Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 760: act recklessly

The monks in the hunting galaxy are busy hunting wild beasts, but as time passes and approaches the period of January, the main object of the battle changes from the monks and the beasts to the fight between the monks and the monks. ? M] After all, one by one, it is far from killing and killing the beasts one by one. This is clear to all monks, and the development of things is reasonable.

It is natural for the strong to plunder the weak. It is naturally normal in the realm of cultivation where the strength is respected. However, people have worked hard to hunt for wild beasts. How can they be willing to hand it over? . Although the creation monks are strong, they will not easily provoke dozens or even more creation monks, so that a larger number of creation monks can preserve themselves. The union of the weak and the interests of the strong touched by nature, so the cooperation between the monks of the creation world came into being ...

The confrontation between the two caused the entire hunting galaxy to sink into a storm of blood and rain. As the last date approached, the situation became worse and worse. Once the monks meet, the strengths are not much different from each other. If there is a large gap, a fight is inevitable. After all, the monks who can live to this moment have a lot of wild beast bodies in each hand, and each kill can get a very rich return.


In the mountains, the monks of the two sides face each other across the river, the atmosphere is dignified, and there is a strong coercion in the air!

There are not many monks on both sides, but there are only ten, six monks on one side, and four monks on one side. But in the sense of breath, these ten are all creation monks! One of the four monks is composed of three creation worlds and one virtual world, while the other is two creation worlds and four virtual worlds. On the surface, it should be that six monks have an advantage. After all, three virtual creation worlds are teaming up enough to compete with ordinary creation world monks, but at this moment, the four monks have the absolute upper hand! Obviously, the current scene is the collision of two strong teams, and there is not a small gap in the strength comparison between the two teams, so naturally it is inevitable to compete. After all, the gains of the monks of creation are far from comparable to the monks of creation. If they can grab the hands, it will be enough to double or more of the beasts in the hands of the winners.

"Be careful, the four people on the opposite side are not weak. If you really inevitably fight, you and I will do your best. It is best to win. If you are not good enough for everyone, you can run away. On the side of the famous monk, one of the creators of the world whispered, his face was full of solemn meaning.

Another middle-aged monk nodded slightly, but felt helpless. Their team of six is ​​not weak, but unfortunately the four of them are powerful. Although they have not met yet, he has already felt a sense of breath pressure, and they have to judge each other. He understood that the old man had already spoken for them, and he really fought. He was afraid that he would be defeated in an instant. The man's eyes twitched as he turned his thoughts, apparently he had moved away.

The remaining four virtual worlds sank in their hearts, but they also understood that this was a fact, and were silent at the moment. But they knew in their hearts that if they really wanted to escape, the two creation monks might be able to escape successfully, and they could only see their luck.

At this moment, the four monks across the river bank were not in a hurry. After a short discussion, one of the black-faced men took a step forward and said with a deep voice, "Dear friends on the other side, I don't want to join you in life and death. Just pay three Just store the ring, and today ’s things are revealed, and you and I will go one after the other. ”Although these four people have the upper hand, they obviously do not want to fight desperately with the other six people, otherwise they wo n’t be able to protect themselves even if they win. Will give people a chance. In this way, naturally it is better to take the second step and not only get a certain spoils of war, but also not hurt. And this choice is also a mild method in the hunting galaxy when the teams of the creators meet and the strength of each other is within a certain level.

Six people along the river bank remained silent at the same time.

The creator of the creation world and the middle-aged monk looked at each other and saw the thoughts in each other's hearts. If they handed over the three storage rings can eliminate the scourge of today, it is naturally an excellent choice for them. To a minimum, without any loss in itself. After all, it is impossible for them to surrender the storage ring.

Among the four monks of the creation world, there was a woman with a graceful and elegant appearance. At this moment, she hurried forward and threw a begging gaze to the middle-aged monk, showing a little charm. The woman traveled all the way. She had already had a dewy marriage with the middle-aged monk for shelter. At this moment, the beauty was begging. The middle-aged monk was thinking of her white and tender body, and her heart was hot, then she nodded slightly without any trace. The charming woman's pretty face suddenly showed surprise, and Lianbu moved slightly to the middle-aged monk, saying nothing.

The faces of the three monks in the creation world became extremely ugly in an instant, and things became clear at this moment. The three of them obviously became the sacrificed chips. But even so, the three were too furious to speak.

"Haha, everyone in Dao is really aware of current affairs. It's so good. Now that a decision has been made, take the storage away to avoid delays in regeneration." The dark-faced man chuckled, and things can be resolved naturally. It could not be better.

"The three Taoists should not be dissatisfied, and the two of them are compelled to do so. Handing over the storage can also protect themselves from threats. I think the three Taoists should be able to make a choice." The old man said lightly. , But the meaning of coercion in Yu Feng is very clear.

The three monks of the creation world scolded in their hearts, but did not dare to show the slightest bit in their faces, struggling for a while, or gritted their teeth and took out the storage of the wild animal body. Compared with life, when the foreign body should be abandoned, it must be abandoned!

But at this moment, there was a faint sound of footsteps coming out of the dense forest on the side of the mountain stream. Although it was not heavy, it was clearly introduced into the ears of all the monks here, and many eyes converged. They couldn't help wrinkling slightly, but after a short shock, one person showed ecstasy in his eyes, and the original unhappiness was gone at this moment.

The comer struck a blue shirt, his face looked indifferent, and he walked quietly, but fell into the eyes of everyone, but it was quite strange. Now everyone in the hunting galaxy is at risk. Even creation monks have to cooperate with others to avoid being plundered. Those who dare to walk alone are bound to be powerful people. It was just that the person in front looked very young, and the sense of breath was blurry as it obscured a layer of fog, but those eyes were calm like a quiet pond, naturally revealing a sense of indifference, which made people dare not to underestimate.

For a time, because of the appearance of this monk, the space suddenly became weird and quiet.

Xiao Chen glanced over the monks on both sides of the river, stopped on a monk on the other side, and arched slightly at him, saying, "Brother Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Among the three monks from the other side of the world, one of them was Yan Mingyue. At this moment, when Xiao Chen appeared, his heart suddenly became safe, and he smiled and returned his hand, saying, "Brother Xiao, I don't want to meet you today. It seems that you really are the noble I hit, and always rescue me from the crisis. In. "

Xiao Chen groaned slightly. He first saw Yan Mingyue when he was assassinated in Liu Yan Pavilion. Although there was a reason for Xiao Chen's plan, on the surface, he still saved Yan Mingyue. All the way from Rongguo to Dayan, he saved his life more times. After careful calculation, this seems to make some sense. Nodding his head at the moment, he said, "It ’s good to know in your heart. Do n’t forget to invite me to have a drink. Right now there is not much time left, so you and I can leave. ”He said lightly, without looking at the other monks, but it was precisely the intimacy revealed in this indifference. Will, the more frightening.

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