The anniversary of the Qiang family is also a major event in the city of sin. Xiao Chen had never noticed the turbulent waves in the dark, but he saw the luxury and excitement on the surface. ? [{八 [一 小说 {网 W? W] W ?. > 8) 1] Z] W. Com

The whole Luan government is about to be prepared, and all kinds of things needed on the day of Daqing must be prepared three times in advance, so that in the event of an accident, it can be made up immediately. The house was renovated, and all the slaves changed into brand-new robes. Fortunately, for thousands of years, the Qiang family has already settled the due family heritage. Although it is the first time to deal with this, everything is still orderly. Before the day of Daqing, 66 monks from all parties began to give congratulations. After all, on the day of Daqing, not everyone was eligible to give gifts to the family.

After Wu Changgong left the study, he specially sent someone to tell Xiao Chen that he needed to prepare a congratulatory gift for the day of Dalian for the city of Lin Lian. In the past few days, I was afraid he could not come out to see him, but only said that he would bring Xiao after the day of Daqing. Chen Chang's tour of the Sin City as an atonement. In the next few days, he did not appear in front of others, and he did not know what he was secretly preparing. Xun Changjun came to invite Xiao Chen in person, but he declined it on the grounds that Daqing was not willing to delay him, and Xuan Changjun did not show any abnormality. Before leaving, he confessed to the banquet afterwards and returned. Lord Liu Yun, please be sure to answer.

Leaving aside the other, the two brothers' city government are all deep, and the methods of doing things are quite similar, they are all the same old way meticulous.

Xiao Chen waited quietly for five days, but the blood talisman gradually recovered from his palm, so that his mood was covered with a layer of haze. According to this degree, Wei Zheng would be killed soon. Now that he has done his best to do the things around him, as to whether he can use the power of the evil city to survive this calamity, he can only do his best to listen to the fate of the destiny and wait for the results to be known.


The fifth day, Daqing family!

Starting in the morning, the entire Fu government was ready. When the gate was opened, worshippers continued to visit the gate.

Qilian City greeted guests at the banquet hall. Qichangjun was arranged to welcome guests at the gate. Qichanggong was responsible for counting the congratulations of guests from all parties. As for the second son of Qilian, he has always been inactive and no one will pay attention. Fall on him.

Through today's arrangement, the city of Lianlian has already released a clear signal that the next successor of the family's hereditary elders has already made a choice. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be announced at the ceremony today.

The fight for the inheritance of the two brothers of the family is not hidden in the city of evil, and the monks who can enter the family today are qualified to know this. For a while, the monks from all parties got closer and respectful when they talked with Xun Changjun. Looking at Xun Changgong's eyes, they couldn't help but bring a little compassion. After all, failure in this kind of competition is equivalent to giving up everything possible in the future. Even if you honestly surrender everything, you may not be able to survive smoothly.

The result of the competition may seem cruel, but it is inevitable. Even Lilian City will keep acquiescence to it. Because the family can only have one helm, any internal threat that might threaten the family must be eliminated very early!

Yun Changjun had a strong spirit, and he forbeared in his early years. He only gave up his hand when he was near the Daqing period, and defeated his third brother who was evenly matched or even slightly superior. He has been acquiesced by his father. Today's arrangement is to use this acquiescence. A harbinger of fact.

Although Wu Changgong's face had a reluctant smile on his face, the paleness on his face could not conceal the observations of the people. He originally thought that he would still have a chance to return. After all, the family was still very short, and his father didn't have to rush to set a successor. But he didn't expect that his father's shot was so fast that he didn't give him any reaction time at all, and everything was a foregone conclusion. A bitterness was born from his heart, which made him slightly stunned. He made many mistakes in the statistics of congratulations. Fortunately, a special statistics monk carefully corrected them. Looking at the current appearance of the three masters, they silently completed the matter. No People want to offend him at this time.

The one-eyed elders and others around Wu Changgong were also gloomy, and it was difficult to hide the panic in their eyes. The failure of the three youngsters, as the proponents, will inevitably be jealous of the youngsters, and they will naturally feel sad in the future.

