Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 719: Bloodline

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "In the early years, an elder fell asleep to help me with serious injuries. Now that I am getting worse, I really need this thing. [[ 8) 1) Z] W).? C] O> M ”Among the survivors of the underground, in order to help Xiao Chen surrender to the King of Thursday, Shu Bo forcibly left the dojo, suppressing everything with Zu Guxiu. But the price paid was that he suffered a backlash from the dojo, and his injuries fell into a deep sleep.

Ganoderma said that the water of the Aoki Spring could save him, and Xiao Chen did not forget. As early as in Rongguo, he had ordered Daoxian to secretly inquire. After knowing that this was precious, he could only temporarily lay down. After all, with his current strength, there was no way to get the Aoki **** spring water. But facing this mysterious elder of light today, Xiao Chen chose to speak after thinking about it, one is because he really has the possibility of possessing such a treasure, maybe this is an opportunity. Secondly, I also tried to take advantage of this matter, what is the meaning of this master of light today.

But nowadays, although he speaks bluntly that he doesn't have this thing in his hands, he doesn't give a perfunctory feeling, as if the facts are exactly what he said. And Xiao Chen had never held the belief that he must have, and even if he did not get it, he would not feel disappointed.

The light groaned slightly and laughed: "Although I don't have the water of the Aoki God Spring on my body, maybe you wait patiently, and there will be a chance to harvest this thing in the near future. Today I was going to give you two some gifts. Dare to speak, there is no opening in my hand, really helpless. "

"Then I will take a step first. Maybe in the future, you and I have a chance to see you again."

After falling off, he got up directly, put down a crystal ticket, turned around and left.

A thousand denominations are enough to pay for all drinks. A little light slowly flows along the delicate and precise texture of the crystals. A small letter is covered between these textures, and the flickering is uncertain.

The seal letter is the word Tongbao, which represents Dayan's largest money bank Tongbao trading company. It specializes in spar storage, which can be used to earn royalties from crystal tickets, or to collect wealth by operating spar. It is rumored that behind the Tongbao firm, the background of the Royal Family of Dayan is hidden, and naturally it has become the best-known and largest bank in Dayan, also known as Royal Tongbao.

Tongbao crystal tickets can be used throughout Dayan, even in the territory of Qi State. After all, high-level monks have countless yuan crystals. It is troublesome to pay directly with a large number of yuan crystals, and it is convenient and simple to exchange crystal tickets, and the commission is very limited.

Yan Mingyue's face was incomprehensible, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, hesitated slightly, and he never asked. Maybe things involve sex. Although they are friends, they should be a little bit more comfortable with friends.

Yun curtain was a man who couldn't hide his words, but under the eyes of Yan Mingyue, he had no choice but to hold back his curiosity, only a pair of eyes blinked and blinked. It seems that Xiao Chen was re-acquainted today.

Xiao Chen was silent for a moment, then shook his head slightly, and said, "I know you two are curious, but I really can't give you any answer. Today is also the first time I have encountered this adult, but I feel that he is a little different. , But I can't tell where it is. "

"No more, I'm about to leave Jidu. Maybe I will never see him again ... Today, maybe I really think too much."

In a groan, he slowly inhaled and smoothed out all his thoughts.

"Then do you drink me today?" Yan Mingyue asked.

"Naturally, you have to drink it. After I arrived at Jidu, you haven't asked me to drink it." Xiao Chen said with a smile. "Yun curtain, all kinds of good wines in the wine cellar, although some people come here, I am not You're welcome. "

Yan Mingyue shook her head helplessly, but she was somewhat admired. If they changed seats, he thought he could not be so free and easy. "You must forget that Yunlian is now my person. This restaurant naturally also It's mine. Could I even dig a spar? "

Xiao Chen stepped upstairs and stepped upstairs. He nodded when he heard the words. "It doesn't make sense for you to say so, so you can pack me some drinks and taste them later."

Packing drinks, of course, is about leaving.

Yan Mingyue was silent, then nodded, and got up to follow him.


