Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 953: Ending gift

The monks of Zhutian were slightly low and completely quiet, and they never thought that today's things would lead to such a supreme existence!

The monk stepping to heaven stands for standing on the sky, which is the pinnacle of the world. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Com is so supreme, it is above heaven. It belongs to another brand-new realm. Its supernatural powers are far beyond those of monks who step on the sky!

Xiao Chen trembled, feeling the pressure from the void, her body stiff! He hadn't seen Hong Meng's coming, but it was just a scent of breath, a little coercion, and it had given him a sense of irresistibility!

The strength of Hongmeng is evident!

In Yuanshen Space, the golden seal and golden texture suddenly became golden, and a breath spread out instantly, filling Xiao Chen's body. In this breath, it can shield any primordial induction, even if the supreme Hongmeng exists, as long as it is not carefully inspected, it is impossible to detect the existence of the golden seal in his body.

In this breath, Xiao Chen's mind suddenly calmed down, and the fear in his heart completely dissipated at this moment, and all the discomfort caused by the coercion of Hongmeng disappeared. In front of the golden seal, Hongmeng's power does not seem terrible!

But even so, his body was also tight and deep, his face was full of fear and awe, and there was no flaw on the surface.

The obscure and powerful Hongmeng Meng pressure fluctuated gently, but the implication was the supreme confrontation between Hongmeng and Mengmeng. Every understatement of the waves in their induction hidden the power of destroying the world!

Suddenly, the colorful, condensed space-time power pieces shattered, and a large hand whistled, holding the fairy king directly in his hand, and instantly disappeared and disappeared. Then he heard a distant, deep voice coming, "The fairy king of fairyland, the deity has taken it."

A few low hums followed. The next moment, several powerful divine senses came down instantly, and everyone was shocked as if they were completely seen through. Fortunately, a few thoughts did not stop for too long, and they all retreated like a tide. Although it is only a short time, but for the monks here, it seems like over ten million years, any one of these masters of God can easily wipe them all out!

The light lifted, and the awe on his face had not yet dissipated, but two hot flames were jumping under his eyes.

This is the state of Supreme Hongmeng, and also a powerful force that he has been pursuing throughout his life. Although he is only one step away from the three steps of stepping on the sky, this thin layer of window paper has stopped countless days in this world. Overwhelmingly! Throughout his life, he must not break through!

In order to gain prosperity, opportunities, luck, qualifications are all indispensable, but he has some regrets in these aspects. Thinking of this, the light felt a little dim.

Not only was he alone at this moment, the strong men from all countries were silent, showing complexities. They have not reached their realm, they have been trapped in the realm of being unable to break through, spent tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years or more, and still have a long way to go. They cannot feel their feelings at this moment.

Therefore, Xiao Chen, the King Xu, and the King of Yinyue returned to peace as quickly as possible. Although they were frightened in their hearts, the fear disappeared when Hongmengwei retreated.

However, the monks who stepped into the heavens finally became strong and powerful and could not be shaken. They soon fell into dullness, but it was not known whether their hearts were as superficial. Hong Meng intervened, naturally they did not have the need to compete, and Hong Meng ’s sense of God did not detect the existence of the national weapon, it showed that the treasure had indeed been taken away, but let some old monsters disperse the last suspicion of Xiao Chen .

Even the King Xu and the Silver Moon were secretly surprised. Could the king of Feixian be true, and someone else had to leave? But what happened when Xiao Chen cut off his arm? Although this matter cannot be explained, it is destined to become only a secret in their hearts forever.

After Hong Meng's shot, the old people in various countries trembled, but the thought of fighting broke up. They looked at each other and turned away.

But when Da Chu was about to leave in a proud battle, Xiao Chen suddenly said, "King Xu King and King Yinyue stayed for a while. My king is asking for something. I wonder if the two can help?"

The light flashed a little puzzled, but didn't say much. Based on his understanding of Xiao Chen, since he started to speak, it was after deep consideration that he naturally had his deep meaning.

Ao Zhan frowned slightly, Xu King reverently said: "Master Ao Zhan, the younger generation was hunted down by the fairy king before the Silver Moon King. Thanks to the king Dongyan's shot to counteract, otherwise I fear that they have already ridiculed this. You can wait for a while. "

Yinyue Wangdao: "Master, this is exactly what happened."

