Xiaohua is very clingy. The herbs in the medicine basket were cleaned by her and dried. She reached out and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She went to Xiao Chen and sat down, watching Bai Hu's quiet and obedient appearance. She directly figured out the joints, and laughed: "It turns out that Xiaobai, who has always been lawless at home, will be afraid. When Brother Xiao sits here, you become so honest. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W〉.] 8〉 1] Z> W?.? C} O] M ”

Bai Hu screamed with dissatisfaction, raised a tiger claw and covered it directly on his face.

Xiaohua was “haha” laughed by Bai Hu ’s shameful act, and Xiao Chen ’s mouth could n’t help but slightly tilted. But at this moment, his face changed slightly, and he turned to look out of the courtyard, his gaze turned cold.

Two black bears, one black and one brown, appeared not far from the small courtyard, followed by three silver wolves with silver fur as small as a calf. In the sky, there was even a black hawk that had wings wide enough to measure the size of the bird. .

Xiaohua instantly noticed the change in Xiao Chen's look, and looked out of the hospital, she couldn't help but spit out her tongue, "Oh, I forgot that today is the day to see a doctor, Brother Xiao, it seems that we have to push back the time for dinner Pushed up. "She rose directly and walked quickly towards the fence. She untied the dry vines and opened a fence to leave enough passage for these big guys.

Bai Hu suddenly came to a spirit at this moment, before sweeping his low eyebrows and pleasing his eyes, he shook his white hair and shouted at the beast outside the courtyard!

The roar of the King of Beasts suddenly made the forelimbs of several big guys outside the courtyard fall to the ground, deeply buried in awe. The white tiger was even more proud. Its body jumped five or six feet away and lightly fell outside the courtyard. His eyes and majestic walked around these beasts, causing their bodies to tremble.

"Xiao Bai, don't make fun of them anymore, let them in. I'll see where the injuries are." Xiao Hua glared at Bai Hu with a strange look. Growled.

The black bear looked up and looked at White Tiger with fear, but it didn't rush into the courtyard, but looked at Xiao Chen faintly. These big guys all have some simple dexterity and are extremely sensitive to danger. Xiao Chen's serious injuries are also because of the inability of the body breath to converge and disperse naturally, which is why they are aware of it.

Xiaohua laughed: "Dahei, I usually meet you in the mountains with a majestic look. Why didn't you dare to come in today? Don't worry, Brother Xiao is a good man, he won't hurt you, let me see Watch your injury. "

Under the call of the girl, the black bear froze a bit, but came over carefully. It's just that such a cautious guy shows such cautious looks, but it looks extremely funny.

Xiao Chen's face returned to calm. He had seen that Xiaohua was not in danger, but he couldn't figure it out. What method did she use to make these somewhat savvy big guys willing to approach her, and she would come to her for healing. He looked at Xiaohua, the girl's face with a gentle smile, the air was warm and watery, filled with a warm and peaceful taste. Perhaps it was this warmth and peace that made her an ordinary girl who could do it.

"Big black" is the name given by Xiaohua to the black bear. She turned around her body and saw a wound behind her buttocks. The wound was stuttered but not intact, and some places had begun to purify.

"You're fighting with the two browns again? You two can't live in peace for a month. They always fight like this." The girl gave the black bear an angry look, and the big guy actually showed a bit of grievance. .

"You don't pretend to be pitiful with me, and you can't lie down quickly. How can I heal you when you stand so high?"

The black bear lay down obediently, and brought the injured area close to the girl.

Xiaohua inspected it carefully, first sprinkled some pain-killing medicine powder near the wound, took out a bright knife from the pocket of her body, and started to poke the pus, let the pus run dry and clean, then carefully go to it Apply ointment to the wound.

The black bear hummed and screamed. It changed its posture to make it more comfortable for him. Obviously, the process of the girl's injury was not painful to him, but it was more of a pleasure.

It took a little more than half an hour before Xiaohua treated the "big black" wound. She washed her hands and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead with her sleeve, turned to walk in front of it, and patted her nose with her hand. "Open your mouth . "

The black bear obediently, when it opened its mouth, the girl directly threw two pills into its mouth.

The pill was melted at the entrance, and the black bear's face suddenly appeared uncomfortable. He shook his head again and again, his eyes were full of grievances.

"Now I know I'm suffering from taking medicine. What did I do when I had a fight?" Xiaohua Baisheng's finger pointed at the big guy, but he couldn't bear to look at his pitiful appearance, turned around and walked into the room .

"Big black" flashed in front of her eyes, the pain on her face disappeared, looking at the door was full of expectations. By the time the girl came back with a small jar, her face was aching again.

"It's for you, save it to eat, otherwise the honey-juice given to me by the bee colony is not enough for you to eat!"

The black bear's forelimbs hugged the jar with a sniffle and sniffed, his mouth cracked open to reveal the joyful color, and the big head kissed the girl intimately, then turned away.

Xiao Chen laughed at this scene, and he even wondered whether the black bear hurt himself intentionally, and came to enjoy the girl's therapeutic massage and sweet honey.

The brown bear was also injured. Xiaohua counted that the "two browns" were not fighting with the "big black". He still gave him a pill, fed pills, gave him a jar of honey, and beat the big guy away. The remaining three silver wolves and the dark shadows circling in the air, although each is a cold, fierce murderer, but in the presence of the girl is absolutely tame. Xiaohua helped them deal with the wounds, and each gave them some benefits. As a consolation, these big guys were content with each other, leaving one by one and disappearing into the dark mountain forest.

These guys are huge in shape. Although it is not difficult to deal with wounds, it still takes a lot of time in a large area. After they are all beaten away, it is already dusk and the sky is gradually getting dark.

Xiaohua straightened up and wiped the sweat from her head. Although she was very tired, she still had a gentle smile on her face.

There was a grieving roar in Bai Hu's mouth, and he had been sitting for a long time and was already hungry.

The girl was awakened by its scream, turned to look at Xiao Chen, and suddenly apologized, "Brother Xiao, I'm sorry, this time a few of them came together, but I didn't expect it to be so late."

"Xiao Bai, you can go to dinner by yourself. After eating and washing, come back. I'll cook for Brother Xiao."

Bai Hu glanced over Xiao Chen's body, roaring in his mouth, kicking his limbs hard, his body suddenly turned into a white ray and quickly disappeared.

Seeing that Xiaohua was in a hurry to cook, Xiao Chen beckoned with a smile and said, "It's too late, and you're tired, so don't cook. This elixir can relieve hunger and fatigue. "

"This is the spiritual panacea of ​​the monk. I heard Grandpa talk about it before, but he refused to tell me more. I didn't expect to have one today." The young girl reached Bai Jing's little hand and took the elixir and swallowed it. Going on, there was no meaning to be wary. After smashing it, smash it, but it's a small mouth, it seems to be still reminiscent of the flavor of Lingdan.

When Xiao Chen saw this, he shook his head slightly. "Xiaohua, you should always be alert, otherwise you will be hurt."

"Brother Xiao, will you hurt me?" The girl shook her head indifferently. "Little white, big black, two brown, they all look fierce, but they all behave well in front of me, and none of them will hurt me. . Besides, I have to think about guarding others every day. It is too tiring to live like this. I don't want this. "

Looking at Xiaohua's appearance, Xiao Chen couldn't help but hesitate. The original thoughts in his heart gradually hesitated. He groaned slightly, still whispering, "Flower, do you want to become a monk?"

The girl's eyes brightened, "Brother Xiao, do you want to teach me cultivation?"


[First two chapters, eat something to continue coding, there are two chapters before 12 o'clock. 】

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