Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 171: Cannot escape

"Ah!" The sound of pain and horror burst suddenly from the old stranger's mouth, and the body trembled violently and dries down to become a dead body, as if all flesh and blood energy had been swallowed up, and the horrible scalp was extremely horrible. {[Bayi Chinese Network M

However, after a few breaths, the five blood vines behind the dried corpse squirmed quickly, as if something had penetrated into them through the blood vines. With the change of the blood vine, the dried body of the old man of the clans actually expanded rapidly with the naked eye's visibility. In a short period of time, he turned into a young man in his twenties, and turned white and dried over his shoulders.


The man slowly opened his eyes, and there were no pupils in his eyes. After looking at his newly obtained body and moving his hands and feet, this person nodded obviously with great satisfaction in his heart.

"Haha! The King is free again from today. It is really worth celebrating!" The man laughed wildly, blood crisscrossed, and countless **** rattans behind him shook and shook. "Humble people, remember the name of the King-Jiuyou Blood vine! I will offer your most delicious flesh today for the king to devour. "

"I can sense the energy contained in the flesh and blood of your body, and it must be absolutely delicious. My king can't wait any longer."

Jiuyou Bloodvine took up the old monster's body. At this moment, a pair of blood eyes stared at Xiao Chen, and the covetousness and greed was not completely concealed. To him, what a monk can be, even if he is strong, it can only be reduced to blood in his mouth.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy and watery, and now things changed so that he was extremely furious. The nine **** vines were the deepest hidden ones. The breath that was revealed now made him face a faint feeling of collapse.

This breath is really too strong, and it is many times stronger than the old tribe. In the face of this monster, Xiao Chen had no assurance at all, but at the moment he has no way out. Both the Bloodvine and the old-fashioned monster are endless with him.

"Cut!" Xiao Chen drank violently, utterly fiercely bursting, and the three-footed Qingfeng in his hand whistled and fell.

Above the void, the shadow of the sword is mixed with irresistible force, chopped down, and the power is astounding.

With one sword, it seems that it can cut off the world and divide the yin and yang.

This blow combines Xiao Chen's superimposition of all 50,000 soldiers' repairs, using the shop itself as a relay, releasing the Xeon killing magic. The face of those nine **** vines changed slightly, and they did not dare to carelessly in the face of this blow.

The monster object moved, and suddenly reached out and held the nine rope in his hand. At the next moment, the shape of the object suddenly reduced to nine iron-sized thumb chains. It was pulled out of the spine behind the spine by the nine blood vines. Out. The flesh and blood at the wound moved swiftly, but there was no blood dripping.

Jiu Suosi shivered. Under the power of Jiu You Xue Teng, this treasure had no resistance at all.

The next moment, the **** energy of Jiuyou bloodvine burst into the Jiu Suo in a brutal way. With this **** energy entering, the shape of Jiu Suo swelled up in a short time. Full size rose to fifty thousand feet. However, this is obviously not the true power of Jiu Suo, but the nine Bloody Vine forcibly pushed it to the point, causing the Jiu Suo Ling to imitate the Scarlet Skull in pain and roar, but did not dare to fight.


Jiuyou **** rattan gave a cold drink and raised her hand suddenly, and 50,000 iron chains of nine sizes in size instantly turned into a cobweb-like town.

The virtual shadow of the sword and Jiusuofeng town met instantaneously, the two remained silent and deadlocked, and the space violently collapsed like a tide and completely connected the turbulent space. After three breaths, the nine ropes "clicked" and shattered, which was extremely harsh in the silence.

When Jiu Suo shattered and exhausted, the sword's virtual shadow energy also consumed most of it, but it remained undecided and went straight to Jiu You Xue Vine and fell.

call out! call out!

Countless blood-colored rattan rushed in densely, all of which were hundreds of feet thick, and dared to fear the madness and linger towards the shadow of the sword.

boom! boom!

Countless scarlet rattans were instantly broken into pieces by the horrible sword-like tear, but in the almost endless amount of the former, the energy remaining from the sword's virtual shadow was also rapidly reduced by a senseable degree.

As for the Baizhang in front of Jiu You Xie Teng, the ghost of the sword collapsed.

