

There were two sounds one after the other, one was crisp and the other was slightly stuffy. [August 1 W] W]. 8> 1ZW. Com

The black sword in Xiao Chen's hand hangs low, and Wei Sha's blood sword hits Xiao Chen's chest, pressing Ziyuan Beast Armor into a small pit.

"The sword in your hand does not have my sharpness, and the leather on your body is not as strong as mine. How can you not die?" Xiao Chen whispered, his voice had not yet dropped, and Wei Sha's forehead appeared with a bloodstain, slashing downwards, Runs through his entire body to the waist.


The body was split into two halves and dropped on the ground.

But then Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed, because there was no drop of blood flowing out of the fragmented body in front of him, and in his gaze, he dried up and became a scarecrow.

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Today, he exhausted all means and even heeded the limit "Smashing Yuan". He wanted more than just killing a stand-in!

He closed his eyes slightly, his eyes widened suddenly after a few breaths, and his mouth yelled, "I see where you are going!" The next step was taken by his feet, and the figure turned into a screaming rainbow.

Wei Sha's figure appeared directly. He had used the elder brother's concealment sign, but he did not know how Xiao Chen saw through him! At this moment, he screamed in his mouth, and headed for the magical treasure ship in front!

"I'm Wei Zheng's brother, and the monk Shenjizong will soon rescue me!"

On the deck, the old man Peng and the smiling old man suddenly changed color. The former did not hesitate. He took out the magic treasure ship model in his backhand and reached out and pointed. Thrown from the Shenji treasure ship, instantly entangled Wei Sha's figure, and pulled him directly into the ship!

Lao Peng's hands were connected, and all the bans on the magic machine treasure ship were opened, consolidating a strong banning guardian force.

"Old man Peng, drive the treasure ship away!" The old man smiled angrily.

Old Peng looked up and looked in the direction of Dong Guocheng, Shen said, "It's late."

At the end of the line of sight, Xiao Chen came out in the air, and every step he took, he could cross the endless space, as fast as lightning, and when it flashed, he had already arrived. He looked up at the magic machine in front of him, and slowly spoke, "This seat is unwilling to be the enemy of Shenji Zong, surrender this person, and let the matter go."

The old man Peng looked dignified and shook his head slowly when he heard the words. "The old man advised Xiao Chen that Daoyou should leave now. I have sent a letter to Monk Shenji for help. Presumably, there will be Monk Shenji. You want to get away, I'm afraid it's too late! "There is a God machine treasure ship forbidden to block, this old weird heart is slightly relieved.

Wei Sha fled into a safe place now, with a little peace of mind, looking at Xiao Chen full of resentment. Today, he repeatedly damaged treasures, and even saved his life by using a substitute man, and he was taken more than half because he urged the substitute man, even if he recovered in the future, he was afraid that it would drop a level. Thinking of this, the hatred of Xiao Chen in his heart, even the exhaustion of river water can not be washed away! I think he has a strong posthumous strength, who has suffered such a humiliation and suffered such a big loss!

"Xiao Chen, I have something in my mind today, and one day, I will let you kneel in front of me, I cannot survive, I cannot die!"

The old man Peng and the smiling old man changed their faces at the same time, and scolded Wei Wei as being foolish. At this moment, he dared to be so arrogant. If he angered Xiao Chen, I don't know what kind of change would happen! Now the two are completely in awe of Xiao Chen, but in the eyes of all people, Wei Sha flew to the magical treasure ship. In any case, they had to bravely pick him up. Otherwise, Master Wei Zheng will inevitably bring all the monks on the treasure ship in the future. Kill the funeral for Wei Sha!

Xiao Chen's eyes glanced over Wei Sha, calm and waveless, but getting colder and colder, "I'll say the last time in this seat, can you make a deal?"

Old Peng clenched the model of the magic treasure ship in his hand and slowly shook his head.

Xiao Chen didn't pause. He stepped forward and approached the Shenji treasure ship.

"Stop him! Stop him!" Wei Sha screamed, watching Xiao Chen approaching step by step, a sudden chill in his heart.

