Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 967: Reincarnation

The servants in the Fuzhong served up the prepared dishes one by one, and when the wine and water were ready, Shi Lang Li raised his glass and said: "The first glass of wine, the old man respects all the distinguished guests as a thank you. (August 1? 〈<小[〈说[(

Everyone toasted and drank.

Li Gan got up, walked into the hall, knelt down, bowed respectfully, and said: "A son is not filial, and he must not serve his father all the year round! For birthdays today, I wish my father a good and long life, and the blessings will last! When the child goes down the mountain, the master will give you a longevity. Dan, to congratulate my father on his birthday!"

"Yan Shou Dan!" The female cultivator of the same door exclaimed, her beautiful eyes glowing, and her gaze at Li Gan showed admiration.

Zelin and the other man's eyes flashed with jealousy at the same time.

"Junior Brother Li Gan really got the respect of his teacher and gave such a panacea. After taking this pill, Li Shibo can wash the essence, cut the marrow, reborn, and regain his life for fifty years out of thin air. This kind of opportunity, even if the world's people The emperor is also hard to get!"

The guests in the hall exclaimed one after another, looking at Li Gan's brocade box, their eyes became extremely eager. Seeing such an immortal family spirit pill today, everyone looked at Ze Lin and the others, suddenly a little more respectful and respectful.

Li Shilang was also excited in his heart, stood up and bowed his hands, and said, "Thank you, the immortal master, for giving me the pill, the old man is grateful!"

But at this moment, a faint snort suddenly came from the hall, revealing a touch of disdain.

The man in the green robe frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Xiao Xue, don't make trouble."

The black robe man behind him slightly lowered, "Yes, Master."

But at this time, the eyes of the three Zelin had fallen, their expressions extremely gloomy. Li Gan also frowned slightly, but he looked at the man in Qingpao, not knowing the cause of the Milky Way, hesitated a little and still did not speak. But he didn't pursue the matter, which doesn't mean that the other three can let go.

Ze Lin said coldly: "Who was humming coldly? Get out!" Although he was asking, his eyes fell on the master servant of the man in the green robe.

The man in the green robe frowned slightly, before speaking, Xiao Xue stepped forward behind him, and said lightly: "What are you going to do?"

"Li Shibo, it's not that the younger generation wants to destroy the birthday banquet today, but it's about the face of the sect. The younger generation can only be rude!" Zelin handed his hand, and his eyes flashed sharply, "My sect bestows the immortal family spirit pill. Mortals, dare to ridicule, if you don't break your three souls and seven souls today, where is the majesty of the immortal way!"

"Adding mortal life yuan for fifty years is nothing more than a liuling pill. Sending this thing as a birthday gift is a joke. It's you waiting for yourself to lose face, what do you do with me."

"Good! Good! Good! If you can give a more precious gift today, then let go of today's affairs, otherwise, stop blaming me for being ruthless!"

Xiao Xue sneered, and when he walked to the case of Li Shilang, he handed over and said, "Temporarily borrow the gift and return it later." He took out the long box and stretched out his hand to open it, "Open your eyes and see, such a gift, your sect Can you get it?"

In the long box, a long sword lay quietly in it, simple and unpretentious, without any breath leaking.

Ze Lin glanced away and sneered: "But ordinary swords, even if the iron is cut like mud in the eyes of my immortals, it is like scrap iron!"

"There are eyes but no beads!" Xiao Xue held the sword in his hand, and pointed the three people away with the long sword out of its sheath. "While holding this sword, even a mortal person who wants to kill such a character like you will only be in the palm of his hand!"

When they were speaking, a ray of killing intent appeared in the sword body instantly, lingering around the three people of Zelin, making their bodies suddenly stiff, as if they were in a sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood, and their faces were suddenly pale and bloodless!

The man in the green robe said lightly: "Xiao Xue, enough."


The long sword was sheathed, and a ray of killing intent disappeared instantly, and the three of Zelin were directly soft to the ground, wet their robes with cold sweat. If it is a moment later, this killing intent alone will be enough to make their minds collapse, and their souls will collapse and die!

The three of them looked up at Xiao Xue, their eyes showing deep horror!

Li Gan's expression changed, he turned to the man in Qingpao, before he spoke, he saw his eyes suddenly bright as stars. A feeling of turning around the world came, and when everything recovered, his figure had appeared in a white space.

The man in the green robe stood not far away.

"Who are you? Why do you want to approach my Li family!"

The man in the green robe shook his head and said lightly: "It's not that this king is approaching the Li family, but you call this king to come here."

