Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 936: Into the palace

With the leadership of Malu, the betrayer, Xiao Chen embarked on the road to the palace. It was not that he deliberately tried to pluck the mysterious fairy king. However, the precious national instruments were necessarily in the hands of the strong even in the fairy world. The palace naturally became the most likely place for national instruments. [[ 8) 1) Z] W). C] O> M As for the name of the abandoner, Malu refers to himself. According to him, any waiter who backs up his faith will be named as this, which means sin and disaster. Suffering from the confession of dedication to the King of Kings, he died in pain.

But he is still safe now, which shows that the fairy king really had an accident, and Malu behaved very calmly about it, but in his eyes, there was a little sadness.

The four Huang Jiaxianweis rushed out like tigers and leopards, and the cold and dazzling daggers rushed endlessly, sweeping over, all the mutant creatures were chopped into pieces, and blood and water poured out.

Xiao Chen walked calmly. Behind him, Malu's face was slightly white. Although he saw four Huang Jiaxian shots many times along the way, he still felt deep awe in his heart. They are like tireless killing machines, cleaning up all mutants who dare to approach.

Lips trembled slightly, and Ma Lucai said respectfully after a long while. "Master Xiao Chen, are you a monk in the fairyland? Otherwise, how can you master high-level fairy art and have these four amazing armors of Huang Jiaxian."

Xiao Chen said indifferently: "The king comes from the Great Realm, not the cultivation of the immortal realm. Both immortal art and Huang Jiaxianwei were obtained by chance."

Malu Gao remained silent for a while and continued: "The juniors have been trapped here after being born in the fairyland catastrophe. Although there were strong people who wanted to investigate the outside world, most of them never returned and returned. The only thing that the monks brought was the news of destruction and death. Lord, can you tell me what the state of the Immortal Reality is today? "

Xiao Chen groaned slightly and said, "The fairyland has collapsed after the catastrophe and has become a ruin that has been annihilated in the long river of history. Only a small amount of fairyland fragments can be preserved into the chaos of time and space. You are a fairyland fragment. The Great Thousand Realms in which the King is located are called Ancient Fragment Shards. "

Malu trembled slightly. He opened his mouth, but did not continue to speak.

"Let's go." The four Huangjia Xianwei have killed all the surrounding metamorphosis creatures. Xiao Chen put them in the storage, and Fushou whistled away with maru turning into a shocked rainbow.


Half a month passed by in an instant.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, his eyes glanced over Malu. Although he didn't say much, he had already felt a strong pressure and his face was slightly white.

"Master Xiao Chen, the mutant monks and fairy beasts within the range of the palace, both in number and strength, must go out of other areas. The more kills we encounter, the closer we are to the palace."

"You better not lie to me." Xiao Chen nodded and chose to believe the words of the abandoner, because after the collapse of his belief, he did not think that Maru would give up his life for the fairy king and go to risk him. Moreover, he does not have this qualification.

The stone steps of the mountain have become rotten under the erosion of the years, but the steps are two feet long and three feet wide, and the uniform steps extend from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and at intervals, a place will be opened next to the stone steps for rest Each floor of the place is carved with exquisite patterns, which highlights the exquisiteness and luxury before the rescue. Presumably in the fairyland period, this place must be a beautiful place to attract countless monk mountaineers, or banquet guests.

But now, everything goes!

On the broken stone steps, at this moment, it has been stained red with viscous blood, flowing slowly along the cracks. The four Huangjiaxianwei walked around, silent, slashed with a long knife, killing all the mutants who tried to approach in the roar, and the thick blood was spread out. They did not scare the mutants, but stimulated them. The more violent they are, the more they gather.

Xiao Chen had his hands on his hands, but the strength of the Chaos Realm had spread, covering a distance of 100 square meters. Any mutants that entered it would be suppressed by the Chaos Realm. Under the four yellow armor swords, they were lined up like wheat. Was harvested and fell down.

"How far is the royal palace?"

Malu swallowed a bite of spit with difficulty, reached out and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and did not dare to see the mutant creatures constantly used around him, whispering, "Go over this mountain and you will see the palace. "

Xiao Chen nodded and walked forward. The cloth boots on his feet had been soaked with blood, and the hem of the blue shirt was stained with blood, but his face was still calm and unrestrained. He had never been affected by the vision.

Three hours later, Xiao Chen stood on the top of the mountain, and four Huangjiaxianwei stood and stood aside. The killing intentions were almost condensed into substance. One by one, if Shura killed the gods, the momentum was terrifying.

Looking away, at the end of the field, a large-scale city appears in sight, and in the center of the city is the fairy king palace.

On the other side of the mountain, attracted and stimulated by the smell of blood, countless mutants gathered from the periphery of the palace and looked down from the top of the mountain. The sky was full of dense mutants. The number was almost incalculable. In the roar, his eyes were red and rushed toward the mountain crazily.

There was no blood on Malu's face, and his calf was cramping. The visual impact of the scene in front of him had already exceeded his limit, and his mind was almost collapsed.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly dignified, but the dark eyes were full of calmness. There was no panic. He reached out and patted all the power of Malu instantly. "If the king can see the immortal, since Will let you out to meet him, now you first go to the king mustard field. "

Taking Maru away, he stretched out his sleeves and took a big step towards the mutant creatures swarming down the mountain. There was a **** sea behind him, like a region! The dazzling aura burst into the eyes of the four Huang Jiaxianwei at the same time, and the terror killing spree rose into the sky, forming an invisible whirlwind, sweeping away in all directions.

A moment later, the comer on the top of the mountain met the tide of metamorphic creatures. The confrontation between the two instantly bloomed numerous blood flowers, like a stone falling into the waves, but it was not swept away by the waves, but instead Coming up against the tide, this wave opened a hole!

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves, and the terror forces emerging from the void shattered hundreds of mutant creatures in front of him and scattered them into the sky.

The fierce scalpel of the waterfall is pitiful, and the mighty river flows like rivers and rivers. Between the scrolls, it cuts down all the resistance it encounters.

All the way through the blood and rain, but Xiao Chen's footwork was still firm, and under the impact of the untold death of countless mutants, he kept moving straight and continued to advance to the palace of the fairy king. Any mutants that blocked the front were crushed by life. !!

Crazy killing day and night, Xiao Chen stood in front of the immortal palace, his blue shirt was soaked with blood, his eyes showed some exhaustion that could not be covered, but it was still bright as before, calm and calm. Four Huang Jiaxianwei formed a defensive line of swordsman behind him, killing all the mutants that came from the attack, and couldn't cross Leichi.

After a few seconds of silence, he reached out his **** palm, pushed it slightly, and closed the door of the imperial palace for an unknown number of years, slowly opening in the sound of "squeak". No restraint was touched, and there was no attack from Li Xiao. Only the dust of the sky was falling, and a strong decaying breath blew towards the face, revealing the desolation and death.

Xiao Chen stepped into it, followed by four Huangjia Xianwei.

Fearlessly chased after the mutants behind him. Although he was still snarling at this moment, he did not dare to step into the fairy palace. Dozens of mutants were knocked into the door in the crowd, and there was no sign of burning on his body. The layer of black flames was burned into nothingness in a short period of time.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he glanced around without any pause, marching towards the palace.

Now that he had broken into it, he was well prepared enough to scare him no matter what danger was hidden in the palace!

The national weapon, he is determined to get it!


[Third, I think I'm working very hard to update it, so I reached out to ask your book friends for a monthly ticket! In the new January, I hope you all support! good night. 】

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