Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1018: Battle of the Four Kingdoms

Three days after the Great Yan Incident, the State of Yan established a new monarch. At the same time, it was announced that the Lord of the Eastern Yan and the Great Yan rebelled against Yan Guangyu and murdered the Emperor of the Great Yan. The crime cannot be forgiven. Kill!

Yan Zhenzi brought the holy monks as many as possible, guarded the Jidu, and at the same time recruited troops across the country. A steady stream of troops gathered from all sides to gather and hoard the Dongyan border. I want to fight again! How powerful the empire has accumulated over a million years. Although the Emperor Yan died, Yan Zhenzi still survives. Although the Great Yanyan National Games has been damaged a lot, the national strength has been saved for most of the time. It is still a force that cannot be underestimated. [

On the seventh day of the incident, the situation suddenly changed dramatically!

The troops stationed on the eastern border of the Great Wei Dynasty suddenly made it difficult for Dayan, concentrated their forces by 150 billion yuan, smashed the big western border camp of Dayan, and drove straight into more than 700 consecutive stars. The momentum was unstoppable!

Yan Zhenzi furiously shot and fought against Wei Yuantian. On that day, several cultivation stars were destroyed in the battle between the two, and billions of souls became extinct.

Da Yan and Da Wei were enemies of the past generations, and unless Xiao Chen threatened too much, the two parties would never have joined hands! At the moment, the Great Yan Incident, the national strength of the Yan state has greatly diminished, and the Eastern Yan state has strengthened. Even if the two countries join forces, they may not be able to overcome it. If the war is forcibly launched, the national power will inevitably be greatly damaged. No turning point.

In such a situation, Da Wei changed his strategy to attack Da Yan in order to defeat Da Yan while he was the weakest, to gain the upper hand in the battle!

On the eleventh day, Dayyan always displayed peace with its neighbors, and flew into the northern border camp. When the day when Yanyan fully resisted the Dawei offensive, he captured more than 500 Xiuzhen stars in one fell swoop. Capture the star field in the south of Dayan!

For a time, Dayan fluttered wind and rain, struggling under the fangs exposed in both countries.

At this moment, in addition to the two Wei and Daqi shots, there are still East Yanhu eyes. Now the situation in the state of Yan is wandering. If Dong Yan joins the battle group and joins the forces of the Three Kingdoms, it will be impossible for Yan to escape the situation!

Daqin and Dachu frequently moved between the two strong forces, one hoarding the army and the east, and the other hoarding the army in the north. The two sides were distasteful, but they coveted the rest of the countries. Only at the right time, the two countries are bound to send their troops out and pull all the countries into the war.

Da-Zhao, Da-Wei, Da-Khan, and Da-Tang were suddenly nervous, and the whole country adjusted their military strength to cope with the horrific pressure from powerful neighbors!

Just when the situation in Daqian was getting out of control, Dong Yan rushed out of the army, but the object of the requisition was not Da Yan, but the big Wei Qiang army who invaded the realm of Yan!

Xiao Chen, the lord of Dongyan, issued a notice to the nations of the Thousands of Nations, and the Emperor Yan died without violent violence. As the imperial blood of the Emperor's royal family, he should take on the responsibility of helping the big Yan! From now on, he will formally succeed the Emperor Dayan, and the two birds will be unified! As the Lord of the Great Yan, in the face of Da Wei's invasion of the territory, he should fight to defeat the enemy!

As soon as the news came out, it was a big shock!

The Emperor Yan was violent and Dongyan was in danger, but no one had thought that Xiao Chen would have such an appetite and wanted to swallow Dayan directly! If he did this, wouldn't he be afraid to force Dawei and Dayan to stop and join forces to conquer Dongyan?

Da Wei first responded that more and more large troops were constantly being transported from within the country, and the military strength of Dayan was continually increased. There was also a large army assembly at the border of East Yan. Once Dong Yan was out of the army, he would definitely get a headache!

Dayan ascended the throne of the new emperor cloth saint, refuted the "magical wish" of the owner of Dayan, and declared that Daqian vowed not to live with him!

The Three Kingdoms War situation suddenly became confusing.

But in the face of this situation, Dong Yan responded violently! The golden light rolling in the golden pillar of the National Day of the Yanyan National Games is like boiling, the golden dragon ghost looks at the direction of Dawei, and the mouth is roaring! The master of Dongyan was driving in, and the army of 100 billion Dongyan broke into the territory of Dawei, with prestige and momentum!

