Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 881: Reverse Slaughter

The passage connecting the right temple of the temple to the main hall, after crossing the initial long road, a fork began to appear. Fortunately, these were all expected by Xiao Chen. He didn't hesitate and chose the passage on the right side directly. Whistling into the light package. [(八 [(一 中文? <[8} 1? Z? W.COM] behind him, can sense dozens of cold and powerful violent killings, firmly locked on him.

Dozens of temple destroyers represent the power of dozens of near-worldly creations. Only in such mysterious and unknown places such temples can have such a terrifying power. Chased and killed by such a powerful and almost desperate force. If he were to become an ordinary monk, he would be terrified of fear. But at this moment, Xiao Chen's state of mind was extremely peaceful. His eyes were calm as water, and a trace of coldness and quiet flow. He had suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, and the only thing he had in mind was to enter the right temple of the temple and find the third fragment. Any attempt to prevent him from doing this must be destroyed!

For example, the Temple Destroyer who was chased after him. But now is not the best time to take shots, and you need to wait patiently for a while, and take the shot at the most appropriate time to kill them smoothly.

The light shone wildly, Xiao Chen's figure turned into a scary rainbow, whistled forward in the passage, and the temple destroyers chased after him, but because of their different strengths and focuses, they naturally had strength and weakness, and a neat team accompanied them. As time goes by, it is gradually pulled apart. At the forefront are several strong men who are good at degrees. The distance between them and Xiao Chen is continuously shortening.

The two-headed temple leader, the two-headed temple sacrifice, and a dark purple body with a flat, narrow body like the earthworm's monster, formed the team of the closest killer to Xiao Chen, with undisguised murderous power in his eyes. However, they witnessed Xiao Chen's clear and negligent beheading of the first temple leader. Naturally there was a strong fear in their hearts, so they did not mean to stun Xiao Chen, as long as he entangled him for a while, waiting for the companions behind him. Arrival and siege can naturally kill Xiao Chen.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. The sacrifice of the two temples simultaneously raises the scepter in their hands. After a wave of low and obscure dark energy, two dark bone claws appear instantly and grab directly to Xiao Chen! At the same time, the two temples commanded the well-prepared defensive action. The giant axe was raised at the same time, and his face was solemn. The purple flat monster's body suddenly swelled up, as if rushed into the gas. In a short time, the flat body has become a ball, and the two narrow and narrow eyes become pitiful. But in its eyes it was all cold and murderous. The chill is pressing!

Sensing the breath fluctuations coming from behind, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered a little, and the forward figure stopped directly. The mana in his body suddenly rolled up like a boiling, collided and shattered during the agitation, and released incredible strength!

"Broken Element"!

He turned abruptly, his face shrouded in black armor couldn't see any expression, and he stepped on the ground hard with his foot, and a muffled sound, a shallow footprint appeared on the ground, and his whole figure was like A stream of light burst out, with a black sword in his left hand and a fang in his right hand, like the soul reaper who came from the area, and flung the five-headed temple destroyer behind him. Facing the two dark bone claws, Xiao Chen raised the black sword in his hand, and when he cut it, he shattered it instantly! The black sword has nothing to destroy, and the magical power is cut!

The head of the two temples did not expect Xiao Chen to dare to fight back. After the initial turmoil, he stabilized quickly, his eyes showed a fierce meaning, and the giant axe in his hand slashed forward! Two giant axe blasted out sharply, releasing an extremely sharp breath. The purple flat monster's mouth suddenly opened, and a white air flow shot out of his mouth as if it were a real white arrow, passing by like a white arrow. Although it was later shot, it was faster than two giant axes. Arrived at the same time as the giant axe!

It has to be said that the timing of the purple flat monster is excellent. It cooperates closely with the heads of the two temples. The three magical powers come at the same time. Even if the black sword in Xiao Chen's hands is extremely sharp, he can only destroy one of them. The remaining two magical powers are enough to keep him busy, and at this time, depending on the situation, whether he chooses to take the opportunity or step back, the initiative is in their hands. The hearts of the five temple destroyers were slightly loose.

But they only knew that the black sword in Xiao Chen's hands was sharp, but they did not know the defensive power of his leather armor. If he missed this point, he was destined to end in an extremely miserable end.

