Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 688: Hun State Mission

Sincerely silent, and then drank the remaining medicinal sip with a smile on his face, "Even if I feel bitter, this is my own choice, I will try to adapt. [[八八 (一(Small <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81ZW.COM ”

The woman's heart felt a little pain, and her face showed pity. "Miss, why don't you take advantage of the opportunity that Guo Gong gave you? I know in your heart that you don't want to enter Yan Palace."

"Aunt Yun, don't tell me." Chengcheng slowly said, "I hope this is the last time Aunt Yun mentioned this topic. I am Mrs. Yan Huang. After entering Jidu, I can never change it. I don't I hope to bring any trouble to Brother Xiao Chen. "

"Miss ..."

"Well, Aunt Yun, I want to stay alone, you go first."


The woman sighed, still did not violate the maiden's intentions, converged slightly to salute, and turned away.

Sincerely looking at the turquoise sea of ​​flowers, there is no sadness in her heart, and some are just a touch of peace and security.

It is true that entering Yan Palace was not the result she wanted, but in contrast, she did not want to see Xiao Chen in danger because of her.

Chengcheng felt that she had owed him a lot. From the beginning, she had unilaterally harvested what he had given, and had never done anything for him.

So she wants to enter the Yan Palace peacefully.

Like a person is not necessarily to be with him, it is the most important thing to watch him peaceful and happy.


Blue and white outside.

Several burly monks, dressed in animal skins, stood side by side, with weird patterns engraved on their faces, and had a fierce exotic atmosphere.

Standing in a cluster of maidservants in a long gray dress, stood a woman with a strange white complexion and a beautiful appearance, and a green grass in the center of her eyebrows was faintly wavy in light. The bridge of her nose is slightly tall, her eye sockets are slightly sunken, and her lips are slightly plump, giving a different aesthetic.

Only at this moment, the woman's pretty face was a little tight, and there was a slight coldness in her eyes.

The three pilgrimage monks followed carefully, with a rather humble attitude. Just because the monks in front of them were envoys of the Huns.

The Hun State, a country outside the distant galaxy, has vast territory and is not even under the Great Swallow. It was only because most of the Xiuzhen stars under the governance were barren and the environment was dangerous, and there were fewer people in the middle of the country, so they never became the ninth largest empire in the Great Thousand Realms. But even so, the power of the Hun State is far from extraordinary. Because of its vast territory, it is not only a state of Yan Kingdom, but also a country of Da Zhao and Qin Dynasty.

The territory of the Huns is barren. If a large-scale war starts, not only will the monks be killed and wounded, but they will not get the benefits they deserve. In addition, due to their strong domestic ethos, although the number of monks is small, most of them are fiercely addicted to killing. Their own national strength is not weak. The country is pulling in Huairou policy, and is unwilling to conflict with it, nor is it willing to fall to one of them in order to increase the enemy's power. In this tributary tribute to the Yan country, the Hun state also sent monks to bring their maiden from their country to marry his Majesty the Great Yan, in order to draw closer relations between the two countries. Emperor Yan also attached great importance to this matter, so that the pilgrimage palace was carefully received, and no accidents should occur.

Wu Yasi was born from the Xiongnu royal family. As the sacred maiden of the Xiongnu state, his status is more respected.

Marrying His Majesty afar, not only to counteract the increasing pressure of Daqin and Da Zhao on the Hun State, but also because she is a pure wood constitution, if she can marry the Dayan royal family of pure water constitution, she and Yan Emperor Have great benefits. Now that the Emperor Yan has no queen, if she can win the favor of the Emperor Yan, and if she can be the queen in one fell swoop, she will not only respect her status as the empress of the world, but also bring great benefits to the Huns.

Based on her identity, coupled with the beneficial effects of Fit and Love on Yan Huang, Uyas has absolute confidence in herself. She can certainly take Yan Huang's heart and make him obsessed with herself and realize her dream.

In fact, just as she imagined, the arrival of the Hun State Mission received the absolute attention of Dayan, and Uyas was quite satisfied, waiting for the Emperor Yan to call her into the palace. But at this moment, I heard the news of Madam Rong Guo.

Emperor Yan, seems to take this woman seriously!

