Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 146: Iron law

The poisonous python showed a bit of worry. At this moment, he was a little worried, and he still whispered: "Master's master, they are right. The Golden Horn does not allow human monks to hunt fifth-rank or above monsters in its domain, otherwise Will be pursued and killed by the Golden Horn King. [(八〔(一中文?<[8}1?Z?W.COM"

"If you can, you adults shouldn't be familiar with them. Let them make a living."

The poisonous python spoke carefully, but he found a step for Xiao Chen to prevent him from being able to step down.

Xiao Chen naturally understood the thoughts of this poisonous python, but at this moment he slowly shook his head, and the corners of his mouth showed a faint sneer, "Although this seat is not a late-combined monk, it also recognizes any existence below the enemy's late-stage realm. Even if you kill your three monsters today Now, what can King Golden Horn do to me?"

The words fell, the murderous intent revealed.

The three big monsters panicked instantly, and their eyes widened instantly, revealing incredible meaning, Xiao Chen actually dared to kill them, how dare he! !

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, and a bit of joy appeared in his eyes.

The fluctuations within the dome became stronger and stronger, and the coercion slowly spread out like a tide, causing the gust of wind to come out of the void, and the exchanges continued to roar.

"Master, please leave these three humble crawlers to me!"

"They dare to be disrespectful to the great Thunder Dragon. Only I will kill myself to wash away the shame!"

"I want them to live forever."

Xiaoxue's mind woke up and immediately made a request to Xiao Chen. Thunder Dragon is already warlike and murderous. This time the three major monsters are attacking, and the severely wounded poisonous python wants to eat it. This has caused Xiaoxue to fall into tyrannical killing.

Xiaoxue must kill them himself to calm down the killing intent in his heart.

Xiao Chen nodded, naturally satisfying Xiaoxue's request. However, he warned that he should not try his best and solve it quickly, and must not postpone five breaths.

Moruo's cultivation realm is far more stable than Xiao Chen's cultivation realm, and the fit cultivator can appear outside without having to leave the body in an independent space and walk the world as a ghost clone. But even so, the fit monks in Moro's cultivation world are also restricted.

Combination monks can shoot up to 50% of the initial cultivation base of the combination, and the time cannot produce five breaths, otherwise it will conflict with the power of the space rules, although it will not cause the entire cultivation world to collapse, but the consequences can definitely make the radius Wanli territory turned into a dead zone. Any creatures living in this range will be strangled by the force of space collapse, and the levels below the union are absolutely not immune.

Once something similar happens, no matter who, no matter what identity, will surely be pursued and killed by all the powerful late-fits in the world, and will definitely die!

After tens of thousands of years of precipitation in the world, this has become an iron law that no one dares to touch. If you violate it, you will undoubtedly die!

Although Xiao Chen thinks that he is not strong enough, he is not arrogant enough to face the chase of the entire Moro Comprehension Realm by himself. Even if he has a lot of methods, I am afraid he can only hide in the Zuo Mei Dojo. Never show up in the world again.

At this time, only the powerful person in the late stage of the fit can grasp the supernatural powers of their own, and can force the surrounding space into their own control range, and then they can do their best without worrying about causing the space to collapse. However, in order to avoid the large-scale massacre of the early and middle cultivators by the powerful in the later stage of the integration, and the settlement of grievances between the cultivators, there is another iron law in Moreau's cultivation world:

Combine monks fighting, you can go to Buzhou Mountain.

The poor name of the mountain was rumored to have been used upright in the ancient times, and was later violently broken by a certain ancient power of fire, which gave rise to today's broken mountain. This mountain has its own magical powers, covering a range of 50,000 miles and forming a world of its own, and there is no need to worry about the slightest worries of the combined monks entering it to fight.

Therefore, in the realm of Moro cultivation, once a combined cultivator fights, if both parties agree, they can go to Buzhou Mountain to fight. The mountain is alive and can be entered at will, but it will never be opened without the death of the mighty.

Once a war starts, one side must die to end.

