Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 650: To leave

After three months, Xiao Chen closed the stone room and walked out. His face was rosy and long, and he had recovered. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

Gaze slightly, his eyes flickered slightly, revealing a little surprised.

A small riverside yard is planted with flowers and grass. Some simple field ridges have been opened in front of the yard. Carefully cultivated some branches with short branches and dense branches. There are red and bright fruits hanging on the branches, which are faint in the air. Fragrance.

A simple gazebo was set up not far, and Yan Mingyue held a hip flask and motioned to him remotely.

A "squeak" sounded, the closed courtyard door opened, and the girl in a light cyan dress walked out of it, without the grace and grace of the daytime, and without the well-dressed light makeup, her face was reddish, and her face was bright, But it looks more like hibiscus, fresh and elegant.

Cheng Cheng held a small stone shovel in his hand, and Yu Guang saw the blue shirt standing upright, suddenly lifted up, and a deep joy came into his eyes. He barely pressed his bow, gathered his bow, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. But a little lost.

Now that he is out of customs, they should not be able to stay here for too long.

Xiao Chen returned his gift.

The girl hesitated slightly, still stepped into the field ridge, lifted a small wooden bucket, and loosened the soil for these cultivated exotic trees with a stone spade. The jade hand went deep into the bucket, holding out a little dew.

Xiao Chen walked into the pavilion, and Yan Mingyue threw a jade hip flask away, and laughed: "Mrs. is a very stable heart. You and I are still in the chaotic starry burial ground. She can still be so safe. Leisurely. "

"Maybe this kind of calm and indisputable life is what she wants, but unfortunately we have to think about taking her out of here as soon as possible."

"Born in heaven and earth, there will be many helplessness and incompetence. Even people like you and me who are cultivators can't escape this shame." Xiao Chen looked at the girl's slightly thin back in the sun, "She belongs to We have our own way. "

Speaking of which, he looked up at the sun star hanging in the distance and whispered, "And, even if you and I want to stay here, you can't enjoy this peace for a long time."

Yan Mingyue nodded, and was slightly silent, saying: "Since the Guogong has noticed, let us stay here for another half a month, so that she can pass this time. After all, if there is an accident, you and I leave here Later, I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to enjoy this tranquility again. "

Xiao Chen paused for a few moments, lifted it with a smile, and the two laughed at each other, taking a sip of fine wine.

After the powerful enemy pursues and kills, he is in a desperate place, but can enjoy the short-term peace of this paradise, which is also a beautiful thing in life.

That's it, and enjoy it quietly.

In the future, no matter how dangerous he is, he will mention it later!

Chengcheng is holding a wooden tray with a few red and bright fruits, and cleaned with a little waterdrops. "On the way, I have to pay attention to two adults to take care of them. Wild fruit, please enjoy it with two adults. "

"Thank you, Madam." The two bowed in return.

Chengcheng lowered the tray and said, "The two adults have finished their injuries. When they leave, let me know." After a little blessing, he turned and left quietly, and entered his own courtyard.

Watching the girl leave, Yan Mingyue reached out and picked up a bright red fruit, and laughed: "Although she is low in status, as long as she can return to Jidu safely, it will be the most respected status of our royal family. One of the women of today. I can get her personally to present a fruit that she has cultivated. Even if she has a good destiny, she may have some good fortune in the future. "

Seemingly random, but faintly told Xiao Chen, Mrs. Cheng's identity is not trivial.

The matter should have been kept secret to prevent extravagance. But with Xiao Chen's mind, after the corpse and fire clan teamed up to kill, there must have been speculation in his heart. He said there was not much difference between saying and not.

Moreover, along the way, the Qing Yungong has always benevolent to him, Yan Mingyue is not a person who does not know what to do, but also wants to remind him again, no matter what time, don't be concerned about his wife.

Xiao Chen showed a thoughtful face, nodded slightly, and did not say much about the matter. He changed the topic directly, "How exactly does the chaotic starry burial ground exist? I do n’t know much about this, and I do n’t know if angels can. Know, how can you and I get out of here? "

Speaking of the situation at the moment, Yan Mingyue's face converged with a smile, her face was dignified, and she groaned slightly before she spoke slowly. There are very few dangerous people. My official didn't know much about them, but I only heard the occasional mention of the master. The most dangerous place in the chaotic starry burial ground is the word chaos. "

"The chaotic hordes of stars are full of strong interference forces. Even if the monks in the creation world enter it, the gods cannot fully withstand the chaos in it. If they cannot identify the direction, they can only be trapped in this side forever. In the chaotic star domain, even if it is better, it will not escape. "

"As for how to leave ..." He looked at Xiao Chen and continued: "The chaotic starry burial ground is a star field covered with chaotic power and full of crisis. Although we cannot identify the direction in it, as long as we can Keep going in one direction, no matter which side you are going to, you can leave here. "

At that time, he had realized the secret hidden in Xiao Chen's body.

He can use Primal Power in the Chaos Star Burial Ground!

Now that I want to come, he successfully passed the immortal indomitable and laid the victory of the last battle between Rong and Lao, presumably also relying on the power of his own **** to resist the chaotic fog of the immortal indomitable mountains. However, this is obviously a secret kept by Xiao Chen. Even if Yan Mingyue understood it, she never asked, but chose to remain silent.

Xiao Chen was silent for a long time and nodded slowly. Although not much to say, the calmness and calmness on his face can easily make people feel the strong confidence in the quiet.

Yan Mingyue's body was slightly stiff and she returned to calm. Seeing with his own eyes Xiao Chen defaulted the speculation in his heart, even if he was ready, it still shocked his heart.

After a few moments of silence, he suddenly lifted up, "Wen Guogong is a monk who has risen from Xiaoqianjie. I don't know how much time has been spent so far in practice? Can it be 100,000 years?"

