Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 782: arrangement

The expression of light returned to indifference again, nodded slightly, and led by Xiao Chen straight to Baiyuan. ? [{八 [一 小说 {网 W? W] W ?. > 8) 1] Z] W. Com

In a short time, the news of Xiao Chen leaving the imperial palace and returning to the pilgrimage palace spread quickly and spread to the whole thistle.

"Master Gong!" The monks of the Rongguo mission watched Xiao Chen return, one by one overjoyed, and came to see them one after another. They did not know the identity of the light, but when Xiao Chen looked respectfully in this face, he naturally saluted and did not dare to pretend .

Xiao Chen waved his hand to arouse the crowd, groaning slightly, and said, "I have committed guilt in the imperial palace, and will be exiled into the land of sin today. I wonder if there is still a period of return. You do n’t want to stay in thistle anymore, immediately Rectify the mission personnel and return to Rong country. "Yu Luo, he did not explain too much for them, leading the light to the Xuezhangyuan where he lives.

The deputy ambassador and others were stunned, but soon came back, Xiao Chen was going to be exiled into the evil star domain. Although they did not know what the cause was, they were obviously extremely guilty. They could not help but tremble in fear that they would be implicated in staying for a long time.

"Call a missionary monk right away, let's immediately file with Dayan Li and return to Rong State!"

The deputy spoke anxiously, and all the monks of the mission immediately dispersed.

Bai Yuanjing is the residence of Xiao Chen. Although it is rumored in Jidu that he has been imprisoned by the Emperor Yan, no one dares to enter his residence half a step at will. Xiao Chen pushed open the door of the courtyard, leading the light to sit up.

"I have a subordinate who suffered a serious injury during the conflict with the Hun State Mission. He is still in a drowsiness. I need to put him in place and deal with some things." Xiao Chen explained, but not When he said more, Yan Ming came hurriedly, people were unknown, and the voice had reached, "Brother Xiao, what's the matter, but is it all right?"

Suddenly seeing the light shining on, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly saluted, saying, "I've seen Lord Light."

The light raised his hand slightly to signal that he didn't need to be polite.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and said, "Presumably you already know, I will not conceal you anymore. Your Majesty gave me two choices to enter the holy place to cultivate or exile in the evil star domain. I chose the latter. "

Yan Ming's face was stiff, and anxiety suddenly appeared in his eyes when he looked back. He glanced at the light a little, and still whispered, "You're crazy! Sin galaxy, it's a place where you can't get in, can you I really want to plant it and never come out again! What ’s so bad about going to the holy land? Even if you ’re stuck for a while, there is always a chance to get out. If you want to change your mind, I ’ll ask the teacher right away and take you into the palace Meet Your Majesty, please Your Majesty, please recover your life. "He hurriedly spoke, his anxiety in his heart.

Xiao Chen's heart was warm, but he still shook his head and said, "Since I have made my choice, I naturally know what kind of evil star field is. The chaotic star burial ground was not able to trap me. This time, I can leave alive in the evil star domain. Well, Brother Yan, you should understand my temperament, the things that have been decided will not change. I know you are good for me, but there are some things you do n’t Clearly, don't overdo it. "

"Yeah!" Yan Mingyue sighed and looked helpless on Xiao Chen's face. "If you insist, I won't say more, just take care of yourself, don't forget that thistle has me too a friend."

Xiao Chen reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't act like life and death, do you really want me to die in the evil star domain. You are here just now, I still need to ask you something."

"What's the matter, Brother Xiao said it was okay." Yan Mingyue spoke directly without hesitation. Apart from others, this attitude alone makes people feel comfortable.

Xiao Chen smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. You should know that Daoxian and I were seriously injured during the conflict with the Huns. I haven't awakened yet. I have beaten the Rongguo missions and left Yan. Brother take care of him for a while. "Speaking here, he flashed aura of light on his hand, took out a jade bamboo slip, and said," Among them, what I have told Daoxian is the trouble. After he wakes up, Brother Yan will trouble. "

Yan Mingyue took Yu Jian, took out one of the jade boxes, put it away, and carefully put it in the storage ring. He said, "Okay, Xiao Xiao, rest assured, I will take Dao Xian to the hospital to take care of him."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, hesitated slightly, but finally said nothing.

