Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 804: Confrontation

The blue robe swelled, the black fluttered, and the light in the eyes shone!

A torrent of power like the Nu River wades through the flesh and blood, releasing a breathtaking breath fluctuation, and the pressure to suppress the body was directly dissipated! At this moment, the power to confront the peak of creation was revealed. Bayi Primary School?

Xiao Chen whispered: "If you want to kill me today, see if you have this qualification. If I don't die, you will die!" The voice was slightly low, but at this moment it sounded like a **** roar and shook the whole thing. The world.

The strength he showed at the moment shocked all monks!

The cation suddenly changed color, and the pupils contracted violently and looked at Xiao Chen, and a layer of cold sweat was produced instantly to wet the robe. At the peak of creation, no less inferior to Wei Sha's power, Xiao Chen was so hidden! Thinking of the battle that day, it is clear that Xiao Chen is reluctant to show his true power because of the Shuiyang Sect, otherwise, for the moment, I am afraid that the entire Zongmen will be wiped away!

"All Shuiyang monks, exit Dongguo Cheng immediately!"

This weird grabbed Xi Dongshui while drinking, and the figure galloped away without hesitation. The power that Wei Sha and Xiao Chen exploded at the moment will inevitably turn the entire Dongguo City into a dead zone. Any monks who remain in it will be wiped out by the turbulent force of the two!

Each monk Heshou looked pale and hurriedly drove away from here.

God Machine Museum.

The faces of the old man Peng and the old man with smile changed greatly. The former took out a hull model with a flash of light. The aura of light shone exquisitely and exquisitely, and it will appear when you look at it.


During the low drink, the old man Peng pointed and pointed out, the hull model in his hand suddenly mastered, and at the same time, the same change occurred in the entire Shenjiguan ship! This hull model is the core of controlling the entire ship!

At the next moment, a strong driving force spewed out from the stern of the ship, slowly moving and getting faster and faster, whistling away from Wei Yuanxing.

After completing this matter, the old man Peng was slightly relaxed, but his face was still dignified. He looked at Shuiyangzong side by side with the old man with a smile, and his eyes were a little stunned.

"In Dongguo City, who can compete with Wei Sha?"

The smile on the old man's face faded away, and he was slightly silent, and said, "Old man Peng, if you are very sensitive, is it possible that there is no such thing? Is this a little familiar?"

The old man closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly widened after a few breaths, "Xiao Chen!" He had just not shaken his mind. Now, with a little induction, he already knew who the confrontation was with Wei Sha. This weird face was extremely wonderful, shocked and incredible, and finally turned into a bitter smile. Who would have thought that Xiao Chen, a monk who had just entered the evil star domain, had such a terrifying power.

"Two-faced tiger, what should we do now, if Wei Sha has an accident in our realm, I am afraid that you and I will also be implicated by the anger of Master Wei Zheng."

The old man smiled and said, "Old man Peng, do you think the two men are in conflict, do you and I have the right to intervene?"

Old Peng smiled bitterly.

"Weixa was cultivated by Master Wei Zheng himself, and he was repaired with a lot of treasures in his hands. Although Xiao Chen is strong, he may not be his opponent. In addition, today ’s World War I has reached the limit of your interference, no matter the result How can you and I tell you the truth, presumably, Master Wei Zheng should not embarrass you and me too much. "

"But Lord Wei Zheng is not a reasoner."

The two looked at each other, and they all saw the bitterness in each other's hearts. At present, everything can only be left to fate.

Wei Sha's face became extremely ugly, and his eyes were cold. "I say how can you rely on this and dare to contend with this seat? It turned out that there is such a method of radical cultivation. But this seat is to see, your surge of power can How long does it last? "

Xiao Chen chuckled: "There is not much time, but it is enough to kill you." The word dropped his foot and stepped forward, with one hand extended in the sleeve of the robe, and grabbed it suddenly towards the sky above the head.

When this palm was caught, the whole sky suddenly became dark, and the bright and bright stars emerged directly from the darkness, and the rich stars shone.

Reverse Yin and Yang, magical "Juxing"!

"Oriental Aoki." Xiao Chen stretched out his hand a little, and the stars of the East belonged to the green light. "Agglomeration of the Aoki Shenlong, giving the origin of Rumu!" The stars of Aoki suddenly brightened, releasing the rich light, converging in the void and turning into a blue dragon Body, growling for thousands of miles!

"Western Gengjin." Another finger fell, "Cohesion Gengjin White Tiger, the origin of Rujin!" The stars that Gengjin belongs to are scattered, the body of the White Tiger is condensed in the void, and the tiger's eyes are fierce and overbearing. The behemoth style of the beast, dominates the starry side.

"The south leaves the fire, condenses the suzaku from the fire, and gives you the origin of the fire." Suzaku showed up and shouted, burning flames outside, lighting up the sky.

"The thick soil in the north, condenses thick soil basalt, gives the origin of Ru soil." Xuanwu lay on his limbs, his eyes flashed fiercely, roaring like an old cow, dull and heavy, but more murderous.

Concentrating the Quartet's beast is already the supernatural power of "Juxing", but at this moment Xiao Chen has not stopped. He pointed at the stars above his head and said, "The central Kwai Shui, condensing the Kwai Shui Kirin, give you the origin of the water!"

As soon as the unicorn came out, the Quartet beasts roared at the same time, and the whole starry sky shook slightly.

