Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1007: Jieyuancheng main house

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and dispelled the breath of several people. Bayi Chinese [[ W> W ?. ) 8) 1] Z> W ?. COM ZENG Sheng was so light that he fell to his knees directly, respectfully! Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and pulled him up, his eyes glanced up and down, and he was immediately relieved, "In five thousand years, it can reach the ruined little realm. That's good."

After finishing his words, he turned to look at Beiguzi, King of Dragons, etc., arching his hand: "Brothers, don't see you again until now, you and I must drink a bite!"

"Haha! The sixth brother said extremely well, you and I are rejoicing and rejoicing! Be happy!" The King of Dragons laughed loudly.

Kitaniko smiled and nodded, but deep in his eyes, there was still a little worry. Although he saw that Xiao Chenxiu was never under this barbaric Yuan, but behind this man was the main city of Jieyuan City. There must be a great background behind him, afraid that it would be difficult to deal with.

The Yuanyuan glanced glanced at monk Qingpao. He felt vaguely familiar, but for a moment he could not remember when he had seen it, but he only underestimated him and undermined his methods. Naturally, he felt a little bit jealous, and he was slightly hesitant. "I don't know who is your friend? But there is a connection with the main city of my kingdom."

Xiao Chen's gaze was cold, and he glanced at this person, and said lightly: "This seat has nothing to do with your city's main house, but today's things require you to give this seat an account." His voice was dull and fell into the surrounding monks' ears. , But let their eyes widen instantly. Secretly telling where this monk came from, he was so magnificent that he dared to embarrass the main city of Jieyuancheng!

Savage Yuan sank and said coldly, "Hum! If you want to explain to the main government of the city, it depends on whether you have this qualification. Today, I do n’t want to have trouble, Daoyou immediately take these six away. Here That's it! "

"Sixth brother, forget it, we are fine," Kitaniko said.

The King of Dragons is atrocious and tough, and when he was a small realm, he was also a person above billions of souls, and of course he was proud. However, he also knows that it is now in the Daqian Realm, no less than the Xiaoqian Realm. Although Xiao Chen had ascended to the Great Thousand Realms 5,000 years earlier than them, now he is afraid that he is only at the level of creation. He is really in trouble and may not be able to end.

"Sixth brother, let's go, we must not be interested in this matter."

Xiao Chen knew that their hearts were still unwilling, but he didn't want to cause trouble for him. Then he laughed and said, "The two elder brothers don't have to worry. Since I shot today, I must let them give an account. How can you make you feel wronged? In other words, he turned to Man Yuan and others, swiping his sleeves, and a powerful force emerged directly from the void, ups and downs, like waves.

Manyuan's eyes widened instantly, and his eyes showed a sense of fear. Under this power, he couldn't compete! With a blast of bleeding water, several people were smashed into the air, throwing hundreds of feet on their bodies, their faces became pale, and they could no longer move!

The faces of Beiguzi, King of Dragons, etc. were dumbfounded, and their eyes were shocked. Flicking their sleeves could seriously damage the creation monk. What kind of realm is the sixth brother now?

Yun Sheng is slightly low, and his eyes show crazy worship. Over the years, he has stepped into the level of destruction, with the power of a master, how can Xiu be afraid of creations now? Afraid to be a creation monk, Master can not be afraid!

Xiao Chen said, "Who is the Lord of the Yuanyuan City? Let him come out, because you are not qualified to talk to this seat!" In his current status, there is no need to delay time with the monk in front of him and go straight to the Lord of the Yuanyuan City.

The savage Yuanyuan was trembling. He knew that he was definitely not the enemy of the people in front of him, and whoever dared to shoot would never dare to kill him. So at this moment he honestly said no, took out a jade bamboo slip from his arms, and crushed it hard! Yu Jian was specially given by the city owner before doing this, so that he could be rushed in time when problems occurred. After doing this successfully, his heart suddenly loosened, his gaze turned towards Xiao Chen, and a hint of resentment flashed under his eyes! I thought that since you don't know how to live or die, you can go to death directly when the city owner arrives!

