Le Yi heard the words bent slightly to salute and groaned slightly before he said slowly. "Yi Jiaxun, he has been repaired in the early years and is comparable to the kingdom of creation. With the benefit of the origin of space, no accident, Shenglong There should be one in the pool. W> W>.] 8} 1] Z] W}.) C] O Rong, Xiao Chen, the origin of chaos, and the mystery of the "broken element" There are many means hidden in the hand, and it should not be difficult to seize a place in Shenglongchi. As for the third ... "He mentioned here, he paused for a while, but shook his head:" Among the remaining monks, Genesis Seal There are a lot of Wang Jingqiang who have cards in their hands. Who knows who can get them will not know. "

Emperor Yan nodded and said, "The teacher said that it was not much different from what I thought. I was strong, but I do n’t know why, I was more optimistic about Xiao Chen! The hunt for the galaxy will inevitably face many powerful competitors. I want to take this opportunity to force him to reveal more cards. I want to see how many secrets Xiao Chen has hidden! "

"Your Majesty!"

Le Yi arched his hand.

He can naturally see the plan of the Emperor Yan, but the emperor thought, even if he knew it, he did n’t know.

Emperor Yan smiled lightly, he was very clear about Le Yi's thoughts, but because of this, he would be satisfied. However, at this moment, his eyes fell on the hunting galaxy, and he murmured with a soft sigh.

Le Yi heard the sound, just seeing outside the star field, a cloud suddenly appeared, a touch of starbursts emerged from it, and it seemed to condense into a party shadow during the tumbling, but somehow it eventually dissipated, and he frowned. Can't help wrinkling slightly.

In the hunting galaxy, once the power-level killing at the level of the creation kingland occurs, the hunting galaxy array will automatically open, releasing the projection and the outside world for Her Majesty Yan to watch.

But this is of course superficial meaning. The real meaning is to warn the founding kings of the hunting galaxy not to kill each other, otherwise every move will be exposed to everyone. In this way, in order to avoid trouble, even if there is a slaughter between the kingdoms of creation, the victory and defeat will usually be separated, and no deep hatred will break the killer.

After all, every monk who created the kingdom of Kingship has a very deep background. It is better if he is cut off unconsciously. Otherwise, if he is found, whether he is willing or not, the assailant will inevitably be ridden by the monks. Crazy counterattack. If this is not the case, then there will still be strong people to take refuge in. Of course, if you are lonely, even if you are cut off, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

At this moment, the creator of the King of the Kings in the hunting galaxy can be preserved to the greatest extent, and will not fall into the fight of monks, but also preserve the high-end combat power owned by Dayan!

If it was the fight between monks and strong beasts, there would be no such twists and turns, but only by their own means, who could laugh to the end.

"Teacher, the presence of the Star Clouds indicates that there has been a power-level assault in the hunting galaxy. Why is there no image now?" Yan Huang whispered, her face slightly gloomy.

The emperor's mind, under the slightest movement, can produce courageous coercion, majestic and irresistible!

Le Yi is also a strong person who stepped out of the realm of creation, but in the face of Yan Huang's breath, his heart was still suddenly and hurriedly low to show awe.

"Your Majesty must not be angry, and the Minister immediately went back to Lord Xuanjiao to talk back and forth. He must give his next explanation about this matter."

The Emperor Yan nodded slightly, Le Yi hurried away, and after a short moment came with a big Yan courtier, kneeling down and saluting Yan Emperor respectfully, "Chen Jiao Yuanhua, see Her Majesty."

"Jiao Qing, why did this matter of stars and clouds come about?" Yan Huang said lightly, his voice was still peaceful, but Jiao Yuanhua had a dense layer of cold sweat on his forehead. Hearing the words did not dare to delay, he said respectfully, saying, "Your Majesty, although the minister is responsible for hunting the galaxy for a trivial matter, he only observes the galaxy changes and confirms that the hunting ground is OK. No one can intervene at all, so the minister does not know what happened. "

The Emperor Yan was silent, waved her hand slightly after half a ring, and Jiao Yuanhua was pardoned, respectfully, and then retreated.

