Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 965: Transfer national transport

Founding of the country, Liding, Universiade!

When Dong Yan announced the establishment, within the entire territory, an infinite number of different strengths emerged in the sky, seemingly attracted, and roared to the capital (the old capital of Rong country), condensing into a cloak. A, a dragon with no feet underneath! But the dragon head has dragon horns, and the scale armor is light golden. Bayi Chinese W} W) W]. 〉 8.1] Z> W]. > C] If one day, the dragon will have feet under its belly, and it will rise up to 90,000 miles, and it will turn into a dragon in a storm! In the Great Thousand Realms, only the eight great empires can be able to consolidate the true dragon luck transporters. In addition, all the countries are stunned and subject to their restrictions!

This dragon is condensed by the faith of Dongyan's billions of subjects, which means the national strength of a country! The ability to manifest dragon horns and golden scale armor is enough to prove that Dongyan is powerful! In this respect alone, in addition to the eight empires, perhaps in the thousands of realms, only the Hun state can be as strong as Dong Yan in terms of national power! But today, this state of power is only established at the beginning of the founding of the country. With the solidarity of the community, the return of all peoples, and the confluence of massive beliefs, it is bound to make the state stronger!

Xiao Chen took the throne high, and the four princesses around him took their seats in turn. Under the palace, Wu Chongchen was wearing a costume and stood upright! In solemn vocal music, the attendant read aloud the first order of King Xiao after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and sealed the monks according to the merit book.

Ren Zu, Dao Xian, Dao Demon, Tian Ding, Earth Furnace, Li Taolue, Zhang Mangong, Fang Shi, Duo Feng, Yun Yang, Ling Meng and Zuo Mei's six commanders all rise to the Great Thousand Realms with Xiao Chen. , Fan Lin, and other monks in the Daqian community also have a gift!

Quan was enshrined as a state protector and had the right to act on behalf of the king. It can be seen that the king did not worship, and his status was extremely respected!

The order was announced, and His Royal Highnesses bowed to their knees at the same time, and shouted, "The minister and other gratitude, see the Lord!" With this leaning down, the National Games Institute snarled in the mouth of the dragon, and its breath was immediately integrated with Xiao Chen. Let him be shocked and gain the blessing of the faith of hundreds of millions of people. Suddenly there was an extraordinarily solemn and solemn throughout the whole body, which made people's eyes fall, and they did not feel awed! The four princesses around them, as the heroines of the swallow, can naturally receive the blessing of the National Games, which is more graceful and luxurious, and the natural atmosphere of natural decoration is made!

Xiao Chen's eyes glanced at His Royal Highness, and an excitement came into her heart! The National Tribe of China was established in Daqianjie. The wish of that year has been achieved! He took a deep breath, only then slowly depressed his heart and said, "Zhu Qing is free from courtesy."


After the founding ceremony, the palace harem.

Xiao Chengao sits high, Zi Yan sits opposite, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, and Qingmei sit around, and her face still has incredible color. Who would have thought that the man who knew each other in the Xiaoqian Realm at that time has now opened up a kingdom of God in the Daqian Realm and became a king of his own, and they can also be graced and respected.

Zi Yan's eyes suddenly turned red, slightly lower as a cover.

Xiao Chen slightly surprised, Wen said: "Ziyan, today is the day of great joy to open up the kingdom of God for your husband. Why are you doing this? But what can't you do for your husband so badly that you are left out?"

"Where did the husband say, the four sisters of the corpse are able to follow the husband, it is already very happy, how can they be dissatisfied. The corpse just thought that the husband has suffered so much in this step in recent years, How many times are you dying and alive, and I feel a little bit sad in my heart. "Zi Yan whispered.

The three women Yueyue, Xiaoyi and Qingmei nodded at the same time. "Foreigners only see the splendid scenery of the husband, where do you know how much suffering the husband has suffered since he came to this day?"

