Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 714: Thang Long Chi

Xiao Chen's face was still calm, and at this moment he groaned slightly, respectfully saluting, and said, "Before sending the envoy, the Lord repeatedly told him to explain to his Majesty the issue of clearing up his troops and destroying his country. His Majesty knew now that his heart was very happy. 8W] W.81ZW.COM. Of course, the land cannot be ruled without a day. Rong country has captured the territory of the country, but it still does not have the right to rule. Please subscribe to your subordinates and promote our country to be a superior tributary country. "

"Your Majesty, although the minister has no evidence now, he will send someone to continue the investigation, and the truth will definitely be found! Please also His Majesty, please don't make a decree, and merge the kingdom of your country into the kingdom of Rong!" Wen Chengyuan suddenly lifted his voice and said with a deep voice.

The Emperor Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally waved slightly, saying, "This matter is put on hold for a while, and I will make a decision when I think about it. The scope of the Lao National Galaxy is temporarily handed over to the Rong Kingdom's temperance."

"Her Majesty!"

Xiao Chen was a little hesitant, still respectfully, slightly lower, his face was calm, but his heart was sneer. As the envoy of Rongguo, the biggest mission on his body is to ask Feng Ronggu to be promoted. Naturally, he must fulfill his role as an envoy. Otherwise, the news came back to Rong Guo, did it not give Rong Guozhu the excuse for his shot. But now being put on hold by Yan Huang is also the situation that Xiao Chen wants to see. In the future, he will create a kingdom of God. If he wants to expand, he will be strongly suppressed by Rong Guozhu, and Xiu Guoxiu Zhenxing is not a realm in the sense of Rong Guoming. Naturally, he can form a strong constraint on Rong Guo.

Although this day is still far away, we have to plan ahead. As soon as possible, Chess will take the lead to master the initiative in the future.

"Xiao Chen, you will bring the Rongguo ambassador to Jidu for the time being, and I will give you a reply after I think about it." Yan Huang kept silent, so Xiao Chen was left behind. Income opportunity.

Xiao Chen's mind was a little stunned. Without Yan Mingyue's reminder, he may not be able to detect the hidden faults, but at this moment, the Emperor Yan has already begun preparations to recruit him to stay in Dayan.

In this way, he should also be prepared as soon as possible to escape from thistle.

The thoughts in his heart changed, but there was nothing on his face, respectfully.

The Emperor Yan nodded with satisfaction, glanced slightly in the hall, and said, "After the tribute is over, you will host a banquet in the Changle Palace to entertain all the Qing families. If there is nothing important, you Aiqing will be present, and the monarchs will share the prosperity!"

"The minister thanked His Majesty!"

The ministers tried to avoid it, and Emperor Dayan stepped forward and stepped forward, saying, "Your Majesty, during the tribute of hundreds of countries in the past, my Dayan will set a topic and invite envoys and monks from all countries to participate in a higher and lower level. The winner is rewarded. I wonder if His Majesty can make arrangements this year? "

Yan Huang showed a mild smile. "If the teacher didn't mention it, I would have forgotten it. The Ministry of Rites has prepared a few articles of association. After choosing one or two, I suddenly think of a place, which may be more interesting."

"The teacher thought, what about the beast galaxy?"

Le Yi's eyes flickered a little, "The beast galaxy is a place for royal hunting. Her Majesty can judge the strength of the game by the amount of hunting."

"This is the case. The arrangement of the Ministry of Ritual has nothing new from previous years. He is preparing to open the hunting galaxy. Envoys from all countries and monks who are interested in thistle are welcome to sign up to participate! But the hunting galaxy has certain risks. In order to attract monks to participate, I have decided that the top three who have the most hunting and prey this time can each get a chance to practice in the Great Yan Shenglong Pond. The remaining monks can also receive different awards based on their performance. You can show enough power in this hunt, and you wo n’t be rewarded! "

Le Yi was shocked in his heart, Yu Guang glanced at the high Emperor Yan, and instantly understood the mind of the Lord of the Great Yan.

