Rongguo station. Bayi Chinese W] WW. 81ZW. Com

The officials of the mission gathered in the main account, all of them looked worried, all in vain.

"Guo Gong and the angel led his wife to leave the mission secretly. My official has got the exact information. In order to avoid the corpse and fire monk's interception, the Guo Gong and others broke into the chaotic starry burial ground. My lord, you and I came by the king to **** my wife to pay tribute to the big yan. If the lady is in an accident, I am afraid that you and I will not be able to blame it! " Sweeping across his face, his mouth filled with anxiety.

"The starry chaotic burial ground is the famous and ferocious land of Daqianjie. Once you enter it, you want to live alive, hope is slim. If the lady has an accident, the Emperor Yan will anger you and me. I am afraid that it is even more fortunate that there is no hope of completion in the affiliated country of top grade, and it is safe to return to Rong country safely. "

"Even if you return to China, you and I have never completed the entrustment of the host, and there will inevitably be punishments. Alas, I knew I was not sure, why did Qingyun Gong take his wife away, and now it hurts us, and it will also affect us here."

"Qing Yungong should take full responsibility for this matter. You and I must make this clear to the Emperor Yan and the country!"

"Just so!"

With the news of Xiao Chen and others appearing in the chaotic burial ground of the sky, the mission fell into panic, and the status of Daoxian's temperance mission was immediately disintegrated. Xiao Chen is alive. Naturally, his order is not afraid to be violated. But now that he has entered the chaotic starry burial ground, it may be almost nil to leave alive. The effect of this order naturally ends.

But at this moment, he still has the qualification to participate in the account. At this moment, he could not help sneer when he heard the anger in his heart, saying, "You adults have such a great forgetfulness that they must have forgotten that the fire clan king of the fire attacked the star ship that day. If the father-in-law took his wife away in advance, could he rely on the power of the mission to protect his wife's safety? I am afraid that the defense will not be broken in the end. You and I will be buried in the end of the starry sky! Have you died? Why are you so eager to shirk responsibility? "

Having said that, he glanced at the official of the Rongguo Mission in the account, "Further, how safe the Kungfu is now, you and I do n’t know. Why do adults think that the Kungfu and his wife have suffered, maybe they will soon I will return. Even if there is an accident, I think it is not too late for adults to come forward after the news has been confirmed by Yan Guo. I wonder what adults think? "

A group of officials of the Rongguo Mission suddenly turned red, showing anger.

Daoxian saw these people's mouths and faces clearly. Although the opening was calm, the slight taunt was hitting their faces like a loud slap, so embarrassing!

The deputy made his face suddenly gloomy and snorted, saying, "Now I wait not only for my own future, but also for my country. It would be better if Qing Yungong could lead his wife back safely, if not, it would be responsible There is no difference whether it is pushed on him or not, as long as the anger of the Emperor Yan is dispersed, it will certainly reduce a lot when it is angry at me. The officials and others are not disregarding Qing Yungong's life-saving, but this is also expedient. Even if Qingyun Gong returns in the future, my official can still deal with him calmly. "This man is indeed a civil servant, and it is indeed a rare eloquence. This remark can actually make him speak powerfully for the country, but it is rare.

The red-faced Rongguo Mission naturally nodded, and the embarrassing look on his face became directly straightened. He glanced over Daoxian with ridicule and disdain. It seemed to be that you could see that I was waiting. Good intentions, but with the heart of a villain I wait for the gentleman's belly!

Daoxian sneered and whispered, but the contempt was so obvious, especially the taunt of the corner of his mouth, which made many mission officials angry.

The deputy's eyes glanced coldly at Daoxian, "Dao Xian did not know the truth when you were led by his wife on the day, and you also bear great responsibility for this. you."

"If Guo Gong is really unfortunate, my official doesn't need to worry about labor and deputy. Whatever he wants, feel free." Dao Xian said lightly, but he couldn't help clenching his fists. Even after hearing the news, Guo Gong and others entered the chaotic starry burial ground, Daoxian already understood what a dangerous Jedi here, but if he had not received confirmation of the news, he would not believe it. !!

At this moment, the faces of all the people in the account changed greatly, and a strong breath wrapped the entire ambassador station and besieged from all sides.

The deputy and others hurriedly left the account, and Daoxian looked indifferently behind.

"The mission of Rongguo is unfavorable. It is impossible to protect the safety of his wife, causing his wife to fall into danger. The life and death of the wife is unknown! The captain of the school is under the command of the army, and the army will win the Rongguo delegation for his whereabouts!

"If there is a defender, let alone kill!"

Gu Lun drank, and the sound of billowing waves spread in the mana package, spreading throughout the Rongguo station.

The deputy envoy official of the Rongguo Mission turned pale and turned into a grievance.

"General, Qingyun Gong and the angel left his wife secretly that day. My officials and others didn't even know about it, but please ask the army to be clear, and not to injustice me and so on!" All accepted by the Royal Army.

"The captain of the school acted under the command of the command, and the rest waited for nothing! Come, take down all the members of the Rongguo mission!" Gu Lun's face was indifferent, he never looked at the smile that pleased his face, lifted it slightly. With his hand, His Majesty's army stepped forward immediately, and all the monks in the entire mission were chilled with coldness, and their faces were white with stiffness.

But at this moment, there was a stop-drink, "Slow!"

Daoxian strode out. Although he was pale, he was firm in his steps, and did not flinch. He bowed his hand to Gu Lun and said with a deep voice, "I am the Rongguo ambassador and the tribute to the Emperor Yan. Dayan's tribute represents our country's lord! Even if he wants to inquire, His Majesty the Emperor Yan himself must make a decree. How can the general act arbitrarily? The state of the dynasty dynasty is the lord of nearly a hundred vassal states. It ’s impossible to treat the envoys of our affiliated countries like me? What's more, the killing of the enemies this time is the shot of the corpse and fire clan creators. With the power of the mission, it is impossible to protect the safety of the wife, so China ’s Qingyungong will Angel Yan Mingyue led his wife to leave in secret, in order to avoid the chase and **** his wife to Enron into the kingdom of Yan. Now that there was an accident, I felt troubled throughout the regiment. Qing Yungong's whereabouts for the protection of his wife was unknown. Is it a bit unreasonable for the general to take down all the ambassadors of Rongguo without asking questions? "

He said this time, naturally, not to protect the disgusting monks in the mission, but before the Guogong left, Dao Xian promised that he would try his best to keep the mission ok and wait for the return of the Guogong. He was here Fulfill your commitment to the Grand Duke!

Daoxian's words are magnificent, and it is reasonable to face the momentum of the 100,000 Royal Forest Army.

Gulun's eyes flashed in different colors. I didn't want to have such a strong monk in the Rongguo mission, but the Rongguo mission had been led by default to be the culprit. How can we stand by the words of Daoxian? Reasonably, he cannot be shaken at all.

Reaching out with a finger, he said, "There is a lot of nonsense, a vain attempt to evade one's own guilt, and take this person down!"


A few soldiers should make a sound, flashing light outside the body, approaching Daoxian. The eyes of a few people were filled with faint anger, and they were tough and overbearing between shots. They had never left at all, and they were all peak monks.

"The general has no reason whatsoever. He just shoves all responsibilities onto the head of my ambassador!" Daoxian screamed angrily, but his body remained motionless, and he never made a protest. Although he blocked, he did not fail to see the situation at hand. Now that Yan Guo Yu Lin Jun came to take people, coupled with the previous faction, if he dares to resist, I am afraid that there will be a murder in an instant!


A pro soldier shot behind Dao Xian with a palm of his hand, and his hands were agitated, apparently a heavy hand!

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