Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 152: Killing board

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Pei Yuanmen felt that the surrounding coercion was slightly reduced, and he reluctantly stabilized his mind. Then he opened his mouth and made the matter as brief as possible.

Xiao Chen didn't say anything when he heard it, his face was cloudy and uncertain, then he slowly shook his head, and said, "The Alchemy Association and Lei Dao Tianzun, it is best that this matter has nothing to do with you, otherwise Xiao Chen will always be waiting for you!"

"Jin Yuzong, Feng Ruoyu, will be married after three days ... Oh, since you are going to be the first person, Xiao Chen will naturally take good care of you ..."

"Dare to hurt Qing Mei, you all **** it!"

There are not many people who really care about Xiao Chen's mind, but there are few who can be called inverse scales, but Qingmei is definitely one of them. If she likes it and wants to marry someone, even if she is a mere mortal, Xiao Chen will not have any objection. But if anyone dares to persecute her and make Qing Mei suffer from grievances, then these people will bear the anger of Xiao Chen.

And this time the marriage, Xiao Chen can be sure, it is not the original intention. A killing sprout grew up in Xiao Chen's heart, and it instantly filled the chest with an upsurge, and he wanted to tear the world in general.

"I see from you that an elder gave himself up to protect me, so I saved you and waited. You have already entered the bottleneck, and this fragmented Yuanying burns the Yuanshen. It can be said that it is broken."

"This Dan swallows up, finds a good place for cultivation, converges mana, and can be achieved within 30 years."

A faint voice came, and until Xiao Chen was completely away, the monk Pei Yuanmen gradually returned to God.

The old man's body trembled. Even if Xiao Chen took the shot to keep him alive for a while, the Yuanyuan shattered and the Yuanshen burned, and the foundation was destroyed and he could not escape. But at this moment, suddenly his life could be guaranteed, and even he could go further on the road, naturally, this old Pei Yuanmen Road was extremely excited.

"Thank Xiao Chen for his great gratitude, and the younger generation will never forget it!"

The old man fell on his knees and roared with all his strength.



Right now there is only one day before the marriage ceremony. The invited monks from all sides have already come together. No matter what their feelings are, at least there is a kind of peace on the surface, congratulations, and a happy situation.

Qing Mei sat at the dresser and looked at the woman in the mirror with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Gouge eyebrows, ice muscle jade bones, dressed in a large red brocade jade robe, embroidered with the texture of a phoenix, worshipping white birds, implying the protection of the noble and extremely divine beast. The delicate temperament contrasts with the so-called I see pity.

"One day, Qing Mei fantasizes that she can put on a wedding gown as she does today, sitting inside the fragrant bosom, her heart sorrowful, waiting for you to uncover the hijab with joy."

"But I know that this idea is unlikely to be realized. My elder brother is a person of great affection. Qingmei can see that you treat me like my own sister. And ... I already have someone in my heart. Since then, I will try to converge. As long as you can be by your side and see your peace of mind and joy, you will be very satisfied. "

"Today is the penultimate day of Qingmei ’s marriage. You still have n’t appeared, Brother Xiao Chen. They said that you have been hunted down by the alchemist monk Master alchemist, but Qingmei is not convinced. I know you must be hiding somewhere now, waiting. A blockbuster opportunity. But Qing Mei can't seem to see it. "

"Tomorrow tomorrow, at the ceremony, if the elder brother still does not come. Qingmei will take a step first. Although there is still regret in her heart, but she can meet her in this life. Qingmei's heart has been very contented and there is no resentment."

The woman in the mirror chuckled, her eyebrows were crooked, and her eyes were watery.


Above the East Peak of Pricewaterhouse.

Pu Yangzi frowned, and Feng Linger and Luo Cheng, who were on the opposite side, were also slightly dull.

"Master, senior Chen Chen will leave you to take care of you, if she is taken away by Jin Yuzong for the time being, her senior Chen Chen will definitely not give up with Zong Menshan in the future. The consequences will be unthinkable." Feng Linger, who has been repaired for several years, has already reached the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. Her appearance is still beautiful, but she is very open, but her voice is very dignified.

Luo Cheng nodded. "She said what she said was good. Taking the senior Xiao Chen's emphasis on sister Qingmei, once I learned that Pu Huazong reluctantly married her, the consequences of this matter are unthinkable. I also ask Master to think twice."

