Three days later, Yan Huang's order was transmitted to the envoys of various countries, and half a month later, envoys of various countries were called to the palace to hold a tributary ceremony for hundreds of countries. Bayi Novel Network W] W? W]. ) 8> 1} Z] W). 〉 C} O〉 M If everything goes well, after the ceremony, please ask Feng Rongguo to be promoted. Even if the mission of the mission is over, he can leave Dayan and return to Rongguo. It is only with Xiao Chen's current practice that he must have attracted the jealousy of Rong Guozhu. Returning to Rong Guo and waiting for him must be the suppression and restraint of Rong Guozhu, and even a malicious scheme.

Therefore, Xiao Chen already had a decision in his mind. After the mission of the mission was completed, he would look for opportunities to stay in Dayan. As long as he does not return to Rongguo one day, the Rongguo master will be fearful and dare not take action against his monk. And he has to wait until he truly enters the world of creation and has the power to confront Rong Guozhu directly before returning to the land! At that time, you can build your own kingdom of God without fear of the power of the country!

For the monk in the ordinary creation world, it is extremely difficult to take the step of smelting the evolutionary supernatural power, which takes countless hours and energy to complete bit by bit. But to Xiao Chen, maybe it won't take much time.

Having the golden seal in his hand is the biggest variable in him, and also gives him the root power to change everything!


Yan Mingyue was so excited that after waiting for a few days, he was finally summoned by the Emperor Yan and was promoted to be captive of the Imperial Army!

Thanks to Huang En. After leaving the imperial palace, he went straight to Dongsheng Road Palace and returned to the teacher.

"Brother Mingyue." All the disciples I saw all the way, salute everyone.

Yan Mingyue rejoiced, nodding her head, and when entering the inner palace, a graceful woman appeared in her sight, wearing a lavender robe, her frowns slightly raised, her face a little worried.

"Sister Xuelian, I haven't seen you for a long time."

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, a faint smile on his face, and saluted.

The woman in the lilac long skirt lifted her eyes and fell on Yan Mingyue, her face was calm and even a little indifferent, she said lightly, "I have seen my brother." The words fell, without talking to him, Lianbu turned and left.

Yan Mingyue opened her mouth. After all, she said nothing, her face was slightly dim, but she soon recovered. He is now under the command of His Majesty's Army, and his status has soared. Presumably, it will make Master Xuelian change his view a lot!

The thought of Brother Yuanling's suggestion to him for his teacher to refer to Sister Xuelian as his mate, Yan Mingyue suddenly felt a little more eager.

Quickly enter the inner palace. This is where the teacher really teaches his disciples. Only those who perform well can be qualified to enter the inner palace.

"Mingyue, congratulations!" Yan Yuanling was standing outside the door, his face showing open arms, congratulating.

Yan Mingyue stopped arching and saluting. "It seems that my brother already knows that I can join the Royal Forest this time. It was beyond my expectation. I came back to the teacher today." Speaking here, he was a little hesitant.

Yan Yuanling nodded. "If it wasn't for that, the position of the leader should have been owned by you, and now you can get what you want. Haha, my brother and sister don't have to hesitate. The thing promised by my brother has helped you think about it. It doesn't seem to be objectionable to see the teacher ’s response. But whether or not you agree, you still need to ask the teacher for the teacher. "

"Thank you, Brother!" Yan Mingyue was pleased, and she was no longer in a mood to delay.

Yan Yuanling laughed, "Haha," "I'll wait for your good news here." He waved his hand to signal that he was going away.

Yan Mingyue bowed her hands deeply, turned around and strode towards the teacher's palace, her face turned slightly red, and her palms inside her sleeves were clenched tightly. He walked to the front of the hall and took a deep breath before he calmed down his mind. He said respectfully, "Teacher, disciple."

After a few pauses, the portal of the hall opened naturally, and a faint voice of Le Yi came from it, "Moon, come in."

