However, the dilemma was still in front of them, and the two were quiet for a while. 〔< 〔Eight (One [(Small [Speaking Network W? WWW.81ZW.COM

At this moment, the study restraint suddenly flashed, Tong Long's eyes were slightly heavier, or he waved his hand to unlock the restraint, and said with a deep voice, "What's the matter, you should disturb the old man at this moment?"

"Master, Gu Lun, who is next to Master Yun Lin, is back, waiting in the hall to ask for an interview." Outside, there was a respectful voice from the big housekeeper.

There was a moment of chill in Qi Long's eyes. Although Lin Lin was not his most valued son, but he had been cultivated for many years, his father's affection was naturally much stronger than other sons. What's more, the death of this fan Lin is really strange.

"Let him come back to the study."


The footsteps hurried away. After a while, Gu Lun pushed in the door, walked quickly to the two real masters in charge of the family, and "killed" kneeling down, respectfully, "Gulun sees the owner, see the two owners!" Deeply buried, his expression showed enough respect, but his face couldn't help but slightly white.

"Gulun, what's going on with Lin Lin's death? Tell the old man truthfully, there must be no concealment!" Qi Long whispered, his eyes swelled in the cold. Although they had heard of the report, they were vague and unaware of the specific matter.

Gu Lun's heart trembled, he knew that now was the crucial moment of his life and death, and naturally he didn't dare to delay. "Return to the lord, the fire clan intercepted the monks and shot at the agreed period of the day. The dark mist is full of smoke ... "The man spoke respectfully, telling the story of the day.

"This is the case, and the subordinates dare not hide anything."

The faces of Ning Long and Ning Xing became extremely ugly in an instant. Da Wei sent Red Lotus to assassinate had unexpected expectations, and a star ship suddenly appeared on the ship that could fight with Red Lotus and forced him to retreat. man of!

This person is the biggest change in the whole plan!

Who is he?

The thoughts of Xun Long and Xing Xuan turned sharply. I wondered where they thought, and their faces became extremely ugly at the same time. When we looked at each other, we could see the shock in each other's hearts.

Could it be that the man who shot suddenly was a monk sent by His Majesty?

Beyond that, they couldn't think of other possibilities. And in this way, the evidence obtained by His Majesty has a reasonable explanation for the punishment of His Majesty's family.

Thinking of this, the two of them were cold in their hearts. Fortunately, this time, they only cooperated tacitly with the Huozu, and did not mix other interests. Otherwise, they will be noticed by His Majesty, even if there is the friendship between the ancestor's face and the younger sister, I am afraid waiting for them The good result is also to be fired from all official positions, to be the end of a laid-back rich man!

For a while, both people had chosen the default for Zhe Lin's death.

Since it was His Majesty's shot, what could they do, even if they knew? Perhaps this is also a **** warning to the uncle's family. Don't make other attempts to challenge his endurance.

The atmosphere in the study was suddenly solemn.

Gulun's complexion was pale, with a thick layer of sweat beads on his forehead, and the lining of his robe had been wet with sweat, and his whole heart was shrouded in fear. At this moment, he gritted his teeth and spoke in deep voice. It was announced that the cause of the death of the master was purely fabricated, and there was absolutely another reason for the death of Master Lin! "

Tong Long frowned and opened his mouth slowly, "What are you showing, say!"

"Subordinates arranged the remains for the young master afterwards. In the young master's body, a panacea had not been fully cured. Apparently, after being severely wounded, the master Lin Lin had not immediately fallen, and there was still room for refining the panacea in the body. Injury. But after that, someone shot and killed the young master. "

"You mean, Su Lin was killed after being injured?"

"The subordinates have no absolute certainty, but based on the facts, this is the case."

Tong Long's brows were tightly frowned, and his face was gloomy, and there was a cloudiness in his eyes. If His Majesty sent a monk to the shot, and realized that Lin Lin's change directly killed him, it would not give him any chance to resist. In this way, it seems that his death is really hidden.

"Gulun, do you know a few things, as many as you can. If you can provide useful information, the old man will forgive you."