"Knowing that it is the main palace of Jieyuan City, and still dare to be so tough, this Qingpao monk must have a great background! It is believed that Hou Ye, can he profit from it!" Outside Jieyuan, another creation monk whispered.

The monk around him respectfully should take out the jade Jane branding, and raise his hand.

The Lord of the Yuanyuan City really attached great importance to the matter of the monk Xiaoqianjie. The moment the jade Jank broke, not far away from the Yuanyuan City, a powerful breath suddenly burst out, and the majestic force came overwhelmingly, making people tremble!

"Presumptuous! Who dares to cause trouble within the bounds of my realm!" The voice was still echoing in the sky, a figure came out of the sky, his face was gloomy, his body was full of powerful power fluctuations, but it was a creation seal Brother Wang!

Dong Yan founded the country, countless monks from Daqian came to join, and many of them were strong monks. Because these people are advanced, most of them have been directly arranged in high places to show their reuse after the inspection. The Jieyuan City Lord is a living face, obviously one of these monks.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and sighed secretly in his heart. After all, Dong Yan was newly built, and the various systems were still incomplete. In the other eight empires, it is rare for the strong to be detrimental to the domestic monks, otherwise the monks at the bottom will be easily disturbed. For the establishment of an empire, high-level monks are essential, but the real foundation is still a large number of lower-level monks. Only when the mind is stable can the empire be truly strong.

As his thoughts turned, the Lord of the Yuanyuan City had already arrived. Looking at the wounded monk, his face became even more ugly. The powerful coercion over his body made the monk pale here.

The Yuan Yuan struggled to get up, pointed at Xiao Chen, and pointed out sharply: "The Lord of the City! This is the person who will injure his subordinates, and he is also a monk of Xiaoqian Feisheng!" By coincidence, he knows that the Lord of the City is looking for a powerful ascension monk At this moment, speaking about this matter is already about to kill Xiao Chen!

Sure enough, Jie Yuancheng's eyes lighted up and sneered: "Since the monk in our city was injured, no matter who you are, you don't want to leave again!" He raised his hand forward and grabbed Xiao Chen!

"Master, leave, don't worry about us!"

"Sixth brother left!"

The strength of Jieyuan City Lord has already predicted by Sheng Sheng and Beiguzi and others. All they can think of at this moment is to let Xiao Chen leave as soon as possible, so as not to affect him!


At this time, a cold hum rang instantly and fell into the ears of other monks, but to the Lord of the Yuanyuan City, it sounded like a thunder blasting directly around his ears, and his head was hit with a hammer directly. Venus flickered before her eyes. Before his magical powers were shot, he was directly interrupted, blood rushed out of his mouth and nose, and his body fell to the ground in a tragic tragic state.

Xiao Chen didn't bother to be stunned by this change. He stepped forward, his eyes were cold and stern, and he slowly said, "Dare to shoot at this seat, you are looking for death!"

The Lord of the Yuanyuan City fell into the deep pit, and his face was pale and pale. At the moment, when Xiao Chen came, his eyes were suddenly horrified, and he screamed, "Master, save me!" When his voice fell, the Lord of the City suddenly passed on. There was a more powerful breath, and a figure appeared faintly, but he did not come here, but turned and flew straight to the sky, flung the space with a wave of his hand, and wanted to step into it.

Xiao Chen chuckled coldly: "This seat didn't let you go, where are you going, leave me!" In the growl, he reached out and grasped hard, only to hear a scream in the distance, that ripped The cracked space collapsed, and the monk who was trying to escape was directly held!

During the "Boom", the ground trembled, and the body was cold for a week. The old man with the goatee was pressed down directly on the ground. The powerful force caused the earth to collapse, arousing the fragmentation of the earth, and it was appalling.

The old man didn't care about the pain in his body, and said sharply, "Han Mo! This person attacked the Minister of the North Korea without any reason, and he will not mobilize the army in the city to trap him, so when will he wait!"

The Lord of the Yuanyuan City reacted immediately and screamed: "Where is the army guarding the city, surround it here, and don't leave him alone!" He is now a minister of the East Yan side, and even if the person in front of the sin, the army will not stand him Dare to really kill him, otherwise it is provocation to Dong Yan!

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