Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 684: Blue and white

Outside this star, there are floating fortresses transformed by meteorites floating in the sky. They are densely distributed throughout the starry sky. They are satellites of this capital, and they are stationed in the army to guard the capital. Bayi

At this moment, the two starships have stopped, and two teams of armors are neatly flying out of the two meteorite fortresses in front of them. . Any starship that wants to enter thistle must go through this step.

Xiao Chen slightly raised his hand, signaled that Xingxing Ship dispersed the guard, let Dayan Yulin army board the ship and search. His face was calm, but his heart was suddenly relieved, because the way came, the faint lingering atmosphere followed, and finally disappeared at this moment.

On the same day, the stunner in the red robe abruptly retreated, and Xiao Chen had already noticed that strange smell. Presumably because of this, he could be forced to retreat. This hidden monk is bound to be a strong one. Even without him, the man in the red robe may not be able to hurt Chengcheng smoothly.

Therefore, after returning the same day, he salutes sincerely, and he is so respectful and estranged, in case the secret monk notices the waves. Sincere and sincere in his thoughts, he immediately understood what he meant, and there was nothing wrong between them.

On this journey, Xiao Chen carefully observed that the breath behind him was still intermittently insignificant. If he was not careful enough, he would not be able to detect the existence of this person.

It wasn't until this year that the thistles were cultivating the stars, that the monk who concealed protection in secret finally retreated.

Some inspections were quickly completed. The two starships slowly passed through the line of defense of the meteorite fortress and, under the guidance of a special person, carefully docked at a special berth.

Yan Mingyue came to the starship of the Rongguo mission and saluted to Xiao Chen, "Guo Gong, according to the etiquette, the lady ca n’t enter the palace directly at the moment, and you and your wife will follow the officials of the ceremony to stay in the pilgrimage palace temporarily, presumably It will be called in a few days, sending someone to welcome his wife into the palace. My official will take a step first, and return to her Majesty after entering the palace. "

Yan Lin slumped, Yan Mingyue temporarily took charge of the Royal Forest Army, and now returning to Jidu, there are naturally many things to deal with.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "Master Yan rest assured, my father will surely protect his wife and be okay, you just keep busy."

Yan Mingyue arched her hand, hesitated slightly, and turned away.

Xiao Chen was silent for a while, and said lightly, "Dao Xian, go with your father to meet your wife, and the rest will be packed up. When the wife arrives, you and I will immediately follow the ceremony officials into Jidu."

"Yes, Guogong."

The deputy ambassador and other missionary monks spoke reverently, and looked in awe and did not dare to disobey.

Xiao Chen turned around and took Dao Xian to drive Yu Guang away.

On the starship ship used by Yu Linjun, Chengcheng sat in the hall, slightly lower, with a dull face on Qiao's face.

Thistle is finally here.

Although I had already anticipated this day, and my heart was well prepared, but at this moment, my heart was still reluctant.

A faint footsteps came from outside the hall, sincerely carried out, and the maidservant saluted respectfully, saying, "Mrs. Qing Yungong has arrived, and is waiting outside the hospital."

"Well, let him in."

Sincerely speak, try to make her voice as plain as possible. This is already Jidu. She must be careful not to cause him any trouble.


The maidservant retreated respectfully and hurriedly went out.

The woman stood aside, and sighed softly in her mouth at the moment, and said, "The medicine for the wife is almost good. I'm not assured that other people will take over the matter, so I'll take a look." Leave.

Xiao Chen came from outside the hall and looked at the girl with a calm look. After a moment of silence, she slowly said, "Sincerity, the person who has protected in secret has retreated. If you want to change your mind, this is your last chance."

Chengcheng smiled and shook her head. "Brother Xiao Chen, we said yes, don't mention it again." She didn't choose to leave before, and she won't do it now.

Xiao Chen was silent. On that day, Lin Lin proposed that he be left with protection and sincerity. He was not unaware of the strangeness, but still chose to agree. Because in Xiao Chen's view, this is a good opportunity.

If the wife is killed in the interception, Chengcheng can get rid of the shackles of identity and live a whole new life.

But in the end the hidden protector completely broke this calculation.

Perhaps this is destined.

"Qing Yungong, let's go." The silence was broken by Chengcheng. She stood up with a smile, her face was calm, and there was no slight difference in color. But all the bitterness hidden in this calm, but only

She tastes herself.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, glanced deeply at the girl, and arched his hand respectfully, "Yes, ma'am."