Proudly nodding his head, he said lightly, "Because it is a blessing and a favor, then listen to it. If you can, you can pay back the human relationship."

"Thank you very much, Lord." After Xie Wang saluted, he turned to look at Xiao Chen. "I don't know what King Dongyan did. If the king can agree, he must not make excuses."

Xiao Chen arched his hand and said, "When the king was in the Xiaoqian Realm, there was a sister who had become a righteous one, but she was called into the Daqian Reality thousands of years ago. Looking for it in the territory of the Chu State. This may be a bit troublesome, but now it is inconvenient for the King to enter the Chu State, so I have to worry about the King. "

When the words fell, he threw up his hand, and a jade slip fell directly into the hand of King Xu Xi. "Yu Jian is the name and picture of the sister. If this can be done, the king owes the king Xu Xi a favor , If there is an opportunity, it will be rewarded. "

King Xu Yi took Yujian, and his knowledge penetrated into it. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay, the king should answer this matter. If there is any news, he will pass the message to you through Huitong."

"Thank you!"

A proud battle waved his sleeves, leaving the two men, the King Xu and Yinyue, instantly.

Guangguang said: "Xiao Chen, let's go."

"Yes, elder."


The fragments of the ancient fairyland came to an end, and many powerful people from various countries fell into it, and dozens of people who created the Xeon were buried in it. In the end, it even attracted Supreme Master Hung Meng's intervention, and it was extremely powerful!

However, as the debris of Xianyu collapsed and dissipated, the powerful men from all over the country used to gradually retreat, and the territory of Rongguo slowly recovered.

The Rong state rebellion was overthrown by King Yan of the Great Swallows, and the old land of Rong and Qiang was all classified as the territory under the name. All the people in the country surrendered, and no one dared to contend.

Under the leadership of the ancestors, Zhang Liangdong, and Fan Lin, the barbaric Starfield Army went to all parts of the territory to take over the army to rectify military affairs. Fortunately, although there were many things, His Majesty Xiao Chen was able to manage it properly and did not produce any trouble.

Dayan Fengdongyan, once occupying the two nations, immediately attracted the hearts of the surrounding affiliated nations. They all showed up on Dayan to show loyalty, for fear of accidentally causing the disaster. Fortunately, King Dongyan did not change anything, and the internal affairs of the rectification of the territory did not show a tendency to conquer. Coupled with the soothing of Dayan, things gradually subsided.

This is a hindrance, and the details are not mentioned.


Dongyan Palace.

In the study hall, in the hall of the atrium, Xiao Chen and Guangguang sat next to each other at the table, and a pot of fragrant tea filled with the fragrance of tea, filled the room.

The light took a sip and sighed with admiration. After a long while, he said, "I will stay in this place for a long time, and return to Jidu today, and return to the Emperor Yan."

Xiao Chen was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "Elder, Xiao Chen's use of the black sword and the purple Yuan Beast Armor this time, I am afraid that it cannot be concealed. Will this make the Emperor Yan suspect?"

"Anyway, I will deal with this matter by myself. Although you are now separated from the thistle city, you still need to be cautious in everything you do to make it difficult for the Emperor Yan. Thistle is everything. With peace of mind, you build up your strength. "

Xiao Chen nodded, but his heart was touched a bit. Since he met with light, he has taken care of him a lot. If it had not been for the gift of the purple Yuan beast armor and the sharp sword of black weapon, maybe he would have been buried in the evil star domain, how could he leave To today.

People treat me with sincerity, grace, and self-confidence.

He raised his head, his face slightly dignified, and said, "Please also ask the elders to take a shot, shield the space here, and disturb the yin and yang of the Qi machine!"

The light was faint, but he didn't say much when he looked at him. With a wave of his own power, he wrapped the entire study to isolate it from the outside world.

"Well, in this way, even Monk Hongmeng can't quietly perceive things indoors."

Xiao Chen heard the words, took out something with a flash of aura in his hand, and said, "This treasure, Xiao Chen sent to the elder."


[Today ’s update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow! 】

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