Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 638: Detachment

"His Majesty ’s physical fortune has risen so much that she has been scammed by her mask. At this moment, I am afraid that an assassin has been dispatched to intercept it! Mingyue, leading his wife to leave the embassy of the State of Yan to embark on the starship and ride the four dragons The chariot drove away. {八一 小说 网 (

"Remember, at all costs, you must protect your wife!"

Yan Mingyue's dignity instantly turned into dignity, respectful salute, and she said in a deep voice, "Teacher rest assured, the disciples must swear to protect his wife!"

"At least three people are fighting with the teacher at the moment. It has completely disrupted the opportunity here, and can still communicate with you at this moment, also with the help of this golden spirit bead. The teacher will make every effort to dispel this Yin-Yang Qi machine. , Then no one can determine your position through the esoteric deduction. But before entering Dayan, the teacher can no longer remind you, the rest is up to you, be careful! "

The old robe of the purple robe fell silently, and the influence of the light curtain in front of it was distorted and disappeared, and turned into a gold bead and fell into the hands of Yan Mingyue.

It is possible to find out the secret that the teacher has shielded and fight with the teacher. It must be the same power as the teacher, and there are as many as three people. In this world, those who are qualified to fight with teachers must be powerful monks from other empires, which indicates that on their way home, perhaps they will face three or more interceptions!

Because they couldn't find their way, even if Her Majesty and the Old Corpse wanted to send monks to meet them, there was no way. The severity of the matter seemed to be beyond his expectations!

Yan Mingyue suddenly stood up. The previous teacher reminded him to immediately lead his wife to leave the mission of Rongguo, which showed that the star ship that the mission was riding on was no longer safe. That being the case, it is natural to respond as soon as possible, and to change late. Leaving the courtyard in a hurry, he groaned slightly, and strode straight to where Xiao Chen was. Even if he really had to leave the starship ship that the mission was taking in advance, it would be impossible to hide this from Xiao Chen, and his cooperation was required to accomplish it secretly.

"Master Angel." Dao Xian bowed his hand in salute, thinking about the two maidens who had a ruddy face, but with a grudge, to come to appreciate him.

"Notice Qingyun Gong, and ask him to show up." Yan Mingyue spoke quickly, her face completely blank.

Daoxian's heart was a little hesitant, and he didn't dare to delay. He hurriedly turned around and walked quickly into the courtyard.

After a while, Xiao Chen stepped forward and arched his hand. "Here is the angel, I wonder what happened?"

Yan Mingyue bowed back and said, "This is not much to say here. I also ask the grandfather to go to my wife's place with me and discuss it."

"Okay." Xiao Chen saw anxious expression in his expression and didn't say much time to delay. The two immediately set off for the third floor.

After being confusing, a maid soon led the way respectfully, leading the two into the courtyard living room. The girl was seated, and the woman was on the side.

"The minister has seen his wife."

Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue salute.

"Guo Gong and Lord Yan don't need to be courteous, please sit down." The girl said lightly, trying not to fall on him, so as not to cause him trouble. "I don't know why the two adults are here?"

Xiao Chen'an sat in his left hand, and at this moment he heard the words and looked down at Yan Mingyue.

Yan Mingyue glanced around, the girl nodded, and the woman said, "You all go down. No one can approach the living room without the order of his wife."


The waiter's concubine gathered her salute, and retreated slightly, respectfully.

Yan Mingyue came out of his body and swept through the living room, making sure he had not been manipulated, so he raised his hand to the next layer of prohibition and shrouded the entire living room.

"It's urgent, and I'm rude."

Xiao Chen's complexion instantly turned into a dignified face. Although Yan Mingyue usually behaved quite wildly, he was by no means easy, and the city was extremely deep. To make him so serious, things must be tricky.

The girl was slightly silent, and slowly said, "Master Yan, what happened? Please speak up."

