Xiao Chen's heart sank, and the feeling of badness in his heart grew stronger, and his face didn't feel gloomy. "Is it the Dayan Ritual Department, and the power to temporarily seize the envoy? Let it go now, otherwise you will blame my father. [.? C) O? M] "

The monk of the ritual department had a pale face, and a looming coercion from Xiao Chen made his shoulders like mountains, and his forehead gave birth to a dense layer of cold sweat. But at this moment he had no order and was afraid to let Xiao Chen leave.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came, saying: "The tributes are checked, and the foundry gold policy needs to be delivered to the envoy to complete a calculation. If the envoy is determined to leave, my official cannot stop him, but in the future I will not be held responsible in the event of an accident. "

"See my lord." The monk of the ceremony, if pardoned, quickly turned to salute.

璋 桓 Waving his hand slightly, the man turned back to one side.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the uncle, and he could sense a slight hostility from this person. Although he did not know why, at this moment he had no longer the thought of continuing the delay, and recovered his eyes and walked straight out of the hospital.

Pouting the corner of his mouth showed a slight sneer, it really did not stop.

Stepping out of the courtyard here, Xiao Chen saw Zhuo Liang with anxious face not far away. This man was a confidant cultivated by Dao Xian. He also realized that he felt a jump in his heart and said in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"See Guo Gong!" Zhuo Liang's eyes were full of anxiety, and he didn't dare to delay. He simply said that the Rong State Mission and the Hun State Mission would fight the causeway, "The subordinates have already come to this half For many hours, these guards did not allow me to enter the Tongguo, and they have been delayed until this time. "

Xiao Chen's face became extremely ugly for a moment, then suddenly turned, and his eyes fell cold on the cricket.

He looked calm and arched his hand slightly.

What happened today was obviously this man's intention, in order to prevent him from learning about the envoys of the two countries. But now is not the time to investigate, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, leaving without a word.

I closed my hand and sneered in my mouth.

It has been more than half an hour, and even if Xiao Chen rushed, it might not be too late.

As for whether this move was to anger Xiao Chen and thus to be an enemy of the family, I never thought about it. However, it is a ambassador of Rongguo District, even if the resentment in the heart can be reluctant, is it possible that they dare to oppose their family!



Thistle, as the Great Yandu City, naturally has strict rules and regulations. No monks are allowed to use the fighting method in thistle, otherwise they will be arrested by the Royal Forest Army.

The causeway is the only exception.

Here is a platform ordered by the Emperor Yan himself to be used for the Mesozoic conflict in the Jidu City, which must be used by the monks who had to fight in the first battle.

The range of thistles is very large. I do n’t know how many monks flow in and go out every day. It is naturally normal for the battle to be born. The causeway will stage numerous battles every day, attracting many monks to watch.

But today, the atmosphere is much hotter than usual.

The whole causeway is crowded with people. The restaurant and tea shop built with the popularity here is overcrowded. Everyone's eyes fell on that causeway with excitement.

"The monks in the Hun State were really fierce, and they just fought back and defeated the monks of the White Tiger Army of Narong State and defeated them."

"It's true. I have heard that the monks from the Hun state have made fierce shots, and today they did. It is true that even if these lost monks of the Rongguo Mission did not die, it would take a long time to recover from this injury."

"The Rong State is just a new subsidiary nation, and its missions dare to fight against the Hun State missions, naturally humiliating themselves."

"It was defeated again. For half an hour, the Rongguo mission sent the monks to all defeat. Alas, this gap!"

The monk of the Rongguo Mission was pale and his eyes were dizzy.

Although they expected the power of the Hun State ambassador, they never expected that the gap between them would reach such a point!

The Hungarian Mission has so far sent only three monks, and even defeated 17 Rongguo Missions, or even three of the White Tigers, to become great creatures, but they were not the opponents of the Hungarian Mission.

Not that they didn't do their best, but that their opponents were too strong.

Although it is the same practice, the monks of the Hun State have more fierce combat power, and are extremely fierce in their shots. They even use wounds to replace injuries, and they use life-threatening methods to defeat the monks sent by the Rongguo Mission.


The defeated monk of the White Tiger Army is the strongest of the White Tiger Army. Although he is in the state of creation, he is desperately explosive, but he has the power of the perfect state of creation. Such a combat power, still sobbing blood defeated.

The monk of the Hun State was standing on the causeway. The skin of the animal's chest was cracked neatly, as if the blade was cut, and a horrible wound appeared on the chest. But at this moment, the flesh at the broken place was as tight as stone, and there was no drop of blood. .

"Virgin, your subordinates live up to your expectations!" The monk of the Huns turned to one knee and fell down with one hand on his chest, respectfully.

"Bazat, is indeed my strongest captain!" Uya Si Qiao's face was full of smiles, bright smiles, attracted many surrounding monks to secretly swallow and vomit, she was not dissatisfied with this, but was right Satisfied with his charm.

"You haven't asked the Rongguo Mission yet, are there any monks who dare to fight you?"

"Yes, Virgin!"

Bazat opened his mouth low and turned to look at Rong's ambassador. "Rong's ambassador, the **** under the Virgin of the Huns, Bazat is here, whoever dares to step up and fight with me!"

The sound billowed and suddenly blew.

Countless lights came together in an instant and fell on the monks of the Rongguo mission.

The deputy envoys and many missionary monks were pale, and the spirit in their hearts had been exhausted. All that remained at this moment was shame and awe. The killing of the strong men in the White Tiger Army and the monks of the Huns would have to end up hitting hard. It would be even more unbearable if they replaced them.

At this moment their minds had been taken away by the ambassador of the Huns, and they were all low, and none of them dared to look on the stage.

Bazat's face looked scornful, "But this is the case for the Rongguo mission! Since it was defeated, we will abide by the agreement between your mission and ours, and Mrs. Rongguo will immediately move out of the blue and white realm to give our maid. Laoyang laughed and was arrogant.

"The Rongguo ambassador was really ashamed. He failed to win a victory and ended in defeat."

"If I were in this mission, even if I knew that I was not an opponent, I would never be scared to step on the stage. I really look down on it."

"Hey, Daoyou said it lightly. If you were in the Rongguo ambassador, if Daoyou can still maintain this kind of attitude, I'm afraid it is not known yet."

"Well, if I am really in the Rong State Mission, I will never agree to a contract with the Hun State Mission. This is simply a shame."

"Haha, Daoyou makes sense!"

Many of the monks who watched the crowd lived with smiles. In their eyes, no matter the Hun state or the Rong state, they were all affiliated to their big swallow. Now after entering thistle competition, no matter who bears or loses, it is a lively thing for them.

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