Le Yi said, "If you do n’t see it with your own eyes, you ca n’t believe it. [八? 一 中文 << W) W] W].] 8] 1ZW.COM" Now, Le Yi will see what she has seen before. Everything is done.

"The Red Lotus Kingdom was blasted by him with a punch, and he took out the Sun Guoyu to take a shot, and Chen showed a breath of breath and shocked him." Speaking of this, he frowned slightly, and continued to speak, "But Chen Guan said Xiao Chen has always been calm without showing any fear. Perhaps he still has a hole card in his hand, which is not the point where he can no longer fight. Perhaps Honglian also realized this, and under the tight time, he had to take out the sun fruit to destroy everything. "

"The art of" The Broken Element "is extremely dangerous. When he accidentally loses his life, he dares to use this to fight with Honglian so that he can force him to take out the sun fruit. This is not unusual for Xiao Chen. Presumably, he should have a means to quickly replenish the loss of strength. This ancient practice practice has become a powerful card in his hands. "Yan Huang whispered, solicitation was even more important.

"There is one more thing to tell His Majesty that what Xiao Chen cultivates is the source of the Five Elements."

With a slight shock in his heart, Yan Huang suddenly looked at Le Yi. "Teacher, I don't know what state he has reached?"

"Merge yin and yang, and achieve chaos." Le Yi slowly opened his eyes, but also gave a hint of envy. "Chen Chen clearly understood that Xiao Chen has not yet opened up the kingdom of God. In his current state, he will wait for the integration of yin and Yang to open up the kingdom of God. Directly integrated into the magical power, it is very possible to achieve the chaos world! "

In the Great Thousand Realms, the origins of the heavens have evolved innumerably, and the origins of the humane are more diverse and cannot be accumulated, but the quality is different.

Everyone knows that the origin of time and space is the power of the world's supreme source, but very few people know that in the origin of heaven, if the basic five elements can be merged, the fusion power of the origin can be continuously improved. If it can form the chaotic origin, cultivate God The country's chaos can have all-inclusive and repressive power. If you calculate it carefully, its high rank may not be under the roots of time and space!

But this practice is extremely difficult!

It is extremely difficult for ordinary monks to achieve avenues from one source. It is extremely rare to do both, but there is nothing that is powerful. Many monks are majoring in one source of other sources, even if they practice. Just to help. Moreover, it is necessary to gather the five elements' origins, evolve Yin and Yang, and finally achieve chaos. The difficulty is enough for many monks to stop. Even if you know this road that leads to the sky, no one dares to try it easily, otherwise the power of the source interferes with each other, and the road climbing is almost cut off.

And Xiao Chen has reached the point where the fusion of yin and yang has achieved chaos!

In his current state, as long as he can get enough resources to support it, if he is not ridiculed midway, there will be great possibility to cultivate the chaos of the kingdom of God in the future! Once completed, and with the chaos world in his hands, he can look upon most monks in the world of creation. With the improvement of cultivation, the power of the chaos world will continue to increase at an astonishing degree, and Xiao Chen can even grow into the strongest in the state of Hongmeng! Its strength is even stronger than Le Yi!

Such monks, once detected, will be seduced by any country!

Hongmeng Realm is the supreme existence that acts as a deterrent among countries. Their existence can only be known at the highest level of the empire. In the eyes of ordinary monks, they are only the existence of the legend of nothingness.

And the creation Xeon is the invincible monk walking in the great realm!

They have extremely horrifying powers, and none of them is commendable. Even the emperor of a country must treat them with courtesy.

Although Xiao Chen has not cultivated the chaos world now, he has the possibility to set foot in this step, which is enough to get absolute attention!

"Teacher, this matter is very important. Have you read it wrong?" Yan Huang said with a deep voice, her eyes fixed.

Le Yi bowed his hand and said, "Her Majesty, don't worry, if Xiao Chen hasn't achieved the origin of chaos, maybe the minister can't notice it yet, but I can assure you at the moment that there will be no accident at all!"

