Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 934: Fairyland

"Huang Jiaxianwei!" Li Huoxianjun screamed in shock, his eyes suddenly shocked, feeling the terror in the four savage swordsmanship and the sky-high killer, he waved his sleeves in front of him, "Flame!"

Under one sleeve, there was a sudden burst of hot flames in the void, burning, and the temperature was so amazing that even the void burned slightly. Bayi Chinese W] W> W. 81ZW. Com, but there was no pause in the figure from the fire fairy, and his footsteps moved back to the back. Because he knew in his heart that with this blazing flame, he could not stop the four Huangjia Xianwei at all!

The next moment, as he imagined, the four tragic swordsmans fell into the flames without a pause, and the coldness to the extreme killing and tragic momentum ruptured the flames and extinguished them.

The four Huangjia Xianwei did not pause, the figures roared out, and chased and killed Lihuo Xianjun!

At this time, the retreat and self-protection of Lixianxianjun let the magic power he applied to Xiao Chen quickly disappear, and flesh and bones at the same time burst out a dazzling golden light, crushing the power of sealing the flesh. !!

Xiao Chen slowly lifted his eyes, looking at the Xiling Xianjun with a look of anger in his face, his eyes were dull, but if he looked closely, he could now hide the anger in this dullness.


He drank in his mouth, his fingertips turned into a touch of gold, and a cross appeared in the void, one stroke and one stroke, and a cross appeared. The horizontal one was a knife and the vertical one was a sword! In the shape of a sword, it becomes a sword killing force, rising to the sky, the killing is endless! The layers of slaughtering breath are released from it in turbulent waves, and in rolling, it seems that all obstacles in front can be shredded!

Xiling Xianjun's face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: "Immortal!" At this moment, he looked at Xiao Chen's eyes, full of shock! The reason is without him, what Xiao Chen is exhibiting at this moment is the ancient ancient fairyland.

You can practice one of the higher-order fairy arts above the ranks of the sword soldiers and immortals. Even in the ancient immortal period, it is also known for its terrifying killing power. Those who cultivate this immortal art are also powerful among the immortal monarchs!

But at this time, Xiling Xianjun had no time to think too much, feeling the killing breath flowing from the sword, his heart was tense, his flesh was tingling stiffly, and he had not yet received the power of magical power.

This immortality is overbearing, even if he dares not to care.

"Jin Jiayu!"

Xiling Xianjun had a faint golden light on his fingers. He vanished in the void, and in a few moments, he had outlined a full-size armor with a size of one square foot. With the last finger, the armor had a golden light flashing from the illusion. In order to solidify, he fell directly on his body, guarding all his flesh and blood. The golden light shone, adding a bit of solemnity to this person. If the gods are extraordinary, don't look directly!

The thick golden light formed a layer of armored phantom, covering all the surrounding areas, and all the killing spirits of the swordsmen were resisted.


The sword was cut, and it was deeply cut into the golden shadow of the armor, and the layers of golden ripples were stirred, just like the water surface. Xiling Xianjun's eyes were slightly dim, apparently the release of Xianshu Jinjiayu caused him a lot of damage, and the power of the Xianshu swordsman also greatly exceeded his imagination, and could actually break the protection of Jinjiayu! If he had not studied the immortality painstakingly over the years, he barely mastered this high-level guardian immortal art, fearing that he would have been hit hard!

"Jin Jiayu, it's interesting." Xiao Chen whispered, his eyes gradually becoming brighter. "It seems you know a lot of fairy arts, so you can pick me up again."

"The Sun Arrow!"

His fingertips were thicker in gold, but his movements became more concise. With a swipe of the void, a shadow of red arrows appeared instantly, and he fluttered his sleeves. The shadow of the arrow suddenly burned with a blazing fire, a piercing air burst, and howling!

The arrow was too fast, and did not give the Xiling Xianjun any reaction time, only to see a line of fire across the space, has shot in front of him!


With a loud noise, Mars spattered everywhere, and the face of Xiling Xianjun was instantly pale, and the figure was repelled hundreds of feet in the gushing terror, and the arrows of the sun were sunk into the shadow of the armor. The flames were raging and burning. Temperature, even the armored golden light can be burned together! The hot fire spread out instantly, and penetrated into the body of Xiling Xianjun through the gold armor. The pale face of the person instantly turned into a dark red, and his head and eyebrows were burned at high temperatures!

Xiling Xianjun's face changed greatly, and his eyes showed fear. Although the arrow of the sun did not fall, the hot temperature was enough to destroy his body in a short time. In his current state, if his body is destroyed, he will die completely!


He yelled in his mouth, his fingers fell down quickly, and a moraine appeared instantly. The extreme cold and cold breath emerged from his body instantly. The temperature of the entire space dropped sharply, and a piece of ice crystals quickly condensed. It fell from the void and fell to the ground. It turns into icing, and spreads to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed! The fiery burning arrow of the sun was instantly suppressed by the power of the moraine, and the flames quickly faded.

