Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 925: Thunder World

"Shenhuo King, do you want this king to take action and kill him?" The Flame King roared, apparently angered by Xiao Chen, his body filled with a powerful aura. Bayi Chinese Net W] WW. 81ZW. COM

The Shenhuo King suddenly turned and looked at him with cold eyes, "Back then when Xiao Chen was in the creation realm, he was able to kill the Burning Heavenly King. Now he is the strongest person who created the world. You want to kill him, you don't know what to do! "

The flame king's heart was cold, and he was humiliated by the **** fire king, so he didn't dare to get angry, all in his heart was just fear, and he hurriedly kept silent.

Chi Yan Wang's pretty face changed slightly, and he secretly rejoiced that she hadn't said much, and at the same time was shocked that the Shenhuo King actually valued Xiao Chen so much. Thinking of this, she looked at the figure in the green robe that was drifting away from the front, a little more jealous in the depths of her eyes.

The Shenhuo King angered the Flame Queen without saying much, and sneered at Xiao Chen's back. Reluctant to continue talking with him, is it because people who think it is unnecessary and destined to die are wasting time? Sure enough, confident and domineering, but also to see if you have the qualifications for such dominance! In the depths of his eyes, a red color flashed by, and there was no anger, but a touch of excitement. Only a strong enough opponent can get his attention, and step on him to have a stronger sense of pleasure!

"Xiao Chen! The fragments of the ancient fairyland are the place where you were buried!"

For his body, Shenhuo Wang is confident!


Xiao Chen walked forward with no expression on his face. His body's calmness was nothing unusual, but it was this calmness that made people seem more frightened and uneasy at this moment.

King Xiaoyue carefully restrained his breath, not doing things that might disturb Xiao Chen at all. Thinking of his previous confrontation with Shenhuo King, he couldn't help but feel cold. Different from the sneer and disdain of the third cultivator of the Fire Clan, King Xiaoyue has absolute confidence in Xiao Chen, even if the opponent is a powerful God Fire King, he is destined to end in an extremely tragic end! Because this was the first time he felt such a strong killing intent in Xiao Chen! Now under his calm surface, I don't know what terrifying power is conceived. Once it bursts out, it is enough to shock the world!

The two of them moved forward in silence. They had lost the thought of observing the surrounding monks, but the brief confrontation had already attracted the attention of all the monks here. From time to time, their eyes swept over here, including Da Qi. Three monks.

King Aoki frowned slightly, slightly lowered, his eyes flashed with different colors, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

King Shu Nan sneered and said: "I don't know how high the sky is, but I dare to provoke the madman Shenhuo King. This time I see how he will die."

"The rise of King Dongyan is too fast, it is too high to look at himself, he has been rude to King Qingmu before, and now to provoke the King of God and Fire, it is self-defeating, we don't have to worry about him." Qingquan Palace master's mouth was ridiculed. , "This time the two most powerful people in the Yan Kingdom, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out of here."

Although Yan and Qi have always been close, they are only united under the pressure of external forces, and there is no solid foundation. For them, it is also a wonderful thing to see that Dayan has destroyed the strong. After all, when the two countries are united, there must be a distinction between master and slave. If Yan is weaker, Qi will be able to control more power.

"Well, some things can only stay in your heart no matter how you think about it." King Qingmu frowned.

King Shunan and the Master of Qingquan Palace were slightly embarrassed in their hearts, and at the same time they responded lowly and stopped talking.

Looking at the backs of Xiao Chen and Xiaoyue, King Qingmu frowned. If there is not enough confidence, how can Xiao Chen dare to confront the Shenhuo King head-on, without showing the slightest fear. And if the Shenhuo King hadn't secretly been jealous, with his irritable temperament, how could he choose to forbear for the time being instead of directly killing Xiao Chen. In addition, the courtesy that King Xiaoyue showed in his demeanor failed to escape his eyes. For a while, he actually felt a little regret for his previous actions. But these emotions were quickly suppressed by him.