As for the destruction of countless blood-colored rattan, Jiuyou Bloody Rattan sneered, without any loss of strength at all. Since it has survived for thousands of years, its large body can cover a small half of the star field and the size of 6 is very small. The destruction of rattan is trivial to it. As long as the body has sufficient energy, it can grow again at any time. This monster is not something that should exist in the cultivation world. Even in the Daqian Realm, many monks talk about the horrible existence of discoloration. In ancient times, there was a strong body of the bloodvine family across several cultivation planets. Rattan runs through the space of the universe, and any creature that enters it will become blood food in its mouth. The power of might can be matched by a few powerful people in the world.

At present, although these nine **** vines are far from Dacheng's realm, the arrogance can still make it unstoppable.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, and his pupils contracted violently. He teamed up with the shop and even superimposed the blood power of 50,000 soldiers, which was resolved by the blood vine in such an easy way. This made his heart suddenly sink.


This blood rattan is definitely one of the strongest beings he has faced so far. If you are looking for a comparable person, I am afraid that only the shadow of the world standing in the dead world connected by the cracks in the space of Ji Xuansha Realm can be compared with it.

These two are by no means the things that should exist in the human world, and the monk who is fit is vulnerable to them.

Xiao Chen's eyes are on the most difficult choice.

To escape, torn apart the space to enter the space turbulence, and then the left eyebrow dojo protector, Xiao Chen has more than 70% grasp to escape from these nine **** vine stings to escape his life. After that, I hurried back to the repair world and took away as many people as possible. However, in this way, the nine **** vines will not be blocked in any way. Once they descend into the Xiuzhen Star, Xiao Chen's origins of the human race will inevitably die and be swallowed up.

The battle, with the help of Xiao Chen's current practice, combined with the demon avatar and space avatar can even kill the late power of the fit, but even so, the victory against this blood vine may still be insignificant.


Xiao Chen already had a plan in his heart.

If he shot hard, even if it was possible to kill the **** vine, he would not hesitate to choose to shoot, but this time he must die, Xiao Chen was also unwilling to make that senseless sacrifice. Outside of those who are close, forcibly took away a large number of people of the tribe and ethnic origin with the left eyebrow dojo. In this way, even if the cultivation world is destroyed, my ethnicity can continue to burn incense. In the future, there is no chance of resurgence.

"It is not Xiao Chen's wish to escape at this moment, but in order to retain a blood heritage of my people, it can only be so!"

Xiao Chen's face was cold and cold. The appearance of the blood vine had already destroyed all his plans, and even the birth and cultivation world would be completely destroyed. The situation was completely out of control. He had to do his best to recover.

With certain thoughts in mind, Xiao Chen did not hesitate to take an instant, and directly sent the shop and 50,000 soldiers to the left eyebrow dojo. The demon avatar and the corpse devil shook them, and then went back and went straight to Xiao Chen.


Space stepped forward step by step, at this moment, his eyes were clear, and he grabbed the void in front of him fiercely!


The space was broken, and a thousand-foot-sized crack appeared instantly, leading into the turbulent space. As long as he enters with the turbulent power of space, Xiao Chen will have the assurance of getting away. But at this moment, a cold hum came out instantly.

"My king is here, and I also want to tear up the space and run away, leaving me!"

The cold drink fell, and there was a moment of overwhelming coercion. Under this breath, the space detached and the space shattered, but it disappeared directly.

When Xiao Chen saw this, his face couldn't help but feel completely ugly and gloomy. This blood vine could actually block the space avatar, which naturally made him extremely angry.

"Devil's clone, special life's clone, human race, hey, you are not to be underestimated. If you give you thousands of years, maybe there are some points that may become the peak of this world, but now that you encounter Wang, then I can only blame you for your bad life, and leave your own life to the king. "

Jiuyou Bloodvine looked greedily at Xiao Chen's deity and the two avatars. From this body, the monster sensed surging energy, once it was swallowed, it would definitely get endless benefits.

"The origin of fire, the origin of space!"

"After today, they will belong to the King, and with these two origins, my King of Nine Youxue will likely become the Xeon of the Bloodvine family!"

These nine **** kings of vines have learned that Xiao Chen has an invincible opportunity, and now he will not let him go.

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