"Potential, mind, and means. This Xiao Chen is the best choice. Please also invite Your Majesty to leave him and become my Dayan Minister! If I can cultivate well, I will have another one in Dayan in the future. The Creator of the Xeons is his arm! "

"Haha! Good!" The Emperor Yan laughed, revealing a sense of joy, "Mrs. won the first, take the good minister behind, it seems that Tiandao really is not thin to me!"

"His Majesty's obedience to heaven will lead me to destroy the Seven Kingdoms and unify the world!" Le Yi stood up and saluted, naturally he didn't mind saying some words that make Yan Huang Long Yan Yue.

Sure enough, Yan Huang nodded again and again, and the smile on his face gradually grew.

Le Yi hesitated slightly, but he respectfully said, "An extra word from the minister, although his wife has arrived at Jidu, but after entering the palace, her Majesty needs to be cautious, otherwise there will be twists and turns, otherwise it will be late. The killing is a wake-up call. "

Yan Huang's face converged with a smile, and she was slightly silent, saying: "The teacher is right, this matter will be careful. If she keeps her own position, then she will not let her go."

"Your Majesty is fully thoughtful, but she is more concerned." Le Yi's mind was slightly relaxed, and the Emperor Yan had both defenses, and the maiden must have been beaten, hoping that she could abide by her duty. The luck of luck can be touched.

"This time Qin, Wei, and Zhao Sanguo shot in violation of the agreement. I wonder how Your Majesty will respond?"

Yan Huang gave a cold hum and his face was slightly gloomy. "I have already told the Holy Land about this matter, and this time the Three Kingdoms illegally dispatched the world-building powerhouses to take successive shots is a provocation to the Eight Holy Lands. If the Three Kingdoms do not want to immediately start the world race War, you need to pay for it, otherwise I will not give up.

Le Yi nodded. Now that the Holy Land has taken the shot, there is no need for him to worry about it. At the moment, he said respectfully, saying, "Your Majesty, the court will retreat first."

"Teacher walk slowly."

Yan Huang watched Le Yi leave, frowned slightly, and whispered after half a ring, "Mrs. Rong Guo, if you can really help you to achieve the road, even if you hold you back? What, it seems that I should probably You were in the palace early. "

A low groan spread slowly in the hall.


Pilgrimage palace.

Xiao Chen's face rushed in, and the cold air from outside made the monk in the pilgrimage palace cold, so he didn't dare to step forward, and watched him enter Baiyuan, only to report to the monk in sweat.

The subsequent news of the causeway battles shook the entire pilgrimage palace. Whether it was the missions of various countries or the monks of the pilgrimage palace, their gazes toward the Baiyuan scene had brought deep awe.

However, these Xiao Chen did not take it seriously, he went directly into the secret training room, with a wave of his robe sleeve restrained, and placed Daoxian on the ground and crouched on his knees. He reached out and patted him behind his back, and the mana rolled out, looking closely at his injuries.

He did not die in a **** battle, and Daoxian came up with an extremely powerful practice in a short period of time. Although the injury was not immediately exploded under the pressure of Xiao Chen's suppression, he barely saved his life, but the injuries in his body were already severe enough To the point! Even if Xiao Chen's force seals the wound, it is not a long-term measure. Once the force of the seal breaks down, unless a stronger person can crack down, Daoxian will stun instantly.

Xiao Chen's brow was tightly frowned, and the eyes were cloudy and clear. After a while, a decision had been made in her heart.

Daoxian obeys his orders, keeps Chengcheng from being humiliated, and to the point where he can't sit idly by.

The Qin Emperor's dead soul power has been refined half, and the remaining half is his biggest hole card at the moment. With these half-dead souls in his hands, he has the confidence to fight the Broken Yuan at a critical moment.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen decided to use this half of the power of Yuanshen to rescue Daoxian! The injuries in his body are not enough to treat with ordinary methods. If he continues to linger, I am afraid that only scorn will end.

It may seem a bit unwise to treat half of the monks who created the king of the world to die, but this is Xiao Chen's choice.

Sitting cross-legged, the golden seal in Yuanshen space appeared directly, and the fine and delicate texture grew quickly. In the rich golden light burst, a pure and powerful force quickly poured out from the golden seal and merged into Xiao Chen's body. The medium was sent directly to Daoxian.


[The update is complete, see you all tomorrow. 】

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