He is the Qingmu King of the Great Qi, even if Xiao Chen is really powerful, he has the power to fear him!


The blood-colored thunder hung above the sky like a waterfall, and it touched the sky continuously. Amidst the shining thunder light, the loud noise of "banging" continued, just like the roar of ten thousand beasts, the momentum was terrifying! The closer you get, the stronger the pressure of the thunder, and the violent aura rushing toward your face seems to be directly torn apart any intruder.

Xiao Chen woke up from his thoughts, suddenly stopped, and turned around to look. It was found that King Xiaoyue had already turned pale, but he followed behind him for a while. Then, with a slight smile on his face, he said, "Let's step back. Some, if you go further, I'm afraid there will be accidents."

King Xiaoyue hurriedly nodded, and the two of them stepped back for a while, his face looked much better, but he couldn't help but smile secretly in his heart when he looked at Xiao Chen's calm face. This momentary distraction made him suffer a lot. It's just that Xiao Chen's move was obviously to take care of his face. This made King Xiaoyue's heart slightly warm, and his unwillingness after making a choice in his heart also disappeared slightly.

Xiao Chen stopped, and all the thoughts in his mind had been cleaned up. Standing here, the more clearly he could sense the terrifying power contained in the thunder waterfall in front of him, his face became more solemn. Looking up, Thunder seemed to come from the end of the sky, directly blending into the ground, forming a portal for Thunder, blocking everyone out. After a long while, the fear in his eyes is heavier. This thunder seems to be connected to the power of the ancient fairyland fragments that has not completely dissipated, that is, there is no way to destroy it, otherwise the entire ancient fairyland fragments will collapse. If you want to enter it, you have to make a hard way.

But the power of the nine thunders is too terrifying, even if the strongest of the world enters it, it will not be able to support it for too long, so if you want to pass, you need multiple people to enter it together, and everyone can share the power of thunder blast to have the possibility of passing. Presumably the monks from various countries who had arrived in front of Thunder had already seen this point, so they would stay here quietly, waiting for the people behind to arrive. Now that you see this, there is no need to waste time thinking about ways to break through the Thunder blockade.

"Let's go back, and wait until everyone is here, then come and break through here." Xiao Chen turned and left, Xiaoyue King was slightly startled, but soon understood what he meant. The two retreated some distance and chose a place where no one was sitting cross-legged.

Time passed quietly while waiting, and in a blink of an eye, five days passed. During the period, the King of War Ce of Korea and the King of Ten Thousand Corpses of the Great Qin came one after another, the King Suyu of the Great Chu and the King of Zhao Mitian fell to the end, so far the eight powerful empires have arrived.

Breaking into the thunder pool does not necessarily require the joint efforts of the eight powers, but when everyone gathers together, the probability of passing through Enron is the highest. Naturally, no one is willing to take risks in advance. The powerhouses of various countries also suppressed each other. Even if King Mitian and King Suan understood the current situation, although they looked at each other coldly, they finally gave up with a cold snort. If you can't break through the Thunder blockade, no one at the national machine will want to get involved. Under this major premise, they can naturally distinguish the priorities.

After a short pause, the monks from all over the world gathered together. Since they all understood the situation, there was no need to delay time.

"Dear friends, you and I are here to fight for national weapons, but now that the nine thunders are blocking the road, you and I want to go through, saying that you can only put aside your prejudices for the time being and break into it together to have the possibility of success. I think everyone knows this in their hearts, and there is no need for the king to say more. If there is no objection, I will leave as soon as possible, and after passing thunder block, we will compete for the treasure by means!" Daqin Wanshi Wang said in a deep voice, the corpse surface. He looked like a pale middle-aged monk, no different from ordinary people, but the faintly faintly decayed and cold aura from his body could show his identity as a powerful corpse clan.

"it is good!"

"no problem."

The Seven Kingdoms monks nodded one after another, and the matter was passed quickly.

King Xu's eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "This king adds that after entering Thunder, before getting out and leaving, you and I must not harm each other, otherwise the rest of the daoists will work together to punish them!"

