Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 744: Nether Beast

Many fugitive monks fleeing, as if catching the last straw for life, changed their directions, and went straight to the three without any hesitation. [? 八? 一 ({中文 [网 < [W] W> W.81ZW.COM. With their cultivation, there is no resistance at all in the face of the ancient Ten-eyed Snake, and they are close to the old humpbacked three kings of creation. Monk, maybe there is a chance of life.

call out!

call out!

The breath of the three creation kings soared into the sky, dazzling like the lights in the night, guiding them.

Deep in the yellow sand world, Xiao Chen listened to the old man with a humpback and drank. The figure stopped for a moment, and his frown slightly wrinkled to reveal his worries. After a moment, he turned without hesitation and went straight to the three of them.

Now he is fine, because the ancient Ten-eyed snake is hunting down and devouring other creation monks. If these people all gather around the three old humpback men, leaving Xiao Chen alone, it will inevitably become the next one. Attack the target. Now that he can see this clearly, he naturally has to rush over. Presumably at this moment, the monks such as the humpbacked man are afraid to protect him from being swallowed by the ancient ten-eyed snake. Otherwise, a monk who created the king of the world would be able to greatly increase the strength of the ancient ten-eyed snake. Thinking about the joints here, Xiao Chen naturally wouldn't be afraid that they would turn their heads and shoot.

During the turning of his thoughts, his aura of mineralization outside his body turned into a terrifying rainbow whistling in the yellow sand of the sky.

"Dear friends, although this ancient Ten-headed snake is strong, but you and I join forces, you may not be afraid of it!" The old man with a humpback said with a deep voice, took out dozens of jade slips in his backhand, and swung his sleeves to fall into the crowd In the hand, "This jade bamboo slip records a formation method, calling the name Yuanyuan Ningbei to the sky. Everyone will remember it, and the old man will stand in the eyes of Yuwen Tuo and Red Sleeve. Attack and defense. "

There were originally more than twenty monks who entered the world of creation in the Yellow Sand World, but at this moment there were only a dozen or so. The rest have been slaughtered and become blood food in the ancient Ten-eyed snake belly. Even if the remaining monks saved their lives, they were all pale, nodding their heads after hearing the words, deeply inhaling the pressure in their hearts, and exploring the consciousness to enter the jade slip to view the way of formation. Now this is their only chance to save their lives, and naturally nobody dares to be half-hearted.

Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve apparently already knew about this, and Wen Yan's face was calm and unchanged.

But at this moment, the old man with a humpback suddenly lifted his eyes and looked sharply into the depths of Huangsha, while Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve followed closely and noticed the approaching breath, which also showed the height of the three men.

In the yellow sand all over the sky, a faint light appeared, Xiao Chen stepped forward, his face was pale, but his face was calm. His eyes flickered here, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said, "Three Taoists, I wonder if Xiao can enter the battlefield and avoid it for now?"

Yu Wentuo's face was gloomy. In his opinion, if it was not for Xiao Chen's sake, would they have come to such an end, he never thought that it was all caused by his greed.

"Xiao Chen, this person has let you go without killing you. Why should you save your life! If you want to come in, it's probably a good idea. I will give up your storage and let me in. Array! "

The man's hot flashes of light flashed between his eyes. Previously, due to the ancient ten-eyed snake, he temporarily abandoned the pursuit of Xiao Chen. Today, the security of Juyuan provided by the old hump-backed man has increased greatly, and the greed in Yuwen Tuo's heart has risen again.

The old man with a humpback and the red sleeves remained expressionless and remained silent about the matter. As for the other monks, they glanced hurriedly here, then retracted their eyes and continued to figure out the details of the formation method. How they decide this matter is not theirs.

