Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 927: Thunder Dragon Awakens

Jiu Lei runs through the world, the thunder is shining, the roar is soaring!

At this moment, there was a sudden flash of aura, forcing a safe passage in the thunder bomber, and dozens of light rays burst out from it, falling to the outside to reveal the figure of the monk. One injury. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W]. > C> OM

In this line, it was the G8 Powers who escaped from the thunder realm. Looking back at the crimson Thunder Falls, everyone was frightened! From the crazy besiege of the Thunder Beast, with their cultivation, they also sensed the coming of the shadow of death!

The four Creator Xeons were buried forever.

After a while, when the minds of the people were slightly stable, the monks of various countries receded from each other in silence, and their eyes glanced around occasionally, mixed with fear and caution. The mutual assassination of the last moment in the Thunder World has made the atmosphere between them extremely extreme.

"King of the dead, my monk is killed by you, the king will not stop with you in this matter."

"The King of Fire and Fire also killed my monk monk. If he still can't let go of this thing, isn't it that the King fears that you won't succeed!"

The Lord of Fire and the King of Corpses each had a monk buried in them. Now they are staring at each other, and they are all killing themselves. If they do n’t read about the battle for national instruments, and if they worry about each other, they may have already let go.

"Hey, speaking of the means, although the two Taoist friends killed one each, they are quite different from the King of Aoki. The divine King Yanyan, who exists as you and me, was buried in his hands like this "It's a pity." Wang Tiantian said unfortunately, but his face was full of sneer.

King Aoki's face did not change, and he said lightly: "My king also wants to protect himself. It is no different from all the Taoists."

The **** of fire and cold hummed, "The original king originally wanted to kill Xiao Chen by himself, but it was a regret to be preempted by King Aoki." He suspected that Xiao Chen had mastered the treasure, but now it seems that the fact But this is not the case, otherwise how could King Aoki put him to death? That being the case, there is no need to waste time on him.

With a word of silence, Shenhuo Wang sat down with his Red Goose King cross-legged, and there was a hot breath in his body. He was not afraid that someone would take a shot against him, and he began to recover the loss in his body.

The king of corpses and others also kept silent when they saw this.

King Xiaoyue's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger, but in front of King Aoki, he didn't have any countervailing power, and could only hold everything in his heart. His gaze fell on the **** thunder of Hao Hao's soup, which is still unbelievable, and Xiao Chen would fall into it! But he was attacked by the King of Aoki, and the figure was drowned in the self-exploding thunder beast. Wang Yue saw it in his own eyes. In that case, Xiao Chen had no chance to survive.

"King Xiaoyue, you also know the situation in the Thunder Realm. If the king does not act, you and I may be buried in it." King Aoki said indifferently, the old man's face was calm.

"Since King Aoki has already shot, why explain to King, but I don't know what King Aoki are going to do now?"

"It is a last resort to attack King Dongyan. Now that he has been out of danger, naturally the king will not be disadvantageous to King Xiaoyue. Moreover, Qi and Yan will eventually be close to their neighbors, and presumably will not be affected by the death of King Dongyan. The relationship between the two countries, or Her Majesty Yan, may be more satisfied with this result, but it is unknown, what do you think of King Xiaoyue? "In the same year, the imperial palace of this capital changed, and the second imperial blood was born, followed by Xiao Chen. The matter of being exiled into the evil star domain, a little pondering, can naturally see the connection. These can't be concealed from Daqi's eyes and ears, and King Aoki's words are likely to be true.

King Xiaoyue was silent and nodded slowly after a while, "My King understands."

King Aoki smiled slightly and said, "Swallows and Qi make good friends, and now Big Yan has no contention for the power of national treasures. The King hopes that King Xiaoyue can join our Qi Kingdom and help me seize national weapons. In terms of it, it is also the best choice. I wonder what Xiao Yue will do? "

Although asking, where is he eligible to refuse? Xiao Yue Wang smiled bitterly in his heart, and only nodded.

"Good!" Aoki nodded with satisfaction.

After breaking through the Thunder blockade, monks from all over the world made every effort to heal their injuries and recover their internal wear and tear. In the ancient fairy shards, after experiencing the thunder field, they have already had 120,000 points of fear in their hearts, naturally they dare not have the slightest intention.

In half a month, the four Qin corpse kings, the big Zhao Mitian king, the big chu shou king, and the big wei **** fire king all acted, dispersed, and continued to the depths of the ancient fairyland fragments. The remaining monks from Datang, Dahan, Daqi and Dayan also left.

Before Xiao Yue Wang left, his gaze swept from the horror thunder, and a sigh in his heart, the only hope left was completely dashed. After falling into the Thunder World for half a month, there was still no movement. It seems that Xiao Chen has really been buried in it.


Thunder bound.

Thunder beast roars, shouts loudly, there are thunder rays shining from time to time in the red sky of the sky, and the power of red thunder drops from it and converges in the same direction, turning into a red thunder pool like a blood. Between the waves, terror emerges Extreme destruction wave!

