Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 746: Ten Eyes

"Grab its snake head!"

Yuwen Tuo and Red Sleeve both turned their minds, and the two giant pliers of the scorpion beast lifted directly. They clamped the neck of the ancient ten-headed snake deadly. The snake's black scale armor was directly crushed and deeply embedded in the flesh. Suddenly blood water flowed out, and the black scale armor dyed with red eyes became red, making the red lines between the scale armors more vivid. Eight [One? Novel? Network W] W) W). } 81ZW. Com

The old man with a humpback gritted his teeth, and the two sides fought, either the ancient ten-eyed snake died or they died. He controlled the six scorpion feet to hug the ten-mud snake body. The sharp barb at the end was deeply inserted into its flesh, and it was carried by the hook alone. The sharp wind rushed straight to the head of the ten-eyed snake.

The two giant clamps of the scorpion beast seem to be the strongest, but the really powerful one is the single tail hanging behind them, which moves faster than lightning, and the tail tip is sharp like a gun. Even if it is in front of a hill, it will be directly Penetrating.


The scorpion tail stabbed, and the black scale armor was smashed around in a muffled sound, revealing a dark red snake body. The tip of the tail was stabbed severely into it, blocked by the skull of the ancient ten-eyed snake, and failed to die. A long wound was still made on the head of the ten-headed snake, and the flesh was turned out. The blood water trickled out and stained the eyes of the ten-eyed snake, which aroused the brutality and brutality of the brute beast in its veins, and Li Xiao opened his mouth wide and ignored the scorpion's head. Furiously bite.

In the sand sea, two giant beast shadows fought together madly. In the roar and the loud noise, the violent force turned the whole sea of ​​sand into a vast ocean! Such a scene, it seems like the scene of ancient beasts killing in ancient times, releasing the power to destroy the world!

The ten eyes of the ancient ten-eyed snake were closed tightly at this moment to prevent being punctured by the scorpion tail. At this moment, the body resisted the attack of the scorpion beast tightly, and the body tightly wrapped it around, constantly contracting and squeezing, and biting it with a huge mouth. Scorpion head.

The scorpion beast, under the control of the old man with humpback, Yuwen Tuo, and Red Sleeve, also showed the strongest strength to compete with the ancient Ten-eyed Snake. Two giant tongs were deeply inserted into the snake's neck, and the hexapod along the belly. The gap between the scales of the ten-eyed snake was inserted into the flesh and blood, and the one-tailed tail behind it continued to pierce like a spear, attacking the skull of the ten-eyed snake wildly.

The fight between the two sides has now entered a fierce heat.

The ancient Ten-eyed snake was okay, but the two huge wounds on the neck of the snake were shocking. The head of the snake was broken by the scorpion tail and spiny scale armor, the wound was intricately clothed, and the dark red flesh was turned upside down.

The body of the scorpion beast has been squashed and deformed, and the skull was bitten and pulled by the bite in the mouth of the ancient Ten-eyed snake. Fortunately, it is formed by the force of the formation instead of flesh, otherwise it may have been killed. However, in this state, to maintain the operation of the matrix method, it is necessary to extract a large amount of mana from the monks. Taking the old monk with three humpback genesis monks, the cloth monk's face gradually turned pale, but he didn't dare to pause. The mana in his body rolled out and merged into the array under his feet. The resistance of the ancient ten-eyed snake Kill.

At the moment, the two sides are inextricably linked, and whoever can persist longer can win the final victory.

As time passed, with the continuation of the slaughter, the strength of the madly entangled body of the ancient ten-headed snake appeared a moment of weakness. It slept for endless years, resulting in weakness, even if it swallowed a lot of blood, it never recovered to its peak. The mad killing with the scorpion and the beast was hit and wounded, and with the flow of blood, the strength of the ancient ten-eyed snake also passed away bit by bit, and gradually weakened.

The hump-backed old man's eyes lightened, showing ecstasy. As the main player, he can clearly sense the decline of the ancient Ten-Headed Snake Power!

This beast is in a state of weakness!

In contrast, they rely on the Juyuan Ningbei to reach the sky array and the ten-headed snake to kill. Although the mana loss in the body is not light, there have been no casualties. If the large array is not broken, the scorpion beast can continue to fight.