"It should be!"

This requirement is in everyone's interest, and it can ensure that you don't have to worry about the black hand from behind after breaking into the Thunder, and everyone nodded in response.

"Since it has been said, don't continue to delay, you and I will go." As King Mitian said, his eyes swept over the faces of the surrounding monks. Although he did not know who the person who captured the sand of time was, he could be sure that this person must be among these monks, but his eyes swept across the faces of the people, but he didn't notice anything wrong, and he snorted secretly in his heart. As long as people are here and observe carefully, they will not believe that there will be no flaws!

The eight-nation monks stood before the thunderbolt, the Great Qin Wanshi King and the Great Chu Suan King monopolized one side, Zhao and Wei made good friends, Yan and Qi made good friends, Han and Tang made good friends, and the six-nation monks naturally approached each other. Although they will also resist each other secretly, the monks who are close to the kingdom can finally make people feel more at ease.

Xiao Chen and King Xiaoyue and King Qi Guo Qingmu were not far apart, but they were indifferent on their faces, and there was no exchange of eyes.


With a low drink, the aura of the void exploded, and dozens of the most terrifying auras of the most powerful creation suddenly exploded, converging into a general trend and rising to the sky, countering the coercion released by the nine blood-colored thunders in front of them!

Xiao Chen took one step forward, and at the same time turned into a shocking rainbow with the cultivators of the surrounding eight countries, breaking into Thunder!

In the next instant, the nine **** thunders of successive heavens and earth made an angry roar at the same time like nine thunder dragons. In an instant they noticed the intruder inside. The lightning flashed in an instant, and the power of thunder that was already terrifying at this moment was completely Be violent!

Within Thunder, the expressions of the eight-nation cultivators who broke into it changed at the same time, only to see that their figures appeared directly in a strange space at this moment. The scarlet earth is endless, and the sky is gathering layers of thick blood-colored thunderclouds, and there are flashes of thunder from time to time, bursting out like a thunderous roar! The moment they appeared, thunderclouds and lightning flashed across the sky, and crimson thunders with the thickness of buckets blasted down at the same time, and the twisted room was like a thunder dragon, swallowing it openly!

The thunder hasn't fallen yet, but the terrifying aura has made people tremble! Powerful people from all over the world roared, relying on the powerful cultivation base to counter the **** thunder's bombardment, and forcibly open a safe space.

"Lei Ting Yao Shi, self-contained!" King Xuyu whispered, his face instantly became extremely ugly, "Dear friends, you and I have broken into the thunder world, and the crisis that we are about to face may be beyond yours and mine. Imagine, follow me!"

As the master of the origin of space, the king of the great Chu Suan is sensitive to the power of space, and naturally no one does not believe what he said. The faces of all the people were gloomy at the same time, but the figures did not stop at all, galloping towards the depths of the thunder world under the guidance of King Xu!

Now that there is no retreat, even if the thunder world is in front, you can only make it through!

Xiao Chen furrowed his brows, his eyes swept around from time to time, and his face was solemn. Since entering the Thunder Realm, he has had a very bad premonition in his heart, and now with the constant intrusion, this premonition has become stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, he lifted up suddenly, his gaze looked into the depths of the thunder world ahead!

At the end of his sight, dozens of crimson thunders in the clouds descended at the same time, but they did not pounce here. Instead, they collided in the void under the action of an invisible force and turned into a dazzling thunderball. Like a rising sun of thunder!

The next moment, a low roar suddenly sounded in the thunder world, and the clouds above the sky flashed at the same time, and then all the thunders rang together, just like the roar of the thunder god, with a terrifying momentum!

In this loud noise, the thunder bead dissipated, and the shadow of a silver armor beast with a height of one hundred feet and a first-born unicorn appeared directly.

"Thunder Beast!"

King Xu exclaimed, his pupils contracted violently, his face completely gloomy.


[The monthly pass is very powerful, the buns can't be weak! Let's move on to the second chapter first, continue with the code word, there is a third chapter after 12 o'clock! 】

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