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, and he paused slightly. He looked at the Lord Angel Angel with a smile on his face and shook his head slightly.

Yan Mingyue's face changed slightly. "Five thousand years?"

Shake his head.

"Thirty thousand years?"

Shake his head back.

Yan Mingyue's throat was so dry that she couldn't hide the shock in her eyes. She opened her mouth a little, and then asked, "Please ask the country to announce it. How long does it take?"

Xiao Chen lifted up, paused, and whispered: "The official qualifications are blunt, and it takes more than 12,000 years to set foot on the road of self-cultivation ..."

Yan Mingyue's head hummed, she could not hear what Xiao Chen said later, and her face turned pale.

Xiao Chen shook her head with a smile, reached for a red fruit in the tray, and stepped outward, bathing in the sun and heat of the sun star. So far, he hasn't felt at ease when he rose to the Thousands of Realms, but now he should take the opportunity to enjoy this few peaces, leaving only the angel angel who lost his soul and muttered.

Master Zuo Mei ’s pre-repair was insufficient to create the world, Xiao Chen thought that the extraordinaryness of Zuo Mei ’s dojo was limited to the Daqian Realm, and after entering the Daqian Realm, he was no longer a strange treasure.

But the truth of the matter is not so.

Such as the Rongguo master and Xiao Chen leading the army across the mustard world used by immortals, their ranks are indeed much higher than those of Zuomei Dojo, and their internal space is vast, comparable to the entire Xiaoqianjie space, and can withstand the creation world. The monk is supernatural.

But there is one thing that it never had.

Change the time flow!

Afterwards, Dao Xian was dispatched to listen in secret, Xiao Chen only realized how precious this treasure property is!

If you want to bless the Daowen and change the time flow, you need to integrate into the origin of time!

In other words, in the left eyebrow dojo, there is the origin of time, so you can have the ability to change the time flow!

And the origin of time, its rank is more than the origin of space, known as the strongest origin between heaven and earth! And the monks who have the origin of time, even in the great realm, are rare, extremely rare! Any one of them is invincible in the same order!

Use the power of the source to change the flow of time. If you fight with the source of the monks, if you are powerful, you only need to slow down the time flow in the space around your body and accelerate the time flow in your surroundings. You can kill any rival and be invincible. Ground! Unless the gap between the two parties is too great, they can break through the constraints of the origin of time by their own strength, and then they can get rid of the complete suppression of those who control the origin of time!

At any time, the original monks are the true pride of the heavens, no matter whether they are trained high or low, once they are perceived, they will be attracted from all sides, waiting for them will be vigorously cultivated at no cost! Because as long as they don't die midway, they can theoretically become superpowers in the great world!

And to be able to integrate the source into the treasure and reach the time flow of 30 times, you need your own time source to cultivate the realm much higher than this level ... According to Xiao Chen's knowledge, in the Great Thousand Realms, you can add the time source Those who practice more than ten times are very few. As for the higher level existence, it is not known by his current identity.

Only through these, he can already make a very clear judgment. At that time, Master Zuo Mei said that the monk of the Creator should bless the rules and change the time flow, which is obviously concealed.

If it wasn't for Master Zuomei ’s dead soul who had completely fallen asleep and had to die until he could not be born again, Xiao Chen would definitely ask for it. But now I have to press my doubts and wait for the solution later. This master, Zuo Mei, who has not yet reached the creation level, suddenly occludes a bit of fog, making it impossible to see the truth. And is the key he left to open some ancient fairyland ruins really as simple as he said?

However, one thing Xiao Chen knew was that the time flow of the dojo would not be known until he did not have enough power.

Excluding the time spent in cultivation in the dojo, it is natural that he has set foot on the road for more than 12,000 years.

Yan Mingyue didn't know the twists and turns, so he was hit hard.


As time passed, Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue did not propose to leave, and Chengcheng maintained a peaceful life in the past. Watering flowers and grass every day, teasing the fish in the pond in their spare time, but they still have not become smart, or will be enraged by a thin bamboo rod, chasing and biting, leaving the girl's face exposed Happy smile.

Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue stayed under the gazebo. With their cultivation, they stayed up for ten days without causing any loss of their energy.

Holding a hip flask, whispering from time to time, and in the process, Xiao Chen learned from his mouth a lot of news about the State of Yan and even the whole world. He also asked Yan Mingyue's careful questions to answer within a suitable range.

Both of them are thought-provoking characters, and they hold the right moments without involving each other's secrets. In such a peaceful conversation, the relationship has become much more harmonious, less guarded against each other.

The girl will bring in some fruits she cultivated daily, and after a brief conversation, she will leave quietly.

On this day, she carried a wooden bucket and watered each fruit tree in the field ridge, but it was watered over and over again, and their leaves gradually became soft and collapsed, and they were quickly withering.

The girl straightened up and stood for a while under the dazzling Sun Star light, and felt that it really dazzled a lot ... Chengcheng began to pick fruits, red and bright or slightly green, all picked by her. After washing, leave three, and carefully put the rest in the jade box.

Putting the fruit on the table, Chengcheng didn't leave this time, greeted Xiao Chen's eyes and said softly, "Let's go."


After half a day, the two light rays rose from the self-cultivation star, entered the star field, and looked back at the one that carried a short and peaceful life, and gradually approached the dazzling sun star under the influence of suction.

Chengcheng was slightly low, and she gave up the last bit of perseverance, because everything she cared about was already in her heart.

"Let's go."

Xiao Chen whispered, and Lingguang rolled up the girl, and turned to enter the Silver Moon Stream Shuttle with Yan Mingyue. This materialized into a silver awn and burst into the starry sky.


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! 】

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