The three supernatural powers can't be destroyed at the same time. Then the most threatening one is destroyed. With simple truth, Xiao Chen made a choice in an instant! The black sword raised in his hand, stepped forward, and chopped down the air column arrows!


The black sword flew by, and the next moment, the pillar of air pillars collapsed into small, fragmented blades, which filled the entire space and blasted away in all directions. Although the air column was destroyed, the damage that it could cause may not be reduced, and at the same time, the two sharp axes had been cut off.

"puff"! "puff"!

The two obvious muffled sounds are quite obvious in the dense small collision sounds. However, whether it is the sharp axe or the fragmented air column fragments, they will soon be annihilated when they hit the black armor, but they will not cause Xiao Chen any harm. He moved forward without any pause, instantly penetrated the blockade of the three magical powers, and the figure was approaching the Temple Destroyer of Five Heads. And Xiao Chen's lossless and fast breakthrough clearly exceeded their expectations. The guardians of the five heads of temples simultaneously showed fear, and they wanted to retreat, but it was too late at this moment!

In the void, a powerful force suddenly came down, suppressing the five temple destroyers, making them stiff, and the body became hard when they moved. Every move required more power. Reduced several times. At this moment, Xiao Chen, wearing black armor, was screaming, the black sword swept past, several heads soared into the sky, and the neck of the five temple guardians cut off like a mirror, and blood was pouring in.

The black sword was cut, and the flesh was killed, as well as the Yuanshen.

There was no pause in the silhouette of Xiao Chen, supporting the forces of chaos, and continuing to roar forward. His footsteps once again fell on the ground, leaving shallow footprints, and the silhouette rose again. End of sight.

Several temple destroyers appeared again in the passage in front of them. They snarled wildly and hunted their prey. At this moment, the object that was suddenly hunting down was rushing towards them at an extremely fast speed, and their faces were full of anger. . But soon they felt that something was wrong, and they hurriedly shot. The magical powers swept out in the narrow passage, sealing up the road ahead without leaving any dead ends. The intention is to block Xiao Chen for a moment so that they can respond.

However, the exhibition of things is different from what they imagined. Xiao Chen didn't pause at all, and the figure broke into the supernatural power directly in the rush. That thin layer of black leather armor once again revealed to the world his powerful defense force, letting magical powers sweep by, but there was no damage. The figure flashed instantly among several temple destroyers, the black sword was raised in the hands, several heads flew, and several corpses were pierced by fangs. Blood and blood spewed out, but the thick **** smell had not yet spread, and Xiao Chen's figure had whistled away.

His face was calm, his eyes were frozen and there was no temperature. The temple destroyer and him were absolutely hostile. There was no possibility of reconciliation between them. If he wanted to survive, they would die!

It's that simple.

The old man with brown robes is the most powerful being among the guardians of the temple, with infinitely comparable power to the monk who stepped on the sky. But his body is some kind of multi-bearded beast that lives in the depths of the earth, and his aspect is his short board. Although relying on mystery skills in the hand, you can get very fast in a short time, but it is difficult to last. Therefore, after the mystery expires, his degree will quickly decrease. Even if he relies on his efforts to fly, he can only maintain the upper and middle level among the temple destroyers. Therefore, after Chen Xiao beheaded and killed more than two dozen temple destroyers in succession, the old man in brown robes appeared in sight.

Seeing Xiao Chen's figure, the old man in the brown robe looked dull, and even the tentacles naturally wriggling around the corners of his lips stopped for a short time, but he soon realized what had happened and his face became extremely ugly! Inducing Xiao Chen's anger, he stopped directly, a pair of eyes stared at Xiao Chen, revealing a trace of deep consternation! Being able to cleanly kill more than a dozen temple destroyers in front in a short time is enough to prove his power. With a roar in his mouth, he stretched out his hand and made a fierce shot. There was suddenly a ray of dying yellow light bursting out, exuding a deep sense of death. This withered yellow light is made by absorbing the dead air of the earth. Once entangled, the dead air enters the body, and the flesh decays instantly, and the Yuan Shen withers directly, and it is poisonous.

Xiao Chen Yangjian was ahead, and he was severely cut down!

With a slamming sound, the withered yellow light was cut off directly from it, but struggling and wriggling as if it had its own life, but in the end it was just futile and disappeared in unwillingness.

