone, even Xiao Chen can only stay honestly in the realm of the Eight Desolations, calming down in that profound meaning.

Time is like water, passing silently.



In the human world, there is that powerful person who can open up an independent space and become a small world that exists independently in the big world, and the spiritual community naturally has this method.

For example, the Demon World at the moment.

The demon world is a small world created by the powerful demon clan. It has experienced continuous reinforcement and expansion of the power of the generations, the more stable the space, the continuous expansion of the scope, and dozens of demon veins drawn from the spiritual world under the ground, make The entire demon world is full of demon energy, and it is a true holy ground for demon cultivators!

Demon monks who can stay in the demon world to practice, either have a noble status or a supreme aptitude, their status and status are natural.

As a retreat for the strong of the ethnic group, the Demon Realm has always been peaceful and clean, but today, this tranquility has been completely broken, and a noisy and lively atmosphere fills the entire space.

Because today, the demons want to make sacrifices to the royal family of the upper realm and send the saints into the world.

This is the most solemn event of the Demon Race in hundreds of thousands of years. The powerful ethnic groups have gathered from all over and entered the Demon Realm, waiting for the ceremony to begin.


The face is like a peach blossom, the temperament is orchid, the pretty face is slightly indifferent, a series of gorgeous robes, the skirt is on the ground, and three thousand green silks hang from the waist.

The corners of the beautiful eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and a breath of noble grace slowly dissipated.

"The Great Thousand Royal Family has not selected a saint from the line of my spirit world demon clan for hundreds of thousands of years. Why did you choose you and me now?" Cherry lips lightly opened, exhaled like blue, and the voice was graceful and sweet, but it was difficult to hide a bit of joy. Meaning.

But she was the only one in the boudoir, and she didn't know who she was talking to.

At the next moment, the woman's mouth suddenly changed to another voice, a little bit less charming, "Shang Li, this matter was decided by the royal family of the upper realm, the reason is that you and I can speculate, but... It was too hasty."

As she spoke, she couldn't help sighing.

"Sister Yu Ji, are you thinking about Xiao Chen? Huh, since you got news from him after you left the customs, you have been so desperate, you don't want to fool me!"

"Well, I do have some regrets. After returning to the spirit world, I have been in retreat and regained my cultivation base. I finally got out and heard about him. I don't want to wait until I meet, and I will be sent to the great thousand royal family. I want to meet again. , I don’t know how long it will be."

Yes, this woman is Yu Ji!


【Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Recently, I was in a bad mood. One chapter was deleted, deleted, and revised. I feel that my whole head is a mess, I don't know what I think, and I don't know how to write. The state is terrible. There is only this chapter today. Go out for a walk in the park at night, have a good meal, and clean up your mood. The four shifts that were originally promised, strive to adjust the state, and make up for it tomorrow. I can't explain too much, I just want things to pass as soon as possible, give me a peace of mind to write a book environment, and ask for your understanding, sorry. 】

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