The rocks are dark red and are made of blood and water. The surrounding stone steps are visible everywhere, and the ground is full of stumps and broken arms, a scene of Shura hell. W]W]. ]8>1ZW. Although COM has been around for many days, there is still a strong smell of blood in the air, which makes people sick.

The scene before him undoubtedly has extremely powerful psychological impact, which makes people tremble!

Leading the way, Xianjun's face suddenly paled, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and his body trembled violently like a sieve. The eyes were filled with panic, and he did not dare to take a step forward.

The king of corpses, king of gods, king of heaven, king of heaven, and king Xuyan also had solemn faces, and their eyes slowly swept across this battlefield. The more they looked at the shock, the more shocking they were. When they looked at each other, they all saw each other's jealousy!

It must be Xiao Chen who caused this scene now! Except for him, no one among the fragments of the ancient fairyland has this kind of terrifying power, will desperately create monstrous killings, and will break into the palace.

"Dongyan King Dayan, it is really amazing! Under the step of the sky, among you and me, I am afraid that no one can compete with him!" King Xu Su suddenly spoke, breaking the silence among several people.

Silvermoon King nodded slightly. Although he valued King Xuyan extremely seriously, he had to admit that the magical powers that Xiao Chen possessed were indeed even more terrifying after seeing the scene before him! Closed her eyes, she seemed to be able to see everything that was born that day, an endless number of abnormal creatures, crowded and flooded like a tide, this scene is just imagination, and it has made people feel desperate.

King Mitian snorted and said: "Friends of Taoism, maybe you and I shouldn't be here any longer. Xiao Chen has entered the palace too much earlier than you and I. If you slow down, I am afraid that the National Instruments will really give up. People."

"The King Mitian is right. I will leave immediately and enter the palace! Even if Xiao Chen is strong, there is only one person. If you and I join hands, can we still suppress him? This king wants to see if he is strong. To what extent, even if he obtains the national weapon, he has to hand it over!" The King of Ten Thousand Corpses said sharply, showing his sorrow.

The red light in the eyes of the Shenhuo King is rolling and turbulent, and there is a hot breath in his body, and the air seems to be burning. "Dear friends, this king proposes that if there is a chance, you and I will join hands to kill or force Xiao Chen before the national weapon competition. Retreat, otherwise no one among you and me can compete with him!"





If the national weapon is in front, if you want to improve your grasp of seizure, you should do it first. Naturally, remove the strongest person from the snatchers first. Of course, they understand this in their hearts.

Benefits come first, there is no need for things such as magnanimity and grace!

"You fellow daoists, you can see the palace when you turn over the mountains in front of you. This monarch has fulfilled his promise. Please let all fellow daoists believe in your words and let me go." Xianjun Leading hurriedly said, his face pale. Still has not dissipated.

"If you want to go, this king will give you a step!" The king of corpses suddenly slapped him on the shoulder with a sneer. Without warning, this person could not evade the mouth, and the horrible corpse poison instantly penetrated into his body, spreading with an alarming degree Open. Under his gaze, the flesh and blood on Xianjun Leading quickly turned into jet black. While struggling, his figure flew hundreds of meters away, and suddenly shattered like a black balloon, and turned into black flesh and blood scattered all over the sky.


"An intruder came again." Dongdao Xianjun frowned slightly, his thoughts quickly turned, and he whispered after a long while: "Don't stop, let them enter the palace, the chaotic atmosphere of time and space will naturally lead them to the king. The land is sealed off. The more people who intrude, the greater the possibility of breaking the turbulence of time and space."

"Now, we have to prepare too, take all the fairy guards together, and follow the monarch to the trapped place of the fairy king. Once there is a chance, you and I will take action immediately, and rescue the king at all costs!"

"Yes!" Immortal Lihuo and Monarch Hei Narcissus suddenly responded and turned and left in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, this time your ministers will save you at all costs, please rest assured!" Dong Dao Xianjun said in a low voice, his eyes flashing with determination!


The magical power shot through the sky, tearing up all the abnormal creatures that were blocking the front, and splashing blood in the sky revealed the palace gates that opened wide.

"Rush in!"

During the roar, the aura of the monks from various countries flashed, turning into a scared rainbow and roaring into it! Countless mutant creatures behind him roared frantically, but did not dare to step into the palace. Seeing that these monsters did not chase into the palace, the hearts of the people were slightly relaxed, but soon their expressions changed drastically, and they suddenly looked up to the depths of the palace. In this direction, there was a breath of time and space turbulence that made people palpitation!

Sands of Time!

King Mitian trembled fiercely in his heart. At this moment, he clearly sensed the breath of the treasure. He couldn't say anything. He took the next step, and the aura from his body flickered slightly, whistling towards the source of the turbulent flow of time and space.

King Xu stretched out his hand and took the King Silver Moon, without saying a word.

The King of Ten Thousand Corpses, the King of Shenhuo and others are naturally unwilling to lag behind.

The group rides the escape light and whizzes toward the depths of the palace!

Seeing the entire front part of the palace, which was completely destroyed in ruins, the hearts of several people trembled fiercely. The fragments of the Qingjiaxian guards scattered on the ground for hundreds of miles were silently showing the tragedy and horror of the battle that day!

Passing through the ruins, and walking along the lake bank, the entire lake has turned to pale red, which is dyed red by the blood water gushing out of the water plants and swimming fish in the lake! In the void, there still existed the forbidden fluctuations that have not dissipated.

After walking across the lake and swiftly for a short while, an open black portal appeared in his sight, and the turbulent breath of time and space that made one's heart gushing out of it!

What I saw along the way made the cultivators of various countries more dignified, but at this moment, no one paused for a while, rushing into it quickly in the escape light package. It's just that 120,000 points of caution have been born in my heart, guarding against possible dangers.

As far as I can see, it is a decayed scene in the warehouse, all kinds of rare treasures are destroyed in the passage of time and turned into useless waste. But at this moment, they did not care to feel sorry for this, their eyes fell to the edge of the warehouse at the same time, and a channel was opened on the stone wall, and colorful colors came from it, and the breath of the sand of time was also diffused from it. .

King Mi Tian was the first to rush into it, just to see the figure in the green robe with his back facing him, taking away dozens of time sands from the ground.

"No!" His eyes widened in an instant, he screamed in his mouth, stretched out his hand and slapped it down, and a mighty force surged out of the void, swept through the tumbling.

Xiao Chen suddenly turned around, whispered his sleeves in a low snort, and there was a sudden shock in the air. Then there was a thunderous roar, and the two powerful forces gradually dissipated in the fight.

At this time, King Xu and others had already entered.

"King Mitian, what is this king doing with you when he collects the treasures, and he directly attacked this king!" Xiao Chen's face sank as water, his eyes swept across the surroundings, and his speech was chilly.

"Xiao Chen! Hand over what you just collected, otherwise this king will never die with you!" King Mitian gasped slightly, his eyes full of madness. The sand of time is so important to him, how can he watch Xiao Chen take it away.

Xiao Chen smiled coldly when he heard the words, and said: "Joke! The treasures can be obtained by those who have the ability, and what is the king's collection, what qualifications does the king of heaven have to claim! What about immortality? Is it possible that the king is afraid that you will not succeed!"

King Mitian's gaze fell on him, nodding bitterly, but he didn't dare to really do it himself. The scenes he saw before were enough to prove that Xiao Chen's power was terrifying. How could he dare to be an enemy alone.

"Dear friends, you and I have made a decision before entering the palace, are you still reluctant to take action now?"

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