Yan Mingyue stepped into the temple, and the portal closed behind her. She stepped forward and looked at the old man sitting cross-legged on the purple jade futon. He respectfully saluted, "I have seen the teacher."

Le Yi glanced at him, nodded slightly, showing satisfaction, "You are aware of the fact that you are under the command of Feng Yulin Army. Your Majesty's move is quite cultivation to you. You must not be proud and complacent. When Be calm and cautious. Don't let anyone handle you and live up to your expectations. "

"The teacher is assured, the disciples will save, and they will not embarrass me in Dongsheng Road Palace, nor will they disappoint His Majesty." I have been in love for a long time, and I ask the teacher to complete it. "

The hall was quiet, Le Yi's eyes were slightly complicated, his eyes turned to Yan Mingyue, and there was little silence before he slowly spoke. You can let it go and you will be happy for the teacher. "


After a moment, Yan Mingyue saluted respectfully and turned to leave the hall. His face was slightly pale, and there was a hint of pain and self-deprecation in the bottom of his eyes.

It would be like this.

At that time, he was careful enough to guard against accidents, but still calculated. When fighting for the position of dominance with Lin, the mana in his body appeared an instantaneous disorder. The timing of this turmoil happened to be grasped by Xun Lin, who defeated him in one fell swoop and suffered many insults.

Yan Mingyue knew that this matter was related to Lin Lin, but she never thought that it was Xuelian sister who helped Lin Lin calculate him secretly.

It is ridiculous that he has always regarded her as a beloved woman, so everything is just a joke.

Le Yi sighed softly in his mouth. This incident hit Yan Mingyue very hard, and it is very likely to damage the source and make him feel helpless. But if you can get through it, you can make the origin of the passion-desire go one step further, to stay in love, to forget, or to exterminate, you can take a step and start to enter the world of creation.

This was a love affair and an opportunity on his road. Step by step abyss and heaven, which step can be taken, no one can intervene, everything depends on himself.

"Brother, if the teacher doesn't agree, you can try to plead for your brother, you should stay here." Yan Yuanling looked at Yan Mingyue's face and asked to see the teacher.

Yan Mingyue stretched out his hand and held him, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Brother, you don't have to worry about it, my brother already knows everything. I have been wishful thinking of Master Xuelian, and that little friendship has been long before It ’s broken, but my brother did n’t know it. I wo n’t mention it again in the future. ”

"Master, what happened?"

"My brother is going to ask, my brother will take a step first." Yan Mingyue arched her hands and turned away.

Years of long-cherished wish, once I learned the truth, it turned out to be like this.

No matter how infatuated, always hurt mercilessly.

Pilgrimage palace, one hundred gardens.

Xiao Chen waved to open the gate of the courtyard, looked at Yan Mingyue in front of him, his eyes flickered, and he arched, "I don't know what Lord Yan is here for, why?"

"The mood is depressed. I want to find someone to drink with. I walked aimlessly to the pilgrimage palace. He hesitated before looking for Lord Xiao Chen, and asked the adult to see something strange." Yan Mingyue said with a hand in her voice. With a little respectful.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly on his face. "If there is ice cold wine, my father is welcome."

Yan Mingyue smiled reluctantly, "The wine is naturally enough, but the Xuezangyuan is too cold, and Xiaguan really does not feel like drinking here. Earlier, he said that after arriving at Jidu, Xiaguan did this. Dong, please enjoy the grandfather. Today I invited the grandfather to drink with me and take a tour of thistle city along the way, which can be considered as completed before. "

Rushing all the way to Dayan, the road was intercepted. Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue had been suffering together. Now she groaned a little and nodded. "That's the way, there is an adult Lao Yan hospitality today."

"The country's official saying is heavy, please."

The two walked away and passed along, no matter the pilgrimage palace or the monks of various countries, but the faces of those who met them could not help but change slightly, their eyes were respectful, and they stopped to salute slightly.

The name of Rongguo Qingyungong was naturally awe-inspiring with the hustle and bustle of the two world wars.

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