The most direct purpose of hunting the galaxy was to recruit Xiao Chen! If he has enough potential and strength, he should be able to stand out in the hunting galaxy, and then he will be given the opportunity to enter the dragon pond. As long as he accepts this reward, he will never want to leave Jidu again. As for the deeper meaning, perhaps I also want to take this opportunity to attract the hidden powers in Jidu to take the opportunity to save all their income and try to increase the national strength of the state of Yan before the chaos that has yet to come.

"His Majesty's decree, Chen has no opinion!"

Chaotang princes were awakened at this moment, saluting at the same time, saying, "But with His Majesty's decree!" Just in the eyes, the shocking color not only did not dissipate, but as the lake surface at the beginning of the storm, the waves collided with each other , Release more and more powerful power!

Thang Long Chi!

In the sacred place of the Royal Family of the Great Yan, monks can enter one of them in one's life, draw on the strength in the pool, and stimulate the blood quality of the monks. Although they cannot directly help the monks to grow, they can greatly increase the monks' growth potential!

In other words, if the qualification can only be attained to a monk who created the realm at most, after entering the dragon pond, there is a great chance that he will break himself and be promoted to create the world!

This mighty power can be called a life-changing, how terrible!

Although Daqianjie never has such a powerful power in one place in Shenglongchi, its number is not more than the number of hands. The Dayan imperial family has endless resources and infinite power, and it can only maintain the existence of a Shenglong pond, which shows its preciousness.

Even in the Dayan Clan, only those who perform well are eligible to enter it.

Outside the clan, only those who have great achievements or status in the state of Yan will be allowed to enter.

Every time the Shenglong Pond is opened, the good and expensive resources required are astronomical numbers that ordinary monks cannot imagine.

So this time, Yan Huang promised three places to enter the Dragon Pool, which is already a terrible reward! Although the hunter galaxy has not yet started, it can be expected that it will definitely attract countless strong players!

No monk can refuse this temptation!

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, not because he was ignorant, but only when he entered the Great Thousand Realms. Although his strength has soared to an alarming degree, his insights did not have enough time to gradually increase. At least what this Shenglongchi is, he did not know . But at this moment, watching the palace courtiers and the envoys of other countries was inexplicably excited, and I also knew that Shenglongchi must be an extraordinary place.

But at this moment, what he was thinking was not the Shenglongchi, but the opportunity brought by the hunting beast galaxy.

Perhaps this time is the opportunity for him to get out and leave Jidu!

The Emperor Yan was quite satisfied with the monk Chaotang. His eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he was not excited to see him. He frowned slightly, presumably he should not know the wonderful use of Shenglongchi, otherwise the Emperor Yan would not believe it. There may be monks who can keep calm after they know the role of Shenglongchi.

"Xiao Chen, of the three places, I have reserved one for you. Whether you can get it depends on whether you have enough power."

After entering Shenglongchi, Yan Huang was confident that he could leave Xiao Chen, and he would then drive him!

The tributary ceremony of the Hundred Nations, because of the hunting galaxy finally announced by Her Majesty Yan Huang, completely suppressed the confrontation between Xiao Chen and Yu Shifu, Wen Chengyuan.

After the banquet, the Baiguan envoys were all in a state of absent-mindedness. Obviously, the whole thing in the mind was about the hunting galaxy and the dragon pond.

His Majesty Yan Huang was also enlightened. After the banquet process passed, without delay, he announced the end of the banquet. The courtiers and envoys of various countries respectfully saluted and left the Imperial Palace hurriedly.


Dayyan Emperor Palace, in a humble palace, a monk sat cross-legged, his face calmly.


The door was pushed open from the outside, a figure stepped in, raised his hand slightly, and followed a lot of courtesy guards to respectfully salute him, but he dared not approach the temple half a step further. The door behind him closed by itself.

"See the ancestor of the post of Yan!"

The figure stooped slightly, his hands arched open, and his voice was slightly respectful. At this moment, you can see clearly. Only now is the monk in the robe wearing the Kowloon robe and raising his hands to show his courage and coercion. He is the master of contemporary Yan Yan, Emperor Yan Zhao!

The eyes of the monk on the futon opened slowly, moist, and faint, but it seemed to break through the world, revealing a world of vicissitudes and peace, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, saying: "Now you are big. Yan Tianzi, respected status, you don't need to be kind to me before you have entered the mountain. And when I have already entered the mountain, I have given up all ordinary identities, you can call me Tao, light. "

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