Xiao Chen ignored the elder brother's mood or depression, he was invited to the banquet hall early, and he found a place to sit down casually, holding a transparent crystal cup in his hand, slowly sipping fine wine.

Today he is just a passer-by. He doesn't take his family's affairs seriously and naturally behaves very casually.

Qi Liancheng has been busy greeting guests from all sides, has no time to take care of him, and the monks entering the hall have no one to know Xiao Chen. Although the glance on him will reveal a hint of doubt and curiosity, he still ignores him and looks for his own Acquaintances whispered.

From the outsider's point of view, this was a cold encounter, but Xiao Chen was happy and relaxed. No one came to say hello to him, lest he need to waste energy to greet them.

A monk suddenly walked outside the hall and whispered in Guilian City's ear and turned back.

Xu Liancheng's face remained unchanged, and he smiled, "A VIP is here. Let's meet with my husband."

His voice dropped, and an unceremonious sneer suddenly came from outside the hall. "If you really want to meet, you will not stand here, you are still so hypocritical." The voice did not fall, and several monks stepped forward. enter.

It was this man who was a middle-aged monk wearing a black robe with a cold face.

Behind him, an old man in a robe who was all white and had a sense of immortality was shaking his head with a smile. "Elder Wan is such a straight-hearted temperament. Don't put elders in your heart."

"The Elder Soul Jade said very much, today I waited for the door, but specially to congratulate the family's joy on standing in the city of sin for thousands of years." Behind the old man, wearing a five-color robe, his face was smiled by a handsome monk. Quite young, but the bright and spicy in the eyes can let people know that he is also a deep undead old.

Beside this five-colored robe monk, followed by a beautiful and pretty woman. She was wearing a turquoise long dress, fresh and natural, and slightly shy and shy, and she had already attracted countless hot eyes. But even so, there is no one who dare to really hit her. The female doctor of Poison Sect is easy to get infected with, but if you want to get rid of it, it will be more difficult. If you accidentally be ordered by others, this life You can only be driven.

Xu Liancheng smiled and said, "The two elders, Soul Jade and Tengwen, talked a lot, and the old man and the elder Wan also had a day-to-day friendship. Natural understanding of his nature would naturally not anger him. Today I am Jia Wanwan In the National Day celebration, three elders came together to make my family flourish. "

Soul Jade and Duwen both smiled and nodded, Wan Lihai murmured, but did not continue to talk at this time. The three took the monks around to enter the hall, and the situation eased.

However, the monks in the hall looked at the place where the few people were, but their eyes were full of playfulness. The Dead Soul Soul Soul Sect, Wan Shou Zong Wan Sect, and Poison Sect Zong Du Sect. These three people and the Blood Sect Zong Sect have some difficulties in dealing with them on weekdays. The elder status of the Zhao family is his in-laws. The two have a close relationship. Because they were fighting for a hereditary elder that year, there were dozens of people in Zhao's family who were killed by the monks. Since then, the Zhao family has been weak, and Wanjia has also Xi's family is like water and fire. Over the years, fighting against Xi's family has been a well-known thing in the evil city.

Today, the three families celebrated the anniversary. These three companies made it clear that they had come together and obviously had no good intentions. Now the calm and calm, afraid of the tranquility before the storm.

You can see this naturally in Qilian City, but as the head of the Qiang family, he can naturally go through today's countless heavy winds and heavy rains. He is afraid of it, but on the surface he still talks and laughs through the guests, but this state of mind is not trivial.

Towards noon, the guests who sent the post to the Qi family had arrived, and the brothers Qi Changjun and Qi Changgong entered the hall at the same time.

Qi Liancheng gave a slight cough, and immediately brought everyone's attention to him. A mild smile appeared on his face, and he arched to the surrounding groups, saying, "Today is my grandfather's celebration in the city of sin. Mr. Xuan is grateful. I hope everyone is happy today and can gather here every 10,000 years. "

"Elder Grandma is polite."

"My four sinful cities are connected with one another. It is reasonable to come here today."

"I wish the eternal family everlasting, the prestige will never fade away."

The monks in the hall talked in congratulations. After all, they were all rude gifts. No matter how you think about them, the apparent etiquette should be taken into account.

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