Li Han's face changed drastically, and Xiao Chen's burst of power had already exceeded his imagination. ?

The strength of the two opposites was almost to the limit, but it was just an instant when they met! Persevere a little, the power of the azure ice soul was smashed to the rear like a rolled water wave, and it was thrown to the back, turning into a azure blue light spot, condensing a piece of ice to sprinkle. In each of these ice, there is an extremely high The horrible ice-cold strength, the surrounding monks faced with horror, and backed up. A iron feather guard monk took a slow step and was dropped on him by a piece of ice. His body was instantly frozen by a layer of ice, still maintaining the previous state. A look of horror, but the breath in him had disappeared. This creation monk was actually killed by a piece of ice Ling Shengsheng!

Li Han's face paled for a moment. Although he had felt the strength of Xiao Chen, the real confrontation between the forces at this moment was still beyond his expectations! If the person's chest was severely hit, his entire body was overturned, and he flew backwards. Li Han reluctantly controlled the figure, his chest was violently undulating, his face turned from pale to red, and he had a bite of reverse blood, but because of this, his injuries were also a little more severe. Looking again at Xiao Chen, his eyes were full of fear and a trace of hidden awe.

Sudden change of events unexpectedly surprised everyone.

Xiao Chen got away in an instant, but just stepped on, tearing the cold cold magical power and knocking him back, how amazing it was!

Wu Jiao's eyes are beautiful, although she knows that the adult is arrogant, but she did not expect that the elders of Shuiyangzong were not his one enemy! Now that they have a relationship with Xiao Chen, if he is in trouble, Wu Jiao, Miao Cheng and Bao Yu will all be safe. They can only hope that Lord Xiao Chen will have enough power for Shuiyang to concede, so that they can protect themselves. may.

Tuomu's face changed greatly, and he stretched out his hand to draw Xi Dongshui, and whispered, "Jiaozong, leave immediately, ask the suzerain to go out!" The words fell, he gritted his teeth, and stepped forward to stand in front of Li Han, "Aoki! "

The voice did not fall, he pointed at Xiao Chen where he was.

Xi Dongshui's face was stiff, and the strength of Xiao Chen's burst of strength made him remorse. Why would it be necessary to provoke him? But things have reached the point where they are today. If Xiao Chen could not be taken down, their Shuiyangzong would have no face! It is irrelevant right or wrong to show things to this point. In any case, Shuiyangzong cannot easily stop!

He glanced at Elder Tuomu. If he had a shot, he might be entangled in this Xiao Chen for a while, and he must rush out the master. After thinking a few times, Xi Dongshui flashed outside his body and turned into a terrifying rainbow.

At this moment, Xiao Chen did not notice the departure of Xi Dongshui. When Elder Tuomu shot, his surroundings changed instantly, his figure disappeared from the long street and appeared in a dark space. Suddenly a cyan light spot appeared, exuding a strong wood spirit breath, then the second, the third ... the number was increasing, and finally filled the entire sight. The whole world seems to be filled with this green light spot.

Xiao Chen understands that he has been drawn into the magical powers, frowning slightly, he suddenly slaps forward with his back hand!

Qingmu Realm is a supernatural power that has been cultivated only after careful study of the wood. Once it is displayed, the monk can be completely trapped. Now he is driving the first layer of Aoki in Aoki Realm, trapping the monk in place and cannot leave go with. After Xiao Chen knocked back the severe cold and hit him back, Tuomu's mind had given up the idea of ​​fighting him directly. All he had to do now was to trap Xiao Chen and wait for the suzerain to arrive.

But at the moment when Xiao Chen took a shot, his face suddenly changed, because Tuomu's current Xiao Chen's palm actually caused the faint signs of collapse in Qingmu Realm, and even shocked his mind! His magical powers belong to Aoki and the like, and the master's defense is extremely tough. Even if the suzerain falls into it, he cannot cause such damage. For a while, he was bitter in heart, and this time, Shao Zong was afraid that he would cause big trouble this time.

Tuomu was bitter in his heart, but there was no panic on his face. He slowly closed his eyes and changed his hands. The cyan light dot filled with void suddenly flickered, and then slowly turned. Now he is procrastinating, but Xiao Chen doesn't give him such a chance. If he doesn't take another shot, I am afraid that Aoki will be destroyed.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, looking at the cyan dots that suddenly flowed around him, and he understood that Elder Tuoyang of Shuiyangzong had shot.

call out!

An ivy is condensed directly from the cyan light spot, and the instant shot will be wrapped around Xiao Chen's calf. At the same time, three green vines were shot at the same time, binding Xiao Chen's hands and feet.

call out! call out! call out...

The dense, piercing sound of the air whistled, and the roots of Ivy slammed, binding Xiao Chen's limbs tightly around his waist.

The second floor of Aoki, Aoki bound!

Xiao Chen slowly lifted, and the green rattan tied to him suddenly shook slightly, making a squeaking "squeak" sound.

Tuomu's eyes opened momentarily, and his pupils contracted sharply. He looked at the looming figure within the cyan light spot, and began to wonder whether he was a human-like monster with some natural power. Ivy is a combination of magical powers, and his tenacity is extremely amazing. And the most amazing thing is that this horrible force to break free comes from Xiao Chen's physical body!


The third floor of Qingmu Realm is also the biggest killing trick of this supernatural power! In the evil star domain, monks who can only passively defend are destined to fail to survive, so Aoki Realm has also been added with amazing lethality.

The ivy wrapped around Xiao Chen's body suddenly showed the side of the cymbal, and the dark green spikes broke through the epidermis, and flickered with a metallic luster, and at the same time, the ivy suddenly shrank vigorously! However, even if the spikes stabbed in Xiao Chen's skin, making a soothing rubbing sound, only a few white marks could be left, and his physical defense could not be broken at all.

In the hunting galaxy and Shenglongchi, Xiao Chen's physical body has undergone two enhancements. Although he knew that his physical body must reach an extremely powerful level, he did not have a clear understanding. However, Tuomu's shot gave him a general understanding. The limit of his physical defense is in the realm of creation, and he will be torn directly in the face of the peak of creation. However, Xiao Chen is already very satisfied with this, and it is enough to resist the physical body of the magical power of the creation king.

After clearing his own defense limits, Xiao Chen didn't mean to delay the time. He hummed in his mouth, and the spikes in contact with his body were instantly broken. He grabbed the Ivy on his backhand and pulled it hard!

The muffled sound of "Oh!" "Oh!"

The ivy wrapped around Xiao Chen's body was ripped apart. After doing this, he didn't pause, raised his hands, and tore in the space in front of him!

The space filled with light spots of green wood suddenly appeared a crack under this tear. The next moment the entire space began to tremble violently, the light spots of green wood soon faded, and everything around was clear again.


[Wait for a friend to come over, the tragedy can't be avoided, at least to accompany him for a meal, the update is still late at night, I hope everyone understands, after all, the intention of others is to comfort me ...]

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