Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 785: Those messy and scattered ...

The ancestor stood up and said respectfully, "The Ximan one-star land has been occupied seven days ago and is willing to return. [August China W] W]. 8> 1ZW.COM"

"Beijing's two-star civil war was struggling. Our army took advantage of the situation and already controlled the two stars. Although it has not formally surrendered to surrender, it should have results in a few days." Zhang Liangdong saluted.

"The Shanyue rebellion has been settled, as many as possible have been beheaded and killed. The Zhulian ethnic group, the follower is light, and the others are not punished. During the report of the successful and rebellious forces, the Shanyue monks have given due rewards according to the standards set by the adults." Fan Lin looked very calm. After experiencing the fighting by the army, his temperament became more stable, and he had a general style.

These three people are currently the most heavily used by Quan, who are in charge of the three armies. The rest followed Xiao Chen's ascension to the heavens, earth furnace, Zhang Mangong, Li Taolue, etc. of the Great Thousand Realms.

After Xiao Chen left, Quan led the crowd into the border galaxy of the dead Lao country, and established his foothold in the shortest time. Any attempted provocation was coldly wiped out. After the break, the army began secretly maneuvering into the extraterrestrial space to expand its territory. In a short period of time, even the next 13 stars of cultivation, although most of the grades are inferior or even do not enter the market, have still expanded the territory owned by Xiao Chen nearly doubled, and the department of Xiao characters has also been dismantled by Quan to open the front. Two branches, one chaos and one army. The former opened up the territory and was controlled by two people, Zhang Liangdong and the latter. The latter consolidated the territory and was controlled by Fan Lin.

Quan nodded slightly, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "The pace of recent expansion has slowed down a little, so as not to attract the attention of Rong Guo, and fully digest the conquered territory. In addition, secretly recruit troops from all ethnic groups in the wild starfield, I will Within half a year, His Majesty's army doubled. Don't jealous of treasures. In response to the re-reward of the conscription army, the enlisted monks will all give the army to practice Falun Dafa and standard armor treasures in order to attract more monks to invest. "Said here He paused slightly and continued to say, "In addition, he sent people into the old country to spread the news. The Emperor Yan was dissatisfied with the Rong country leader, and determined to choose one of the old countries in the country to take charge of the country's territory. Whether or not people believed I want to let any monk from Lao Kingdom hear the news within ten days, attract all the attention of Rong Guo, and earn more time for us. This matter will be entrusted to the barracks. "

Cold twelve out of the queue, nodded coldly, turned and left. For him, only the adult is truly recognized in his heart. He will obey the adult's orders and obey Quan's orders, but that's all.

Looking at his background, Quan didn't have the slightest anger, but instead showed a little appreciation, raised his hand slightly, and said, "Let's go down to the military and law department to receive their own rewards, do their job well, and wait for the next expansion. The beginning of the frenzy! "

"Yes, Master Quan!" The generals had slightly bright eyes, respectfully retreated and walked away.

Followed by His Majesty Quan, the enemy who always loses in the battle is always the enemy. As long as he performs well enough, he can get the due rewards. All the spoils are in the scope of rewards. Gongfa, treasures, wealth, beauties ... everything is everything, just to see if you have the qualifications to take it away.

Xiao Chen's Majesty Xiao's Department, under Quan's intentional cultivation and indoctrination, gradually became a team of wolves roaring in the wild star domain, cunning and greedy, maintaining the desire for fresh flesh ... that is victory!

Their main victory!


Yan Zi woke up from self-cultivation, her beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, there was a hint of confusion in her eyes, and a faint sorrow she had not even noticed.

Integrating the blood of the Phoenix, under the training of the Master at all costs, the four of them have been astonishingly improved. With the improvement of the practice, the figure in their minds has become thinner and thinner, and now there is only a vague shadow left. . Perhaps after another retreat, or after a breakthrough, this demon can be completely resolved.

But somehow, Yan Zi didn't have any joy in her heart, but she was a bit lost. It was just that emotion flickered in her heart, and the memory in her head clearly told her that Master was the closest of the four sisters, and he would never deceive them. Since Master said he was a demon, it must be so.

Yan Zi took a deep breath, her eyes closed slowly, her long eyelashes trembled, and she returned to peace.

She started to retreat again.

Fully promote my cultivation.

Also dissolving the demon in her heart ...


Grand Chu Emperor Palace.

More than 17,000 pure bloodline women led by Xiaoqianjie. After a lot of screening, most of them can only be reduced to niece. Only a few women can get the identity of Miyazaki. From then on, they became Chu. The emperor's woman has the qualification to serve the emperor.

Today is the time to decide their fate.

The attendant read the screened list with a slightly sharp voice. There are only a few dozen names on it. All the women below are nervously looking forward. The appearance of each name will attract countless envious eyes, because from today, they The identity will change completely.

One is master and the other is slave.

Yu Ji stood quietly in an inconspicuous corner. She has not performed too much in the past few years. While protecting herself carefully, she has not caused any trouble, and she has been extremely careful. Because she knew in her heart what the gate was like the sea, cold and ruthless. The harem concubine seemed to have endless scenery and respect for her status, but the secret intrigue of the gangsters made her guilty, but she was chilling and unwilling to get involved.

The imperial palace already has the grace, and the women who have lost the election can choose to stay in the palace or leave. Careful for so many years, I finally waited for the opportunity to get out. As soon as the results are known, she will ask to leave the palace.

"Spirit, Yu Ji."

Hearing the voice of the waiter in her ear, Yu Ji's beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her eyes were confused, but from the hot eyes around her, she soon realized that she hadn't heard it wrong, and her name was on the list.

Even if the pearl is hidden in the sand, it will eventually be revealed.

Yu Ji took the Jade Butterfly, which represents her palace identity, and looked at the courtyard in front of her, which was named Yunan Tingxuan. Her mouth was helpless.


Da Zhao, Tibetan sword pool.

As the final resting place after the famous sword was destroyed, no monk was allowed to come near to snoop in order to show respect. Therefore, for thousands of years, no one knows that the surface of the burial sword pond, which has not changed in the past, is no longer the same as before.

The world can be called the famous swordsman, the natural quality is superior, and has extraordinary power. Although the sword was destroyed, there was still a trace of the purest strength, lingering on the corpse. The residual power of one sword may be weak, but the hundred swords, thousand swords, and ten thousand swords ... when this power is superimposed in an inestimable amount, the power that can be exploded is still terrifying! But now, this powerful force has disappeared.

In the middle of the funeral sword pond, an inconspicuous long sword was inserted here, and the sword body suddenly trembled slightly, and it woke up from a long sleep.

After a brief silence, it suddenly appeared that it did not want to stay here anymore, it was going to find someone. Although they were far away, it could still faintly sense the breath on him, which made him feel kind.

It doesn't know why it appears here, why it is not completely destroyed like the long swords around it, why it feels kind to this person ... so it has to find the answer.


The blade trembled slightly and slowly pulled out of the ground.

At the same time, the waste swords scattered around it suddenly decayed into mottled waste iron, and spread to the surrounding area with an amazing degree. The entire funeral sword pond was completely destroyed in just a few short interest periods.

Because all the power in the funeral sword pool has been concentrated on a sword, and this sword is now leaving the soil in the funeral sword pool.

call out!

The long sword rose into the sky, scoring a slight black light, tore the space directly, and disappeared into it.

It's going to find him ...


[More at 21:00 PM. 】

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