Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 150: Strangle Primordial

Five Pei Yuanmen disciples looked at the old road and looked ugly. They also understood that the situation was critical. They all looked pale, but they did not dare to make a sound. ? Bayi Chinese? W) W> W). ] 8] 1] Z] W>. ) C) O> M]

Two breaths are coming in rapid succession, but the direction is slightly different from them, and it should not be caught by the pond fish.

Lao Dao's heart was slightly relaxed, but at this moment his eyes suddenly opened up, showing endless fear.

The escape monk in front of them actually sensed their breath, and suddenly turned to come straight here.


Lao Dao knew instantly that the monk wanted to sue the East to get away with himself. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the mountains of Dazao. Otherwise, the Lao Dao will not first stimulate all the magical powers.

The voice dropped, and the man took a backhand shot of the five disciples behind him, turned and ran away in a crazy direction.

However, the monk at the back had obviously hit his mind on them, and at the same time turned sharply to chase after him. In this person, but the number of interest time has passed Pei Yuanmen number.

"Haha, the monster behind this time asked you to resist one or two, and leave first." The monk laughed, and then waved his sleeves. There was a strong cohesion from the void, and he led Pei Yuanmen. The monk stopped.


A roaring roar came out, and the monster was chasing for a long time and failed to kill the monk monk. At this moment, when several people in Pei Yuanmen's eyes suddenly turned red, they wanted to completely tear them and devour them before they could dispel hate. .

"Damn monk, give me death." This monster spoke out, and the palms of the palms were shot like a fan.

"Four-armed magic ape!" Pei Yuanmen's old face instantly showed endless terror, and his face was embarrassed.

The four-armed demon ape is a real monster of the top five. This hegemonic existence in the deep mountain Osawa generally lives in the deepest and rarely goes out. And the four-armed demon ape is the heaviest to kill. Once it is encountered by the monks it encounters, few can survive.

"Escape separately. The old man is desperately fighting for some time for you. Remember to keep your own life. My Pei Yuanmen's future depends on you."

The old way shows decisive meaning. He has been trapped for more than 500 years in the late Yuan infant period, and hopes that the limit will reach the level of integration. In this case, it is better to fight hard, or save a few hopes for the future rise for Zongmen.


The violent breath burst from the old road instantly, making his whole man rise sharply, but he broke the limit in a short time and stepped on the level without falling. In this breath explosion, the person's dry flesh quickly plumped up, and the dryness turned pale. Black, the whole person turned into a middle-aged monk within a few days.

But at the moment he looked sad.

Broken Yuan Ying, burning Yuan Shen, this time he must die.

Facing the four-armed demon ape bombardment, this veteran did not dare to shake it. Aura of his hand suddenly took out a long and short sword with a dragon pattern engraved on it, and the tail was placed on the handle, which just fell into the grasp.


Lao Dao's body was lifted up, cut off with one stroke, the mana in his body rolled out, and he was quite indomitable.

The four-armed demon ape flashed through the eyes, and the palm-like palm did not escape at all.

The palm and the sword are hard, and the body of the demon ape is not moving, but the old road mouth is suddenly sprayed with blood. The body is suddenly blasted down by the meteor, and the bones in the body are crackling. It is obviously severely damaged. In contrast, the four-armed demon ape, only a few hairs fell on the palm, but the flesh was not damaged at all.




Five Pei Yuanmen disciples changed their face instantly. At this moment, it was too late to consider, and the figures rushed out to welcome the old road to take it down.



But this old road was shot by the four-armed demon ape. Is it possible that monk Jindan can carry the power with him, the blood of the five people has been hit and flew in an instant, but this also reduces the old road's castration. Many, otherwise, the direct bombardment to the ground will most likely kill him on the spot.

"Escape! Hurry up, Pei Yuanmen will rely on you to support you in the future. If all died here, my Pei Yuanmen will be really finished in the future."

"hurry up!"

Lao Daokou screamed anxiously, but he vomited blood one after another, and his breath disappeared like a tide. Take his cultivation as the enemy of the four-armed demon ape even if desperately.