But Yan Mingyue already saw Xiao Chen's thoughts from his hesitation, and nodded gently to him, "Brother Xiao rest assured that I will be on duty in the palace in the future. If there is an accident, I will certainly not stand idly by." He said , Naturally is the sincerity in the Great Yan Emperor's Palace.

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded. "So, I have nothing else to do. Your Majesty only gave me one day. I don't want to delay too much. After handling these things, I will return to the Imperial Palace with the light."

"Wait, I was there at Yunli. I heard that you had left the Imperial Palace. I thought it was okay. I brought some drinks to celebrate with you. I don't know if this is the situation." Yan Mingyue smiled bitterly and took out a storage Caution, said: "There are a lot of drinks in it that will bring you into the evil star domain. I don't know what's going on there, but I'm afraid you don't have much chance to drink this good wine."

"By the way, and the corpse of the ancient ten-eyed snake, I have brought it back, and now I will also give it to you. Do n’t do n’t, I have won the chance of Shenglongchi through it. Expectation. "

Xiao Chen thought a little bit, nodded and reached out to take over.

"Brother Yan, my identity is a bit sensitive now. You must stay here for a long time, and take Daoxian away. I will leave Jidu tomorrow. You must come to send me, so as not to cause your Majesty to be unhappy. You are now the commander of the Royal Army. "

Yan Mingyue nodded and sighed, "Okay, I listen to you. So Brother Xiao, you and I will see you later. Hope this day will not be too far away."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, saluting the light, saying: "Master Illuminati, I want to send Brother Yan out, and please allow the master?" His relationship with light is still a secret today. If he wants to be hidden, he must hide enough Deep, can't be taken lightly at any time.

The light face was indifferent and nodded slightly.

Xiao Chen sent Yan Mingyue to leave the Xuezangyuan, and Zhuo Liang is still standing respectfully outside the door. He has already considered clearly that, as his Daoxian's confidant, he has already been imprinted with the national father's department, even if he returns to Rongguo Will also be hidden or even guilty. So when the mission monk left in a hurry, he chose to stay.

"Guo Gong, Lord Yan." Zhuo Liang saluted, respectfully.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed in surprise, "Zuo Liang, didn't you follow the mission?"

"Zhuo Liang can have today, and defeated Dao Xian. The adult has been promoted. Now that the adult has never recovered, I will naturally stay with the adult." Zhuo Liang whispered.

Yan Mingyue nodded, showing satisfaction on his face, apparently very satisfied with Zhuo Liang, "Brother Xiao, you just go back, I will take Daoxian with Zhuo Liang."

Xiao Chen flashed aura in his hand and took out a ring-shaped treasure and a storage ring. "The treasure is given to you, just hold it. The storage ring contains some element crystals, which should be enough for your daily use. Take good care of Daoxian, I won't treat you badly. "

"Xie Guogong!" Zhuo Liang looked more respectful and saluted deeply, and took the treasure and jade with both hands.

Xiao Chen stood outside the Xuezang Courtyard, watching Yan Mingyue leave and turned back to the courtyard.

The light saw him return, waved his sleeves, and immediately imposed a restraint in the entire courtyard, saying: "You have Yan Mingyue away, there should be something to tell me, is there something that has not been completed?"

"Rong Guoxuan and noble people have deep roots with me. I have asked Yan Mingyue to take care of it, but if there is something wrong, please ask the elders to take it."

"Okay, but what else?"

Xiao Chen groaned slightly, reached into his arms, and took out a black stone.

At that time, when he ascended to the Thousand Realms, there were not many monks who were qualified to ascend with him. There were only a few monks including the six monks in the left eyebrow. At this moment, he waved a move, the aura in the Xuezhangyuan flashed, and the dense monks appeared instantly.

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