In this thunder pond, Xiao Chen, who had died in the eyes of monks from all over the world, was still safe! The blue shirt on his body had already been swept down into ashes by the power of the thunder, and then the power of the thunder was directly condensed into a thunder robe and worn on the body. The thunderbolt shining around him was like a thunder god, imposing. The sound of surging waves from the body is flowing in the body, and the mystery of "Swallowing" is running crazy, devouring a force of thunder that sweeps through, refining it into pure and strong power, and constantly integrating when repairing the physical damage. Self-improvement.

In his hand, holding the semi-finished Jin Jiaxianwei, out of the thunder power of his own limit, he put it in as many as possible. Although Jinjia Xianwei is only three inches in size, it looks like a bottomless pit. For half a month, I do n’t know how much thunder power has been swallowed. Except for the fact that Jinjia is a bit brighter, there is not much change.

Around Xiao Chen, there were four Huang Jiaxian Weis, their long swords quickly fell off, turned into a dazzling sword, and shattered the thunder force as much as possible. Each time the sword smashes the Thunder, it will attract some of the Thunder's destruction power, but instead of being able to cause damage to them, they will be directly swallowed by them, absorbed into the body, and constantly replenishing their own power. This Huang Jiaxianwei can absorb the power of Thunder! They are tadpoles. As long as they have enough power, they can continue to fight tirelessly. They can even accumulate strength in the process and continuously improve the power of Huangjia Xianwei!

Because of this, Xiao Chen was able to survive the crazy beast attack of Thunder Beast. For half a month, the number of Thunder Beasts beheaded by him and four Huang Jiaxianwei was unknown. Instead of showing signs of unbridledness, the battle became fiercer! So up to now, the violent thunder beast seems to have realized that this method cannot kill Xiao Chen, no longer approaching but avoiding it far away, and constantly calling down the thunder force in Thunder Cloud, madly splitting to Xiao Chen, wanting Grind him to death in this way!

But I don't know if this is the case, for Xiao Chen, it has no effect at all. If he wants to leave, he can get away at any time in his current state, but now he is unwilling to go out on his own initiative. In the Thunder World, there is an almost endless force of Thunder. In the secret technique of "Swallowing Thunder", it is equivalent to the inexhaustible pure power that is inexhaustible! Although suffering from Thunder's tempered body will have great pain, after the pain, every inch of flesh above and below his body draws strength in cheers and keeps getting stronger!

It is a thunderous world of death and death to others, but to Xiao Chen, it is a huge opportunity! Moreover, Jin Jiaxianwei and the four Huangjiaxianwei are all absorbing Thunder's power. With the passage of time, the power is gradually becoming stronger.

If this opportunity is ahead, how will he leave!

Time passed, and in a flash, it was March.

During this period of time, Xiao Chen did not know how much Thunder Power had been swallowed. The breath in his body was more powerful than before, and the chaotic interface product increased accordingly. His overall strength has shown an amazing increase!

In the hands of Jin Jiaxianwei, the armor on her body has turned into pure gold, naturally exuding a faint golden light. Although it has not been activated, it has faintly exaggerated a wave of power. Even if Xiao Chenxiu acted, it was secretly shocked in my heart. When the Jinjia Xianwei is completely repaired, it is bound to explode the terrible power!

The four armor armors around his body have turned their armor into extreme yellow. Because they are also training their materials during the process of drawing the power of Thunder, the four armor armors have even shown signs of improvement. From time to time, a faint golden mang flashed on the yellow armor. The more agile their eyes were, the slightly stupidity and numbness that had disappeared in the first place disappeared. Obviously, as their strength increased, their own intelligence also improved.

Suddenly, the consciousness of the spring came from the Yuanshen space. "Although I know you want to continue to practice here, the absorption of the power of the Thunder by the four Huangjiaxianwei and Jinjiaxianwei has gradually become saturated. If it continues, , It will cause damage to Xianwei itself. "

Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "I see." He glanced around, and he was a little bit reluctant, but his chance was amazing enough. If he was not greedy enough, he would only suffer from it! He breathed in slowly, his mind calmed down, and his eyes flashed.

When the Aoki King attacked unexpectedly, he should never have imagined that he could go back alive, and by the time he saw him, naturally he would have to pay the price!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and his eyes immediately showed joy. A flicker of light flashed in front of the robe sleeve. A 17-year-old looking at him appeared in front of him. Red crimson horn with a white flame jumping on it. Wearing a golden robe on his body, decorated with luxurious and exquisite texture, it gives people a sense of majestic solemnity, which is awe-inspiring.

This boy is exactly what Thunder Dragon (Dragon of Heaven) has become!

"Lei Long, see Master Xiao Chen!" He fell on one knee while speaking, burying deeply, with absolute respect and awe on his face.


[Maybe it was a very powerful squeeze yesterday. Today's card is fascinating. I just finished the first chapter, update it first, relax my mind and continue to code. There is still an update at night. 】

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