"Xian Zhaoshu is not bad, but I don't have time to continue playing with you. Before I die, I will show you what is the real fairy calling!" Xiao Chen sneered, and quickly drew a complicated fairy with his fingers. Wen, drank in his mouth, "Ground Fire Demon Dragon!" Whispering, Xianwen collapsed instantly.

The next moment, the icy cold air in the air was instantly suppressed, and the extreme flame heat was transmitted from the ground. The round mile of ground beneath the foot of Xiling Xianjun turned into magma instantly, and his eyes finally showed his fright.


Roar came from the tumbling magma, dull and heavy, but full of tyrannical murder! There was a wailing sound in the moraine mouth guarding Xiling Xianjun's body. The figure suddenly froze and froze, and it cracked as soon as it fell into the magma!

This moraine was actually killed by the roar from the deep magma!

The breath of Xiling Xianjun was insanely agitated, and he wanted to escape, but the horror breath from the depths of the underground magma had bound him in. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't escape the slightest bit, and his fear became gradually despair !!

"Leave the Fire Fairy, run away!" As he roared, the lava surface was instantly shattered, and a huge dragon claw burning with flames protruded directly. The dark red scale armor was like a monster from the abyss directly. Grabbing the Xianling Xianjun, he clashed back into the magma.

The next moment, the ground magma began to dissipate, and eventually recovered as usual, but the scorching sulphur scent, which had not completely dissipated in the air, clearly told the monk of the fairy sphere that everything just born was not an illusion!

The three immortal monks and nearly a hundred Shangxian witnessed the powerful Royal Palace immortal leader being easily beheaded by the intruders, and what is most incredible to them is that the invaders used pure and horrible Immortality! Their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of fear. In their hearts, there was resistance to the immortal king Xiandi. Everything would become negligible before death. I don't know who was the first to flee. The monk's psychological defense line completely collapsed, fleeing in all directions.

"Stop! Stop all! You are the people of the fairy king. How can you disobey the fairy king of the fairy king and take the intruder out of the block, otherwise you will all be burned to ashes in the anger of the fairy king! "The roar and threat of Malu did not scare the fugitive monks, but made their escape faster.

Li Huoxian Jun fought hard to resist the assassination of four Huang Jiaxian Weis. Seeing that Xiling Xianjun was directly cut off, a big fear erupted in his heart! If he can't escape before the intruder has shot at him, he will not escape today!


In the roar, the body of Lixianxian suddenly shattered, and in the wave of terror, hot flames swept out, knocking four Huangjiaxian sanitation into flight. At the next moment, the figure of Lixianxian appeared thousands of miles away. His eyes were dim, his body was weaker than before, but he didn't dare to pause. His body burst again, disappeared in the fire, and his breath disappeared. .

The four Huang Jiaxian Weis were impacted by the magical power of Lixian Xianjun, and there were large burning marks on their armor, which showed a very embarrassing state. The atmosphere was also reduced by a few points, and it was obviously injured. But now they disappeared from the breath of Huoxiangjun, causing them to lose their targets of attack and withdrawing to guard beside Xiao Chen.

After summoning the Earth Fire Demon Dragon and killing Xiling Xianjun, Xiao Chen closed her eyes. At this moment, she slowly opened her eyes, and her gaze swept around, and her eyes were a little gloomy. "Quan, I think this Thing, should you give me some explanation? "

Xiao Chen was controlled by the Xiling Lingxian and Lihuoxianjun magical powers, the Yuanshen was sealed, and the flesh was towned. When he was in crisis, he complied with the advice of Quan, using the power of four yellow armor immortals to retreat Lixuxianjun and break the flesh. Suppressing magical powers, but his Primordial Spirit is still sealed. Therefore, it was not Xiao Chen but the fountain hidden in the space of his Yuanshen that he controlled his physical body and released the power of immortal immortality to kill the Xiling immortal monarch!

The words fell silent, Quan seemed to be thinking about how to answer, and a faint voice came after half a ring. "A master on the golden seal is a man in the immortal world. All the means of breaking the ban and immortality are obtained from the golden seal. As for controlling you The matter of the body must not be forgotten. Strictly speaking, I am your third avatar. When the main soul is sealed, you can naturally control the body for the time being. "

"Who is the owner of the gold seal?"

"It's not too late to talk about this matter later, you should deal with the immediate problem first, and I will tell you the answer shortly." Then, Quan's consciousness disappeared.

Xiao Chen groaned silently. As his thoughts quickly turned, he had a faint guess in his mind, but was shocked by his own conjecture, and set off a stormy sea in his heart. But at this moment, Xiao Chen heard an angry roar in his ear, interrupting his thoughts.

"Intruders, Lord Fairy's servants will not be afraid of your strength. Today you don't want to run away!" Malu's face rose red, and he held the pale golden beads from the Fairy King in his hand, as if there were infinite. power!

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and waved, "Catch him."

The four Huangjia Xianweis left immediately, approaching him.

Maru raised the pale gold beads in her hand and said piously: "Great immortal king, please come to your unmatched power to destroy and die, and end all the blasphemers who are majestic to you!"

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