Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 646: Chaos Starfield Burial Ground


This is a fist that directly hits the sound of the flame wall. Bayi [

Cold-headed, overbearing, arrogant.

Taking a fist to drop a point as the core, in the "click" sound, the fine cracks spread like a spider web to the surroundings, and eventually collapsed, turning into numerous pieces of irregular red-red crystal jade, which were radiated around.

puff! puff! puff!

The sound of the blunt object tearing the flesh and penetrating it directly, the Fire clan assassin looked down at the wounds on the chest and abdomen of the flesh, and a bitterness was born in his heart.

Putting a piece of defense treasure that he has used for many years into the flame wall, and using the power of the monk's void creation to make the supernatural power soar, this has always been his pride, but he doesn't want to kill him today.

The power drilled into the flesh through the fragmented crystal jade suddenly burst into a horrible tearing force, starting from the inside, like a blowout, sweeping across the limbs and bones.

Blood and water splashed and flesh separated, and Yuan Shen was torn apart in screaming.

He didn't need to speak.

A few surrounding Fire clan assassins were wounded under the impact of the fragmented crystal jade, and their figures exploded in the sorrow and horror.

Xiao Chen made a fist, the creation was perfected, and the yin and yang origins were brought into contact, releasing an extremely horrifying power.

Yin and Yang can be merged, and Yin and Yang can be opposed.

Fusion is a superimposed force, and collision is a torn force.

All powerful!

At this time, Yan Mingyue and the black coachman had already shot, and fought with the assassins who swarmed on the fire.

Yan Mingyue cultivates emotions-the origin of desire, the magical powers are weird and seemingly not strong, but fighting with people and magical powers always makes the opponent's body instantaneously rigid. Great discount.

Because of this, he was able to entangle several fire clan assassins around him.

The black driver took the shot, and his magical power was just like his personality. He was indifferent and straightforward. He had a black blade in his hand, the blade was slightly shorter, simple and unpretentious. Each blade was cut, and a black blade was released. .

No matter what magical power the opponent exerts, they are cut off with one stroke, and their magical power can be cut into pieces.

This humble driver was actually a monk with perfect creation.

Although the two were strong, they could only support their left and right blocks in the face of the killing of many Fire clan assassins. Once you fall into the siege completely and wait until the mana is exhausted, some mistakes will be there.

Dozens of fire clan assassins cooperated with precision, except that the first unlucky ghost had not figured out the target power. After being directly bombarded by Xiao Chen, the others were repeatedly wounded under the three-person magic power, but they did not lose their combat power. People are nailed in place.

The five fire clan assassins stepped back at the same time, raised their hands to the sky in a low drink, and grabbed them down.

Five rivers of flames suddenly appeared, and the vastness of the river was as high as the drooping clouds from the nine heavens. It was extremely hot and imposing. It merged directly in the collision, turned into a fire dragon, and swept straight down.

The goal, however, is the girl among the three.

Chengcheng Qiao's face turned pale for a moment, and she was locked by five assassin supernatural powers as her assassin repaired, her body suddenly tightened, and Yuanshen gave birth to great fear, which nearly drowned her entire mind.

Holding a compass in her hand for many days, she can kill the horrible treasures of the founder of the King of the Realm of Kingship. With a thought, she can defeat the fire dragon.

But she didn't mean to shoot at all, her eyes closed, as if waiting for death to come.

Because Cheng Cheng understands that the multi-day compass is the only ceremonial guard they use to deter the fire clan ’s king of the kingdom. Once it is used, the king of the sky will never hesitate and all of them will die.

Although some selfishly wanted to die with him, sincere sincerity even more wanted him to leave here alive.

She would rather die than use a multi-day compass.

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and several fire clan assassins shot at the same time. The void creation condensed the sea of ​​fire and swept towards him.

This is a premeditated shot!

Entangle three people, no one can pull out to save people, as long as killing the girl and destroying the main luck of Yan, this is the main purpose of this trip.

