The monks and the wild beasts who were about to retreat suddenly stopped at this moment, and turned to the place where the breath was scattered, and there was an unshakable shock in their eyes!

The repressive force gathered from the condensed space cannot be resisted by the Genesis King, Xiao Chen can be fine!

An ordinary monk may not know his identity, but these creators naturally know. Eight (<1 Chinese W) W) W). 〉 8〉 1) ZW. Com

At this moment, I felt the horror of the volcanic eruption, and my heart was shocked!

But they haven't given them much time to think. The whole sea of ​​confusion is suddenly shaking and shattering! Countless pieces of solid silver-white space force, like a rocky lasing, make a harsh whistling sound.

Two palms, one black and one white, were radiated from the collapsed and chaotic sea magical power. The breath of terror and fierceness was surging and the killing machine was locked.

At the rear, Xiao Chen was expressionless, his eyes glanced coldly and coldly. His face was slightly pale and his breath was a little sharp, but his expression was calm. The clothes are flat and not damaged. This can destroy the sea of ​​confusion that killed the powerful king of the kingdom of creation, but it only cost him some power without causing any harm.

At this moment, he didn't look at the surrounding monk who was shocked by the inexplicable monk or the beast strong, all his energy was focused on the uncle.

Had it not been for the origin of chaos, he would not have been able to resist the condensed space before, fearing that he could only take out a multi-day compass to deal with it. But now that he is okay, it's time to let this puppet pay the due price.

If you want to kill him, you must be prepared to be cut off.

He snorted in his mouth, and the paleness on his face became heavier. A shock rose from his heart. The development of things seemed to be out of his control!

Xiao Chen was able to resist the condensation of the space he exhibited!

At this moment, he sensed the icy killing in his eyes, and it made him cold and cold all over.

But this sense of panic was just forced to be depressed by the breath, looking at the oncoming black and white hand, his eyes flashed like a raging flame!

He won't lose today.

Xiao Chen will die!


He drank in his mouth, his voice was absolutely sharp, and he released endless cold and slaying!

璋 澹 One step down, one hand raised five fingers side by side like a knife, from top to bottom, utterly cut off!

With his actions, the paleness of his face suddenly deepened, and there was no trace of blood. His body trembled slightly, his brows frowned, and he seemed to endure great pain, but his cut palms did not tremble.


The sharp edge of the terror front appeared directly, and a black round front that was as thin as a willow crescent burst out.

This object seems to be ordinary, but it is one of the Xeon magical powers controlled by He.

The sea of ​​chaos is the basic supernatural power.

The space condenses and emerges on the basis of the sea of ​​chaos. The power of the chaos space is transformed into repression and bombardment, which is enough to instantly wipe out the ordinary Kings of Creation.

At this moment, the black round front that 璋 澹 slashed and blasted out has a very loud name, called Black Moon Slash, and it is also one of the terrifying magical powers that can only be practiced by those who control the origin of space.

Concentrating the tearing and cutting of space in a small blade, seemingly ordinary, but its real terror is still above the condensation of space.

This technique is stimulated by the person who controls the origin of space, compressing the force of integration into space, the more power is fused, the stronger the power.

Xiao Chen's performance has brought a great impact and threat to Xun. At this moment, he has made every effort. The remaining force in the body is compressed into this round black crescent-shaped round front. No matter whether Xiao Chen can be cut off and loses his internal strength support, he must leave in an instant.

Watching the black moon screaming away, the endless cold mang burst into my eyes!

Xiao Chen, how can you stop this cut!

The black and white hands and the black moon chopped instantly, and the two sides passed by silently and silently, not even showing a little magical power to kill the breath.

Black Moon Sword continued to move forward, and the black and white hands passing by it now broke silently and collapsed.

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted slightly, facing the black round front in front of him, a chill suddenly developed in his heart, and quickly spread to the whole body.

