Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 780: Sin Star

Xiao Chen was slightly low, his brows frowned, and the words of light had undoubtedly had a great impact on him. Bayi [

The light didn't notice the fault of Xiao Chen, he frowned slightly and said: "The enchantment under my cloth cannot last for too long, otherwise it will attract the attention of Yan Huang. Nowadays, there are two options before you, no matter what you choose I will support either. "

"First, promise the Emperor Yan, I will send you to the Holy Land, halfway, you and I betrayed Dayan together. But this way, even if you and I completely break with Dayan, even between you and me The relationship cannot be concealed. Not only can we not continue to rely on the situation of the big swallow, but I am afraid that we will face hunting in the future. "The light slowly opened without coercion, but objectively analyzed the matter objectively and let Xiao Chen choose for himself.

Xiao Chen was silent, and said, "What is the second option?"

Guangzhao glanced at him, exhaled slowly, and said, "Second, reject the Emperor Yan, I will propose to put you into the evil star domain."

"Sin Star Field?" Xiao Chen whispered, and only a simple name made people's hearts cold. "Elder, I don't know where this is?"

"The starry chaotic burial ground, the evil star field, the Antarctic Liuhuo are the three most famous fierce lands in the Great Thousand Realms, and the main purpose of the evil star field is exile and imprisonment! This is a world completely isolated from the outside world. Countless monks were sent in, but few were able to leave. "Guangzhao Shen said," But any monk who left from the evil star realm can wash away all the blame on his body and will not be held accountable again. That is, Say, as long as you can leave the evil star domain, the Emperor Yan can no longer embarrass you with the blood of the emperor. "

Xiao Chen was low, apparently considering the matter in silence.

Guangchang opened his mouth and still whispered: "Xiao Chen, there are countless sinister monks in the Sinister Realm who have not been beheaded, and many trespassers have broken into it. Since ancient times, no one knows What's going on inside it, but if you enter it, you may never come back. In all fairness, I don't want you to choose the evil star domain, because this is likely to kill your life. You and I defect, Zhongyan Lao Ghosts may not be hunting down. You and I have a lot of chances to get out of the house, and then you can slowly escape from it. "This is his reminder to Xiao Chen, and it is also the real thought in his heart.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, signalling that he was clear in his heart, raised after a few breaths, his hesitation had disappeared, and the rest was firm. "Elder, Xiao Chen has made a decision, and I choose to go to the evil star domain."

He raised his hand slightly and said, "I know this choice is very dangerous, but if the elders defect with Dayan together with me, the Zhongyan old ghost will certainly not let you and me out. After all, from the surface, you and me Already have threatened Zhong Yan's qualifications to take charge of the rule of the Yan Kingdom. Although the elders are strong, but in the face of the real monk hunting monk, how can they be separated? Rather than drag the elders to death with me Big danger, it ’s better for me to go into the evil star field and let it go. Maybe I have better luck. I can get away from it and all the dilemmas will be resolved. My luck has always been excellent. ”

"The identity of you and me must not reveal anything until you have enough strength to protect yourself. While staying in the kingdom of Yan, you can take advantage of the situation of the kingdom of Yan and have endless benefits for you and me in the future. Xiao Chen made This decision was not simply an impulse, but a decision that was made after careful consideration. I also asked the elders to persuade me. "

The light kept silent, and he nodded slightly after a while, saying, "Xiao Chen, I've been waiting for you for a hundred years in thistle. If you still haven't escaped from the evil star domain within a hundred years, I will enter you to find you."

Xiao Chen was slightly stunned, and then he warmed himself, bowed a hand slowly, and said slowly, "Elders rest assured, Xiao Chen will come back within a hundred years." The voice was calm, but it contained a very strong confidence.

The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Xiao Chen arched his hand and said, "Elder, Xiao Chen has resigned."

The light nodded, waving his sleeves, the surrounding environment suddenly distorted, and the white mist dissipated. When the sight was restored, he was still on the stone bridge, took the first step, raised the second step, and never fell, and The surrounding monks did not notice it at all.

I am afraid that this great magical skill can only be possessed by monks who are on the verge of experiencing the great danger of Hongmen and Mongolia.

Xiao Chen slowly raised, his face calmed, and his heart became more secure. Now that he knew the ins and outs of things, he was naturally ready to go without any restlessness.

His party crossed the stone bridge, passed the layers of defense, and reached outside the Imperial Study Room.

After the passage, Xiao Chen stepped in, and the study door behind him closed slowly. He glanced slightly and saw the light sitting on the left side. Now he nodded slightly to him, seemingly calm, but let Xiao Chen understand. Everything was not illusory before.

He reconciled his thoughts, saluting politely, and said, "Chen Xiaochen, see Your Majesty, and I have seen Lord Guangzhao."

After sitting at the desk, Yan Huang nodded slightly when he heard the words and said, "No need to be polite, flatten it." The words fell, and his eyes fell on Xiao Chen. "Two days have passed, I wonder if you have thought about it and made it. Got a choice? "

Xiao Chen arched his hands, and Shen Sheng said, "Under his Majesty, Xiao Chen is a monk from the lower realm. Before me, four twin monks have risen to the Thousand Realms. The minister wants to find them, and cannot be trapped in one place. "

Yan Huang's face sank, her eyes rolled coldly, and her voice became more indifferent. "So what do you mean?"

"The minister did not want to go to the Holy Land!" Xiao Chen said, his voice was calm but decisive, and his firmness was clear and obvious, and there was obviously no room for turning.

Yan Huang's eyes narrowed slightly, and she slowly said, "Okay! Very good! Xiao Chen, you really have the courage." In the front of the language, there has been murderous revealing!

But at this moment, without waiting for him to make a decision, the light hummed and said coldly, "Xiao Chen, don't you know how to be good, and live up to your heart of tolerance and generosity, or you will find your own way to death. regret!"

"Master Zhaoguang's Ming Jian, it's not that Xiao Chen doesn't know what to do, but there is something inexplicable. Please forgive me." Xiao Chen's face was bitter, and his hands were deeply saluting.

"Xiao Chen, I ask you again, would you like to return to the Holy Land with me?"

Xiao Chen was silent, eventually shaking his head to refuse.

The light surface sinks like water, saying: "Since you do not want to enter the Holy Land, this seat will give you another option to send you into the evil star domain! If you can safely exit from the evil star domain in the future, your Majesty and this seat will no longer use The emperor's bloodline is difficult for you, and you will stay in Dayan. "

"Is that true, Lord Light?"

"Nature is true!"

"Xiao Chen is willing to go to the evil star domain!"

The light smiled angrily, "Okay! Since you are desperate to die, this seat will be complete for you!" The words fell, he wanted Yan Huang to arch his hand, and said, "Your Majesty, Xiao Chen chose to refuse to enter the Holy Land, please send him The evil star field, as to whether he can return alive, depends on his creation. "

Yan Huang frowned slightly, hesitated or nodded slightly, and her eyes fell on Xiao Chen. "That being the case, I agreed to this matter. I only hope you don't regret it in the future." In all fairness, it is the best in Yan Huang's heart. As a result, Xiao Chen was sent to the Holy Land, which can ensure that his imperial power will not be impacted, and in the future, Dayan may have another strong footstep in Hongmeng. But since Xiao Chen refused, he must not be left behind, so as not to become a poster child. Sending him to the Sinister Starfield is equivalent to condemning Xiao Chen's permanent exile. Even if he does not die, there is no possibility of returning!

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