Among the flashes of light and fire, Xiao Chen stepped down at his feet, and his figure turned into a stunned rainbow in the void. He whistled and took the girl into his arms. He drank in the midst of the Yin and Yang origin of the body, and the aura of black and white burst into the sky, condensing Set aside a spare space to guard the two.


The sea of ​​fire swept through, and the fire dragon swooped down.

The attributes of the two are the same. Under the superimposition of each other, the more amazing terrorist power is revealed.

The two colors of black light flowed madly, and the power of the yin and yang in the body was weakened. Xiao Chen moaned, his face turned pale, but his back was still straight, the light in the dark eyes flashed, and there was no fear of retreat. .

All the pressure that Chengcheng has endured suddenly dissipated, feeling that she fell into a broad embrace, the familiar atmosphere made her want to stay here forever, a feeling of peace of mind haunting her heart.

He came to save her!

Looking at Xiao Chen's pale face, Chengcheng felt a slight tingling in her heart, and the sentiment that was forcibly frozen by her was violently twitching in the atrium.


In the guardianship of the yin and yang origin space, Xiao Chensheng rushed out of the envelope of the sea of ​​fire and retreated to Yan Mingyue and the driver of the black robe. He drank in his mouth.

Yan Mingyue's eyes were grateful. If Xiao Chen didn't take the shot, he would not hesitate to block the fire tribe's killing. I am afraid that his wife has been poisoned. If his wife is killed, even if he does not die today, he will not escape the anger of Yan Huang in the future.

Now is not the time to talk about gratitude, he nodded fiercely, his eyes showed a pungent meaning.

"Come with me!"

When the crisis was too much, Xiao Chen stopped the girl's soft and slender waist and stepped out in one step. The figure rushed towards the fire monk at least.

This is the direction towards the chaotic starry burial ground.

Yan Mingyue stayed a little, then understood Xiao Chen's meaning, her heart shook fiercely, and then she turned into an endless decision. She raised her palm in the roar and shot, and her figure followed closely.

The black coachman is still expressionless, but it is this calmness in the face of crisis, but his mood is so powerful!

Toward the chaotic burial ground of the stars, the four of them made firm steps and went forward!

The king of the sky burned in his heart, and his eyes burst into eye-catching light. "They are going to escape into the chaotic sky burial ground and stop them for the king!"

Roaring like thunder, the sound waves penetrated the space and passed into the ears of every Fire clan assassin clearly.

Directly in front of it, several Fire clan assassins who were about to retreat suddenly gritted their teeth, and their bodies suddenly burned with blazing flames, red and bright, and burning hot!

The flames ignited by several people are both magical powers and they are burning from their source.

The monks of the fire tribe have a natural talent for fire. Cultivating the source of fire is the strongest in the world!

Several monks of the Fire tribe made shots at their own expense. They roared forward and took a shot. The flames skyrocketed across the world. In the wild red flames, a shadow of a mountain range loomed and stretched out. the way.

The cold light shone in Xiao Chen's eyes, letting the girl reach out and hug his strong waist, his hands stretched forward and teared fiercely.

Starfield space suddenly trembled, one black and one white palm appeared directly. The black is like a demon, and the white is like a god. If you tear it off, you will act like a demon.


The flames skyrocketed, but in a split second they were torn apart and turned into flying fires.

A mountain of flames looming in the flames was torn apart by the hands of the black and white gods.

In the blood of the nose and nose, several fire clan assassins were hit hard and were blown away.

Xiao Chen's face became paler and paler, but his footsteps didn't stop. He strode forward and rushed towards the bright nebula.

As King Burnt said, he is going to enter the chaotic sky burial ground!

Compass is in hand for many days, which can deter the King of Flames from daring to take the shot, but dozens of Creation Fire clan assassins are enough to tie them all together. Even if they can be supported in a short time, they will eventually escape.

What's more, the secret hunter is not only one side of the fire clan, but if it attracts others, it will be dead.

Although the compass is strong for many days, it can only be used once and cannot help them through the crisis.

That being the case, this is Xiao Chen's choice!