Faced with the complaints of two lovers, Pu Yangzi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The two of you really think that the teacher has the right to refuse this matter. Qingmei's marriage was personally mentioned by the elder Jin Yuzong. The conditions for opening are extremely good, and they are even willing to let the field of Wanli Zongmen serve as a condition. What can I do as a teacher? "

"If Senior Chen Chen is safe and sound, taking his current fit as a natural way to protect the green eyebrows, but the key point is that the senior is now chased down by the Alchemy Association. The end is a nine-death life, otherwise the master will not agree so easily Get down to the wedding. "

"Anyway, that's the end of the matter. We don't have the technique of returning to heaven. What will happen to the end depends on the life of Qingmei's girl, alas."

With a sigh, Pu Yangzi sighed, and this old ghost also liked Qing Mei very much. If she could never want her to marry that Jin Yuzong Feng Ruoyu. After all, it is said that this person is greedy for beauty, although he is not married, Ji Ji Dingluo countless, marrying him will know that life will be gloomy in the future.

Feng Linger's face was tense, she heard the words lifted, and looked at the faintly white sky in the blue, and suddenly felt that her body was slightly cold, and a touch of chill was born from her heart. The girl's mind unconsciously emerged from that upright back.

In order to brow that year, he could destroy Fang's house in anger, causing more than 2 million Wanfang family members to be slaughtered. I don't know if Xiao Chen's seniors will return now, whether it will make the blood soak in the Nine Heavens, and the scarlet wave will sweep the earth.


Pu Huazong is inconspicuous somewhere. The aboriginal monks here have been scattered away and ordered to be transmitted from the main peak. Thousands of disciples on this peak were silently incorporated into the 100,000 Waizong disciples, without causing any monks to question.

At this moment on this pair of peaks, the Wuyuan Taoist in the secret room sat silently. The strange surrounding space was self-contained, converging all of its own breath, without any distraction.

"Xiao Chen, the old man is waiting for you here, and see if you show up this time?"

In the low groan, Li Yuan flashed in his eyes.

. . .

Jin Yuzong, in a valley somewhere, Lei Daotian held his hand.

Now that strategies have been put in place, although it seems seamless and flawless, there is no harm in being cautious. So now that he appears in Jin Yuzong, no one knows about it except to teach the Bing Ling.

If Xiao Chen dare to come here. . The corner of Lei Dao Tianzun's mouth was exposed.

"Little bastard, if you dare show up, you will definitely die."

. . .

On the fifteenth day, during the opening ceremony of the marriage ceremony, Puhuazong was completely lively. Numerous monks gathered and were brought to the seats by the monks.

The marriage of the two main gates, Puhuazong and Jinyuzong, resulted in huge images. The congregation came to congratulate the tens of thousands of monks. The banquets began in the main hall and were arranged in order of status and status.

The monks from all sides either whispered or talked loudly or called friends or sat in silence, showing different attitudes and having different thoughts in their hearts. The two ancestors are married, and it is natural to rejoice in the friendship, but even the rivals who are close to each other can't help but frown.

"The Alchemy Association's Wupin East Branch, Chairman Yao Xin led His Majesty monks to congratulate!" The monk of the master of ceremonies opened his mouth loudly, his voice spread far and wide, and instantly attracted the attention of countless monks.

The evaluation of the branch of the Alchemy Association in the East Branch has been outstanding and well-known in the field of self-cultivation. Its status is extremely honorable. The marriage of Pu Huazong's disciples allowed Chairman Yao Xin to lead the monk. So this kind of honor is not too much.

After several years of adjusting interest rates, Yao Xin was barely stable in the late stage of the fall. At the moment, the four disciples and close monks who were seated under the attention of the monks came faceless, and it was quite indifferent to the reception of the monks by Puhuazong.

The arrival of such a distinguished guest, of course, requires a monk to personally greet him. Pu Yangzi, as the master of Qingmei, will come to this matter.

"Chairman Yao Xin and your friends came from afar. The old man has lost his way and is looking forward to atonement." Pu Yangzi said with a long smile.

Yao Xin said with no expression and said: "The old man is here to see Xiao Chen's friends, but today oppressed Qingmei Fairy to marry. You will regret it later in the future. Didn't remind you. "

In other words, the old ghost led the monk behind him, taking the embarrassing look of Pu Yangzi in the slightest, and sat upright.

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