"Daddy, we can't escape, this four-armed demon ape won't let us go." The old single daughter cried while holding her body. "The daughter stays here to die with you."

"Uncle, rest assured, although my Pei Yuanmen is weak, all the monks are proud. Even if we die as many as possible today, my Pei Yuanmen will definitely have a day to rise."

"Today I will fight this monster ape!"

"Sin animal, if you want to hurt my uncle and sister, you need to step over from your grandfather."


The four disciples of Pei Yuanmen looked pale and weak, but there was no fear in their eyes.

The four-armed magic ape flashed a little bit of anger. This monster is most pleased to see the monks in front of it fearing for forgiveness. The celebrities are actually not afraid. This makes it quite radiant in their hearts. People kill.

"Hey, now that you're so fearless, my lord will take you one by one and twist your neck and eat!"

"The first one is this innocent little girl. Human women are thin-skinned and tender-skinned. It tastes most fragrant, but my lord is broken."

The demon said nothing, and opened his hands and grabbed the only female nun who was Pei Yuanmen.

"Sin beast, Hugh will hurt my daughter!"

"Protect Shimei, fight with this demon ape!"

"Damn the demon ape, come and eat your grandfather if you want. I'm waiting here, don't touch my sister."

. . .

Watching Monk Pei Yuanmen furious for a moment, the four-armed demon monkey grinned, only to feel that the anger in his heart had dissipated a lot, and his big hand was undeclined. Now the next moment will be able to grasp the female repairman as if in his hand and gently hold , Jiao Didi's beauty will become blurred.


But at this moment, a faint cold humming came out instantly, the four-armed magic ape's complexion changed instantly, and he extended his arm to change direction instantly, and went straight to the left of his house to shoot. The monster was shocked in his heart. The comer was able to get close to it without being spotted. Obviously, it was deeply cultivated. This was his shot. The four-armed magic ape had already exerted all its strength and kept nothing.

The figure of a blue-shirt monk appeared. At this moment, his eyes looked coldly at the demon ape. In the face of this monster, his eyes flickered, and then he greeted with no fancy.

"Taoyou shouldn't be violent with this magic ape."

"Back away, don't shoot."

"Has been!"

Monk Pei Yuanmen had hope in her heart, but at this moment, seeing that the blue shirt monk was shaking with the physical body of the demon ape, the hope that had just been born was instantly destroyed. The four-armed demon ape is powerful and fierce, and has a horror mana as a blessing. This monk is definitely not an opponent even if he is a senior who does not fall into the realm. I am afraid that this encounter will be completely damaged. Living at home is already difficult, so how can they care for them.

But the next moment, this monk Pei Yuanmen was dull for a moment, and his eyes showed incredible color.


There was a loud noise in the void. The four-armed four-armed demon ape and the blue shirt monk fought, but the latter remained motionless. The four-armed ape's body shot out abruptly, and crashed into the huge pit. hole.

But the most frightened person at this moment is naturally the four-armed demon ape. At the moment of the fight, the demon had realized in his heart that today it was in great trouble. The monk in front of him only confronted him. There was no fluctuation in mana. The flesh alone could destroy it instantly. This method . . Would it be a monk in the realm of fit!

The four-armed demon monkey had such a thought in her heart, and she was naturally very angry. She said, "Human tribe, my demon tribe and your tribe have long agreed, and monks and monsters of six or higher grades are not allowed to shoot at will. If you dare to kill today I am bound to cause trouble. "

"Today I am willing to retreat, as long as you do not hunt, things will never be born."

Monk Tsing Yi, naturally is Chen Chen. At this moment I heard that my mouth was slightly upturned, showing sneer, "What can I do if I kill you? Is there anything else that will bother me for you?"

The four-armed demon monkey heard the news just out of his mouth, but his mouth was open, but his eyes were instantly dimmed. The essence of this thing was already shattered by Xiao Chen ’s consciousness. The hills generally fell to the ground.

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