Gu Lun was ecstatic, but he didn't dare to show the slightest sign on his face, and his expression was more respectful. He said, "After the day, the subordinates did not dare to show the slightest difference, but secretly conducted a detailed investigation of the day's events. The subordinate asked When the assassins guarded the guards who survived the wife, they all sensed the violent breath that burst from the wife. It should be Qing Yungong Xiao Chen's shot to repel the assassins. But afterwards, this matter was not mentioned. At all, the young master became unfortunately ridiculed to protect his wife and the assassin. Among them, there must be hidden feelings! Therefore, his subordinates speculated boldly that maybe the day the fire tribe assassin was blocked by the mysterious monk, the young master was unwilling to go to kill the wife in person, but was Xiao Chen noticed the repulsion and was later found by this person. He quietly killed Master Zhe Lin in the dark mist! "

He made this deduction, of course, not to fabricate it out of thin air. Naturally, he made a judgment after collecting a lot of evidence and adding to his understanding of Xin Lin's mind.

Whispered, afraid that his deduction was not persuasive enough, he continued to speak, "Master Master Lin complained with Xiao Chen when he was in the battalion camp. He definitely has sufficient motivation to do this. And his wife explained afterwards, It's more like a kind of cover, pushing the death of the young master to the assassin who is unnecessarily, and then cleaning the suspicion of Xiao Chen. "

Qi Long and Xing Xing have dignified faces, and they are naturally quite clear about Xun Lin's heart. At this moment, he wants to use his temperament, coupled with his previous preparations, to let him see through the obstacles of the black mist and smoke, and he will not fail when things are blocked. It is also very possible to take risks!

Gulen's inference is likely to be the truth.

But thinking of this at the moment, the hearts of the two were cold.

Fortunately, Lin Lin was unsuccessful. Otherwise, if he really killed his wife, his wife's anger must be waiting for his family, and the entire family would be burned to ashes in this anger!

Xiao Chen stopped Xu Lin and killed him, leaving no evidence of death at the moment, coupled with his wife's remarks afterwards, the conclusion of Xu Lin's death has been concluded. Even if they knew it was secretly done by the family, they would not be able to attack the family again in the future.

So carefully calculated, Xiao Chen's killing of Lin Lin was actually beneficial to the family.

However, the Ji family obviously would not be grateful for this. In any case, Xiao Chen killed Qi Lin, and they must not give up!

"Well, there is much credit for you to follow Fu Lin. Finding out the cause of his death is also considered merit, and the old man spared you a life. But during this time, you can't close your door for a while, and say it later . "

Tong Long's eyes flashed in different colors, faintly said.

Gu Lun was overjoyed, and said, "Thank you very much! Thank you very much!"

Xing Xing waved his hand, and this person did another salute. Then he carefully stepped back and opened the door to retreat.

But the moment the door was opened, the space in front of Gu Lun suddenly collapsed and sunken inward to form a black hole. The horrible engulfing force burst out from it, but it did not spread too much, only covering the figure.

With a look of horror and despair, Gu Lun had not responded at all, and his entire body had been swallowed into a black hole. The horrifying tearing and strangling power burst, smashing his body directly, and the Yuan God was wiped out together.

The next moment, as it appeared without warning, it suddenly disappeared.

The space returned to calm, and an expressionless appearance of a young and handsome young man appeared. If you can see it carefully, his eyebrows are quite similar to the dead Lin.

This person is exactly 璋 澹!

The butler and the guard outside the study were tightly low, his face was slightly white, his eyes stared at the ground and he did not dare to make a sound.

He looked calm, stepped into the study, and closed the door behind him. He saluted to Xun Long and Xing Gong, saying: "See your father, see your uncle."

"Yi'er!" Qi Long's face became extremely gloomy for a moment. "My father has promised Rao Gulun not to die, how can you kill him!" Only then all the flashlights were completed, and there was no chance for them to block them.

"Gu Lun is Lin Lin's personal guard. He should have died to protect his master. Now that Lin Lin is dead, he should not have survived." Wei slightly lowered his voice and said, "Even Gu Lun He can't die without the forgiveness of his father, but he knows that my uncle's family has too many secrets. Could his father really let him be safe? Instead of stabbing his mind afterwards, letting him live a horrible life, I ’d rather He killed, cleanly. "


[Today ’s update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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