Melting the sword with the body, creating something in the void. (August One? Novel Network W>W]W}.81ZW.COM

Obviously, this monk from the Xiongnu country has extremely powerful attacking magical powers, integrating his own power and treasures into one, and bursting out amazing attack power!

Xiao Chen's eyes were a little cautious, but his eyes were still calm, and there was no turbulence due to the strong opponent.

Facing the black soldier who slammed into it, he stepped forward with a single palm out of the sleeve of his robe, making a fist and blasting forward!

A fist mark suddenly appeared, the palm of the hand was white, the back of the hand was black, and a faint cyan aura lingered on the fist, crashing down on the black soldier.

The two touched each other in an instant, and the heart-palpiting breath of supernatural power soared into the sky, and the huge sound wave swept to the surrounding, like thunder on the ground, terrifying!

On the ground gong platform, cracks centered on the two people fighting at one point as the core, spreading quickly in all directions amidst the clicks, the surging power made the guardian power tremble violently, and tossed like water waves.

In the dazzling aura, a figure flew upside down, and directly penetrated the Tonggongtai Formation. The figure blasted into the Huns delegation. Several Xiongnu monks were severely wounded and the whole delegation was completed. !

Blood gushing out of Philip's nose and mouth, his eyes were full of unwillingness and disbelief.

His cultivation base is in the virtual creation realm, but because of the powerful cultivation of supernatural powers, if he exerts his full power, he can even contend with the creation realm monks who smelt the kingdom of the gods into the supernatural powers. But I didn't expect that the Rong monk in front of him was even stronger!

In that punch, the terrifying power contained in it was swept across the river. The power was so powerful that he was defeated without even giving him any chance to resist.

Xiao Chen, the Qingyun Master of the Rong Kingdom, must be a monk in the creation realm! Even stronger!

Xiao Chen's body remained motionless, and the force that poured into his body from the strange soldier was suppressed by his life, his brows were slightly furrowed, and there was no other change in his face.

Slowly lifted up to look at the Embassy of the Xiongnu nation, he kept moving forward without stopping under his feet.

The external aura did not suffer from the shock received in the body, but it continued to rise with an astonishing degree, shining like the sun of the heaven and the earth, the aura like a rainbow, and the vastness of Pei Ran could not be resisted. With a blunt and tough attitude, the suppression of the Embassy of the Xiongnu State made all of them pale and could hardly hide their panic.

"The Embassy of the Xiongnu State, but there are still people taking action?"

A dull voice spread across the court, and as he stepped forward, the broken gong table on the ground slowly merged, and was finally restored.

Many onlookers who hadn't recovered yet were awakened by this sound, their expressions changed drastically.

Powerful in the creation realm!

Looking at the green-robed monk again, he was in awe.

In the Great Thousand Realm, no matter which country they are in, the creation realm monks are already considered absolute powerhouses, and they will receive the courtesy and respect they deserve!

Their faces were serious, but their eyes were burning with excitement and flames.

On the Gonggong stage today, it is a worthwhile trip to see the strong in the creation realm fighting against each other!

For ordinary cultivators, the strongest cultivators in the creation realm are already the strongest cultivators they can see. The fighting of such high-level cultivators is even more difficult to see, and each time is enough to be their talk for a long time!

The unease on the faces of the monks of the Rong State Mission disappeared, and there was a look of excitement on their faces. The Lord of the Country was really fierce and powerful, and he shot directly and beat the Xiongnu country's embassy into the water!

Chengcheng looked at the man on the stage with a slightly blurred look, and a touch of pride filled his heart. As long as he arrived, everything could be resolved. But soon she lowered her head, so as not to be seen the look on her face changed, causing trouble for him, and the bright eyes were slightly sad.

Xiao Chen stepped to the edge of the Tongluotai, and his condescending gaze fell on Wu Yasi, the saint of the Xiongnu nation, slowly, "If there is no one to continue on the stage, you will apologize to my Mrs. Rong?"

A faint voice came to her ears, but Wu Yasi's body suddenly stiffened, like a cold wind in the severe winter, blowing like a knife. Let her clearly sense the strong will shown by the green-robed man in front of her!

No provocation! Can not be changed!

