Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 800: Colorful

"Thank you very much. [August Chinese

In today's battle, if Xiao Chen had not forced Shuiyangzong back, the three of them would be implicated and could not end well. At the moment, Xiao Chen speaks, and he receives the cation of the Suzerain Suzerain, and the three will inevitably be taken care of in the Suyang Suzetsu territory. This alone is unclear kindness. What's more, Xiao Chen burst out to be able to counter the strength of the monk who created the peak of the world, and made the three of them awe in their hearts.

Xiao Chen's gaze swept across the three, and he said lightly, "No matter what the cause of Hong Dachuan is, this seat is caused by this seat and should not be implicated in you. This matter does not need to be grateful. This seat has been cultivated for several days. He will leave, and you wo n’t have to bother during this time. "Yu Luo, he straightened up and left in Wujiao, Miaocheng, Bao Yugong.

Entering the cultivation secret room, Xiao Chen waved his hand to ban the ban. Because of the Shuiyang case, the more cautious he was, he spent some energy on the ban and added the effects of defense and early warning. Then he took out the dojo and entered it in one step.

The next moment, Xiao Chen appeared, already in the dojo's secret room. Sitting cross-legged, a flash of aura flashed out of my hand, which contained a gourd exchanged from the black-faced monk. Xiao Chen opened the jade box with his sleeves, his eyes narrowed slightly for a moment, and felt the joy of the slight vibration in Yuanshen, so he reached for the gourd in his hand.

This gourd is about the size of an adult's palm, with a slender middle. The tail looks like a small one big two beads. The whole body is round and smooth. The material is like jade and the tentacles are slightly cold. There will be a touch of seven colors every few breaths.

Xiao Chen held it in his hand, groaned slightly, and he started to exert a little force. According to Monk Blackface, this object is extremely solid, and Monk of the King of Creation can not damage the slightest bit. Now that he has earned it, he has to verify it. Soon Xiao Chen's eyes were gradually surprised. His physical strength is now extremely horrible. If he shots with all his strength, he may be more destructive than the magical powers of the Monarch of Creation, but at this moment he keeps working hard until he goes all out and the calabash in his hand remains unchanged.

He slowly let go of his hand, groaned slightly, took out the black sword in his backhand, and stroked down the gourd. However, this time, the black sword, which is sturdy and destroys everything, also returned without success. Its blade edge passed without leaving any trace on the gourd.

Xiao Chen was a little surprised, and then rejoiced. He could not break the gourd with a black sword. Looking at the black-faced monk did not exaggerate, no wonder he would think that the gourd is an extraordinary treasure, but it was a pity that it was missed And finally fell into his hands. But Xiao Chen's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. He put away the black sword and held the gourd in thought for a while, and had to face a question, how to put the gourd back to his own.

The refining of ordinary treasures is nothing more than three methods: blood refining, law refining, and **** refining. After contemplation, Xiao Chen still had to try it out.

With a little flick, a drop of fine blood spilled from his fingertips and landed on the gourd. If it is a treasure without a master, it may be possible to absorb this drop of essence blood, and then complete the preliminary refining, and have some connection with Xiao Chen. This drop of essence blood fell on the gourd, Yin Hong looked like blood crystals, a trace of gold flashed continuously, but could not fit into the slightest point, and was completely shut out.

Blood Alchemy is invalid.

Xiao Chen paused, holding the gourd's hand. There was a mana flow in the palm of his hand to wrap the gourd in it, but after waiting for a while, the mana was always isolated. Xiao Chen tried to continuously increase the refining mana, but there was still no The effect is obviously invalid.

Successive failures, fortunately, he had prepared in his heart, but he was not too disappointed. If it is so simple, it can be put into the hands of the gourd, and the black-faced monk will not make any progress in the countless years after getting the gourd, and can only exchange it with pain.

Now that he has put the gourd into his hands, he is ready to study for a long time. Maybe in the future, he can control it completely. The thought of this, Xiao Chen's heart calmed down.

Both blood refining and law refining have failed, and in the end only God refining is left. These three methods are usually mastered by monks. Xiao Chen didn't have any hope.

But at the next moment, his body was slightly stiff, his eyes suddenly opened, because his consciousness was not blocked in any way, and he easily got into the gourd. But he was not directly expelled by an overbearing force without giving him any time for inquiry.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly. This repulsive force was so strong that he let his Yuanshen tremble slightly. But at this moment, his eyes were slightly flooded, and instead of flinching, his heart was slightly rejoicing. Not afraid of the gourd's counterattack, it was afraid that it would not respond without moving. With movement, you can find opportunities and control it.

Minds moved slightly, and a few strands of divine consciousness came out. As usual, they entered directly, but within a short time, they were shaken again. Xiao Chen was ready this time, but he could only see through the consciousness, and faintly saw a void, and in this void, it seems that the seven colors are wandering ...

An empty space, slowly floating in seven colors.

This is a blurry picture that appeared in Xiao Chen's mind. He looked at the seven colors and suddenly thought of something in his heart. He secretly miscalculated and forgot the most important point.

When the black-faced monk took out the gourd, a strong possession suddenly emerged from his primordial spirit, making him want to take it into his hands regardless of what it was, and this gourd, it has seven colors flashing.

Yuanshen, gourd, colorful.

Xiao Chen suddenly thought of the relationship between the three. He was slightly excited in his heart and intuitively seemed to have grasped the key of the matter. When the idea enters the space of Yuanshen, his Yuanshen suddenly opens his eyes, gold as the base, and his body flashes with faint colorful from time to time. A consciousness emerged from the Yuanshen and gathered in the Yuanshen space. There was a faint golden light on it. On this golden light, there was a slight flash of colorful light.

Looking at this scene, although Xiao Chen has guessed in his heart, whether this is the case still needs to be verified. His mind moved slightly, and this **** came out of the body and went directly into the gourd. The next moment the Yuanshen trembled slightly, and the god's consciousness entering the gourd was shaken out.

Xiao Chen didn't take them back to Yuanshen, looked closely, his heart shook slightly, and he muttered, "It really is."

After the consciousness was shaken out, it was still a touch of gold, but the faint seven colors had disappeared. He lifted it up again, and brought the consciousness that had lost its seven colors closer to the gourd again. Sure enough, the consciousness was directly isolated.

The matter is now very clear. The reason why Xiao Chen can enter the gourd is because of the flashes of colorful colors on his Yuanshen, and these seven colors are exactly the same as the seven colors flashing from time to time on the gourd. There must be some kind of relationship. The current situation, the seven colors carried by Xiao Chen's consciousness disappeared after entering the gourd, apparently absorbed by the gourd.

But he didn't know what it meant?

It was Hulu's recognition of him, or it was simply devouring his power. The Yuanshen changed into gold, and then gave birth to colorful. Although Xiao Chen didn't know what these meant, he could also sense the preciousness of colorful.

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