Seeing the tears in the eyes of the four women, Xiao Chen hurriedly laughed: "I, as a monk, there is no longevity for those who enjoy the world, and the power of the mountains and the sea to destroy the world and destroy the world, naturally requires more hardening. What the husband has suffered is only the calamity that should be on the way of climbing the avenue. No calamity can be experienced, how can he be reborn in the calamity, and how can he climb to the top of the avenue. Fortunately, the ordeal has now passed, and you and I meet It is a great joy to build the kingdom of God. Do n’t do these sad states. "

"Yes, husband!" The four women should be at the same time.

But at this moment, the nun's daughter-in-law suddenly came out of the palace, "King, the master of the National Normal University has something to ask for and has been waiting in the National Palace Hall."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he had expected what Quan Xun was doing, and he stood up and smiled at the four women: "Quan is waiting for me, take a step for my husband, and see you later today."

"Congratulations to your husband."


"Quan, you are here, but for the National Games?" Xiao Chen said with a smile.

Quan slightly nodded and said, "Now that the National Games have been established, the National Games have been completed. If you really want to bless the National Games with others, I will do it for you. But you must be clear about this, the National Games are unusual, if you Those who want to abuse it will have a great impact on the national situation! Once the National Games backwash, you, as the owner of the Dongyan, will definitely take the brunt. And once you add the National Games to others, even if you are the owner of the Dongyan, you cannot borrow The cultivation of the power of the kingdom of faith will also affect your degree of cultivation. "

Seeing that he was serious, Xiao Chen's smile narrowed slightly, and he groaned a little, saying, "You can rest assured that, since the King has made a decision, it is naturally the result of careful consideration. The King is convinced that he must not Harm and me. As for affecting the cultivation level, the king has not used the power of the kingdom of God before, and has reached the point where he is today, even if he puts it out. The most important point is that he now needs the national fortune more than the king. Blessing yourself is also the best choice for me. Quan, you can do as King told me. "

"Okay! That being the case, I will take the opportunity to pass on the National Games today." Quan always did nothing, his voice fell, and he left in one hand with nothing, and a golden fairy text appeared between the sketches. When the last stroke fell, he waved his sleeve forward and drank in the mouth: "Immortal inheritance, moving a country's luck, blessing the body of others!" Xianwen flashed, disappeared into Xiao Chen's body and disappeared.

Quankou drank: "Who wants to bless the National Games and drink his name!"

Xiao Chen slowly said, "Light!"


Jidu, imperial palace.

Elder Guangzhao has been living in small numbers since the incident of the ancient fairyland fragments. It is said that he got it by accident and is working hard to make further progress. After Xiao Chen forced to retreat from Yan Hongmeng, he made a statement to Yan Huang and began to retreat completely. He has not reappeared since then.

In the secret room, the walls are shimmering with a layer of aura, shielding everything from the outside world, and also covering up all the breath here. The light sat cross-legged, and the golden square seal of the Chinese artifact was floating in front of him. A ray of golden light slowly flowed between him and the Chinese artifact, just like a stream of water, each minute of rotation would make him connect with the Chinese artifact. Become closer. In this way, he is fully refining national weapons. Once completed, he can use the power of national weapons to make up for his lack of air transport.

But at this moment, the eyes of the light suddenly opened, and he suddenly raised his eyes, revealing the surprise!

At this moment, a great luck suddenly blessed him, and the luck was magnificent and endless. Only after it fell down, the mana flow in his body suddenly accelerated, and a magnificent breath suddenly emerged!

The national instruments in front of him suddenly became golden, and the induction with him suddenly strengthened several times in an instant! In the induction, the shortcomings of his own air transportation are now shrinking at a rapid rate, blocking the bottleneck in front of him, and there are some signs of looseness!

He seems to be consciously aware of the existence of that portal. Once he crosses it, he will be able to cross the sky and be promoted.

Such a change, even with a light mood, ecstasy is born in my heart! He understands that this change is naturally related to Xiao Chen! Now that he has been added to the National Games, it shows that Xiao Chen has established a national legislature and is a leader!

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, then spread quickly and spread across the entire face, and finally turned into a long laugh, "Okay! Good! Good! Xiao Chen, I really did not read you wrong!"

"The day when Zuo Yan rises up, not far away!"


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