Although the chaotic starry burial ground is a well-known fierce land in the Great Thousand Realms, it may not be without vitality.

Xiao Chen practiced his whole life. This is not the first time that great fears have been encountered between life and death. There is no fear or panic in his heart, and some are absolutely calm.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Step out in one step, seemingly trying to die, maybe you'll never survive!

Explode the obstacles of several fire clan monks, there is a smooth road ahead, for the time being to get rid of the fire clan assassin siege.

Xiao Chen grabbed the girl and stepped forward. Yan Mingyue and the driver in black followed closely behind, and the four of them flickered outside, whistling forward.

The King of the Burning Heavens looked gloomy, and the clan pattern burned at the center of his eyebrows, exuding a tremendous amount of evil spirit outside his body. If anyone dares to retreat, he must be the thunder of the fire clan king.

A group of fire clan assassins gritted their teeth suddenly, and the red flames outside the body instantly emerged.

Although they do not want to be near the chaotic starry burial ground, they do not want to face the anger of the king.

The black driver stopped for a moment, and two mad flames flashed in the slightly lowered eyes.

"You go!"

This was the first time he spoke, his voice was not as dry and husky as expected, thick and steady, showing a decided.

The ethereal light flickered slightly, the golden light shone and the four dragon chariots appeared driving. He stepped forward, and the figure stood directly on it. Holding a golden long whip, the black driver meets the assassin of the fire tribe that is pursued and killed, his face calm and indifferent, without any fear.


The golden flame suddenly ignited from the golden mantle of Jiao, spreading wildly, sweeping the whole car, the driver and the four dragons. Through the flames, the four dragons roared faintly, and the black driver stood upright. The whole chariot drove like the ancient emperor chariot. The horrible violent breath burst from the golden flame!

Like a volcanic jet, this is the power that is concentrated to the extreme and released instantly! A circle of golden flames, centered on the chariot driving, spread wildly into the entire star field.

In the misery, a dozen fire clan assassins were directly buried in the flame, and were instantly incinerated into nothingness. Yu Zhe's eyes were horrified, his feet stopped, watching the golden flames burning in front of him, but he didn't dare to take a step forward.

Yan Mingyue's body was stiff, she didn't pause at her feet, and she didn't even look back.

This is a glimmer of life that Brother Tu has gained in exchange for his life. He cannot waste it.

Xiao Chen was slightly low, and one of the three stayed, temporarily blocking the pursuit of the fire clan assassin, for another opportunity to escape.

This is the coldest and most sensible choice.

Xiao Chen thought of this, but he didn't decide the point of his life and death, so he never spoke, but the black driver already had his own choice.

In the eyes of the King of the Burning Heavens, there was a fierce rush in his eyes, and his eyes flashed, apparently his thoughts were turning quickly. Suddenly, he had a decision in his mind, and must not let Xiao Chen and others lead the target to escape into the chaotic star burial ground.

The breath of creation was madly bursting out, one step out, and with his cultivation, it was enough to split the space with the power of creation in an instant to form a completely independent world, directly eradicating the suppression of life such as Xiao Chen.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen reached out and took too many compasses from the girl's hands, and suddenly turned around. There were no waves in the dark eyes, and he looked away at the Heavenly Burning King. The two eyes met in the void.

The compass with dazzling golden auras in his hand, the arrow of extermination released the sharp air that tore the sky, and the black spoon pointed at the Heavenly Burning King, locking his airframe instantly.

The burned King's steps were instantly stiff!

There is no mood swing in Xiao Chen's eyes, but it is this absolute calmness that stands for extremely powerful and absolute!

He can be sure that if he dares to stop it, the arrow of extermination will penetrate his chest in the next moment!

Between the completion of the mission and his own life, the King of the Burning Heavens paused for a moment, and this step was eventually not taken.

Xiao Chen took the girl by her hands, her figure turned backwards, and the wind blew her green silk, tumbling up and down the ears and noses, bringing the girl's unique fragrance. One after the other and Yan Mingyue, the three of them disappeared into the glorious nebula without any trace.

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