The carriage stopped outside the wine shop, and the guard stood with his eyes closed slightly, his face calmed, and he never looked at those awesome eyes around him.

For the pride of this mysterious driver, the surrounding monks, who are also unusual in origin, are afraid to be dissatisfied. After sensing the cold breath of the stranger in the other person, they did not even have the courage to step forward. .

At this moment, the guard's closed eyes suddenly opened, taking two quick steps forward, bending slightly to salute, with a respectful look.

The driving monks in the surrounding area were equally low in awe.

The light stepped forward, calmly boarded the carriage, and said lightly, "Let's go and go straight back."

The guard led Gongshou, saying that Yu Guang swept over the wine shop, and he was a little surprised. Although the adult's voice is calm, he can sense it. After coming out of this wine shop, the adult's mood seems to be better.

He shook his head slightly, suppressing the thoughts in his heart, no matter what was born in this wine shop, since it is something that adults don't want him to know, don't think about it.


He pulled the reins slightly, and the carriage straight up into the sky, and the rich light burst into the sky, releasing a powerful and amazing breath.

In the past, the adult let him walk slowly to see the changes in this year's thistle, but now let him go straight back, naturally no longer need to rush the road as slowly as before.

As mentioned earlier, the carriage seems to be ordinary but unusual, and the horse driving is naturally not a vulgar thing. Layers of black are mixed with a light golden spiritual halo from its body, covering the entire frame, which can easily tear off the blocking force of the space. The degree is almost to the extreme, and in a flash, it is already Disappeared at the end of sight.

Dayan Thistle City, although no formation has been established to restrict monks to control Luguang to perform magical powers, but the repressive force naturally gathered by the faithful will of Dayan ’s billions of subjects is enough to make any creation below Monk, disqualified from flying into the air within this area.

The monk flew alone and had all these requirements, not to mention the sky-high frame. It seemed even more amazing at this moment.

The driving monks outside the Yunjia Wine Shop were stiff, and their pupils shrank, revealing endless shock. And the aura of light that flew across the sky that day naturally attracted the attention of countless monks along the way, all in awe.

The light crosses his knees inside the carriage. For the reason of the matrix method, his body can not sense the slightest vibration, and he has not taken into account the vibration caused by the empty carriage. His eyes flickered with this excited halo, his face slightly reddened!

"Descendants of my pulse!"

A low groan echoed between the inner walls of the carriage.

The eight empires of the world were born from the clan's gates in the early years, but they rose to strength in the orthodox collapse of the world, and the battle of the warlords, and eventually established a country that divided the world's dominance.

However, before the long-distance era, the Dayan royal family was only a heroic family in the world of Da Zhou. Each of its branches was infiltrated by incognito countries, and it was suddenly difficult to annex power at the critical moment of the war. It swallowed a large area and became a powerful force to compete for the world. competitor.

However, the branches of various countries are not all successful. The branch of the Yan family in the Song Dynasty—Dorona Jia is one of the many failed branches.

Yan Guangyu escaped from the disaster by contacting the Yan family branch of the neighboring country and saved his life.

Later, he dived back to Song Kingdom alone, and the family site he saw was just a trace of slaughter and destruction. The whole monk was slaughtered without leaving any one!

Doronaga branch was secretly preparing for the incident, and all the children would be summoned to return. The matter was a top secret and non-Yan senior monks would never know. However, under this circumstance, the behavior of the branch of Dorona Naga was noticed by Song Guo. When the people gathered, they were besieged and caused disaster. He thought that his bloodline was completely extinct except him. He never thought that in this Yunjia wine shop today, he could meet the younger generation with the exact same bloodline as him!

Xiao Chen!

Although the blood in his body is not complete, it is the purest and most innocent blood of the royal family of Doronagar. There was no sign of surprise, and his state of mind could not be completely calm, and he was able to suppress himself in the wine shop only at this moment.

In this vein, blood was left!


[The severity of the incident at home was a bit unexpected than what Baozi expected. I have already bought a ticket to go home to fight for more and more. 】

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