Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 768: Courtesy

Xiao Chen smiled and shook his head, and said: "Since you have arrived, you and I will go here.?

Yan Mingyue secretly admired Xiao Chen's calmness. With the opportunity ahead, he could still be so calm. He believed that he could not do it. This was the gap.

With a secret sigh, he strode to chase Xiao Chen.

Because to enter the Great Yan Emperor's Palace, you naturally need to dress up, but it is not convenient to walk forward. Fortunately, in order to please Xiao Chen, the monks in the Pilgrimage Palace had already prepared the frame. Xiao Chen and the two were never polite. After boarding the frame, they headed towards the Great Yan Emperor Palace.


The ancestor Gray Crow stood outside the imperial palace, full of excitement. With years of tempered state of mind, he couldn't suppress all this emotion, and his face rose slightly.

After hearing the news that Emperor Yan had opened the hunting galaxy from Jidu, and that the top three could get the quota of Shenglongchi, he was a little dazed, and then his whole mind was filled with surprises.

Not long ago, he found a small pot of gray translucent ointment from an abandoned cave mansion that was a long time ago. After opening it, the ointment swayed naturally, emitting a faint fragrance. Occasionally, the ancestor of the gray crow found that this kind of ointment had a strong psychedelic effect on brutal beasts. After experimentation, it was concluded that no matter the strength of brutal beasts, as long as they smell the scent of the ointment, they would fall into a drowsiness. The length of time is different.

Originally, with the strength of the gray crow ancestors, he might not be able to secure the place of Shenglongchi, but with this box of weird ointment in hand, he was naturally confident.

And the facts were just as he expected. With the power of the ointment in his hand, he successively killed two brutal beasts who were about to evolve into fierce beasts, and seven or eight brutal beasts in the world-creation-roasted state. And most of the box of ointment left in his hand was also exhausted in the hunting galaxy. Although a little distressed, after all, this kind of thing is left over from a long time ago, without the formula and refining methods, it will no longer be available after use. However, in exchange for the quota to enter the Thang Long Pond, in the eyes of the ancestor of the gray crow, it is still an extremely cost-effective deal. Absorbing the power in the Dragon Pond to improve the purity of the blood in the body, and thereby increase the potential of cultivation, he is sure to break through the creation peak of the creation of the king, and even gain the opportunity to hit a higher level!

How could this kind of opportunity not make him excited?

But at this moment, a ray of light whizzed in from a distance, and it had already fallen far from the front of the imperial palace, slowly coming here.

The two red-tailed fire lions are pulling the cart. There is a long red hair at the end of the long tail, and the tail dances and burns like a ball of flame.

The coachman was arranged by the pilgrimage palace. Although his appearance was not good, he was cultivated in a virtual world, but now he is willing to be a coachman without any complaints.

The carriage stopped not far from the palace gate, and the coachman jumped down and said respectfully, "My lord, the palace is here."

When the car door opened, Xiao Chen took the lead, swept his eyes around, walked off the frame and slightly bowed his hand to this person, saying: "It's time to work." I can arrange for a virtual creation world monk to drive the car for him, even if the pilgrimage palace is intentional. , This sincerity is enough.

The coachman was slightly low, but he was a little excited. After all, the rumored person in front of him was most likely to be the strongest creator. He hurriedly said, "You are welcome, I will park the coach here and wait for the adult to return."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and after Yan Mingyue got out of the car, without talking to him, the two of them walked towards the palace gate.

The ancestor of the Gray Crow had a faint guess after seeing the frame. At this moment, seeing Xiao Chen and Yan Mingyue walking, he hesitated a little, or two steps forward, and said respectfully, "The Gray Crow has seen Master Xiao Chen. "In the voice, there is enough awe.

Then he nodded slightly to Yan Mingyue as a greeting.

Yan Mingyue nodded in return, and based on the cultivation base of the ancestor Grey Crow, if it were not for Xiao Chen's sake, there was no need to look at him. This action had already given him a bit of face, and Yan Mingyue would naturally not be dissatisfied.

Xiao Chen nodded, spoke faintly, and said, "You don't have to be polite, please start." The voice was calm and there was nothing wrong with it.

The ancestor of Grey Crow felt a little relaxed, but stood aside in awe without reducing his awe. He was able to rank second in the hunt because of the effect of the unknown ointment in his hand. Xiao Chen was able to stand here, relying on his own power. The golden one-finger picture and shadow jade slip, the ancestor of the gray crow has been watching countless times in the past half month, and every time he was shocked in a cold sweat, and then rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he had never been embarrassed with Xiao Chen at the beginning, otherwise he is afraid that he has already been caught. Just erase it. Seeing that Xiao Chen didn't intend to settle the old accounts with him, he naturally had to be extra cautious so as not to provoke Xiao Chen and bring disaster to himself. Now that there are people who are suspected of being the creator of the world, after experiencing the rise of the blood in the body of Shenglongchi, Xiao Chen's potential will inevitably increase, and his future achievements are limitless!

Thinking of this, the ancestor Gray Crow looked more respectful and awe-inspiring.