If it continues, today's ancient ten-headed snake must die! Now, even if it wants to escape, it's too late!

"Dear friends, the ancient Ten-eyed Snake has begun to weaken. It will soon be unable to support it. You and I will work harder to kill it here!"

Above the array, more than a dozen cloth array monks gave birth to joy at the same time, and nodded their heads and drunk, and the mana in the body poured into the array with an amazing degree.

As time went by, the ancient ten-eyed snake suddenly fell into the downwind, and the snake body was pressed by the scorpion and beast in the deep pit of the sand and sea. Even if it struggled fiercely, it could not break away.

"Come on! Come on!"

The hunched old man's eyes were hot, and his heart was roaring wildly.

Juyuan Ningbei arrived in the sky array is his thing, this person naturally has a hole card in his hand, until the ancient ten-headed snake beheaded, he naturally has the means to **** the corpse here and leave safely. Not only will you be out of danger, but you will also get the chance of Shenglongchi!

But at this moment, the ancient ten-eyed snake closed its eyes and suddenly opened, five pairs of ten snakes turned into pure blood, crystal clear, like blood crystals.

The moment the ancient ten-eyed snake opened ten eyes, the old man with a humpback stared at him, his body stiffened and his heart trembled fiercely, giving birth to an extremely unpleasant premonition. The secret way in his heart was not good, but he had not waited for his response. Since ancient times, in the **** eyes of the ten-eyed snake, ten blood awns have been shot in an instant and directly penetrated into the body of the scorpion beast. The beast body is not an entity, but Juyuan Ningbei arrived in the sky array. This blood awn penetrated into the shadow of the beast, and naturally it acted on the large array! An extremely chilly atmosphere suddenly burst from the formation, and the red-red blood awns spread quickly along the texture in the formation, channeling directly into all the cloth monks, allowing their blood to coagulate instantly, and the mana primal **** was forcibly closed.

At this moment, all the monks in the battle array were suppressed by all kinds of students. When they couldn't move, their eyes were full of horror and fear!

The entire Juyuan Ningbei's operation in the sky array was suspended!

The ancient ten-headed snake, the ten-headed snake contains magical powers, can naturally see through all the obstacles in the world and reach the origin. But the ten-headed snake in front of him obviously has other opportunities. Among the ten heads, other supernatural powers are included. This blood mang can actually suppress the monks in the sky array monks at the same time suppress, how amazing! However, the performance of the ten-eyed blood mane obviously caused a great loss to the ancient ten-eyed snake. The blood color of its ten blood crystal-like eyes faded, exposing deep fatigue, and the color of the scales of the whole body suddenly became dim. The blood line color has also faded a lot.

But at this moment, the body was weak, but there was no worry in it. The reptiles had been completely suppressed by it without any resistance. Although the control time was limited, it was enough for it to devour them together! After eating these reptiles, the loss of power can be restored, and you can even go further and become a beast! With this thought in mind, the simple spirituality of the ancient ten-eyed snake also gave it ecstasy, but looking at the scorpion and beasts in the stubborn beast, it was a cold and murderous tyranny!

The huge body contracted slightly, and a squeak sounded, the scorpion's body collapsed, the fragmented body melted away, and eventually disappeared.

The Barry Disk suddenly trembled, and a "click" sound came quickly, and cracks appeared on the smooth and flat disk, starting to spread from the core to the surrounding area.


Above the array, the old man with a humpback, Yu Wentuo, and red sleeves were used as monks. His body twitched severely as a result of an electric shock. Juyuan Ningbei arrived in the sky array and was destroyed. Although they have been suppressed, they still cannot escape the counterattack force after the array method collapsed, and they have been seriously injured.

The scorpion beast was destroyed and the array was shattered. These monks have lost all their resistance. A scream came from the mouth of the ancient ten-eyed snake, and the wounded snake head protruded instantly.

Although it does not have complete intelligence, it can also sense it clearly. The old man in front of him is the main person who controls the scorpion and beast, which has caused him severe injuries. The weakness in the body made the ancient Ten-eyed Snake even hungry, even hungry than when it was just awake. It was already a bit impatient to swallow all the blood and blood in front of it. The hump-backed old man's creation of the king's realm is undoubtedly stronger than the physical temptation.

Under the superposition of the two, it is reasonable to choose the old man with a humpback as the first blood food.

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