Yan Mingyue got up and saluted, and said, "Mrs. and Minister, I have received the exact information. Someone has secretly stared at the star ship of the Rongguo Mission, in order to be detrimental to the wife. The specific reason is that Shuchen cannot explain clearly, and please immediately The minister left the mission and drove away in a four-wheeled chariot. The matter also required the assistance of the state government to conceal the people on the ship's mission, so as not to be detected in advance by others, so as to gain more time for the official. The lady got away safely. "

The words fell, the girl's face changed, but her eyes fell on Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen frowned, and the silent Shaoqing slowly said, "The angel spoke too suddenly, I don't know who wants to be harmful to his wife? Could it not be the strength of the mission today? If the angel could not give this recognition, For this reason, I apologize for this matter. "

Yan Mingyue was able to perceive the firmness of Xiao Chenping's quiet language, but she also understood that if he could not give him a satisfactory answer, he would definitely not take away Mrs. Cheng, with a bitter smile at the moment, "Guo Dang, confidentiality, please forgive me The officer could not tell the details. But one thing, my official can assure the Guogong that with the power of the mission, he can't protect his wife at all, because these assassination forces come from other empires! "

"Every minute of delay, the wife is even more dangerous. I also ask the grandfather to make a decision early."

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. He originally thought that the Emperor Yan had suddenly sent down the title of Miss Houfu as his wife, but it just rose to the heart, but now it seems that things are not as simple as he imagined, and it will lead to other people. The empire shot and killed. At present, the eight empires in the Daqian Realm are tense, but they have always maintained superficial calm. Only Dawei is the enemy of the state of Yan. The two countries have long-cherished aspirations, and they are irresolvable rivals. If an assassin is looting, Wei Guo will certainly intervene.

Great Wei Huo!

If Yan Mingyue is right, they will come to assassinate Mrs. Cheng, and they will certainly not let him go! The Fire clan assassin in the Liu Yan Museum that day has shown that the fire clan has killed his heart. And whether the Da Qin corps will touch the fish in muddy waters, while Xiao Chen's mission to Da Yan, send the strong to kill him ...

Suddenly, Xiao Chen turned countless thoughts and had a decision in her heart.

"My father believed what the angel said, but he couldn't deliver his wife to the angel alone. The guild and the angel left the mission together to protect the wife secretly and went to the kingdom of Yan." Xiao Chen spoke slowly, but it was the result of his thoughtfulness. The mission was no longer safe. He could not stay here, and led his wife away with Yan Mingyue, not only to complete his mission, but also to avoid a possible interception from the secret. Hiding the track, it is safer.

Seeing Yan Mingyue hesitant, Xiao Chen said lightly, "The lord ordered me to **** his wife to Dayan, and my father will surely deliver his wife to Yan Kingdom, and I also ask the angel to refuse."

"Okay! Since the grandfather is not afraid of danger, what is my reluctance to do?" Yan Mingyue said in a deep voice. "Please ask the grandfather to arrange as soon as possible so that the regiment and the starship can continue, and we leave early."

"I also ask Guogong to be cautious and not to show the wind. As long as I wait for the **** wife to leave, I will not kill the assassin by secretly killing the mission. But before that, the mission needs to be attracted enough attention. And get us more time. "

Xiao Chen nodded. "Angels rest assured, the Association will arrange this matter properly."

The words fell, and she sat up and sat up with the girl's arched hands. "I also asked my wife to prepare as soon as possible, but this time she secretly dodged the interception. I am afraid that the wife can't take the people around with her, and my father will retreat first."

Yan Mingyue immediately got up and left with Xiao Chen.

The woman's face was pale white, and the sudden news made her tremble. "Miss ..."

"Aunt Yun, you don't have to worry, help me prepare the items you need. Prepare more medicines." The girl reached out and patted the woman's hand. "You can rest assured that I will take care of myself."

"Yes." The woman sighed in her heart, and turned and hurried out.

The girl was slightly low. She should have been very scared, but she felt slightly happy.