When the time returned to the Uyghur battle, the arrow of the gods was shot, and the compass collapsed for many days, and a sound rang directly in his mind, "Sixty years later, in the wild star field, please come to find me. "The coordinates of a star map appeared in his soul.

This voice is the ancestor of the Li family!

With the compass in hand for many days, helping Xiao Chen escape from danger many times, this kindness should not be forgotten. So after everything stabilized, Xiao Chen left the Wangcheng secretly, brought Zi Yan and her four daughters, came to this cultivation star, chose a city at will, and enjoyed the peaceful life of a mortal, waiting for him to appear. .

Until yesterday, when the invitation from the Li Mansion was delivered, he had a vague feeling in his heart, and he knew that the person he was waiting for had already arrived.

And this person is Li Gan.

Seeing his face with confusion, Xiao Chen took a step forward, and his figure appeared directly in front of Li Gan, reaching out and pointing forward, falling on the center of his eyebrows. The matter of the multi-day compass turned into countless pictures, directly into his mind.

After doing this, he closed his hands and backed away, watching Li Gan close his eyes and frown, his body trembling slightly. Soon his body returned to calm, his eyes slowly opened, his breath changed a bit from before, and his eyes flickered like a nebula.

"Be careful... those around you..."

A whisper came out of his mouth, Xiao Chen's expression changed in an instant, and he suddenly lifted, but Li Gan had awakened from the state just now and his eyes were clear. His face was a little confused, but he seemed to understand something. He looked at Xiao Chen, his lips quivered slightly, and he said in a low voice after a while, "I know some things, but more are still confused...I...I Is it really him?"

Xiao Chen was silent for a moment and nodded: "If you weren't him, you wouldn't have awakened part of your memory at all. I don't know why you chose reincarnation, but you have begun to awaken now. How long will it take to restore the memory that disappeared in the reincarnation? Not sure. Now this king gives you two choices. Once you leave with me, this king will protect you until you regain your memory. Second, stay in Li’s house, and your cause and effect will end here. When your memory recovers in the future Let's find this king again."

Li Gan smiled bitterly, his face slightly sour, "Do you think I can still stay in Li's house now? I will go with you."

Xiao Chen nodded and waved his sleeves, and Li Gan disappeared. But he didn't leave immediately, frowning, his eyes slightly gloomy. The sentence just now, "Be careful... the people around..." It was obviously not Li Gan who spoke, but the message passed to him by the ancestor of the Li family at the moment of waking up.

But what does he mean?

Who is he?

Who made him be careful?

Now it seems that although he has found the reincarnation of the ancestor of the Li family, the mystery has not been solved, but has become more and more! And everything, faintly, has an inseparable relationship with him! It was like a big net in the sky, hidden in the mist, and now all he saw was the edge.

Xiao Chen took a breath and suppressed a wave of restlessness in his heart. When he was weak, he looked up at the fog that covered the sky, but now he has the power to move the fog. Now that he has touched this big net, he will be able to see everything one day!

Taking a step forward, he disappeared.

Li Gan felt a shock, and when his sight was restored, he was still in the lobby of Li's house. Xiao Chen'an had not moved a little after sitting on the low table. Everything before was like a dream, but the memory that appeared in his mind clearly told him that what had just happened was true.

There was a slight silence, he knelt down again and bowed to Shilang Li, thanking him for nurturing in this life, then he said nothing, got up and stood behind Xiao Chen.

Li Shilang was surprised and suspicious, but before he could speak, Xiao Chen had already said, "Old Master Li, this person is a cultivator, because I feel that there is some cause and effect with your third son Li Gan, hereby. Waited for him for three years. Now he has awakened, and will follow this seat to repair the road, and then he will never step into the ordinary. The magic weapon that this seat gives you can be the inheritance of the Li family, dripping blood You can recognize the Lord. If you enshrine this treasure in your home, if you are in danger, the treasure will come out of the sheath, which can protect you from the Li family for a thousand years. After a thousand years, the treasure will destroy itself."

"The cause and effect here are already here, this seat is one step ahead." After the words fell, he took the next step and left with Xiao Xue and Li Qian in an instant, disappearing.

Xiao Mansion on Chengnan Avenue, people go to the house in one day. The immortal descended for a while, and the news of the gift to the Li family spread quickly.

Ten days later, several masters of the cultivation sect on this star came and wanted to take the sword from the Li family. But before they could take action, there was a sword light that automatically lifted into the air, whizzing past, and the few monks closest to the Li Family House were instantly beheaded, and there was no resistance at all!

After this incident, the Star Cultivation Sect was horrified, and one after another strictly ordered the disciples not to enter the city where the Li family was located for life!

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