Old Peng gritted his teeth slightly. He knew that his next move might put the entire monk on the treasure ship to death, but he had no choice! Reaching out with one finger, one side of the treasure ship suddenly flashed with aura, and several arrows shot in anger. At the same time, a net restraint followed closely and fell to Xiao Chen ... The restraint of the entire treasure ship At the same time, at the same time, the forbidden attack force poured out frantically.

Xiao Chen raised his black sword in his hands, chopped his arrows, and cut the net forbidden. He moved forward in silence. Any forbidden attack could not stop him at all, step by step, and the distance from the magical treasure ship was continuously shortening.

On the treasure ship, countless monks looked at the approaching figure, their faces paled gradually, and their eyes showed endless fear.

The old man Peng was pale, his lips trembled, and his mind was gradually filled with fear! The forbidden attack of the Shenji Treasure Ship could not stop Xiao Chen at half an hour. Looking at his constant approaching figure, the old man could not help but develop a sense of weakness.

Wei Sha had no blood on his face, and a sudden thought came to his mind. Perhaps today he is really trying to escape ...

Do not!

Absolutely not!

He is Wei Sha, he is Wei Zheng's brother, how could he die! How could anyone dare to kill him!

"Waste! Stop him now! Don't let him come over!" There was an unbelievable fear in the roar of Li Neiyan. And just before Wei Sha opened his mouth, Xiao Chen had come outside the Shenji treasure ship, and there was only one layer of restraining force blocking him.

The black sword was raised in his hand, Xiao Chen didn't pause, and slowly fell to the layer of thick restraint aura of magical treasure ship!

The old man Peng and Wei Sha and others stared at the same time. Now this level of ban is their last hope!

But this hope soon became despair!

The black sword is indestructible, nothing is destroyed, and the magic machine treasure ship restrains the aura. It is easily inserted into it, and it is strongly picked by the hand, which directly tears it open. Xiao Chen stepped forward and the figure went directly into the treasure ship.

The whole space becomes a dead silence!

Wei Sha's face turned pale, his mind was almost collapsed, and he turned to run away, but at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly murmured in the mouth, he didn't do anything, but the whole space was suppressed in an instant!

The power of chaos to seal the town makes the old man Peng, the old man with a smile, and so on unable to move instantly.

Everyone is in his grasp, killing and killing, and decide it with one thought!

"Xiao Chen! You can't kill me! My elder brother Wei Zheng is comparable to a monk stepping on the sky. If you dare to kill me, my elder brother will be killed and buried with me!" Wei Shali Drink mouth.

The old man Peng hurriedly said, "Xiao Chen is a friend, Wei Sha is not false. Lord Wei Zheng is enshrined by my prince, and his strength is beyond the limit of the world. If you do n’t kill Wei Sha, you may have a better chance today. Otherwise, I will regret it late! I also ask my friends to think twice. Don't act impulsively so as not to regret it later! "

Wei Zheng is comparable to the existence of a monk!

Xiao Chen's face sank. He never thought that this matter could even involve such a peak existence! Taking his current practice as an example, even if all methods are used, it is by no means an opponent to the monk who stepped on the sky.

A short silence, just as Wei Sha felt that he had a hope for life again, he slowly shook his head and whispered, "Even if I let this person go, will I be fine in the future?"

Wei Sha's heart contracted instantly, and he sensed Xiao Chen's murderous and cold-hearted murder. "Xiao Chen, my friend, I can swear that I will never embarrass you in the future, and my elder brother will not shoot you for today's things! Let me go , You and I take a step back, and then go each side! "

Xiao Chen can feel Wei Sha's resentment towards him, this resentment can never be resolved as he said. As for the so-called vows, it is not difficult for the monks to step into the sky to crack them. He slowly shook his head and said, "I can't believe you."

The words fell, and he shot them with a backhand.

Since you are going to kill, you will be neat and neat. If you delay it for a long time, you will only have side effects!

"Xiao Chen! You will surely be chased to death by my brother! You will surely die!" Wei Sha's resentment roar came to an abrupt halt, and in a muffled sound, his physical body collapsed and Yuanshen collapsed together.

This time, he really died, and Xiao Chen was erased from this world!

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