Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 169: Supreme Corpse

"Abominable, the ants of the ants in the lower bounds didn't expect that there would be a monk with such great luck and great opportunities, and the old man must kill him. Otherwise, if this person grows up in the future, it will definitely become my beleaguered. A Chinese W? W> W].) 8] 1} Z} W & gt;.? C) O] M〉 "

"Even if he can't capture the source today and even lose his life, this Xiao Chen is going to die."

The old clan's strange eyes flashed, and the external killing was almost condensed into substance. At present, Xiao Chen's status in his heart has risen to the point where it can pose a threat to the beacon clan. And this hidden danger must be completely killed before it grows up.

Xiao Chen faced the murder, and his complexion did not change at all. Now the shop exploded to resist Jiu Suo. He would like to see what other means the old man has. Killing this person today, devouring Yuan Daoguo and helping him take a big step forward on the road, no one can stop this.

"As a defender, summon Big 6 Guardians!"

Sen Ran's voice emerged from the old clan's mouth, and it spread instantly under the action of surging mana, turning into a tumult-the sound waves swelled endlessly above Starfield 6.

"As a defender, summon Big 6 Guardians!"

"As a defender, summon Big 6 Guardians!"




Above the entire Starfield 6, tens of thousands of dead corpses snarled, blood red in the eyes, showing raging raging.

"Sacrifice, achieve the supreme corpse demon, help the old man to kill the invaders, and defend the majesty of the Beacon!"

The old man opened his hands and snarled wildly. As the words fell, countless corpses rushed up into the sky in an instant, and came straight to the ground in the sound of the air.



Thousands of dry corpses shattered at the same time, turning into pieces of broken and dried flesh and blood bones, merging quickly with each other under the force of attraction, a dark, raging atmosphere slowly spread out from this fusion center.



Different from the 100,000 dry corpses used to shape the small bones at that time, in order to kill Xiao Chen today, the old monk summoned all the dry corpses on the Big 6 and turned them into supreme corpses to help him. The number of dry corpses was more than 100. Man! Ten million!

The sound of booming explosions is endless, and the fusion in the void seems to have an inexplicable force of attraction. After all the dried corpses are fragmented, they will be swallowed and absorbed into them, and gradually form a mass of horrible meat-mass composed of broken bones. A hint of dark corpse gas came out of the flesh-ball, covering it in its entirety, and the sound of the ghost crying loomed from this corpse clump. As the voice came out, the dark corpse gas continued to shrink and expand, as if It is breeding some kind of terrible existence.

However, within a few breaths of time, the sound in this corpse air group became louder and louder, and gradually became a roaring roar, and there was a constant crackling sound in this roar, which seemed to be dislocation of bones, and flesh and blood grew.

After a while, the Corpse Qi suddenly shrank, but was directly swallowed and dissipated, a figure as high as a thousand meters, the whole body of black and purple dried up flesh and blood corpse appeared, standing on top of the void, like the ancient deities came into the world.

The thick and fierce vitality emanated from the corpse demon, covering the sky and darkening the sky.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly. This corpse monster was agglomerated with tens of thousands of dead corpses. The stack of dead energy and corpse energy caused the power to skyrocket, although it was forced to be shaped by magical powers. Heaven and earth are powerful, but the threat cannot be underestimated.

The man's body is extremely powerful, and I don't know how painful he is, and if he doesn't dare to die, coupled with this extremely hard dried body, it is enough to make this corpse into the most terrifying weapon.

At the heart of the corpse's eyebrow, a group of dark flame clan patterns appeared, jumping slowly. At first, this thing looked like an ordinary flame, but a close examination revealed that there were countless injustices in pain and sorrow, biting and devouring each other, as miserable and horrible as Shura Hell.

"Zombie, drive me with you as my guardian today, kill this nether ants!"

The old man yelled, the corpse demon heard a pair of **** eyes opened instantly, and his pupils stood upright like a knife, locking Xiao Chen firmly inside.


There was a roar in the mouth, and the monster landed on the ground in a hurry. One step down can span the endless distance. The fists with the size of one hundred feet clenched tightly, and the incomparable force smashed and rushed to Xiao Chen.

The explosive power of this corpse demon is enough to pose a great threat to Xiao Chen.

