Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1005: A family dinner

The Lord of Dongyan leaves the pass, which naturally makes the government and the wild rejoice. Bayi ((中.) 81ZW.COM Nowadays, relations between countries are becoming increasingly tense, and it seems that the bowstring is constantly tightening, which is almost reaching its limit. At some point, this bowstring will break, leading to a troubled world.

Xiao Chen's appearance can naturally stabilize Dongyan's heart.

After boarding the court and comforting the officials, Xiao Chen returned to the harem. The four daughters of Zi Yan and Yu Ji were already waiting.

Ganoderma lucidum is wearing a delicate palace dress, busy directing the palace maid to put out the banquet dishes and drinks. Over the years, with the passage of time, her appearance has become more and more beautiful, her face is exquisite, no flaws are visible, and between her gestures, there is also a little more inexplicable non-eating smoke, like a goddess. If you savour it carefully, you will be able to detect a certain smell between her eyebrows, which is actually somewhat similar to a spring.

"Your Majesty is here!"

The attendant walked quickly into the hall to announce, and the faces of Zi Yan's four daughters, Yu Ji, and Lingzhi suddenly showed a sense of joy. Everyone in the hall bowed to the ground and said respectfully: "Welcome your majesty."

To build a nation and build a country, it is only when there are legal standards to make a radius. As the lord of Dongyan, he respects the kings of the eight kingdoms, and his status is noble. He deserves to receive this gift.

Xiao Chen's court clothes have been changed into casual clothes, but they are still exquisite, embroidered with clusters of dragon patterns, and his back is as tall as a mountain. You can see dragons and tigers while walking.

Seeing him coming from outside the temple at this moment, the sky behind him was shining on him, making his face slightly blurred, and for a while, it made the women feel dreamy.

When they were all in the human world, never thought that one day they would be able to ascend to the next level, even more so. Tianhuang nobleman, under one person, above hundreds of millions! And everything is due to the man in front of you!

"There are no outsiders today, why bother between you and me." Xiao Chen smiled and said, brushing his sleeves, pulling up Zi Yan and so on. Seeing that their eyes had strange colors, he couldn't help being slightly surprised, and said: "Thousands of years Although it is not short, for you and me, it is only a long-term retreat practice. Why do you look like this? Could it be that you don't know me."

Zi Yan showed a look of recollection on her face and said: "Where did your majesty say, the concubines for a while, just thought of the past human world, and now, everything is as if in a dream, with a little emotion."

Yue Wu said: "My sister is right. I'm afraid no one had thought that your Majesty can go to this day."

Xiaoyi and Qingmei nodded repeatedly.

Yu Ji smiled and said: "The more it shows, the four of you are good-sighted, and you can realize your potential before your Majesty has risen. If anyone knew that he could rise to the great world and open up a huge country, I am afraid the whole world In the realm of comprehension, countless beauties will pounce on him crying and shouting."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Is my sister annoyed that I haven't been out to see each other for many years, so I deliberately said to listen to me today. It is already my blessing to be able to win Zi Yan and the others, how dare I have other thoughts."

Zi Yan's mood has recovered. At this moment, she smiled and said: "Among the nine empires, our Majesty’s harem is the easiest. Apart from the four of our sisters, there is no one else. I don’t know whether it will be said to be occupied in secret. A fierce woman whose king doesn't understand the virtues of women."

Everyone in the hall laughed at the quote.

Xiao Chen took the seat, Zi Yan waved her hand, and the court ladies in the palace bowed and bowed to the outside of the palace. Today is a reunion feast, so we should not be disturbed.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly spoke, "Where are you going to Ganoderma? There are no outsiders at the banquet today, so you stay."

Lingzhi's heart jumped, her face turned slightly ruddy, her gaze swept across Zi Yan's four women with a little shyness, and only after making sure that their expressions were as usual, did she nod gently, stand by the table and lift the flask, and said: "The servant serves Your Majesty, the four empresses and the princess have a meal."

"Wrong, Ganoderma lucidum should be punished!" Xiao Chen took the flask from her hand, filled a glass, and said: "I told you back then that I never regarded you as a slave, and I don't respect the ritual system in private. Today If you know it, you should drink a full glass."

"Your Majesty is right. Sister Lingzhi did change the punishment." Zi Yan smiled. Over the years, she had already noticed the feelings of Lingzhi that the girl carefully concealed in her heart, and she was also moved by her infatuation. Moreover, Xiao Chen is the lord of Dongyan. How could there be only four of them in the harem? Instead of joining other women, she prefers Lingzhi. She has been registered as the lord of the Sixth House, the orthodox queen, she should be magnanimous, and she should first express her position on this matter. This speech has shown that if Xiao Chen intends to accept Lingzhi, she will not object.

Yuewu, Xiaoyi, and Qingmei naturally understood what she meant, and smiled slightly.

Lingzhi's pretty face flushed suddenly, and she kept silent.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "I met Lingzhi in the Zuo Brow Dojo, and in a blink of an eye, she has been so beautiful. In my heart, I have always regarded her as my own sister, and you should treat her kindly in the future. "

The four girls of Zi Yan were stunned, and then lowered, a touch of emotion flashed in their eyes.

Lingzhi's delicate body was slightly stiff, and a trace of sadness flashed under her eyes, but she soon recovered, and raised her voice: "Since Xiao Chen said this, Lingzhi is no longer pretending. For this cup, Lingzhi will punish herself." When the words fell, she took it. After drinking from the glass, two red clouds rose on her pretty face, which made her look more beautiful.

Yu Ji sighed in her heart, stretched out her hand and smiled: "Ganoderma lucidum is here to sit next to sister Yu Ji."