Xiao Chen shook his head slowly and heard a mockery on his face, saying, "Even if Xiao surrenders the storage ring, do Yuwen Tuo's friends really think they can or can leave here? Now you and me Right is the ancient ten-eyed snake that almost turned into a fierce beast. Its horror level should not need me to say a word. Let me enter the battlefield to recover the injury, and maybe also help a large array to protect me and leave me out. The blood food supplement in the realm of the creation king may really make it possible for the ancient ten-eyed snake to take a key step in evolution and become a fierce beast. At that time, Xiao will be killed, and I am afraid that all Taoists will also be buried with me. . "

"The storage ring is the monk's life. At this moment, Xiaomou will definitely not surrender. How to make a decision, you Taoists will make a decision early."

Yu Wentuo's face was gloomy, but he was about to open his mouth but was interrupted by the old man with a humpback, and said with a deep voice, "Okay! Now that Xiao Chen's Daoyou can see the current situation, he won't be doing anything wrong in the battle, so come in . "

What Xiao Chen said before canceled the last ray of killing in this old immortal heart. As he said, even if Juyuan Ningshou arrived in the sky, he was not completely sure whether he could counter this ancient ten-eyed snake that was almost an incarnation of a beast. It's far better to leave Xiao Chen at this time than to leave him. If the situation is critical, his strength can also give them more vitality. Having said that, even if they successfully chopped down the ancient Ten-headed Snake, Xiao Chen could not fly in the midst of their siege. At that time, the storage ring should also be surrendered obediently. He was on the spot at the end of Xiao Chen's slaughter. Xiao Chen must have suffered a very serious injury. Although I do n’t know why he can still spare some energy, this injury is by no means recoverable in a short time. He has no worries.

The red sleeves flashed differently in the depths of the eyes. He had figured out the old man's deep meaning, and smiled softly. "The slaves also thought that Xiao Chen should be allowed to enter the battlefield, and multiple forces could also have a life-saving grasp." The woman did not forget to cast a wink at Xiao Chen.

Yu Wentuo hummed, but said nothing.

Xiao Chen arched his hands faintly. If it were not for the situation to change, a few people would say that they would still be in a state of life and death. Even now, they all have plans, but they have no gratitude to the three. As he walked into the monk, he didn't sit down cross-legged, but he really recovered his injuries. It seemed that there was no defense, but left a bit of a sense of mind. Once something was wrong, he could respond immediately.

The old man with a humpback glanced deeply at Xiao Chen before turning around and saying, "Okay, if you look at it almost, you and I will be in line immediately. At this point, the rest of the Taoist friends are afraid that they are already awesome. . "

Everyone, such as Yu Wentuo and Red Sleeve, immediately turned his face dignified, thinking of the ancient ten-headed snake, everyone felt ashamed.

Whether you can save your life today depends on whether this Juyuan Ningju arrived in the sky array is useful!

Among the dozen or so people, the weakest is also a monk of creation. Although the details of the formation are somewhat complicated, it is not too difficult for them. At this moment when he heard the words, he retracted the consciousness and nodded slightly.


Aura of light flashed quickly, a dozen people scattered instantly within a range of 30 feet, seemingly scattered, but have their own mysterious nature.

"Get up!"

The old man with a humpback gave a low drink, and a dozen creation world monks lifted their feet at the same time!


The yellow sand on the ground suddenly trembled. With thirty people as the center, the yellow sand suddenly suffered a strong compression within a radius of 100 miles. It was melted and pressed into a whole yellow disk. It was made by more than ten creation world monks. The dish is naturally sturdy. At the same time, textures emerged from the cloth monk's feet, spreading across the entire array, and it seemed that an invisible hand was depicting everything. Complicated, dense and extremely delicate textures, which wrap the entire array with extremely fast speed, the texture interface is perfectly integrated at the core of the array.


There was a soft squeak in the void, and a layer of aura suddenly rose in a round shape, covering the entire array with the dozens of cloth monks on it.


The humpback old man's voice didn't fall, and the entire array shook slightly, rising directly into the suspended void.

"Nether beast!"

The force of condensing the formation outside the disk, at this moment, suddenly trembled and squirmed, and condensed into a brutal beast in a very short time, shaped like a poisonous scorpion, with two giant tongs and a hook poison tail. foot.

This beast image is translucent, and you can see the internal array and the cloth monk.

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