He will also leave the mission with her. Although in his eyes, this is only his mission, but in the heart of the girl, there are more opportunities to get along with him. Even if you can only meet a few more times, it is good.

The feelings of young girls are always difficult to understand.


When Xiao Chen came forward, things were naturally extremely simple. Without alarming anyone, there was a momentary pause somewhere in the Star Ship, and then he resumed without causing anyone to notice it.

Daoxian announced that Qingyun Gong was temporarily closed for a period of time, and that the deputy envoy was in charge of the mission, and nothing should be disturbed. Yan Mingyue, a flower angel, always enjoys having fun with beauties in the courtyard. Even if she does not show up for a month or two, no one will be suspicious. As for the uppermost wife, the woman obeyed the instructions and declared that the wife was unwell and needed to rest for a while. She was responsible for all the care.

The matter did not go away. Except for Dao Xian and the woman, the entire envoy was concealed in the drum.

The star ship that Rong Guo's envoy continued to head towards the territory of Dayan, but the real key person in it has quietly left.


Nether light flashed slightly, four figures appeared directly.

Xiao Chen, Chengcheng, Yan Mingyue, and the humble black driver.

"Brother Tu, trouble."

Yan Mingyue arched hands, but to the driver in black, his expression was not respectful, but he was not proud at all.

The black coachman never said a word, a wave of his robe sleeves, an eye-catching golden light burst out in front of him, and the four dragon chariots had appeared in the void.

"Ma'am, please take a drive. The Guild and I followed another treasure to follow." Yan Mingyue arched his hand.

The girl nodded slightly, her eyes glanced at several people, and she stepped open the gold mantle to enter it alone.

The black-robed driver stood before the driver, and the golden long whip appeared directly on his hand. He raised his hand and waved four dragons and growled. The chariot driver turned directly into a golden streamer, and went straight to the depths of the starfield, but he just moved forward , But there is no small deviation from the direction of the mission to the star ship.

With a wave of the sleeves of the moon robe of Yan Ming, a flat silvery treasure resembling a shuttle-shaped body appeared directly in front of the two men. This man arched his hand and said, "Guo Gong, please."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, stepping down, and the figure directly entered into it.

Yan Mingyue's eyes flashed a little admiration, apparently quite satisfied with his trust and spirit, and the figure subsequently entered.

At the next moment, the silvery matter of the object was shot directly like a shuttle, immediately after the four dragon chariots drove away.

Yin Shuo seems small, but it obviously uses subtle space magical means. Although it has not added too much burden to ensure the degree, the space is also a few feet in size, just like a large room. There is a jewel for lighting, which illuminates the entire room like daylight, but the light is quite soft. A soft couch is covered with some pure white fur of some kind of monster. In front of it is a small bronze tripod. The bookshelf leans on the corner. There are various bamboo slip books. Each piece of bamboo slip is smooth and flat, with a touch of fluorescence. Obviously not mortal. The ground is covered with a kind of fine linen carpet, delicate and exquisite, with a faint faint smell.

The layout here is quite simple, but it is clean and tidy. It is not like the treasure room of a great monk, but more like a study room used by a rich man to study in the afternoon.

"Yinyue Liushuo can automatically sense the breath of the four dragon chariots. It can be followed without manipulation. Once there is an abnormality, the formation method will immediately feedback. The Guogong need not worry about his wife's safety, please sit down."

Yan Mingyue smiled slightly. Now the teacher must have disturbed the yin and yang of the heavens. Now no one can estimate their whereabouts and escape from the starship of the Rongguo mission. The four people are like a dust in the star field. What purpose do you want to find them. What's more, this time, they chose the remote route around the test. Although it took more time, the security also improved a lot.


[Third more ... Just finished writing, but also postponed the update for a while. Now the more anxious I want to write more, the more I can't write it, I was going to add another chapter to the dream reward, now it seems that I can only postpone it. However, this chapter is from Mengmengbao, and Baozi will certainly not break his word. It must be added in the past two days. 】

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