But at this moment, facing the bombardment of this monster, Xiao Chen had a calm face with a negative hand. Even though the blue robe was screaming in the blast, there was no resistance at all. However, when the corpse's fist was less than ten feet away from Xiao Chen, the figure of the black robe stepped out of him, and the figure immediately stood in front of Xiao Chen, and his fist blasted forward without fancy.

"Your opponent, it's me!"

The voice was low, and there was a hint of excitement in the cold slaying.

The demon is wild, domineering, aggressive, and aggressive, and dislikes peace and quiet. Xiao Chen ’s spiritual demon has been practiced as a self-confidence, but he has never made a fight with others. The demon blood in his body has been cold for a long time, and he will naturally let go of the mobile phone at this moment.

With one punch, he has made every effort and has no reservations.

During the punch, the demon avatar's shape suddenly soared, the same incarnation as the extreme size, the first-born double horns, the rough flesh with hidden cracks, which is exactly the figure of the Demon race. However, the practice of "ancestor demon" is the most top-level demonic practice method. When you reach the level of cultivation, you can become the true body of the ancestor demon and become the world's most powerful demon. Although the demon avatar is now slightly lower, it has already had a bit of arrogance against the ancestors and demons, and it has not responded to the corpses.


The fists of the two sides collided, one was the body of a corpse monster formed by the gathering of tens of thousands of dead corpses, and the other was the blood of the Demon King, who practiced the magical body of the "ancestor and demon".

In the bang, the demons of the demon and the corpse demons went backwards at the same time, the space collapsed, and every step of the foot was shaken by the mountains, and the ground was crushed to leave hundreds of feet-sized footprints.



The corpse demon and the heart demon snarling at the same time, but the former is extremely violent in its killing atmosphere, while the heart demon avatar is endlessly wary, and it is proud that it is full of excitement. The cold magic blood in his body was boiling at the moment of this battle, making him just want to fight desperately regardless of everything!

"Happy! Ben Mo enlightenment has never been shot like this today, you and I will continue to fight!"

Laughing frantically, the Demon avatar stepped under his feet and rushed forward.

The corpse snarled and rushed out.

The two magnificent figures instantly fought against each other in this Starfield Big 6 game, fierce and fierce, completely disregarding the defense, the main attack was to attack and defend instead. The corpse demon is unaware of the pain and fear of death, and the demon avatar relies on the arrogance of the body. For some injuries, not only will it not cause the loss of combat power, but it will make him more excited and explode.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he was not worried. Although this corpse demon is strong, it is forcibly condensed out after all. Although it is slightly better than the demon avatar, it is impossible to defeat or even kill it. As long as the demon avatar is delayed for some time, Xiao Chen will kill the old man of the clan to join him to remove the corpse demon.

At this moment, it seems that the demons are shooting, it is difficult to hide the anger on the old man's face. This Xiao Chen really has a hole card, so he has trained such a powerful avatar, and if the reaction is good, this demons avatar It was that demon that year.

"Incarnation outside, Xiao Chen, the old man admits to look down on you." The old man said in a deep voice, without any pride on his face, apparently at this moment Xiao Chen is really an opponent at the same level as himself.

Most of his magical powers are related to fire, and Xiao Chen, who controls the source of fire, is naturally restrained everywhere.

At the cost of self-destructive sacrifice, the treasures and nine ropes were sacrificed.

Tens of thousands of dead corpses were gathered to gather the corpses, but they were stopped by the demons.

The old man ’s strange heart has shaken extremely. Although he hides a lot of cards, at present, this Xiao Chen method is also scalp. If he changed to an ordinary fit monk, I am afraid he has been beheaded.

In the face of Xiao Chen, if there is still an intention, it is said that it may not be possible to be killed by this lower-level ants today.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and Qingpao was gazing at the stranger of the upper class. Although no one spoke, the eyes were sword and sword. Today's battle will end with one of them dead.


There was a loud noise, and the shop's ten thousand sword body suddenly fell off, smashing the nine ropes tens of thousands of feet away, and angrily spoiled his mouth: "Grandma, your broken iron chain is so hard, you are so exhausted."

This product has entered the broken sword and even merged the sword body. The body is extremely strong and has never encountered anything comparable to it. Today, after its strength has risen, it was intended to show its strength in front of Xiao Chen in order to gain attention and improve its status. , My heart gradually grew restless.

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