When creating magical powers, it takes a lot of insights and careful attempts before they can achieve. Directly changing the magical powers like Xiao Chen will inevitably lead to internal conflicts of the magical powers. Xiao Chen's face remained calm. Although it was his first shot today, the five elements originated from each other and could converge the Quartet's beast. The central water beast can also exist. He had speculated for a long time that maybe the magical power of "Juxing" was truly perfect after condensing the Five Elements Beasts!

Xiao Chen's control of the five elements' origins can clearly sense any subtle changes inside the supernatural powers. He repairs them to suppress the collapse of supernatural powers, and the inner powers control internal adjustments. There is a faint connection between the five deities and beasts.

At the next moment, the coercive breath emanating from the sky canopy suddenly increased with an amazing degree!

Wei Sha's face changed, and he looked up at the starry five-element beast. Yuanshen gave birth to a sense of crisis, which was strong and clear, which made him cold at first.

"Hundred beasts!" In the roar, the man fluttered his sleeves, and the shadows of the wild beasts condensed directly from the void. The sizes were different, and the solid form looked like a living thing at the same time. The roar was amazing. There are exactly a hundred beastly ghosts. It is Wei Sha who has beheaded and killed powerful beasts in the evil star domain. They are made by the spirit and blood. The magical shots can directly summon the beasts. They all have the power of the heyday of their lifetimes, and they are fierce and fierce, not afraid of pain, and they will never stop listening to manipulation!

Hundreds of wild beasts roared, turned into virtual shadows and rushed to Xiao Chen, before they approached, they sensed the fierce air from them!

Xiao Chen sneered, and stretched out his hand to shoot forward, "Gathering the five elements, shaking the sky!" The sound did not fall, and the five-party beasts condensed on the stars' sky were roaring to the sky, and the five pillars of spiritual power rose into the sky! The east is wood, the west is gold, the south is fire, the north is soil, and the middle is water. The power of the five elements is in harmony with each other, and a layer of invisible seals suddenly appears from the clouds, covering the shadows of hundreds of wild beasts!

Although the beasts have no sense, but after all, they are formed by the soul and blood of the wild beasts, and they are shrouded in fetters. They are full of fear in their tyrannical eyes! This is the fear of the breath of ancient gods and beasts, even if they are dead, they cannot escape.

Wei Sha's mind suddenly burst. His beast magical power can be enhanced by continuously killing powerful wild beasts, and now has reached an extremely amazing level. However, he did not expect Xiao Chen to take a shot. The magical power was not under him, and the violent shadow of the wild beasts would even be deterred.


This person has noticed Xiao Chen's trouble, but when they meet, they are destined to have only one person to continue to live! And Wei Sha has enough confidence in his heart that the person who can continue to live must be him!

He shouted loudly, and the eyes of the beasts turned red at the same time, and even his body was strangely showing a layer of blood, but the power they burst out soared in a short time.

The surge of power brought by the rage freed them from their fear of the breath of the five gods and beasts, and roared towards the sky.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly, and the Five Elements Beasts burst out, welcoming the ghosts of hundreds of wild beasts.

The two sides were extremely fast, and they suddenly collided in the void, bursting into an astonishing and fierce killing!

In the roar of Qinglong, a giant bear-sized beast of the size of a mountain was entangled, and its strong and strong body suddenly contracted forcefully. At this time, several brutal beasts pounced wildly and fought against the blue dragon. surface!

The white tiger's sharp claws are like a knife, deep-inserted into the hunting object, and the blood bites the head of the wild animal underneath it, regardless of the wild animal that is biting wildly behind it, tearing its head off!

Suzaku's body was wrapped in the flames of flames, and several fire beasts set off a sea of ​​flames to fight against it.


For a while, the scales were broken and flesh flew. Unless their bodies were all made up of pure mana, otherwise the blood would spill over the earth like falling rain! Looking at this scene from afar, it seems to recreate the scenes of the wild days. The beasts slaughtered between the heavens and the earth, the beasts roared and shook the sky!

In the town of Five Elements, the strength of the Five Elements Beasts was greatly increased, and the damage suffered could be repaired in the shortest time. The beasts of the beast were suppressed by the town. Although they were not afraid of death and madly killed, they remained the same. Fall in the downwind!

Wei Sha's face was extremely ugly, but his heart was bleeding. The ghost of every beast is made by his hard work to kill the wild beast and take its essence and blood. Although it will not be completely destroyed after being killed, it will greatly scare the spirit and essence, even if it can be re-used. Summoning, the power of the barbaric ghost will also be greatly reduced. Now seeing the beasts lost in the shadow, he did not want the hard-working magical powers to be greatly discounted on Xiao Chen. He reached out and snarled at the same time as the remaining wild beasts, the figures slowly disappeared.

The Five Elements Beasts experienced slaughter, and the shape was slightly faint, apparently depleting a lot of power. At the same time, they roared at the same time, and the figure flew towards one place. Not yet approaching, the bodies of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Kirin Five Elements Beasts spread out at the same time, turning into pure five-element powers, which instantly merged into a ball, turning like a huge vortex of energy, turning into a town of five elements, heading straight Wei Sha suppressed.

The whirlpool of energy of five elements and five colors screamed, Wei Sha's eyes narrowed slightly, stepped out one step, raised with one hand like a knife, and slashed forward!

The eye-catching dagger suddenly appeared, thrusting up and cutting into the Five Elements Vortex.

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