This kind of thing was something that Xiao Chen was told when he was talking to the two old monsters of Jiu Xian Dao and Jian Xian Dao in the branch of Medicine King City. However, Bu Zhou Mountain was in the Beast Emperor's domain, and there were a few six-rank late stage guardians who were one step away from the ascent of the monster. Ordinary monks had to be sheltered by the combined monks to enter, otherwise they would die.

Time passed by. Although Xiao Chen did not make a move, but the awe-inspiring pressure did not diminish at all, the three major monsters naturally did not dare to slip away, but the more violent aura inside the dome, the more frightened in his heart.

An hour later, accompanied by this low roar, the eggshell trembles violently, and at the same time there is a dull crash sound from it.



Like a giant beast shaking a mountain, the sound is extremely penetrating, piercing the eardrum, and shaking the soul in the deepest place.



The sound is getting louder and louder and more concentrated, as if beating on the heart, it makes people pale, and the blood flow is almost stagnant. In this valley, only Xiao Chen's expression remained calm, and the poisonous python signed a contract with Xiaoxue, but he could barely bear it. But even so, the monster body was trembling, and the surrender from the depths of the bloodline made it only bowed its head in awe.

But the most sad people here are the three monsters, the black bear, the millipede, and the golden-crowned roc.

The little blood hits the eggshell to get out, and the impact sound caused them to produce a trembling feeling that makes every inch of the body's flesh and soul condensed into ice. It is not an overwhelming breath of terror, but from the bottom of the heart. Panic in the depths.

With this feeling, the three monsters were remorseful, and if they had known this before, they would not dare to come here presumptuously if they were killed. But now that's the end of the matter, it's finally late.


A scream came out of the golden-crowned Dapeng bird's mouth, and then, regardless of the broken wings and bones, forcibly blessed with mana, the figure shot out instantly, turning into a stream of light and fleeing madly. Under this kind of silent pressure, this monster's mind is already on the verge of collapse. If it doesn't run away, I'm afraid it will collapse and die without the blood.

"Leave away!"

The moment the Dapeng bird escaped, the millipede and the black bear turned around at the same time and left in completely different directions.

The half-shaped head of the millipede was full of fear at the moment. When escaping, dozens of poison sacs under its abdomen were opened without reservation, and all the poisonous gas and venom accumulated in its body were sprayed out, forming a poisonous net behind him. This poisonous gas venom is the essence of this demon object's endotoxin, and when it is used against the enemy, it is quite reluctant to use it, but at this moment, the situation is critical and it is very likely to be fatal. The millipede naturally does not care about this much.

Everything depends on life preservation.

As for the black bear, this monster is a rare dual-attribute monster. It is the mutant offspring of the Earth Bear King. In addition to its poison attribute, it also has an extremely powerful earth element magical power. At this moment, when his body fell on the ground and rumblingly stepped on the ground, a rich earth-yellow aura burst out under his four feet. As the monster ran past, the ground trembled violently.

The soil magical powers are cultivated to the extreme level, which can make the vicissitudes of life and change the landform. This black bear's talent and magical powers fully used, it turned out that countless stone pillars protruded from the ground behind him, all of them were sharp, like the sky spear, although they were made of earth and stone, but under the blessing of pure earth and mana, they were extremely strong and sharp. Not weaker than ordinary treasures.

The Dapeng bird is the fastest. After the millipede is severely poisoned, the black bear spears the enemy, and the three monsters use their full strength in order to survive today.

If they were changed to other enemies, these three monsters desperately tried to flee to different directions, and they might still have a chance to survive, but at this moment, they are facing Thunder Dragon, a fierce beast with infinite murderous potential in the rage.

From the beginning, their fate has been decided.

Seeing the three big monsters each escape, Xiao Chen's complexion remained unchanged, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, but he did not stop him. At this moment, a loud and tyrannical roar sounded instantly, like a thunder on the ground, arousing a violent wind, flying sand and rocks.

In the next moment, in the void, three thunders of their own were born out of thin air, crushing the space in an instant, and waves of destruction came suddenly in the turning and jumping.

"Great King Golden Horn, help!"

The three monsters felt the sudden explosion of thunder power behind them, and they were so scared that they screamed.

At the moment when the sounds of these three monsters fell, a sharp whistle sounded instantly.

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