Starting from here, the two of them have to enter their respective identity restrictions, and they can no longer show anything unusual, or they will have to wait for an unimaginable ending.

Chengcheng stepped forward, his body was weak, but his steps were firm, his face was calm and secure, with a faint smile, grace and beauty.

Xiao Chen followed, silent.

Out of the star ship, the six dragons had waited, and many maidservants stood side by side respectfully. When the girl stepped out of the ship, she bowed down and saluted at the same time. Chengcheng boarded the car with the help of the woman, and the golden curtain fell to cover her figure. From beginning to end, she never looked back.

Now that you have made your choices, don't continue to hesitate, or you will end up harming others.

The 300,000 White Tiger Army was placed in a meteorite fortress in the star area, and many tribute treasures were sorted out and collected, and the Rongguo mission was packed. Xiao Chen stepped on the BMW in red blood, followed many division officials, looked back at the six dragons behind him, and was silent in his heart.

"Master, please."

Led by officials from the Ministry of Yan Guoli, the Rongguo **** escorted his wife to Haohao.


The pilgrimage palace is a palace garden built within the scope of Jidu, and it is used exclusively by the envoys. As the tribute period of the Hundred Nations approached, the ambassadors from all sides arrived one after another, and all were settled.

The Rongguo delegation entered the pilgrimage palace under the leadership of the monk of the Ministry of Rites. Several pilgrims were in charge of the monks waiting outside. Under the leadership of a thin monk, they came forward and saluted. . "

With the support of the woman, Chengcheng stepped down from the six dragons, nodded slightly, and said, "You adults don't have to be polite, please get up."

"Many things in the pilgrimage palace will be handled by you Daoyou, Xiaguan and other people have other matters, they will not stay for a long time." Several Ritual monks salute at the same time, only to get consent before turning back and leaving.

"Mrs. Please, envoys." The pilgrimage palace spoke respectfully to a thin monk, showing enough awe in his expression. Her Majesty Yan attaches great importance to Mrs. Rong Guocheng, and took the seat of a governor of the Imperial Forest Army in the anger of the interception of the road. The matter has spread throughout Jidu. Naturally, these monks of the pilgrimage palace did not dare to neglect.

"In the pilgrimage palace, according to His Majesty's will, the group's residence was divided into three grades to correspond to the upper, middle, and lower affiliates. Although Rongguo did not straighten up the name of the superior affiliate country, the territory has met the promotion conditions, plus the wife His status is respected, and upon request from his majesty, his Majesty's chartered wife and his envoys can each choose to live temporarily in a secret place in Shanghai. "

Chengcheng paused for a while before slowly speaking, "I'm tired of adults"

"Mrs. speaks heavily, the duty of the lieutenant."

The thin monk made a sincere statement, immediately revived, and led the mission officials into the residence area of ​​the ambassador to the affiliated country in which Shanghai was whispered. The independent secret environment built by a small number of forces in the law is unquestionable in security, and each of them is beautiful and exquisitely luxurious. For example, the Liushuiyuan is taken from the small bridge, the flowing water, and the rain. , The scenery of a water village is very beautiful, there is also a wood forest residence, ancient trees in dense surroundings are lush, green vines grow, the environment is quiet and the scenery is pleasant, and it is also a good place to live ... "

Please please the lady, as long as you can leave some good impressions, if the lady wins the favor of the Emperor Yan, maybe one day will be able to make a good footsteps and rise up.

The thin monk secretly reminded himself that he must seize this opportunity, and he must not miss it, and he will naturally spare no effort to be careful. Fortunately, this person's flattering and flattering methods are quite clever, and in detail, it is also eloquent, which will not make people feel boring.

Cheng Cheng nodded slightly from time to time, and at this moment she stopped suddenly, looking at the portal hidden at the end of the trail, and said, "Excuse me, which side is this secret place?"

The thin monk was interrupted and said, but his face did not look a little unhappy, and he looked at the portal pointed to by the girl, and replied respectfully: "Mrs. Hui, this is called the blue and white border. The ancient alien species that moved up from the distant Xiuzhen Star, the flowers are undefeated all year round, the fragrance is quiet, and there is peace of mind and awareness. In the breeze, the blue and white waves oscillate, the end is beautiful.

"Blue and white land ..." Chengcheng whispered to himself, slowly raised, and said, "I wonder if I can choose to live here?"

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