The old man in the brown robe turned white for a moment, groaned, a trace of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth, and shock and resentment appeared in his eyes! The death of the earth is one of the magical powers that he painstakingly refined. With this method, it can become the strongest existence among the temple destroyers, but now it is directly cut by Xiao Chen's neatness. How can it not let its heart shake? Give birth to fear. Fighting in an instant, it already knew in his heart that he was not Xiao Chen's opponent. If he continued to block, he would surely escape! In an instant, the old man in the brown robe had made a decision, turned abruptly, turned into a fork, and fled madly away.

But at this time it wanted to escape, and also asked Xiao Chen if he agreed!

Raising his hand, the blood-colored fangs trembled slightly, seeming to be anxious to taste the taste of blood.

The brown robe monk's face changed slightly, it sensed the horror breath approaching behind him, and suddenly turned to resist, but only saw the blood color flashed in front of his eyes, and then a sudden pain came from his shoulders to make his eyes black, his mouth opened, There was a slight sound, and the whole face was distorted by pain.

With a muffled sound, the old man in the brown robe was directly nailed to the stone wall by the blood-colored fangs, and all the power in his body was instantly dissipated, leaving his whole body soft and unable to give out any strength.

Seeing that his eyes flickered a little, Xiao Chen didn't bother with it, and his body continued to move along the passage.

The identity of the pursuer and the pursued was reversed in a short time. Relying on the powerful power of Hou Yi, the powerful guardian of leather armor and the horrible sharpness of the black sword, coupled with the suppression of the chaos world, the scattered temple destroyers have powerful power, but Before being deployed in the passage, they were slaughtered like chopping melon and vegetables! The billowing blood poured out, wet the ground, and turned red.



The faint footsteps from far to near, the old man in the brown robe widened his eyes hard, and saw Xiao Chen walking slowly with his tired pace, his leather armor still disappeared, showing a pale complexion, his eyes were dull The breath in the body is extremely weak. Everyone can easily see that Xiao Chen is in a state of extreme weakness at this moment, and at this time, any temple destroyer can bring him death threats. But now the only survivor of the temple was nailed to the stone wall by his blood-stained fangs, watching Xiao Chen come, but there was nothing he could do.

Walking to the old man in the brown robe, Xiao Chen glanced at him with an expressionless expression, took out the stone tower with a flash of aura in his hand, and stepped forward to disappear. The crisis in the temple is extremely high. Although he is convinced that he has killed all the temple destroyers, it is undoubtedly the best choice to restore strength in the dojo.

The old man in the brown robe saw Xiao Chen entering the treasure of the ring, and in his eyes, the suspicious flames and the venomous flames were suddenly revealed. It did not think that Xiao Chen left him, and he moved his heart, and wanted to let it go alive!

As long as you can get rid of the **** fangs, maybe today you can not only save your life, but also have the opportunity to kill Xiao Chen and reverse the war situation! In thinking of this, the old man in the brown robe flourished in the eyes. It closed his eyes slightly, and worked hard to gather the scattered power in the body. After a little time passed, after being cautious, he was really gathered by a weak force. He felt a shock in his heart, and he even surrendered the pain from his shoulders. It began to work hard to run this power, carefully avoiding **** fangs, and constantly absorbing scattered mana. As long as there is enough time, one day, no, or only half a day, it can accumulate a trace of strength and remove the **** tooth decay that pierces the shoulder. As long as the tooth decay is removed, it believes that the strength in its body can recover quickly!

But its hope just rose, it was directly shattered by the indifferent reality!

I saw a flash of emptiness, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared again. His face was ruddy, his eyes were calm and introverted, and his body's breath was flowing slowly. His exhausted and weak state was gone!

The brown robe old man's face was instantly stiff, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

An hour!

But in just one hour, he had recovered completely!

This is impossible!

The confrontation between the presentation of the facts and the mistake of judgment at this moment left the old man in the brown robe dull and his eyes blank.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on it, and he seemed to have seen everything. His coldness was heavier, his **** fangs pulled out without expression, but still penetrating the body of the old man in the brown robe and holding it in his hand, said lightly: Go to the temple left, or die! "


[This chapter is considered yesterday. Although there are only three chapters together, there are 12 thousand words, which is to make up for yesterday's debt. On Saturdays and weekends, try to update more, and ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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