Although Xiao Chen didn't know this old weird idea, he could tell from his expression that he didn't mean to be embarrassed with the ancestor of the gray crow. Seeing that he was sufficiently respectful, he would naturally not get into trouble.

The three of them just stood still, a court attendant guarding at the gate of the palace lit up, ran all the way, bowed to Xiao Chen respectfully, and said: "The slave sees the Lord, your majesty has an order, you can go directly when you come. Donghua Hall waits a moment, and your Majesty will summon him in the back."

Xiao Chen secretly said that Emperor Yan had spent his thoughts in attracting him. First of all, the honor of not kneeling down on the decree, and today's behavior, just to make him grateful, for fear that it would be wasted. But he didn't show any signs on the surface, and said, "So, I will trouble my father-in-law to lead the way."

"The slaves should do it, please, please." The attendant said respectfully, opened the gate of the palace, and led the three to the Donghua Hall.

The ancestor Grey Crow shook his head secretly. He stood outside the palace gate for a while, but he didn't see the attendant answering him. It turned out that people were waiting for Xiao Chen on an order. For fear that he was waiting outside in a hurry, he directly summoned him into the palace to wait. From the point of view, it is enough to see that His Majesty Yan Huang attaches great importance to Xiao Chen.

He and Yan Mingyue were able to enter the palace ahead of time, all of them occupied Xiao Chen's light.

This is the gap.

The old monster secretly shook his head, but he dared not show any dissatisfaction. Xiao Chen can get this kind of courtesy because he has enough qualifications. If he was the strongest person in the world, Emperor Yan would treat him the same way. If you are inferior to others, how can you not be envious.

Under the leadership of the attendant, the three passed through the heavily guarded imperial palace and arrived outside the Donghua Hall unimpeded. Although it is only a side hall, it is still built luxuriously and magnificently, showing the imperial authority. The auras flashing from time to time at the corner of the palace, seemingly dim, but faintly exuding a palpitating wave of restraint.

"Master Xiao Chen, the slave will take you here. You and the two adults will enter the hall. Your Majesty will naturally send someone to summon you later." The attendant bowed respectfully and turned and pushed to one side.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, stepped up the steps and stepped into the Donghua Hall.

Yan Mingyue and Old Ancestor Grey Crow followed behind.

The Emperor Yan had obviously given orders. Xiao Chen and the three of them arrived, and the maidservant in the palace saluted at the same time, leading the three of them in the whereabouts seat, and the maidservant brewed good fragrant tea and served it with a variety of delicate desserts. open.

Yan Mingyue reached out and took out a piece of green round pastry with delicate patterns and put it into the mouth. She took a sip of the tea cup and closed her eyes slightly. After a few breaths, she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a little surprise in her eyes. Seeing the incomprehensibility in the eyes of Xiao Chen and the ancestor of the Grey Crow, he whispered, "Brother Xiao, fellow Grey Crow, you might as well try this fragrant tea and pastry, and you will naturally know the meaning."

Xiao Chen could tell a little bit from his reaction, and couldn't help but feel a little curious when he heard the words. He would be moved by Yan Mingyue's imaginary creation world, which shows that this refreshment is extraordinary. Take the pastry entrance and take a sip of the tea.

The pastry melts in the mouth and turns into a viscous juice, which blends with the tea to form an indescribable taste, which makes the pores all over the body seem to relax. Falling into the abdomen, it suddenly turned into a different breath flowing in the body, alternating between warm and cool, but it gave people an extremely comfortable feeling. And during this period, the warm and cold breath that melts into the body splits into two silently, and it can nourish the soul at the top and temper the body at the bottom. Even a cultivator in the creation realm can get a lot of benefits. .

These seemingly ordinary teas and cakes have an effect that is comparable to some high-grade elixirs, and they are priceless. No wonder Yan Mingyue has such a performance.

The ancestor Grey Crow had already tasted it at this moment, with a hint of shock on his face, his eyes had become completely different when he looked at the cup of tea and cakes.

"The tea used for making tea is called a leaf, which only survives on a certain cultivation star south of the Great Yanji. Due to the harsh living environment and the influence of the world, it cannot be transplanted or cultivated. The number of survivors is very small. The growing area is bitter all year round. The spiritual power is thin, but the tea tree has an extremely high root system. It is planted deep in the ground and absorbs all spiritual nutrients. All it provides is a piece of tea. One leaf, one tree only grows one leaf, it is extremely precious, not only the tea fragrance is beautiful It is a superb tea among teas, and contains powerful spiritual power. It is good for monks in any realm. If it is consumed for a long time, it can temper the body and nourish the soul in the subtle way. It is a tribute to the big Yan, Your Majesty Yan Huang Drinking or rewarding. I only tasted a leaf given by your majesty once at the teacher, and the tea fragrance has not been forgotten. This pastry is also made with a variety of treasures, which can complement each other perfectly, which is also rare. Yan Mingyue slowly opened her mouth, saying that her gaze was swept across Xiao Chen, "A leaf is an exclusive tribute to your majesty, and those who are not important ministers in the DPRK or those who have made great achievements will not. I did not expect you and I can enjoy it today. It’s also rare to reach a leaf."

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