Lingzhi nodded and sat down beside her.

Xiao Chen raised his glasses and said with a smile: "At today's banquet, everyone is the closest person to me. You and I raise your glasses. I hope that every year, you and I will never be separated!"

There are a few people in the world who can achieve the seemingly ordinary desire that is not separated from year to year.

A family feast until the willow shoots in the moon.

Lingzhi was so drunk, with a smile on his face, he toasted Xiao Chen and the four daughters of Zi Yan, saying: May Xiao Chen and the four sisters-in-law stay with each other forever. After drinking, he fell drunk in Yu Ji's arms.

"I'll send her back." Yu Ji took Ganoderma lucidum and left under the courteous guidance.

Zi Yan looked unbearable and said: "Husband..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Chen raised her hand and interrupted, "I know what you want to say, but it is enough for me to have you in my heart. How can I let go of others. Although Lingzhi is good, it is not my love. There is her destination. No matter what the future is, it is enough for my husband to have the four of you by your side."

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled, "Fine. Although you and my husband and wife are in the imperial palace, they have not seen each other for many years. Now it's a good time, don't talk about these heavy topics. It's not early, you and I will go to rest. ."

In a long laugh, he strode out of the table and walked to the apse.

The four girls of Zi Yan flushed immediately, their cheeks were radiant, and they looked at each other, and their faces were red with shame. The couple’s long goodbye, coupled with the previous warm words of affection, made the four daughters reluctant to refuse.

"Let's go, the four of us sisters, can you still be afraid that he won't be a single one!" Zi Yan bit her silver teeth and got up first to follow, but for some reason, her body was still a little soft.

Yue Wu, Xiao Yi, and Qing Brow followed behind them, but those delicate ears loomed in the silk, and now they also had a pink layer, which was so attractive.

All night the curtains pan wave and the gums creaked softly, and the taste is beyond expression.

In the morning of the next day, Xiao Chen got up under the maid's attendant with a refreshing spirit. As for the four daughters of Zi Yan, they were still weak, and with a little shame they hid their heads in the brocade, pretending to be still asleep. .

Xiao Chen didn't break this point, and straightly said, "I need to meet with generals from all over the world today. Maybe I will be busy later. After I finish dealing with the things at hand, I will visit you again." Yan said he smiled slightly, and stepped out of the palace. Nian left.

The four girls on the bed seemed to be Xiaohe in the pool, and their heads appeared slightly. The four pairs of dark eyes turned slightly. I wonder if they thought of last night, a layer of embarrassment suddenly appeared and steamy.

Glancing at each other, he suddenly smiled, but relaxed.

"Next time... next time you must not be like this. The four of our sisters are not opponents every time." Xiao Yi gritted her teeth and said angrily.

Green eyebrows frowned at the corners of the weak eyebrows, and said with no confidence: "Kefjun is a master of physical training, and the power of the flesh can produce a dragon elephant. We... how can we beat him."

Yue Wu has always been dignified, and the shame that has only dissipated after hearing this statement gushes out again, slightly low and naturally does not say a word.

Zi Yan said: "Two little girls who don't know how to be ashamed, this kind of thing can also be said. If others hear it, don't they have to laugh to death."

Qing Brow narrowed her head. She had always respected Zi Yan, so naturally she didn't dare to say anything.

But Xiaoyi curled her mouth and whispered: "I didn't know who called it loudly last night."

Zi Yan's pretty face flushed suddenly, and she hurriedly reached out to cover her mouth, "Okay you Li Xiaoyi, see if my sister will teach you a lesson today!"

"Ah! Yuewu and Qingmei quickly help me!"

For a time, the pink legs and jade arms fragrant muscles and jade skin, the spring is full.


The eight great empires have been standing for thousands of years, with profound background and accumulation of countless strong men. Among the great army are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and generals at all levels are amazingly powerful. If compared with this aspect alone, Dongyan's side is undoubtedly weaker by several times.

The generals in the Fengzheng Hall were all urgently summoned into the capital from all armies. Except for the army generals in the wild star region, there were all the rest. Only a handful of them were former members of Xiao Chen's command, and most of them were raw faces who had never been masked. At this moment, most of them looked nervous, and they were obviously anxious to see the legendary figure who founded Dongyan and built the Great Empire in just a few hundred years, and then felt nervous and awe.

"Your Majesty!"

"Please see your majesty!"

In the sound of armor collision, the generals in the hall knelt down at the same time, deeply buried their expressions to the extreme, and did not dare to be disrespectful.

Xiao Chen sat down and started, and his eyes swept under His Royal Highness, and there was an invisible pressure falling, making everyone's hearts tense, and hearing a faint voice in their ears, "The generals are flat."

"Thank your Majesty!"

The generals got up one after another, still respectful, but couldn't help but use their peripheral light to look at the lord of the nine-fold emperor sitting high in the Eastern Swallows. Unconsciously, my heart was shocked, and the look of awe became more and more.

"Since I established Dongyan, I have been in retreat for many years. After leaving the customs, I specially called the generals to meet, as the gift of all you and my monarchs. There is a banquet in the hall today, and the generals can do whatever they want. Then return to the army, train soldiers, and prepare for a battle! Although my Dongyan is weaker than the eight nations, it is not without the power of a battle in the world war! If Dongyan wins, all the generals here can all Become an official and become a nobleman, give your wife a cute son and benevolence the younger generation! I wonder if the generals can have confidence to follow me in the battle and build a worldless achievement?"

"The ministers swear to follow your majesty!" Dongyan generals suddenly agreed.


[Wait another chapter. 】

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