The women of the Hun State dare to love, hate, dare to earn, and dare to seize, without too much scruples!

How can a woman born in the Marquis of Rongguo be compared with the virgin of the Hun State. Wu Yasi wants to let her know that in the future, she may become the only woman whom Yan Huang loves!

"Bazali, it looks a lot better than my place. Tell them I'm moving here."

Among the monks in the Hun State, the strongest man heard the words respectfully and said that he turned to look at the monk in the pilgrimage palace and drank his mouth.

The faces of the three pilgrimage monks suddenly changed slightly, and they felt bitter in their hearts, but with a flattering smile on their faces, "Mother Hui, this blue and white border has already been inhabited by Mrs. Rong Guo. Please choose somewhere else. Besides, how can this blue and white border be compared with your Changchun border, it is your Majesty's secret place built for you like the living environment of the Huns. "

"Do you want to live here, don't you understand me?" Bazali's big eyes fell on the monk in this pilgrimage palace, and the slightest coldness made him stiff and heart stiff. I jumped, "Living people, you can let them move away. Your Majesty ordered the pilgrimage palace to entertain our maiden. Could it be that our little request could not be fulfilled? This is the indifference to His Majesty's order, or you Haven't you taken my Hun State Mission to heart? "

The monks in the pilgrimage secretly grieved. They did not dare to offend the Hun State Mission, but the figure in the blue and white realm was not an ordinary character. They could not afford to offend both sides, and they were naturally in dilemma.

"The blue and white land is where my wife Rong Guocheng lives. You either choose another place or move in after the wife leaves." The cold hum came, and the monk of the pilgrimage looked up, and his mouth was more like eating Huanglian .

Daoxian's eyes were cold, and the faces of monks and other people behind the Rongguo Mission were also gloomy.

Before Xiao Chen left, he instructed the mission to pay close attention to his wife's residence to prevent accidents. Naturally, the Rongguo mission did not dare to care. After the arrival of the monks in the Huns, Dao Xian had learned the news and hurriedly brought people.

Bazali's face was suddenly cold, and he suddenly turned around, looking at Daoxian and others, and he was so out of breath, "If I said, I must let the woman in here move out and make room for our maiden."

"It depends on whether you have such a method." Dao Xian said faintly, leading people to stop in front of the monks of the Huns.

The monks of the two countries confronted the blue and white outside the country.

"Very good!" Wu Yasi said suddenly, his voice was crisp and clear, like a piece of ice in the middle of the glacial river. "In the Hun State, we always have the strength and do not come first. If you can beat my escort, My maid of the Huns, Uyas, is willing to apologize to Mrs. Rong Guo for this matter, or she will be taken out of the blue and white border with her own baggage, and let me live here. "

"You want to protect the woman in the blue and white realm, so promise it. If you don't have the courage, get out of here."

The Xiongnu's national style is strong, even the children of the royal family. The cold voice came and pierced clearly into the ears of the monks of the Rong state.

Daoxian's pupils shrunk slightly. Although he did not know why the Hungarian ambassador and his party came from it, it is true that he would insult his wife, otherwise he would not make such a difficult request as strong and let his wife move out of his residence.

At present, the tribute of hundreds of countries, the embassies of various countries stayed in the pilgrimage palace, the sacred daughter of the Hun state, and if the Rong state ambassador avoided it, it was tantamount to being severely humiliated.

The mission bedding, even if the lady can still stay in the blue and white realm, she is bound to be laughed at.

Before the Guogong left, he was asked to take good care of his wife. If this happened in a short time, how could he see the Guogong again?

Daoxian's eyes cleared, and he nodded slowly after a while, "This battle, my Rongguo mission should be down!"

Wu Yasi's mouth slightly tilted, revealing a sneer, and he whispered, "I don't know where there is a place for the mission of our two countries?"

"Back to the maiden, the thistle causeway allows the monks to fight." The monk of the pilgrimage hurriedly spoke, so that the victory and defeat were all clear, and they would not have to be perplexed. However, they are not optimistic about the Rongguo mission. The strength of the Hunnu mission is extraordinary.

"Okay! After an hour, I'll be on the causeway. See you."

Wu Yasi whispered, her eyes glowed with excitement.

Daoxian faintly arched his hand and said, "Sure."

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