Looking at the hunting galaxy, he could not help frowning.

As the Lord of the Great Swallows, the Emperor Yan is accustomed to holding everything in his hands, so he is quite displeased with the inexplicable situation of being in control.

It's just a star formation that can only be opened once a month. Even if he wants to investigate the matter, he can't do it right now.

"Teacher, go and check this."

Yan Huang said lightly.

Le Yi's heart was stunned. Although His Majesty's mouth was flat, he had sensed the faint coldness in it, although it was not rich, it was fatal!

"The official obeys."

Apparently, Her Majesty had noticed from this uncontrollable event a provocation of his majesty.

I am afraid that this matter will cause a storm.

The lord's face was pale. He looked up at the stars and disappeared after he appeared. For some reason, a sudden uneasiness appeared in his heart.

"Well, this matter must not be related to you."

He whispered, the blood on his face faded.

For many years since he entered the dynasty, he knows his Majesty quite well. Everything is in his hands, and he hates anyone trying to blind the Holy Spirit. Such people, after being sought, generally do not end well.


Chaos sea.

Composed of the power of space, the vast and boundless, madly scrolling cutting space force, in the surging or tearing or squeezing, can burst out incomparable fierce power and destroy everything.

This is the most powerful embodiment of the power of space!

One of the most terrifying magical powers in the hands of the monk of space origin.

It is rumored that in ancient times, there was a person who controlled the origin of space. When he was angry, he would collapse the entire starry sky, devour the entire star, and throw up his hands to kill billions of souls.

的 The mixed sea being displayed now is far away from this step, but the force of destruction that can be released can cut off the monk of the creation world!

This is his real power, and he can become the governor of the Royal Forest Army, which naturally has his excellence.

Xiao Chen's face was dignified, his external light shone, and he guarded him inside, resisting the power from all directions.

The origin of space is called one of the strongest origins in the Great Thousand Realms. Either the oppressive force of the ups and downs of the waves, or the tearing force of the sharp cutting like a knife, each has an extremely powerful power, and terror cannot be resisted!

Even if the repairs revealed by Xiao Chen at this moment, in the chaotic sea of ​​the ancestral city of the power of space, it may be fine in a short time, but if it is trapped for a long time and cannot escape, it is still difficult to escape.

This dare dared to chase him into the hunting galaxy, and he really relied on it!

However, Xiao Chen has experienced too many storms in his life. He has not experienced any kind of crisis and dilemma. The situation is dangerous now, but he is not without a fight. Although his face is dignified, his eyes are calm and there is no panic.

Taking a step back, even if he couldn't break the chaos of Poseidon, he had to forget that he still had days of compasses. If the situation is urgent, he won't regret the treasure, spur it, and the sea of ​​chaos will be broken, and it can even be cut directly.

But the treasures are precious, and he will not take them out when it is absolutely necessary.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes, shining with dazzling luster in his eyes, his eyes swept across the periphery, sharp as a knife.

Although he does not repair the origin of space, the avatar of the space is formed by the fusion of the spirit and the heart of space. He is born to master the power of space, so Xiao Chen is no stranger to the power of space.

This chaotic sea is based on the self-cultivation as the basis, the source of space as the source, forcibly tearing the space, summoning the power of the turbulence of deep space, powerful and endless.

If you fall into it, there is only one way to escape safely!

Smash the sea of ​​chaos and open a passage for life!

This method is stupid, but it is the only way to crack the sea of ​​chaos.

I shot with all my strength and cast the sea of ​​chaos directly. I hoped to kill Xiao Chen directly in the shortest possible time, so as to prevent the monk from approaching and let him know what to do.

But with this supernatural power, I want to kill him, joke!

In Xiao Chen's chest, a proud sigh of anger was instantaneously produced, and between the eyebrows and the flesh, the warrior tactics of the fascination of light flowed suddenly. At this moment, the masterpieces of brilliance suddenly flowed, and the light flowed quickly along the zigzag lines. The stock burst out of war!

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