This super power is so powerful that it can even threaten his life!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen was not shocked or afraid, but after a slight tremor in the external warfare, he soared with a more amazing degree, and his dark eyes were full of peace.

Dangerous, calm.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped out and reached forward to cut off!

The action is clean and smooth, but the mellow nature reveals a very fierce momentum.

Cutting it with one hand seems to tear everything, and everything in the world is unstoppable.

From his hand, a touch of cyan light suddenly appeared, stretched instantaneously, the middle part protruded outward, and the sides were bent back into a blade. Its appearance was very similar to that of the black moon chop, but the whole body was cyan. , Sanying Yingling.

Xiao Chen's face was pale, and the horror in his body decreased rapidly with an amazing degree.

The powerful power exchanged after the "Broken Element" in the body was quickly consumed in Xiao Chen's magical powers, and it was precisely because of this that he could throw his hands into the power of the world to create the kingdom of Kingship!

But at this moment his expression was still calm. In the space of Yuanshen, the golden seal and golden light suddenly flourished, and a stream of pure and powerful power spewed out instantly and quickly merged into his physical body.

Half of the dead souls of the Emperor Qin Emperor were refined by Xiao Chen at this moment!

Black Moon Sword and Cyan Blade are as fast as lightning. There has been no pause at all, and the space has been utterly collided!

Xun's shot is the sharpness released by the extreme compression of space power.

And Xiao Chen's hands were beheaded, but the source of chaos in the body was not strong yet!

The chaos, which contains the five elements of yin and yang, is the root of the heavenly path. It is not asexual, but it can be changed into the original attributes of all heavenly paths in the world.的 The black moon chopped by the compression of the power of space, even when it comes to the powerful and sharp sharp, it is not afraid of it!

The collision of the two blades is like the two sharp-moving cultivation stars meeting in the star field. The terrible and powerful breath bursts, accompanied by the loud noise!

The aftermath of power suddenly burst with the collision of the two as the core, swept across the starry sky. The surging breath represents the power of infinite destruction, enough to erase everything in the envelope!

Xiao Chen's body suddenly trembled, but she stopped the force of this counter-shock, but there was a trace of blood left in the corner of her mouth.

But his expression was still calm, but the murderousness was deeper in the eyes!

Suddenly, her eyes widened, and her face was still shocked, but her body was shaken back by a force of strength, and the figure flew back.

He is slightly weaker than the King of Genesis and controls the origin of space, but after Xiao Chen casts "The Broken Element", the power that can be exploded in a short period of time is completely comparable to that of the King of Genesis and even stronger. With the origin of chaos, both have overwhelmed him. This battle defeated him and is also being cleaned up.


A soft noise came out, and the figure flew away. The figure suddenly shocked, and Yang spewed a blood, and his breath suddenly became frustrated.

But it was the black moon chop that he exhibited, and at this moment he was defeated by the blue sword Mangsheng provoked by Xiao Chen!

The origin of chaos is the power of the peak that can be juxtaposed with the origin of time. The quality of space is still much higher than that of space. The transformation of attributes can be transformed into the most powerful force in the world. Strong, but a little bit of a counterattack, and ultimately still unavoidable collapse.

The cyan blade defeated the Black Moon Sword, the shape was dim, and the scattered breath weakened a lot, but it still went straight to the slash!

The Black Moon Smash was defeated, the crippled wounded, and the previous injuries combined, the injuries were extremely serious. There was a bit of unwillingness in his eyes, but he knew already that Xiao Chen's calculations had been cut off today, for fear that they would fail.

Now that he has suffered great damage and serious injuries, it is the limit to barely protect himself.

But at this moment, he suddenly said, "Xiao Chen, you are really good, you are not as good as a man, and the treasure belongs to you!"

Speaking with the unwillingness in his eyes, it was just right.

Xiao Chen heard that his face changed instantly, and the coldness in his eyes became heavier.

Sure enough, with the sound of crickets falling down, several hot eyes suddenly came to land on him.

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