The dignity of Saint Wuyasi made her unwilling to be oppressed by this will. She took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "If I don't apologize, what can you do?"

As the voice fell, Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.


With a flash of inspiration, the monks of the Hunnu mission did not respond at all, or they dared not stop, Xiao Chen appeared next to Wu Yasi, stretched out one hand to hold her neck, "Then I will let you fall on this."

Wu Yasi's pretty face was white, her pupils contracted, but she was still composing herself, "I am the saint of the Xiongnu nation. I am here to marry Dayan to marry the Emperor Yan, you dare not kill me!"

"If you really are the wife and concubine of Emperor Yan, I dare not kill you. But now, you are only the saint of the Hun, even if I kill you, it will only be a provocation to the Hun! Although your Hun is strong, you are still weak Intervene in my Rong country!" Xiao Chen said lightly, "Apologize, or you can choose to try it and see if I dare to kill you."

Those dark eyes were calm and not turbulent, cold and not even warm.

Looking at such a pair of eyes, Wu Yasi's heart felt a deep chill, she couldn't see the slightest hesitation in Xiao Chen's eyes!

In other words, this person really dare to kill her!

The fear in her heart became stronger and stronger, gradually suppressing Wu Yasi’s insistence on dignity. There was no trace of blood on her face. After a long silence, her head lifted up hard finally lowered, "I'm sorry." Although the voice is extremely low, it can be overwhelming. The dignified sage of the Hun nation apologized in public, which is amazing.

"Please saint, apologize to my Madam Rong Guocheng."

Wu Yasi's delicate body trembled slightly, and the humiliation engulfed her whole body, but once compromised, the tide of fear in her heart became more irresistible. Her lips trembled and she said, "Mrs. Cheng, this matter is my fault. Please forgive me."

Xiao Chen looked directly at Wu Yasi, and directly transmitted the sound into her ears, "Mrs. Rong Guo is someone I am close to. If you dare to embarrass her in the future, I will kill you!" The low voice sounded directly in Wu Yasi's heart. , Like a curse, directly branded into her mind.

When Wu Yasi's mind was in turmoil, when Xiao Chen spoke, she planted a seed of fear in her heart. When she wanted to be an enemy of Chengcheng in the future, she would think of what he said today, and feared fear.

As long as Xiao Chen does not die, this seed will always exist in her mind.

In this way, even if he enters the Yan Palace now, Chengcheng's safety can be guaranteed. There is only so much he can do.

After saying that, Xiao Chen let go, turned around and walked away.

Wu Yasi gasped, staring at the tall and straight back, resentful and unwilling, but more of the fear that seeped into the bone marrow!

A group of monks from the Xiongnu nation looked at Xiao Chen's back, but none of them dared to move at all.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly to Chengcheng, stretched out his hand to photograph Daoxian, and slowly said, "You wait for the **** wife to return to the pilgrimage palace, my father will take a step first." Yu Luo drove the light, leading Daoxian to whizz away and disappear instantly. Without a trace.

The monks of the Rong mission should be respectful.

"Madam, please."

Chengcheng nodded, a look of worry in his eyes. Xiao Chen is so tough today because he wants to show his power to deter Xiao Xiao in the dark, but more reasons are probably due to Daoxian's injury.

I hope he is okay.

The Rong delegation and his entourage escorted Chengcheng away with Liulongluan. Wu Yasi also led the Xiongnu delegation with the fainted monks to retreat in embarrassment. The battle between the two countries in Tongluotai came to an end.

But the news of this battle quickly dissipated to the whole thistle with an astonishing degree.

Mrs. Rong clashes with the saint of Hun.

A fierce monk from the Rong country.

Fighting against the strong in the creation realm.

The name is full of gimmicks, and the battle on the gong stage has become a thing that countless monks in Jidu talk about.

But Xiao Chen's name spread instantly and entered the ears of countless monks. In particular, the hard-line attitude of forcing the saint of the Hun nation to apologize in the end has attracted countless monks secretly applauding. Obviously, there are not many monks in Jidu who have a good opinion of them for the arrogant and tough Huns.

Rong Guo Qingyun, became famous for a time!


[There are two more tonight. 】

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