In this battle, the East Yanxian Wei War Department officially appeared in the eyes of various countries.

The Immortal War Department directly belongs to the Lord of the Eastern Swallows. It is an army composed of Immortal Immortals. There are 33,013 immortal armors, 104 immortal armors, and four immortal armors.

More than ten thousand fairy crystals were harvested from the ancient fairy shards, plus a large number of fairy crystals obtained from the treasures of Shenji's veins and refined fairy guards. It took thousands of years to complete the refining process. , And finally formed the army of Xianwei on the scale!

Qing Jia Xian Wei is comparable to the peak of creation, Huang Jia Xian Wei is comparable to the Xeon of Creation, and Jin Jia Xianwei is comparable to the heavenly monk! Although the number of immortal guards is small, it is like an indestructible spear, which can easily cut through and defeat any blockage of the former army. There are no one enemy everywhere, and it has a desperate terrorist force!

In this battle, the Great Wei Frontier Army was defeated. Quan commanded the criminals to kill hundreds of thousands of miles, setting off a **** storm. The limbs and broken arms permeated the star field, and more than 600 Xiuzhen stars were captured in the territory of Da Wei.

Da Wei Hongmeng Wei Yuantian and Wei Huang took the domestic strong shots, were attacked by Xiao Chen and the light, and their four Jin Jiaxianwei were killed. Two of them were as good as three steps and two were as good as two steps. Brother Wei Wei Tiantian!

The strength of Dongyan's combat power immediately shocked thousands of countries!

Da Wei shattered into the Dayan Army and sent him back to the country. The star army was assembled again, and 200 billion yuan were stationed to stop the East Yan army's edge! The Heavenly Fire Palace of the Great Wei sacred place opened, and countless retreats of the fire tribe stepped out of it!

The fierce fighting between the two countries in the territory of the Great Wei once again, the tragic killing of the tsunami, and the entire world can be clearly sensed. In this battle, the Wei State lost 50 billion troops, and Dong Yan ’s soldiers were also damaged by nearly 10 billion. The front line pushed forward a large number of star fields to the Wei Wei hinterland. In the battlefield, dozens of cultivation stars were completely broken. Among them is repair.

Quan Terror ’s military commanding ability was once again demonstrated. With hundreds of billions of troops, even with the Xianwei War Department in hand, he could still have the upper hand against a large Wei army that was twice his own, and maintained five to one casualties between us and the enemy. , Amazing results!

Dawei stepped back again and assembled heavy army defense!

Dongyan's army was rested and the front was suspended.

During a fierce battle between Dongyan and Dawei, the former took the absolute upper hand and slowly came to an end.

During the war between the two countries, the newly assembled army on the border of the Great Yan had once invaded the territory of the Eastern Yan, and was stubbornly attacked by three people, Zhang Liangdong and Fan Lin. Yan Zhenzi came in person and was repelled by Xiao Chen as a national transporter before he even shot.

Daqi converges, the 100 billion army stops expanding, and slowly begins to cast the front. A large number of troops and materials are continuously transported from the country, and the region's occupation is firmly under control, while watching the situation change.

The battle involving the Four Kingdoms gradually subsided.

In this battle, Dongyan's prestige and great earthquake overwhelmed Dawei, Dayan, Daqi and other countries in one fell swoop. It is recognized that its combat power is second only to Daqin and Dachu, and it is the third largest country in the Daqian world! Dayan suffered the most damage. A large area of ​​stars was captured by Wei and Qi. The damage to the National Games was even worse, and it was even worse!

I do not know when a story began to spread in the territory of Dayan, telling before the founding of the State of Yan, monks from various branches of the Yan Clan fought **** parties, and eventually opened up the Dayan Empire and achieved great achievements! But in this story, the imperial family of Yan State was labeled as a mean shame. The grievances and vengeance between Zuo Yan and Zhong Yan have gradually become known to the world. Although the news was strictly forbidden from spreading under the anger of the Yan royal family, once it was punished by capital punishment, the matter gradually spread across the country.

One day after that, the Lord of Yan Yan suddenly came out of the holy shrine, bluntly that he and Yan Guangyu, the renegade of Yan Yan, were all left monks in the conspiracy and murder of Zuo Yan in the same year. Due punishment, for the countless deaths of Zuo Yan's ancestors to revenge!


[Get up early tomorrow and work to ensure updates, I hope everyone understands. Good night, everyone. 】

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